A huge range of material containing lessons on key characters and Staves, revision cards, lots of high level model responses, key extract analysis, contextual points about Dickens’ intentions, writing frames, comprehension questions on each stave, quotation knowledge organisers, revision of big ideas/themes.
Check out the many previews to appreciate the full scale of resources available here.
Check out my shop for other A Christmas Carol resources:
Huge bundle starting with 25 lessons covering every scene of the play with detailed annotations and a range of comprehension activities to engage students with the scene.
Open the file called ‘Macbeth Scheme of Learning: lesson on every scene’ to save time having to sort through the different files.
Also includes revision cards, knowledge retention quiz and board game, lots of high grade model answers, creative writing activities, revision lessons on big ideas, home learning booklets and lots more.
Lessons covering each scene from Act 3 of the play.
Lessons include detailed annotations for each scene along with a range of comprehension and analytical style tasks.
7 Lessons covering each scene from Act 1 of Macbeth.
All lessons include a starter, scene summary, questions, detailed annotations and extension activities.
Lesson on Act 1 Scene 2. Includes a recap starter with sample answers, annotations of the scene, scene summary and an example paragraph to help students craft their own analysis of how Macbeth is presented in this scene.
Detailed lesson that guides students through annotating the key lines in Act 1 Scene 4. There is also a starter, comprehension questions, sample paragraph analysing the ‘stars hide your fires’ quotation and extended writing activities based on the scene with a modelled example.
104 PowerPoint slides containing annotations for the whole play - Macbeth. A great resource to accompany a reading of the play or to help students address gaps in their learning through absence. I originally created this resource to help some students who missed a large proportion of the curriculum due to absence.
Annotations are click activated so the teacher can talk through them one by one.
There are over 300 annotations covering every scene of the play. Obviously, I have prioritised the key moments from the key scenes for the most detailed annotations. The PowerPoint is fully editable so you can add extra annotations so you add, remove or change the amount of annotations to suit the ability of your students.
I have included a revision task sheet that encourages students to go through the PowerPoint and explain what is happening in each scene, explore the language in the key quotations and evaluate the thematic significance of the scene.
100 question knowledge quiz on Macbeth. 20 questions on each Act. Ideal to fill a whole lesson or a homework. Includes the answer sheet. It is repeatable at different points of the year to help with knowledge retention.
NEW: Also included in the form of a board game. You just need dice and counters.
Also contains a random generator quotation revision game.
I worked alongside literacy representatives in each department of the school in order to identify ways each subject can support literacy in a meaningful way. Here is the document I produced which may be useful to any existing or aspiring literacy coordinator.
7 grade 8/9 exam-style responses covering the following topics.
Macbeth’s violence
Macbeth and Lady Macbeth’s marriage
Lady Macbeth
Lady Macbeth
Macbeth’s fears
A grade 9 response exploring how Macbeth is presented in the play.
Also includes a planning grid for students to follow
It would comfortably fit into the top band of the mark scheme 26-30 marks due to the perceptive debate with judicious quotations and assured analysis of methods and exploration of wider ideas.
Also includes a grade 8 version that does not quite meet the grade 9 requirements for a comparison.
Also includes a differentiated writing frame for students working towards a grade 4 at the other end of the ability spectrum.
The question is freely available here:
Macbeth exam-style response at a Grade 9 standard to the May 2019 Aqa question.
Offers perceptive debate with judicious use of quotations and assured analysis of methods and wider ideas.
Please note that due to copyright restrictions, the actual question is not included in this resource, but it is available from the website of the relevant exam board.
A handy worksheet for getting students to find out the definitions of the challenging vocabulary in A Christmas Carol. There are 127 words to find definitions for.
11 high grade responses to questions about the main characters and themes in A Christmas Carol. Includes full length responses to all of the previous AQA questions.
As you will see, all responses are at least band 5 because they present thoughtful and considered responses to the question. Many are in band 6 due to having judicious quotations, fine-grained analysis of methods, discussions about the various connotations of word choices (A02) combined with convincing exploration of wider contextual factors and themes linked to the methods (A03).
A grade 9 style response about an original exam question looking at how Dickens presents Scrooge’s anxieties/fears. Includes grade and examiner comment.
A differentiated simple activity involving colouring in visual representations of quotations before attempting to analyse the quotations for various layers of meaning.
For more Macbeth resources try the following links:
grade 9 model responses:
Revision Cards
Full bundle
Other popular Macbeth resources include:
Revision cards
Grade 9 model ansers
Knowledge organisers
Free comprehension questions on Act 5 of Romeo and Juliet.
Other popular Romeo and Juliet resources include: