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David Matthew Baker's Primary Shop

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I'm currently training as a Primary Teacher so making a wide range of resources using a variety of programmes including ActivInspire and Smart Notebook. My shop also has some of my past resources that I made during my time as a Special Needs Support Assistant. I am also a Cub Scout Leader and have provided some of the resources I have made for this role where I feel that may be of use to others.




I'm currently training as a Primary Teacher so making a wide range of resources using a variety of programmes including ActivInspire and Smart Notebook. My shop also has some of my past resources that I made during my time as a Special Needs Support Assistant. I am also a Cub Scout Leader and have provided some of the resources I have made for this role where I feel that may be of use to others.
TEACCH - Ordnance Survey Symbols

TEACCH - Ordnance Survey Symbols

A matching exercise where students have to match photos of various objects with the symbols that related to them. Originally made for use with my Cubs but should also come in hand for training those on the Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme and anyone learning basic map skills.
What tool is it?

What tool is it?

A worksheet that asks students to match pictures of tools to their names by drawing a line between them. Designed for lower ability students. Originally made for use with some of our students working at the lower national curriculum levels in the Special School I work at for Children with Autism.
'Work Experience' Diary (Life Skills)

'Work Experience' Diary (Life Skills)

A simple booklet that I made for some of our Autistic Students to encourage them to do their life skills work. They used this booklet to record what they had done in the lesson (cleaning, washing up, ironing, etc...) and then were given a target by the member of staff with them for the next lesson. There is also a second page that they can use to stick any pictures of them doing these activities to.
Persuasive Poster (Bug Houses) (Differentiated)

Persuasive Poster (Bug Houses) (Differentiated)

Here are a series of 4 differentiated worksheets to help students create a persuasive poster encouraging people to buy Bug Houses that they were producing as part of their Design and Technology lessons. This set of posters formed part of an observed lesson and was designed to show cross curricular links with English. (As we currently have a focus on writing within our school.) We started the lesson by showing the students a variety of adverts and talking about the features they use.
2x CAM Worksheets (Laser Cutter and Vinyl Cutter)

2x CAM Worksheets (Laser Cutter and Vinyl Cutter)

A couple of worksheets based around CAD / CAM - one for a laser cutter and one for a vinyl cutter. These worksheets have a couple of hand drawn pictures of the machine and then some simple sentances to complete by filling in the missing words. (These are given in a word box on the sheet.) They are also asked to give an example of where they have used the particular piece of equipment. The draws are of a Denford Versa Laser VLS3.50 and a GCC StarPal Puma III.
The Children's Society

The Children's Society

A just over 3 minutes looping PowerPoint showing some of the work the Children's Society does. I made this to display before our Christingle Service but it could be used separately.
Road Sign Meaning Cards (Road Sign Border)

Road Sign Meaning Cards (Road Sign Border)

A set of A4 pages that I printed out and laminated with Road Sign borders (feel free to edit it to use this part of the card) to give the meanings of various UK road signs. The Cubs then walked around the local area taking photos of road signs with the correct page of the booklet shown in the photo. We decided this was a bit more fun than sitting in the hut identifying signs. Hopefully it might come in useful to some other people.
Assembly Template (incl. Visual Timetable)

Assembly Template (incl. Visual Timetable)

An Assembly Template that I made for one of the teachers at the school I work at. It includes a visual timetable and a couple of songs (no music but I've left the slides with the lyrics in place). This assembly also still includes our central main piece that was on the topic of 'Ordinary People doing Extraordinary Things' - it includes a link to the YouTube video we showed during the assembly.
Quiz (Logo and Song Recognition)

Quiz (Logo and Song Recognition)

Here is a quiz I made for the Cubs in the summer term. It has a logo round, a Scouting knowledge round, a song round (using a clean version of the 4 chords song - link to youtube as was too big to upload embedded) and then the answers. I hope it might come in useful to someone.
Advent Assembly

