These are the same lessons I use in my classroom, specifically designed for AQA GCSE and Edexcel A Level Geography. Each lesson comes with clear, differentiated, and printable resources to help speed up teaching and increase student engagement. My Geography lessons are suitable for Key Stage 3, 4, and 5
These are the same lessons I use in my classroom, specifically designed for AQA GCSE and Edexcel A Level Geography. Each lesson comes with clear, differentiated, and printable resources to help speed up teaching and increase student engagement. My Geography lessons are suitable for Key Stage 3, 4, and 5
AQA Geography GCSE Lesson - Living with the physical environment - The Living World - Tropical Rainforests - Impacts of deforestation in the Amazon
Students will learn:
ABout the impacts of deforestation in the Amazon.
Social impacts of deforestation
Environmental impacts of deforestation
Economic impacts of deforestation
Exam question with scaffolding
This lesson includes
Embedded videos
Differentiation for different abilities
Worksheet and resources for printing
This lesson is suitable for Key Stage 4 AQA Geography GCSE geography students. The lesson is suitable for a single 50 minutes - 1 hour lesson.
AQA Geography GCSE Lesson - Living with the physical environment - The Living World - Tropical Rainforests - Managing the Amazon rainforest
Students will learn:
About the rates of deforestation and why rainforests need to be protected
Rate of deforestation in the Amazon
Biodiversity in the Amazon
Soil erosion
Challenges and benefits of deforestation
This lesson includes
Embedded videos
Differentiation for different abilities
Worksheet and resources for printing
This lesson is suitable for Key Stage 4 AQA Geography GCSE geography students. The lesson is suitable for a single 50 minutes - 1 hour lesson.
AQA Geography GCSE - Living with the physical environment - The Living World - Tropical Rainforests - Deforestation in the Amazon
Students will learn:
About the reasons for deforestation in the Amazon
Deforestation in the Amazon
Threats to the Amazon Rainforest
The scale of deforestation
Common causes of deforestation
Deforestation in the Amazon
This lesson includes
Embedded videos
Differentiation for different abilities
Worksheet and resources for printing
This lesson is suitable for Key Stage 4 AQA Geography GCSE geography students. The lesson is suitable for a single 50 minutes - 1 hour lesson.
AQA Geography GCSE Lesson - Living with the physical environment - The Living World - Tropical Rainforests - Animal adaptation in the rainforest
Students will learn:
How animals have specifically adapted to successfully survive in a tropical rainforest
Animal adaptation in a rainforest
How adaptation allows animal to survive
Competition for food
Other survival strategies
This lesson includes
Embedded videos
Differentiation for different abilities
Worksheet and resources for printing
This lesson is suitable for Key Stage 4 AQA Geography GCSE geography students. The lesson is suitable for a single 50 minutes - 1 hour lesson.
AQA Geography GCSE - Living with the physical environment - The Living World - Ecosystems - All three lessons
Students will learn:
A small scale ecosystem
How does change affect ecosystems
Global biomes and ecosystems
These Lessons include:
Embedded videos
Differentiation for different abilities
Worksheet and resources for printing
This lesson is suitable for Key Stage 4 AQA GCSE geography students. These lessons are suitable for three 50 minutes - 1 hour lesson.
AQA Geography GCSE Lesson - Living with the physical environment - The Living World - Tropical Rainforests - Plant adaptation in the rainforest
Students will learn:
How plants have specifically adapted to successfully survive in a tropical rainforest
Definition of adaptation
Examples of plants have adapted to survive in a tropical rainforest
The different layers of a rainforest
This lesson includes
Embedded videos
Differentiation for different abilities
Worksheet and resources for printing
This lesson is suitable for Key Stage 4 AQA Geography GCSE geography students. The lesson is suitable for a single 50 minutes - 1 hour lesson.
