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A Science teacher by trade, I've also been known to be found teaching Maths and PE! However, strange as it may seem, my real love is designing resources that can be used by other teachers to maximise the experience of the students. I am constantly thinking of new ways to engage a student with a topic and try to implement that in the design of the lessons.




A Science teacher by trade, I've also been known to be found teaching Maths and PE! However, strange as it may seem, my real love is designing resources that can be used by other teachers to maximise the experience of the students. I am constantly thinking of new ways to engage a student with a topic and try to implement that in the design of the lessons.
Formulae of ionic compounds

Formulae of ionic compounds

An engaging and informative lesson presentation (43 slides) that shows students how to write accurate chemical formulae for ionic compounds. In order to write accurate chemical formulae, students need to know the charges of the ions involved. For this reason, the lesson begins by reminding students how they can use the Periodic Table to work out the charge of the charged atoms. Students are shown how they can use these ion charges to write the formula and then are given the opportunity to apply this to a number of examples. Moving forwards, students are shown how some formulae need to contain brackets. The lesson finishes with a competition called “Ye Olde Chemical Formula Shop” where students get points if they are the first to work out the formula of a given substance. This lesson has been written for GCSE students.
Edexcel GCSE Chemistry Topic 1 REVISION (Key concepts in Chemistry)

Edexcel GCSE Chemistry Topic 1 REVISION (Key concepts in Chemistry)

This is an engaging revision lesson which uses a range of exam questions, understanding checks, differentiated tasks and quiz competitions to enable students to assess their understanding of the content within topic 1 (Key concepts in Chemistry) of the Edexcel GCSE Chemistry specification. Topic 1 is assessed in both papers 1 and 2, and therefore this lesson has been written in the detail that means it is likely to be used over the course of a number of lessons. The specification points that are covered in this revision lesson include: ATOMIC STRUCTURE Explain why atoms contain equal numbers of protons and electrons Recall the meaning of the term mass number of an atom Describe atoms of a given element as having the same number of protons in the nucleus and that this number is unique to that element Describe isotopes as different atoms of the same element containing the same number of protons but different numbers of neutrons in their nuclei Calculate the numbers of protons, neutrons and electrons in atoms given the atomic number and mass number Calculate the relative atomic mass of an element from the relative masses and abundances of its isotopes IONIC BONDING Explain how ionic bonds are formed by the transfer of electrons between atoms Recall that an ion is an atom or group of atoms with a positive or negative charge Calculate the numbers of protons, neutrons and electrons in simple ions given the atomic number and mass number Explain the formation of ions in ionic compounds from their atoms, limited to compounds of elements in groups 1, 2, 6 and 7 Deduce the formulae of ionic compounds (including oxides, hydroxides, halides, nitrates, carbonates and sulfates) given the formulae of the constituent ions COVALENT BONDING Explain how a covalent bond is formed when a pair of electrons is shared between two atoms Explain the formation of simple molecular, covalent substances, using dot and cross diagrams TYPES OF SUBSTANCE Explain the properties of typical covalent, simple molecular compounds Recall that graphite and diamond are different forms of carbon and that they are examples of giant covalent substances Describe the structures of graphite and diamond Explain the properties of metals, including malleability and the ability to conduct electricity CALCULATIONS INVOLVING MASSES Calculate relative formula mass given relative atomic masses Calculate masses of reactants and products from balanced equations, given the mass of one substance The students will thoroughly enjoy the range of activities, which includes a quiz competition called “POLLUTE THE AIR…WITH THE ANSWER” where they have to compete to be the 1st to recognise a pollutant gas from a series of clues whilst crucially being able to recognise the areas of this topic which need their further attention. This lesson can be used as revision resource at the end of the topic or in the lead up to mocks or the actual GCSE exams
States of matter and changing state