Advent Assembly

Another of the assemblies I've made (for one of the two teachers I help with assemblies). Our local vicar came to give us a talk on advent so it just has a couple of pictures in the centre. One advent related and a picture of the Christingle to help us prep. our Autistic students. This has the lyrics for Little Donkey (abridged version) and See him lying on a bed of straw complete with appropriate imagery.
Assembly with North East Places Quiz (Activote)

Assembly with North East Places Quiz (Activote)

An Activote / ActivExpression quiz that asks the audience to work together as teams to identify a number of places from around the North East. Also contains the lyrics to Morning has Broken (complete with matching pictures). You will need ActivOffice to use handsets to vote on the answers (anyone however could use it with an old fashioned show of hands).
Philippines Typhoon Haiyan Powerpoint Display

Philippines Typhoon Haiyan Powerpoint Display

A short repeating Powerpoint Display I made for a school assembly on a none uniform day where we were raising money for the Typhoon Haiyan appeal. It has some pictures showing the disaster (suitable for children aged 3 to 19) and a few pages to help them understand where the Philippines is and just how big the storm was.
Name Plaque Workbook  ( Design and Technology - Cornerstones Curriculum )

Name Plaque Workbook ( Design and Technology - Cornerstones Curriculum )

This project is based around the ID theme from the Cornerstones Curriculum. The booklet was produced for a medium ability special needs class. All pupils in the class have a statement of autism. This booklet uses my older style without regular self assessment instead it relies on teacher feedback. There are pages on research, design ideas, final design, how to make, construction and final piece.
Year 3 Multiplying 2-digit by 1-digit numbers plus bonus Column Addition PPT

Year 3 Multiplying 2-digit by 1-digit numbers plus bonus Column Addition PPT

A PowerPoint complete with starter, plenary and worksheets all embedded within the same Presentation. This was made whilst I was in my Second Placement on my Teacher Training Course. The warm-up activity is a series of multiplication questions that are displayed for 6 seconds each. This is followed by L.O. and S.C. then a page where I would model solving the questions on a whiteboard. This page also has a series of 3 differentiated questions to check the pupils understanding of the content. They would then move on to small question sets with 5 questions per set. These have been designed to enable pupils to decide the level they wish to work at and to move between them after a set of questions. The plenary has 4 different mistakes for different level groups to spot and discuss with a partner. This can then be shared with hte other members of the class. The linked video shows clips from various points during the presentation. (Youtube: KyxAs_Js_UE) Also included is a bonus PowerPoint for Column Addition. This is in a similar format to the multiplication resource. This also includes worksheets as part of the PPT. There is a Pyramids Addition warm-up and a block method evaluation included in the PPT.
International Links / Contact Prompt Sheet

International Links / Contact Prompt Sheet

A prompt sheet that I originally created to help prompt my Cubs / Scouts about things they could talk to people from overseas about during the International Scouting event JOTA / JOTI. The sheet includes a mind map with lots of different pointers towards things that might be different in the other country to what life is like here at home. I hope it might come in useful to someone. Feel free to edit it as needed.
Staged Swimming Requirements

Staged Swimming Requirements

This is a set of sheets (the set I used, I laminated) that you can use to record the completion of a staged set of swimming activities. These are based upon the Scout Staged Swimming Badges but our PE teacher also decided they were useful as he felt they formed a nice progression that was suitable for our Special Needs students. The sheets have the room to write on a students name and then space to tick off each activity as they complete it. (You'll need a permanent marker to write on a laminated sheet.)
Scouting Posters

Scouting Posters

A set of Posters that I made to put up in our Scout Hut. One set has the Promises and Laws for Beavers, Cubs and Scouts. Another set show some important people within Scouting and what their roles are.
Spiders Web Team Building Activity

Spiders Web Team Building Activity

A sheet showing how we scored a Spiders Web Team Building Activity on the County Cub Competition. It includes a picture I drew (on the computer) of a Spiders Web. They are fairly easy to set up with some rope and knots. To score highly teams have to work effectively together.