Philosophy and ethics
AQA AS Philosophy, Religion and Ethics - Ethics & Philosophy Practice Question Plans
Some exam question plans for virtue ethics, the free will defence, and the design argument.
I created these plans as some exam practice.
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AQA AS/AL RS: Situation Ethics Evaluation
A table comparing the strengths and weaknesses of Fletcher’s situation ethics.
These points have been compiled from a range of sources, including those provided by my RS teacher.
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AQA AL RS - Religious Language Exam Questions
Two completed ten-mark and two completed fifteen-mark questions for students to review, take key points from, and look for ways to improve each answer.
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AQA AL RS - S, D, & A: Supporting Information
6 pages of comprehensive notes of information to support the content covered as part of the self, death, and afterlife topic at AQA AL RS.
It includes: parapsychology, karma/rebirth, reasons for belief in life after death, resurrection, freewill, and the connection between religious language and the afterlife.
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AQA AS/AL RS - 'NML is a good way to make ethical decisions' (10 Marks)
A complete answer to the question with answer written according to AQA exam structure. The content should be applicable to any other examboard.
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AQA AL RS - 'Examine determinism and libertarianism' (10 Marks)
Examine the different approaches to free will and moral responsibility offered by determinism and libertarianism. (10 marks)
A complete answer to the question with answer written according to AQA exam structure. The content should be applicable to any other examboard.
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AQA AS/AL RS - Virtue Ethics Exam Question Plans
Exam question plans for:
NOV 2020: Explain the approach taken to moral decision-making by virtue ethics. (15 marks)
Examine the strengths of VE. (10 marks)
JUN 2019: ‘Virtue ethics has too many weaknesses to be effective.’ Assess this view. (15 marks)
JUN 2018: ‘Virtue ethics provides no clear guidance for moral decision making.’ Evaluate this claim. (15 marks)
AQA AL RS - 'Free will = no moral responsibility. Agree?' (15 Marks)
’We have no free will and therefore are not morally responsible’. Do you agree? (15 marks)
A complete answer to the question with answer written according to AQA exam structure. The content should be applicable to any other examboard.
Feel free to edit, add, or remove anything you wish, but please do not reupload.
AQA AL RS - Miracles Study Guide
A comprehensive set of notes on miracles for the AQA AS/AL RS specification. 12 pages of the key features, including realist-anti-realist views and the significance of them on religion, Hume and Wiles, miracles as proof of God’s existence, evaluations, strengths and weaknesses of miracles, and more.
Sources used are listed on the first page of the document.
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AQA AL RS - Conscience Exam Questions (10 & 15 marks)
3 in-depth answers to:
Examine the role of conscience. (10 marks)
Examine the role of conscience in moral decision-making with reference to adultery and telling lies. (10 marks)
‘Conscience is problematic when it comes to moral decision-making’ Do you agree? (15 marks)
3 questions for students to try:
Examine the key features of secular ideas regarding conscience. (10 marks)
Explain the different ideas of conscience. (10 marks)
‘God is the source of our conscience’. Discuss. (15 marks)
AQA AL RS - Bentham and Kant Notes
15 pages of everything students need to know about Bentham and Kant. These comprehensive notes cover everything on the specification and a lot more.
Topics included are shown in the images of the source.
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AQA AL RS - Miracles: Exam Questions
2 in-depth answers to:
Examine Hume’s criticisms of Miracles. (10 marks)
Examine the differing understandings of the term ‘miracle’. (10 marks)
And 2 for students to try:
Examine Wiles’ criticisms of miracles. (10 marks)
‘Arguments against the existence of miracles (and their use as a proof of God’s existence) are successful’. Evaluate this claim. (15 marks)
AQA AS/AL RS - Teleological Argument Practice Questions
A variety of exam questions with planned answers on the teleological argument, with a few for students to try.
AQA AS/AL RS - Arguments for God Glossary
A glossary of all the key words you need to know as part of the topic on the arguments for the existence of God.
AQA AL RS - Self, Death and Afterlife Exam Questions
9 exam questions for students to try as revision for this topic. Three already have a plan.
AQA AS/AL RS - Ontological Argument Exam Questions
A variety of exam questions on the ontological argument, with one for students to try.
AQA AS/AL RS - Natural Moral Law Study Guide
A comprehensive set of notes on Natural Moral Law for the AQA AS/AL RS specification. 11 pages of the key features, including primary/secondary precepts, proportionalism, the four tiers of law, interior/exterior acts, real/apparent good, and evaluations.
Sources used are listed on the first page of the document.
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AQA AL RS - Meta-Ethics Knowledge Organiser
11 slides covering meta-ethics in depth, made primarily for the AQA specification, but content may be useful for other exam boards.
Sources used are listed on the first page.
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AQA AL RS - 'Intuitionism is a useful ethical approach' (15 Marks)
‘Intuitionism is a useful ethical approach that guides us towards ‘the good’. Do you agree? (15 marks)
A complete answer to the question written according to AQA exam structure. The content should be applicable to any other examboard.
Feel free to edit, add, or remove anything you wish, but please do not reupload.
AQA AS/AL RS - Problem of Evil: Augustinian vs. Irenaean Theodicy
Table outlining key differences between the Augustinian and Irenaean theodicies to the problem of evil and suffering.