States of matter and changing state

This is an informative and engaging lesson, which has been designed for GCSE but is perfectly suitable for younger students who are studying the states of matter. Students will have encountered this topic at KS3 and potentially before, and therefore the aim of this lesson is to consolidate that knowledge and to deepen in critical areas. A number of quick competitions have been written into the lesson to maintain engagement and to test prior knowledge in a different way. In addition, progress checks are found at regular intervals so that students can constantly assess their understanding. The start of the lesson looks at the different properties of the three states and ensures that particle diagrams are not only recognised but can be explained. A lot of students consider elements to be in one state only at all times and therefore time is taken to show them how the specific temperature is the determining factor on the state. Students are guided through using the melting and boiling points to determine which state a substance is in at a given temperature. The rest of the lesson focuses on changing state and the change in the particles at each of these stages.
Group 1: The alkali metals

Group 1: The alkali metals

This is a detailed and engaging lesson presentation which focuses on the properties of the elements found in group 1 of the Periodic Table, the alkali metals. Students are challenged throughout the lesson to be able to link their observations of the reactions to the properties. Once they have learnt that the reactivity increases as they move down the group, time is taken to go over this in detail so that students can explain why sodium is more reactive than lithium (and so on) in terms of electron configuration. Progress checks are embedded throughout the lesson so that students have the opportunity to assess their understanding. This lesson has been designed for GCSE students (14 - 16 year olds in the UK) but is suitable for younger students who may be carrying out a project on the Periodic Table
Stopping distances

Stopping distances

A fully-resourced lesson that looks at the meaning of thinking, braking and stopping distances and focuses on the factors that would cause each of them to increase. The lesson includes an engaging lesson presentation (45 slides) and an associated worksheet for the calculations. The lesson begins by introducing the term stopping distance and then challenging students to recognise that both the distance travelled during the driver’s reaction time and under the braking force will contribute to this. Students are constantly challenged to think about the factors that would cause either the thinking or braking distance to increase and to be able to explain why scientifically. Moving forwards, the mathematical element that is associated with this topic is explored as students are shown how to calculate the braking distance at different speeds as well as convert between speeds in miles per hour and metres per second. There is also a set homework included as part of the lesson. There are regular progress checks written into the lesson so that students can assess their understanding. This lesson has been written for GCSE students but could be used with those at KS3.
Transpiration (GCSE)

Transpiration (GCSE)

An engaging lesson presentation (34), accompanied by a summary worksheet, which together explore the factors which change the rate of transpiration and focuses on the explanation behind each factor. The lesson begins by introducing the term, transpiration, and linking this to the structure of a leaf to ensure that students know that water is lost as water vapour out of the stomata. Students are provided with an analogy of plants being like clothes on a washing line to challenge them to come up with some of the factors involved. Time is taken to look specifically at humidity as this is a factor which is commonly misunderstood. Moving forwards, students are challenged to draw sketch graphs to predict whether increasing each of these factors will increase the rate of transpiration or decrease it. A series of questions to lead to answers is used to show the students how to explain the effect of increasing the light intensity. The remainder of the lesson looks at a potometer and how it can be used to calculate the rate. The mathematical skills of the students are challenged during a range of tasks and then linked back to the Science so they can recognise which features of plants will help to reduce water loss. Progress checks are written into this lesson at regular intervals to allow students to assess their understanding and a number of quick competitions act to maintain engagement. This lesson has been written for GCSE students but is suitable for A-level students who are studying the plants topic
Inorganic ions (OCR A-level Biology)

Inorganic ions (OCR A-level Biology)

This lesson introduces the key inorganic ions that are involved in biological processes and includes cations and anions. The engaging PowerPoint and accompanying resources have been designed to cover point 2.1.2 § of the OCR A-level Biology A specification but also makes links to topics in upcoming modules such as respiration, photosynthesis and neuronal communication. The roles of the following ions are covered in this lesson: phosphate nitrate chloride hydroxide hydrogencarbonate hydrogen ammonium sodium potassium calcium Extra time is taken during the lesson to describe how these ions are involved in the transport of carbon dioxide, the conduction of nervous impulses and blood clotting as well as other processes and a number of quiz competitions have been included to introduce key terms in a fun and memorable way
Astrophysics REVISION (Topic 8 Edexcel IGCSE Physics)

Astrophysics REVISION (Topic 8 Edexcel IGCSE Physics)

