I have worked within secondary education for the last twelve years. I upload a lot of lessons for KS3-KS4 students. I try to make sure all of my lessons are differentiated to help students in the best way possible.
For more lessons and videos please visit my youtube page
I have worked within secondary education for the last twelve years. I upload a lot of lessons for KS3-KS4 students. I try to make sure all of my lessons are differentiated to help students in the best way possible.
For more lessons and videos please visit my youtube page
This PowerPoint includes a range of fun and engaging icebreakers to help learners get to know each other and break through the tension of coming back to school. This recourse has opportunities for both individual and team games and also helps to develop key English skills such as making inferences and speaking and listening.
All of my resources have been tried and tested and I have found these activities to be a great way to help challenge learners and to facilitate discussion and a sense of unity.
This is a fully differentiated two-three-hour lesson looking at the key questions/skills of the paper one exam: Explorations in Creative Reading and Writing. Due to the restrictions put in place by Covid, the lesson can be taught without the need for additional printing or resources, making it ideal for either face-to-face or on-line teaching.
The lesson looks at the novel, The Boy In Stripped Pyjamas which is a fantastic text to help introduce learners to the exam paper.
The lesson has a strong focus on both language analysis (question two) and creative writing (question five) which include both learner and teacher examples.
All of my lessons have been tried and tested with my own groups. If you liked this resource, then please check out my shop for more lessons and resources uploaded each week.
This is a fully differentiated two-three-hour lesson looking at the key questions/skills of the paper one exam: Explorations in Creative Reading and Writing. Due to the restrictions put in place by Covid, the lesson can be taught without the need for additional printing or resources, making it ideal for either face-to-face or on-line teaching.
The lesson looks at the short story, Lamb to the Slaughter and gives learners the opportunity to come to grips with some of the key aspects of the exam paper.
All of my lessons have been tried and tested with my own groups. If you liked this lesson then please check out my shop for more lessons and resources uploaded each week.
This is a fully differentiated lesson looking at dystopian literature for the paper one language exam.
The question has a strong emphasis on language techniques and helps learners build the skills and be able to respond to question four.
Additionally, the lesson has many opportunities for AFL and also includes a creative writing task based on dystopian literature.
If you liked this lesson, then please check out my shop for more lessons and resources uploaded each week.
This is a fully differentiated lesson for the language paper one. The lesson uses key elements of Oliver Twist and helps learners gain a good insight into the skills they need to pass the exam.
The lesson is paper-free and is ideal for both face-to-face or online learning. The lesson can be taught over a three-hour period if needed and builds skills in terms of language, structure and creative writing.
All of my lessons have been tried and tested with my own groups. If you like this lesson, then please check out my shop which is updated each week with more lessons and resources.
This is a simple reading test designed for learners studying level one or level two of functional skills English. The resource has been designed around a recent news article about how people have overcome difficulty during the current crisis.
If you liked this resource then please check out my page for more resources uploaded each week.
Full lesson on this topic soon to follow.
This is a fully differentiated lesson designed for both level one and level two learners of functional skills English. The lesson looks at the idea of stereotypes and how they are perceived within our society. The lesson has a strong emphasis on developing reading and writing skills and also comes with an example mini-mock complete with the correct answers.
All of my lessons have been tried and tested with my own groups. If you liked this lesson than please check out my shop for more lessons and resources that are added each week.
This is an eleven slide quiz for learners who need to revise the structure question (Q3) of Paper One: Explorations in Creative Reading and Writing. The quiz uses different methods to help learners recall techniques, apply them to an extract and assess an exam-style response.
All of my resources have been tried and tested with my own groups. If you liked this resource then please check out my shop for more resources and lessons uploaded each week.
This is a fully differentiated lesson designed for both face-to-face and online learning for students of GCSE English language. This 19-slide lesson looks at key questions (Q3,4,5) of the paper two exam, Writer’s Viewpoints and Perspectives. The lesson looks at the theme of gender equality and helps guide learners through some of the tricky elements of the exam.
All of my lessons have been tried and tested, if you liked this resource then please check out my shop for more lessons and resources added each week.
A lesson that helps students to explode quotations from the poems that are in the Power and Conflict cluster. A computer room or laptops will be required for this lesson.
This is a lesson that I used for an interview to introduce students to war poetry. The lesson helps students to gain an understanding of one of the most important war poems and helps them to learn skills to gain a deeper understanding of the language used.
This is a fully differentiated lesson on the poem, Cozy Apologoa by Rita Dove. The lesson works well to help learners who have looked at the poem before but may not recall the key details. The lesson helps learners break down the poem, understand the key parts and also has an opportunity for them to write an exam-style response with a student example.
If you liked this lesson, then please check out my shop for more lessons and resources uploaded each week.
This is a fully differentiated lesson looking at the poem London from the Power and Conflict anthology. The lesson can be taught over two hours and has many opportunities for ALF. The lesson guides students through some of the key aspects of context around the poem, key poetic techniques and also gives then a detailed understanding of the poem. In addition, this lesson comes with an independent learning task to help learners develop their understanding of the poetry cluster.
This is a fully differentiated lesson looking at the poem Ozymandias. The lesson helps students to gain an understanding of the poem as well as it’s context. The lesson goes on to help learners map out what happens in the poem and to understand the significant aspects of the poem.
This is the second lesson in a series of lessons looking at the poem Ozymandias from the AQA Power and Conflict cluster. The lesson goes through the poem in detail looking at key aspects of language, structure and form.
This is a 19 slide PowerPoint quiz for the WJEC Eduqas poetry anthology. The quiz has three separate rounds which help assess learners ability to: Recall key contextual information about the poets, Identify the missing elements from key quotations and assess who has an in-depth understanding of the poems and what they may need to work on in the future.
If you liked this resource, then please check out my shop for more lessons and resources that are uploaded each week. Additional quizzes for the rest of the poems will be uploaded shortly.
This is a fully differentiated lesson looking at the poem Valentine Carol Ann Duffy. The lesson has opportunities for ALF and has been developed for learners sitting the GCSE English examinations.
All of my lessons are tried and tested with my own groups. If you liked this lesson then please check out my shop for more lessons and resources uploaded each week.
This is a fully differentiated fifteen-slide lesson designed for remote deliver for English language paper two. The lesson uses the theme of crime and punishment to guide learners through Q2 and Q5 of the exam.
The lesson has been designed to help learners engage with the topic via a remote setting. In addition, learners are also able to develop their speaking and listening response and access to links to additional lessons and quizzes linked to the English language.
All of my lessons have been tried and tested with my own groups. If you liked this lesson then please check out my shop for more lessons and resources uploaded each week.
This is a fully differentiated fifteen-slide lesson for learners studying all levels of the English Functional Skills qualifications. The lesson uses the theme of football and the highs and lows of the sport as a way to engage learners and to help them grasp the key skills needed for the qualification. The lesson has opportunities for both a reading and writing mock. There are also example responses to help learners to produce their own piece of written work.
All of my lessons have been tried and tested with my own groups. If you liked this lesson; then please check out my shop for more lessons and resources uploaded on a weekly basis.
The lesson also features a link to further support and guidance on both Functional Skills and GCSE English which appear as a link on the final slide. This may be beneficial for any learners who are taking part in remote learning.
This is a fully differentiated lesson designed for learners studying English language paper 2. The lesson looks at the theme of crime and punishment and helps learners to improve their understanding of questions four and five.
In addition, the lesson also has links to additional revision material that is useful during the lock-down period.
All of my lessons have been tried and tested. If you liked this resource, then please check out my shop for more lessons and resources uploaded each week.