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GaelleLH's Shop

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I have been a languages teacher for 18 years and a Head of Department for 12. I am passionate about language learning and creating resources has always been a very enjoyable part of my job. When I design a resource my aim is to ensure that its structure provides a step-by-step progression that enables children to learn but above all to enjoy their learning.




I have been a languages teacher for 18 years and a Head of Department for 12. I am passionate about language learning and creating resources has always been a very enjoyable part of my job. When I design a resource my aim is to ensure that its structure provides a step-by-step progression that enables children to learn but above all to enjoy their learning.
Des animaux bizarres

Des animaux bizarres

A fun worksheet to encourage pupils to play with words and syllables to create strange animals. Pupils are also encourage to develop independent learning using a dictionary to find new words.
Les animaux- Description

Les animaux- Description

A worksheet aimed at consolidating the understanding of sentence structure and the use of verbs when making simple descriptions.
Les animaux

Les animaux

A worksheet to revise animals and pets but also to develop understanding and gain new vocabulary through the use of cognates.
Mes animaux- Poeme.

Mes animaux- Poeme.

Pupils will consolidate their understanding of sentence structure and gain new vocabulary through the study of a simple poem. They will also be expected to use their own knowledge to make sense of certain vocabulary items.
Les animaux et un poeme

Les animaux et un poeme

A fun PPT presentation on animals! pupils will start by learning vocabulary through repetition and games then progress onto sentence structure using a simple poem. The presentation includes an introduction to a few phonetic symbols (some vowels and semi-consonants) that they will get the opportunity to practise (with sounds included). They will then create their own poem with using adjectives listed per sound patterns. This resource is ideal to improve pronunciation and is in line with the new National Framework. The presentation comprises 80 slides and can be used over several lessons. Also, included, the list of adjectives and a template for pupils to write up their finished poem.
Adjectival agreements- Summary

Adjectival agreements- Summary

Summary sheet on adjective ending in French. Can be used as reference material for pupils to check the accuracy of their work or even as a display.
Description et personalite PPT

Description et personalite PPT

A PPT presentation to familiarise with and practise the use of adjectives with a focus on adjectival agreements. Includes starter task and practice exercises aimed at developing a range of skills.
Description et personalite- Adjectives

Description et personalite- Adjectives

A PPT presentation to familiarise with and practise the use of adjectives with a focus on adjectival agreements. Includes starter task and practice exercises aimed at developing a range of skills. Also included in this resource a summary sheet that can be used as reference material or even display.
Adjectival agreement-Summary sheet

Adjectival agreement-Summary sheet

A summary on adjective endings that can be handed out to pupils individually and used as reference material to check work accuracy when using adjectives. Alternatively the resource can be used as a display once enlarged.
'Adjectifs et personalite' with Summary sheet.

'Adjectifs et personalite' with Summary sheet.

A PPT presentation aimed at developing writing skills with a focus on the use of adjectives when talking about family and personality. Also emphasises the key elements of successful writing. The snowball activity will encourage pupils to work individually, in pairs and in small groups. Ideal resource for a series of lessons. The summary sheet can be used as reference material for pupils to check the accuracy of their work.
Adjectifs et personalite

Adjectifs et personalite

A PPT presentation aimed at developing writing skills with a focus on the use of adjectives when talking about family and personality. Also emphasises the key elements of successful writing. The snowball activity will encourage pupils to work individually, in pairs and in small groups. Ideal resource for a series of lessons.
Famille et description

Famille et description

A worksheet aimed at practising the use of possessive adjectives, verbs etre & avoir and adjectives in the context of family. Also includes answers.
Direct Object Pronouns

Direct Object Pronouns

A comprehensive step-by-step PPT presentation encouraging pupils to reflect on their literacy understanding in English and to apply their knowledge to French structures. Also included in this resource, a practice worksheet to consolidate the understanding of the grammatical process.
Direct object pronouns PPT

Direct object pronouns PPT

A step-by-step PPT explaining the use of direct object pronouns in French. Pupils are encouraged to reflect using their own English literacy understanding and to apply it to French structures.
All you need for Christmas Bundle

All you need for Christmas Bundle

A comprehensive resource to learn and consolidate Christmas vocabulary. It includes a PPT presentation to introduce and practise vocabulary items, a crossword puzzle and a word search, an Advent calendar with instructions, matching up, labelling, drawing, paint by numbers activities. Also included a reading task on the song 'Vive le vent' (Jingle bells) with lyrics in French and answers.
Chanson de Noel

Chanson de Noel

Lyrics of the song 'Vive le vent' (Jingle bells) with vocabulary, reading task and answers.