This is a fully-resourced revision lesson that has been written to include a wide range of activities that challenge the students on their knowledge of astrophysics as detailed in topic 8 of the Pearson Edexcel IGCSE Physics specification. The numerous quiz rounds which include “Shine a LIGHT on any ERRORS” will engage and motivate their students whilst they assess their understanding of the content and recognise any areas that require further attention. The lesson has been designed to include as many of the specification points as possible but the following have been given particular attention: Understanding of the terms Solar system, galaxy and universe Gravitational field strength varies on different planets Gravitational force causes the Moon to orbit the Earth and the planets to orbit the Sun Use the relationship between orbital speed, orbital radius and time period Evolution of stars of a similar mass to our Sun and of stars with larger masses The evidence that supports the Big Bang theory The change in the frequency and wavelength of a wave if the source of the wave is moving in relation to the observer Red-shift as evidence of an expanding universe This topic contains a number of principles or theories which can be poorly understood by students so extra time has been taken to guide them in the formation of descriptions and explanations.
Edexcel GCSE Physics Topic 8 REVISION (Energy-forces doing work)

Edexcel GCSE Physics Topic 8 REVISION (Energy-forces doing work)

This revision lesson has been filled with activities that will challenge the students on their knowledge and understanding of the content detailed in topic 8 (Energy - forces doing work) of the Pearson Edexcel GCSE Physics specification. The wide range of activities in the engaging PowerPoint and accompanying resources will check on the knowledge of this topic and allow the students to recognise those areas which need further attention before the mock or terminal GCSE exams. This resource has been designed to cover as much of topic 8 as possible but the following points have received particular attention: Describe how to measure the work done by a force Understand that work done is equal to energy transferred Recall and use the equation to calculate work done Calculate the changes in energy involved when a system is changed by work done by forces Recall and use the equation to calculate gravitational potential energy Recall and use the equation to calculate kinetic energy Explain how energy is dissipated so that it is stored in less useful ways Define power as the rate at which energy is transferred and that 1 watt is equal to one joule per second Recall and use the equation to calculate power Recall and use the equation to calculate efficiency The mathematical content of this specification and this topic is heavy and in line with this lots of calculated-based tasks are included and all of the answers are explained in steps so students can assess their progress The main task of the lesson which challenges students to use the principle of moments has been differentiated so that differing abilities can access the work
Motion and forces REVISION (Edexcel GCSE Physics topic 2)

Motion and forces REVISION (Edexcel GCSE Physics topic 2)

This lesson has been written to act as a revision tool for students at the completion of topic 2 of the Pearson Edexcel GCSE Physics specification or in the lead up to mock or terminal exams. This motion and forces topic is extensive and the engaging PowerPoint and accompanying resources have been designed to include a wide range of activities to allow the students to assess their understanding and to recognise any areas which need extra attention. This specification is heavy in mathematical content and so a lot of opportunities are presented for a range of skills to be tested and the PowerPoint guides students through the application of these requirements such as rearranging the formula and converting between units. The following specification points have received a particular focus in this lesson: Factors affecting thinking and braking distance Calculating the distance travelled from the area under the velocity-time graph Recalling and using the equations to calculate acceleration, force, speed, weight and momentum Calculating uniform acceleration from a velocity-time graph Resultant force and constant velocity Forces and velocity as vector quantities Circular motion The difference between mass and weight The law of the conservation of momentum A number of quick quiz rounds, such as FILL THE VOID and WEIGHT A MINUTE, are used to maintain engagement and motivation and to challenge the students on their recall of important points. It is estimated that it will take in excess of 2 hours of GCSE teaching time to cover the detail included in this lesson
Ultrastructure of prokaryotic cells (Edexcel A-level Biology A)

Ultrastructure of prokaryotic cells (Edexcel A-level Biology A)

