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Level 2 & 3 Health & Social Care and T-Level resources both free and small charge ; use the search facility and I hope you find what you need. Supporting teachers




Level 2 & 3 Health & Social Care and T-Level resources both free and small charge ; use the search facility and I hope you find what you need. Supporting teachers
BTEC Level 3 Health and Social Care Unit 3 Anatomy and Physiology Revision Quiz about symptoms

BTEC Level 3 Health and Social Care Unit 3 Anatomy and Physiology Revision Quiz about symptoms

54 slide quiz presentation testing students knowledge on the spec health conditions and malfunctions in body systems and the biology behind the symptom, with additional slides which help students who were not abloe to answer correctly. Presented in a team fun competitive way which students will engage in, especially when they are fed-up with revision! There is an accopanying team quiz answer sheet and a blank and a completed table of the whole list of the spec malfunctions and health conditions which cover the symptoms, diagnosis and treatment, which students can then complete as a follow on task. For the full range of resources for Level 2 and 3 BTEC or CTEC resources, follow me on TES to find them all in the same place with a handy search facility #hscresources TES shop has free and small charge teaching packages Join the biggest subject team, Health and Social Care Resources Facebook group. 5,000 sharing ideas, resources, signposting and prop each other out #hscresources :-)
BTEC Level 3 Health and Social Care Unit 3 Anatomy and Physiology Tactile Revision Lesson  The Blood

BTEC Level 3 Health and Social Care Unit 3 Anatomy and Physiology Tactile Revision Lesson The Blood

Eighteen slide presentation relating to A3 enlarged worksheet activity (and a completed worksheet example) covering the spec for BTEC Level 3 Anatomy and Physiology Unit 3. To make this session tactile you will need to shop on Ebay and create the lumen of an artery using either a drawing on flip chart or two desks pushed together. Instructions with this package, have fun while students a learning :-) #hscresources TES shop has free and small charge teaching packages Join the biggest subject team, Health and Social Care Resources Facebook group. 5,000 sharing ideas, resources, signposting and prop each other out #hscresources
BTEC Level 3 HSC - Unit 3 Anatomy and Physiology Revision activities, games and summary sheets

BTEC Level 3 HSC - Unit 3 Anatomy and Physiology Revision activities, games and summary sheets

This is a large package of games eg. dice throw, editable cube and activities eg. summary sheets, card match, as well as extended answer writing tasks which require planning. You can dip into it, as the need arises and there is a Red, Amber, Green spec knowledge check-off sheet so students can identify what areas they need to then target their revision. #hscresources TES shop has free and small charge teaching packages Join the biggest subject team, Health and Social Care Resources Facebook group. 5,000 sharing ideas, resources, signposting and prop each other out #hscresources Good luck in your teaching
Structure of a neuron fun activity and the passage of a nerve - Nervous system

Structure of a neuron fun activity and the passage of a nerve - Nervous system

PowerPoint instructions on to how to build a neuron with sweeties and label it. Student need to explain the passage of a nerve and an additional stretch and challenge question Shopping list and labels to print off, cut and laminate - fun learning and yummy too. For more BTEC and CTEC Level 1 and 2 Health and Social Care resources, follow me on TES and find the wider range all in the same place, with a handy search facility #hscresources TES shop Join the biggest subject team, Health and Social Care Resources Facebook group. 5,000 sharing ideas, resources, signposting and prop each other out #hscresources
BTEC Level 3 Health and Social Care Unit 14 Physiological Disorders Learning Aim D resources

BTEC Level 3 Health and Social Care Unit 14 Physiological Disorders Learning Aim D resources

A 19 page booklet for students you can add to or alter, to suit your teaching style. Students can make notes, carry out tasks and keep work together as a reference for when they are writing up their assignment 2. There are 3 PowerPoints to engage students during delivery. Included is a case study for students who don’t have a person to use in their assignment. This resource package covers the Learning Aim D part of the spec needed for Assignment 2, as below:- Learning aim D: Develop a treatment plan for service users with physiological disorders to meet their needs D1. Care methods and strategies • Assessment of care needs, e.g. primary, secondary or tertiary care. • Reviewing care needs, e.g. making changes as required. • Validity and reliability of the sources of information on possible treatments. D2 Treatment planning processes o Cycle of planning. o Individual needs, including culture, gender, age, religion, disability. o Purpose and aim of care for individual. o Outcomes to be achieved. o Actions to be taken. o Overcoming potential barriers. o Professional responsibilities. o Advantages and disadvantages of different types of treatment, e.g. benefit to service users, cost to health and social care services. o Scheduling, including times and locations where treatment will take place. o Timescales for achievement. For more free and small charge T-Level Health Science, BTEC and CTEC Health and Social Care resources, visit my shop and use the handy search facility to find what you need easily. #hscresources TES shop Join the biggest subject team, Health and Social Care Resources Facebook group. 5,000 sharing ideas, resources, signposting and prop each other out #hscresources Good luck in your teaching!
BTEC Level 3 Health and Social Care Unit 11 Psychological Perspective B1. B2 and B3 spec resources

BTEC Level 3 Health and Social Care Unit 11 Psychological Perspective B1. B2 and B3 spec resources

A 24 page word booklet for students to make notes and record findngs and activities which coveres the whle of the Learning AIm B part of the BTEC Level 3 Health and Social Care Unit 11 Psychological Perspective. There are seperate cae study activities and lots of reference to the assessment criteria for pass, merit and distinction. The spec content covered, in detail is… Learning Aim B: Examine the contribution of psychological perspectives to the management and treatment of service users’ specific behaviours B1. Factors that affect human development and specific behaviours • Physical. • Social, cultural and emotional. • Economic. • Physical environment. • Psychological. B2. Contribution of psychological perspectives to the management of behaviours • Cognitive behavioural therapy, e.g. treatment of phobias, mental illnesses, post-traumatic stress disorder, approaches to challenging behaviour, monitoring and improving behaviour. • Social learning theory, e.g. use of positive role models, treatment of eating disorders. • Role of psychodynamic perspective in, e.g. psychoanalysis, exploration of factors influencing behaviour. • Humanistic perspective, e.g. person-centred counselling. • Biological perspective, e.g. drugs, biofeedback. B3. Contribution of psychological perspectives to the treatment of behaviours • Interventions: use of perspectives to inform development of therapeutic practices. • Therapeutic practices as relevant to behaviour, e.g. group therapy, family therapy, addiction therapy, behaviour modification programmes. • Ethical issues. • How the therapies work. • Reasons for attending therapy sessions. For more Level 2 and Level 3 BTEC or CTEC resources, follow me on TES to find them all in the same place with a handy search facility, to save on time. #hscresources TES shop has free and small charge teaching packages Join the biggest subject team, Health and Social Care Resources Facebook group. 5,000 sharing ideas, resources, signposting and prop each other out
BTEC Level 3 Health and Social Care Unit 20 Understanding Mental Well-Being Introduction Booklet

BTEC Level 3 Health and Social Care Unit 20 Understanding Mental Well-Being Introduction Booklet

A 14 page Word booklet you can add to or alter to introduce the BTEC Level 3 unit, Uint 20 Understanding Mental Well-Being and include your assignment 1 detail. For more free and small charge T-Level Health Science, BTEC and CTEC Health and Social Care resources, visit my shop and use the handy search facility to find what you need easily. #hscresources TES shop has free and small charge teaching packages Join the biggest subject team, Health and Social Care Resources Facebook group. 5,500 sharing ideas, resources, signposting and prop each other out #hscresources Good luck in your teaching! #hscresources
BTEC Level 3 Health and Social Care Unit 14 Physiological Disorders Learning Aim B and C resources

BTEC Level 3 Health and Social Care Unit 14 Physiological Disorders Learning Aim B and C resources

A 32 page Word Booklet you can adapt or add to, to suit your teaching style. There is space for students notes, ahead of their assignment work, which keeps sections organised and frequently refers to the assessment criteria and applied examples. There are TEN PowerPoints to help with delivery, which are engaging and help students consider the Merit and Distinction criteria and added activity case studies. The compete spec for Learning Aim B and C, needed for assignment one of the BTEC Level 3 Health and Social Care Unit 14 Physiological Disorders unit are covered, as below:- Learning aim B: Examine the investigation and diagnosis of physiological disorders B1. Investigative procedures for physiological disorders • General measurements that may be undertaken, e.g. blood pressure, body temperature. • Investigations as appropriate for each individual, e.g. medical history, blood tests. B2. Diagnostic procedures for physiological disorders o Procedures based on specific signs and symptoms, e.g. lumbar puncture, biopsy o Importance of recognising non-specific or confusing symptoms, e.g. myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME). Learning aim C: Examine treatment and support for service users with physiological disorders C1. Provision of treatment and support • Medication, e.g. anti-inflammatory drugs. • Surgery, e.g. surgical procedures for cancer. • Rehabilitation programmes, e.g. physiotherapy. • Complementary therapies, e.g. aromatherapy, acupuncture. • Advice on lifestyle changes, e.g. smoking cessation. C2 Types of carers and care settings Carers: o professional carers, e.g. GPs, nurses o informal carers, e.g. friends, family o private and voluntary carers, e.g. Age UK, private care agencies. Care settings: o service user’s own home o residential care home o GP surgery or health centre o hospital care o rehabilitation settings For more Level 2 and 3 BTEC and CTEC resources, follow me on TES to find all my resources in one place, with a handy search facility to cut down on time… precious time… #hscresources TES shop has free and small charge teaching packages Join the biggest subject team, Health and Social Care Resources Facebook group. 5,000 sharing ideas, resources, signposting and prop each other out #hscresources Good luck in your teaching :-)
BTEC Level 3 Health and Social Care Unit 14 Physiological Disorders Learning Aim A booklet resources