AQA Geography GCSE Lesson - Living with the physical environment - The Living World - Tropical Rainforests - Characteristics of a Rainforest
Students will learn:
About the physical characteristics of Tropical Rainforests
Introduction to tropical rainforests
Where are tropical rainforest found
Climate of the tropical Rainforest
The characteristics of a tropical rainforest
The climate graph of the tropical rainforest
This lesson includes
Embedded videos
Differentiation for different abilities
Worksheet and resources for printing
This lesson is suitable for Key Stage 4 AQA Geography GCSE geography students. The lesson is suitable for a single 50 minutes - 1 hour lesson.
AQA Geography GCSE Lesson - Living with the physical environment - The Living World - Ecosystems - Global biomes and ecosystems
Students will learn:
The global distribution and characteristics of global ecosystems and biomes
Introduction to biomes
Distribution of Global biomes and ecosystems
Characteristics of the global biomes and ecosystems
Definitions of habitat, ecosystems and biomes
Descriptions of 8 key global biomes
Printable worksheets for global biomes
This lesson includes
Embedded videos
Differentiation for different abilities
Worksheet and resources for printing
This lesson is suitable for Key Stage 4 AQA Geography GCSE geography students. The lesson is suitable for a single 50 minutes - 1 hour lesson.
AQA Geography GCSE Lesson - Living with the physical environment - The Living World - Ecosystems - How does change affect ecosystems
Students will learn:
How changes to the ecosystem affect the other components within that ecosystem
WHat causes change in an ecosystem
Human and natural factors that affect ecosystems
Example of how changes can affect a food chain
Example of how the reintroduction of a species can affect a whole ecosystem
This lesson includes
Embedded videos
Differentiation for different abilities
Worksheet and resources for printing
This lesson is suitable for Key Stage 4 AQA Geography GCSE geography students. The lesson is suitable for a single 50 minutes - 1 hour lesson.
AQA Geography GCSE - Living with the physical environment - The Living World - Ecosystems - A small-scale ecosystem - Fresh Water Pond
Students will learn:
How the components of a small scale ecosystem in the UK interact.
What is an ecosystem
How ecosystems operate
Producers, consumers and decomposers
How ecosystems are linked
Food chain and food webs
This lesson includes
Embedded videos
Differentiation for different abilities
Worksheet and resources for printing
This lesson is suitable for Key Stage 4 AQA Geography GCSE geography students. The lesson is suitable for a single 50 minutes - 1 hour lesson.
AQA Geography GCSE Lesson Bundle - Living with the physical environment - Challenges of Natural Hazards - Climate change bundle - All seven lessons
Students will learn:
Evidence for climate change
Natural factors affecting climate change
The greenhouse effect
Human causes of climate change
Global social and environmental impacts of climate change
How to mitigate climate change
How to adapt to climate change at a local level
Embedded videos
Differentiation for different abilities
Worksheet and resources for printing
This lesson is suitable for Key Stage 4 AQA GCSE geography students. The lesson is suitable for 50 minutes - 1 hour lesson
AQA Geography GCSE Lesson - Living with the physical environment - Challenges of Natural Hazards - Climate Change - Adapting to climate change
Students will learn:
How different groups of people from around the world are learning to adapt their behaviour to reduce the impact of climate change on their communities.
Define adaption to climate change
Local adaptation in the Sahel Africa
Local adaptations in the Maldives
Local adaptation in North India
This lesson includes
Embedded videos
Differentiation for different abilities
Worksheet and resources for printing
This lesson is suitable for Key Stage 4 AQA Geography GCSE geography students. The lesson is suitable for a single 50 minutes - 1 hour lesson.
AQA Geography GCSE double lesson - Living with the physical environment - Challenges of Natural Hazards - Climate Change - Managing / mitigating climate change
Students will learn:
Define mitigating climate change
Mitigating CO2 from future public transport
Mitigating CO2 from aerospace
Mitigating CO2 from farming
Mitigating CO2 from carbon capture
Mitigating CO2 from international agreements - inc COP 26
This lesson includes
Embedded videos
Differentiation for different abilities
Worksheet and resources for printing
This lesson is suitable for Key Stage 4 AQA Geography GCSE geography students. These lessons are suitable for a two 50 minutes - 1 hour lesson.
AQA Geography GCSE - Living with the physical environment - Challenges of Natural Hazards - Climate Change - Impacts of climate change
Students will learn:
About the global impacts of climate change on the environment
How can we manage climate change
What are the likely effects of climate change
How people and the environment may be affected by climate change around the world
This lesson includes
Embedded videos
Differentiation for different abilities
Worksheet and resources for printing
This lesson is suitable for Key Stage 4 AQA Geography GCSE geography students. The lesson is suitable for a single 50 minutes - 1 hour lesson.
AQA Geography GCSE - Living with the physical environment - The challenges of Natural Hazards - Climate Change - Human causes of climate change
Students will learn:
About the Green House Effect and human causes of climate change and how fossil fuels , agriculture and deforestation all lead to increased global temperatures.
The green house effect
The enhanced green house effect
How human activity is contributing to climate change
The different type of human activities and how they contribute to climate change
This lesson includes
Embedded videos
Differentiation for different abilities
Worksheet and resources for printing
This lesson is suitable for Key Stage 4 AQA Geography GCSE geography students. The lesson is suitable for a single 50 minutes - 1 hour lesson.
AQA Geography GCSE - Living with the physical environment - The challenges of Natural Hazards - Climate Change - Natural causes of climate change
Students will learn:
About three natural forms of climate change
Climate Change is a natural phenomenon
How solar activity affects climate change - Solar output and Sun Spots
How Volcanic activity affects climate change - Volcanic Eruptions
How the Earths orbit affects climate change - Milankovitch Effect / Cycles
This lesson includes
Embedded videos
Differentiation for different abilities
Worksheet and resources for printing
This lesson is suitable for Key Stage 4 AQA Geography GCSE geography students. The lesson is suitable for a single 50 minutes - 1 hour lesson.
AQA Geography GCSE Lesson - Living with the physical environment - Challange of natural hazards - Climate Change - Evidence for climate change
Students will learn:
How Climate has changed
Evidence for climate change
How evidence is gathered with Ice cores
How evidence is gathered with Tree rings
How evidence is gathered with pollen in sediment
This lesson includes
Embedded videos
Differentiation for different abilities
Worksheet and resources for printing
This lesson is suitable for Key Stage 4 AQA Geography GCSE geography students. These lessons is suitable for two 50 minutes - 1 hour lesson.
AQA Geography GCSE Lesson Bundle - Living in the physical Environment - Challenges of Natural Hazards - Extreme weather in the UK - All Lessons
Students will learn:
Weather Hazards in the UK
Weather Hazards Depressions & Anticyclones
Somerset Levels Flood 2014
Extreme Weather in the UK - Is it getting worse
These lessons includes
Embedded videos
Differentiation for different abilities
Worksheet and resources for printing
This lesson is suitable for Key Stage 4 AQA GCSE geography students. The lesson is suitable for all five 50 minutes - 1 hour lesson.
AQA Geography GCSE - Living with the physical environment - Challenges of Natural Hazards - Weather Hazards - Extreme weather in the UK - Is it getting worse?
Students will learn:
To evaluate if the weather in the UK is getting worse using a range of different resources and sources of data.
Multiple forms of evidence of extreme weather in the UK
Evaluation skills of the evidence
Exam style questions
This lesson includes
Embedded videos
Differentiation for different abilities
Worksheet and resources for printing
This lesson is suitable for Key Stage 4 AQA Geography GCSE geography students. The lesson is suitable for a single 50 minutes - 1 hour lesson.
AQA Geography GCSE - Living with the physical environment - Challenges of Natural Hazards - Extreme weather in the UK - Somerset Levels Flood 2014 (Case study)
Students will learn:
About the flooding on the Somerset levels in 2014 as well as the social, economic, environmental and political impacts of these floods.
The Somerset levels flood
What caused the flood
Social impacts
Economic impacts
Environmental impacts
Immediate responses
Long-term responses*
This lesson includes
Embedded videos
Differentiation for different abilities
Worksheet and resources for printing
This lesson is suitable for Key Stage 4 AQA Geography GCSE geography students. The lesson is suitable for a two 50 minutes - 1 hour lessons.