This fully-resourced lesson describes the ultrastructure of a prokaryotic cell including the cell wall, capsule,plasmid, flagellum, pili, ribosomes, mesosomes and circular DNA. The engaging PowerPoint and accompanying resources have been designed to cover the specification point 3.4 that is detailed in the Pearson Edexcel A-level Biology A specification but also makes continual references to eukaryotic cells as covered in 3.1 - 3.3 so that comparisons can be made. A clear understanding of terminology is important for A-level Biology so this lesson begins with a challenge, where the students have to come up with a 3-letter prefix that they believe will translate as before or in front of . This leads into the discovery of the meaning of prokaryote as before nucleus which acts to remind students that these types of cell lack this cell structure. Links to the previous lessons on the eukaryotic cells are made throughout the lesson and at this particular point, the students are asked to work out why the DNA would be described as naked and to state where it will be found in the cell. Moving forwards, the students will discover that these cells also lack membrane bound organelles and a quick quiz competition challenges them to identify the specific structure that is absent from just a single word. In addition to the naked DNA, students will learn that there are also ribosomes in the cytoplasm and will discover that these are smaller than those found in the cytoplasm of an eukaryotic cell (but the same size as those in chloroplasts and mitochondria). The remainder of the lesson focuses on the composition of the cell wall, the additional features of prokaryotic cells such as plasmids and there is also the introduction of binary fission as the mechanism by which these organisms reproduce so that students can recognise that prokaryotic cells do not contain centrioles
AQA GCSE Chemistry PAPER 1 REVISION (Topics C1-C5)

AQA GCSE Chemistry PAPER 1 REVISION (Topics C1-C5)

This REVISION resource has been designed to motivate and engage students whilst they are challenged on their knowledge of the content in topics C1-C5 of the AQA GCSE Chemistry specification which can be assessed on PAPER 1. This is fully-resourced and contains a detailed PowerPoint (208 slides) and accompanying worksheets, some of which have been differentiated. The resource was written with the aim of covering as many of the sub-topics in C1-C5 as possible, but the following ones have been given a particular focus: The chemical properties of the Group 1, 7 and 0 elements The structure of atoms and ions The properties of ionic compounds Drawing dot and cross diagrams to represent ionic compounds Extracting metals using carbon REDOX reactions Electrolysis of molten salts and solutions Neutralisation reactions Writing balanced chemical symbol equations Simple and giant covalent structures Diamond and graphite Calculating the relative formula mass Moles and Avogadro’s constant Calculating the mass in reactions Molar volume (Gas calculations) Concentration of solutions The organisation of the Periodic Table Due to the extensiveness of this resource, it is likely to be used over the course of a number of lessons with a particular class and this allows the teacher to focus in on any sub-topics which are identified as needing more time.


A detailed lesson presentation (37 slides) and associated worksheets that guide students through the DNA sequencing method called pyrosequencing. The lesson focusses on the numerous enzymes and substrates which are involved in the cascade of events which eventually leads to the production of light when the conversion from luciferin to oxyluciferin occurs. A step by step guide is used to show the students how these events occur and the different outcomes are explored. There are regular progress checks throughout the lesson so that students can assess their understanding of this topic and the links to similar topics. This lesson has been designed for A-level students and above
Standard deviation & the Student's t-test (OCR A-level Biology A)

Standard deviation & the Student's t-test (OCR A-level Biology A)

This lesson describes how to calculate the standard deviation to measure the spread of a set of data and to compare means using the t-test. The detailed PowerPoint and accompanying resources have been designed to cover the part of point 4.2.2 (f) of the OCR A-level Biology A specification that includes these two statistical tests. A step by step guide walks the students through each stage of the calculation of the standard deviation and gets them to complete a worked example with the class before applying their knowledge to another set of data. This data looks at the birth weights of humans on one day in the UK and this is used again later in the lesson to compare against the birth weights of babies in South Asia when using the student’s t-test. The null hypothesis is introduced and students will learn to accept or reject this based upon a comparison of their value against one taken from the table based on the degrees of freedom.
Diamond and graphite

Diamond and graphite

A fully resourced lesson that includes a lesson presentation (31 slides) and a related newspaper story to allow the students to compare the structure and properties of two allotropes of carbon, diamond and graphite. Students are guided through the structures and then challenged to work out how this relates to their respective properties. Time is taken to focus on the comparison between the two in terms of their ability to conduct electricity. A step by step answer is used to explain why diamond cannot conduct electricity so that students can use this when forming their answer for graphite. This lesson has been designed primarily for GCSE students (14 - 16 year olds) where questions comparing these two substances are common but it is suitable for use with younger students too.
Titration calculations