BTEC Level 3 Health and Social Care Unit 14 Physiological Disorders Learning Aim A booklet resources

A 30 page Word Booklet you can add to or alter to suit your teaching style, with places for students to make notes and record research or carry out activities to cover all of the criteria for Learning AimA; A1, A2 and A3 for the BTEC Level 3 Unit 14 Physiological Disorders and their Care. [Updated to Sept 2018 Assignment change] To aid with delivery there are SEVENTEEN PowerPoints with animation and embedded video clips and web addresses for further research. Activities for application with case studies to understand the holistic impact different disorders may have to help students have a full understanding ahead of their Assignment 1 and frequent reference to the assessment criteria for Pass, Merit and Distinction and the updated task fromDecember 2018. This booklet covers the below:- Learning Aim A; Investigate the causes and effects of physiological disorders A1. Types of physiological disorders and effects on body systems and functions • Endocrine System Disorders eg. diabetes, hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism • Nervous System Disorders eg. Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease • Musculo-skeletal System Disorder eg. rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis • Respiratory System Disorders eg. asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease • Circulatory System Disorders eg. coronary heart disease, leukaemia • Cancer eg. bowel, prostate Impact of disorders on service user’s physical, mental, social and emotional health A2. Causes of physiological disorders  Inherited traits eg. sickle cell anaemia  Lifestyle choices eg. smoking cigarettes, alcohol  Diet eg. obesity, dietary deficiency  Environmental eg. housing conditions, air pollution A3. Signs and symptoms of physiological disorders o Observable signs of physiological disorders eg. rash, swelling o Symptoms experienced by the individual eg. pain, disorientated For more Level 2 and Level 3 BTEC or CTEC, NCFE T-Level Health resources, follow me on TES to find them all in the same place with a handy search facility to cut down on time. #hscresources TES shop has free and small charge teaching packages Join the biggest subject team, Health and Social Care Resources Facebook group. 5,000 sharing ideas, resources, signposting and prop each other out Good luck in your teaching :-)
BTEC Level 3 Health and Social Care Unit 14 Physiological Disorders and their Care Introductory book

BTEC Level 3 Health and Social Care Unit 14 Physiological Disorders and their Care Introductory book

A BTEC Level 3 Health and Social Care Unit 14 Physiological Disorders and their Care Introductory Word Booklet you can add to or alter. It has the spec content, an overview of both the assignments(updated Jan 2019) and the assessment criteria. To kick off with there is also an activity for students to complete to aid their understanding of key terminologies. For more free and small charge T-Level Health Science, BTEC and CTEC Health and Social Care resources, visit my shop and use the handy search facility to find what you need easily. For more free and small charge resources checkout my TES shop #hscresources TES shop has free and small charge teaching packages Join the biggest subject team, Health and Social Care Resources Facebook group. 5,500 sharing ideas, resources, signposting and prop each other out #hscresources
Homeostasis system the balancing blood glucose level and energy use and diabetes

Homeostasis system the balancing blood glucose level and energy use and diabetes

Presentation on Glucose Homeostasis and a flow chart activity to check understanding. Presentation about the pancrease, alpha/beta islet cells and diabetes For more free and small charge resources checkout my TES shop #hscresources TES shop has free and small charge teaching packages Join the biggest subject team, Health and Social Care Resources Facebook group. We share ideas, resources, signposting and prop each other out
Homeostasis thermoregulation body temperature, hypothermia and hypothermia

Homeostasis thermoregulation body temperature, hypothermia and hypothermia

PowerPoint about the thermoregulation process with embedded video and activity to check understanding. Additional PowerPoint to explain both hypothermia and hypothermia. For more free and small charge resources checkout my TES shop #hscresources TES shop has free and small charge teaching packages Join the biggest subject team, Health and Social Care Resources Facebook group. We share ideas, resources, signposting and prop each other out
Physical Health Indicators, Body Mass Index, Peak Flow, Urine hydration and body temperature (L2)

Physical Health Indicators, Body Mass Index, Peak Flow, Urine hydration and body temperature (L2)

A Level 2 resource package with THREE PowerPoints with embeded video’s to support delivery. PowerPoint Peak Flow device and how to use it, case study to compare against nnorms PowerPoint BMI and how to calculate it, case study to compare on charts PowerPoint Body temperature, core temperature hypothermia and hyperthermia PowerPoint Blood pressure, how to use a monitor and what readings mean Charts for the above plus urine hydration. For BTEC and CTEC Level 2 and 3 Health and Social Care resources packages, follow me on TES to find them all in the same place with a handy search facility For more free and small charge resources checkout my TES shop #hscresources TES shop has free and small charge teaching packages Join the biggest subject team, Health and Social Care Resources Facebook group. We share ideas, resources, signposting and prop each other out
Testing for genetic and chromosome disorders, amniocentesis, chorionic villus sampling, heel prick

Testing for genetic and chromosome disorders, amniocentesis, chorionic villus sampling, heel prick

A PowerPoint with TWO embedded videos which explains the procedures of amniocentesis testing, chorionic villus testing and the heel pin-prick Guthries testing for genetic and chromosome abnormalities. For more free and small charge resources checkout my TES shop #hscresources TES shop has free and small charge teaching packages Join the biggest subject team, Health and Social Care Resources Facebook group. We share ideas, resources, signposting and prop each other out
Human genetics. Mendelian Inheritance explained Dominant and Recessive genes and Punnett Square

Human genetics. Mendelian Inheritance explained Dominant and Recessive genes and Punnett Square

A PowerPoint presentation with two embedded videos and a Punnet Square Activity that explains the basics of inherticance, dominant and recessive genes as well as allele’s, homozygous and heterozygous. For more free and small charge resources checkout my TES shop #hscresources TES shop has free and small charge teaching packages Join the biggest subject team, Health and Social Care Resources Facebook group. We share ideas, resources, signposting and prop each other out
Connective Tissues Presentation.  Blood, Cartilage, Bone, Adipose, Ariolar tissues

Connective Tissues Presentation. Blood, Cartilage, Bone, Adipose, Ariolar tissues

A presentation about the different types of connective tissue, covering Blood, Cartilage, Bone, Adipose, Ariolar tissues For more free and small charge resources checkout my TES shop #hscresources TES shop has free and small charge teaching packages Join the biggest subject team, Health and Social Care Resources Facebook group. We share ideas, resources, signposting and prop each other out
Human cell ultrastructure and functions presentation

Human cell ultrastructure and functions presentation

A presentation covering the ultrastructure of a human cell, as below… The function and structure of cells;  membrane  nucleus  ribosomes  rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum  mitochondria  centrioles  lysosomes  Golgi apparatus. For more free and small charge resources checkout my TES shop #hscresources TES shop has free and small charge teaching packages Join the biggest subject team, Health and Social Care Resources Facebook group. We share ideas, resources, signposting and prop each other out
Digestive system structures, functions enzymes, revision activities and wall display template

Digestive system structures, functions enzymes, revision activities and wall display template

Three PowerPoint presentations; structures and functions, enzymes and villi absorbtion, to aid the delivery of the digestive system, three revision activities to engage students and two wall displays for the classroom. Did you know their is a Health and Social Care Resource sharing Facebook group with over 5,000 teachers all supporting each other, join the biggest ever subject team. #hscresources TES shop has free and small charge teaching packages
Respiratory System - structures, mechanics of breathing, ventilation and breathing resources

Respiratory System - structures, mechanics of breathing, ventilation and breathing resources

Five PowerPoints for the delivery of the repiratory system and 3 revision activities to aid memory. If your lucky enough to have Smart Boards and notebook, there’s an interactive drag and drop activity too. Did you know their is a Health and Social Care Resource sharing Facebook group with over 5,000 teachers all supporting each other, join the biggest ever subject team. #hscresources TES shop has free and small charge teaching packages