Titration calculations

A detailed lesson which uses a step by step guide to take students through titration calculations. The lesson begins by looking at jey terminology such as the “rough” and “titre”, which are discussed and explained so that there isnt any confusion. Time is taken to go over key steps in the method, such as using the molar ratio from the equation, so that students are prepared for these if they encounter in an assessment. This lesson has been designed primarily for GCSE students (14 - 16 year olds in the UK) but is suitable for older students covering this at A-level
Nuclear DECAY equations

Nuclear DECAY equations

A fully resourced lesson which guides students through writing decay equations to represent alpha and beta decay. This lesson includes a lesson presentation (41 slides) and differentiated worksheets. Time is taken at the beginning of the lesson to ensure that students know the sub-atomic particles that are found in an alpha particle and a beta particle so that they can understand why the atomic and mass numbers are affected during the decay. Moving forwards, a step-by-step guide is used to show students how to write both types of equations. There are regular progress checks throughout the lesson so that students can check their understanding. This lesson has been written for GCSE students (14 - 16 year olds in the UK)
Conservation of mass

Conservation of mass

This is a fully-resourced lesson, designed for GCSE students, that lteaches students how to prove that mass is conserved in a chemical reaction and guides them in the explanation of why some reactions do not give equal masses when measured. The lesson begins by introducing the law of the conservation of mass. Students will learn that they can expect questions which challenge them to prove that mass is conserved through the use of the relative formula mass. Therefore, the next section of the lesson focuses on the skills associated with this calculation and looks at more different formulae such as those with brackets. Students are given an opportunity to check their skills before trying to prove mass is conserved in three chemical reactions. All questions have displayed mark schemes so that students can assess their understanding. The rest of the lesson looks at instances of when the mass of the reactants does not equal the mass of the products. A practical method for the decomposition of copper carbonate is provided if the teacher wants to use it, so that students can collect results which show this difference in mass. Discussions are encouraged in order to get students to offer explanations as to why the mass of the products is lower. Once the gas has been identified, students are further challenged to consider apparatus that could be used to collect and record the results to again prove conservation.


This is a detailed and engaging lesson that looks at how molecules move between areas of differing concentrations by diffusion and then explores how this occurs across cell membranes and focuses on the alveoli. The lesson begins by using a step by step format to write the definition for diffusion so that key terms such as concentration gradient are understood. Students will be introduced to this as a passive process so that they can understand how active transport differs when this is met in another lesson. Progress checks are written into the lesson at regular intervals so that students can assess their understanding against a displayed answer. Moving forwards, the lesson focuses on diffusion across cell membranes and uses the example of the exchange surface of the alveoli and blood capillaries to explore the different features which act to increase the rate of diffusion. The final part of the lesson briefly looks at how the villi in the small intestine increase the rate of diffusion. This lesson has been written for GCSE aged students. If you’re looking for a lesson on this topic but for older students, then my alternative upload “Simple diffusion” will be more suitable
Genetic screening & prenatal testing (Edexcel Int. A-level Biology)

Genetic screening & prenatal testing (Edexcel Int. A-level Biology)

This lesson describes the uses and implications of pre-implantation genetic diagnosis, amniocentesis and chorionic villus sampling. The lesson PowerPoint and accompanying worksheets have been primarily designed to cover point 2.17 of the Edexcel International A-level Biology specification but there are regular checks of their knowledge of the content of topic 2, where topics including monohybrid inheritance and cystic fibrosis are tested. The lesson begins by challenging them to use this prior knowledge of topic 2 to identify the letters in the abbreviations PGD and CVS. The involvement of IVF to obtain the embryos (or oocytes) is then discussed and a series of exam-style questions are used to get them to understand how this method screens embryos prior to implantation, so that those identified as having genetic diseases or being carriers are not inserted into the female’s uterus. Mark schemes for all of the questions included in this lesson are embedded into the PowerPoint so students can constantly assess their progress. Moving forwards, Down syndrome (trisomy 21) is used as an example of a chromosomal abnormality that can be tested for using CVS or amniocentesis. Time is taken to describe the key details of both of these procedures so students have a clear understanding of the implications and the invasiveness to the female being tested. The link between amniocentesis and an increased risk of miscarriage is considered and the results of a 2006 study are used to challenge them on their data skills.