I have worked as a history teacher since 2015 in both the UK and abroad. I have used that experience to make the best resources possible for myself and others in this profession. I take care to make it clear what students need to do but also those who are unfamiliar with the content they are delivering.
I am uploading multiple individual lessons and bundle's for KS3 as well as course specific content relevant to Cambridge and Edexcel GCSE and AS/A-Level history. Please do leave me a review.
I have worked as a history teacher since 2015 in both the UK and abroad. I have used that experience to make the best resources possible for myself and others in this profession. I take care to make it clear what students need to do but also those who are unfamiliar with the content they are delivering.
I am uploading multiple individual lessons and bundle's for KS3 as well as course specific content relevant to Cambridge and Edexcel GCSE and AS/A-Level history. Please do leave me a review.
This is the second of fourteen lessons that are linked to the Edexcel IGCSE history ‘The origins and course of the First World War, 1905-18’ so do be aware that any page numbers that have been added in are linked to the specific Edexcel textbook (the cover picture indicates the correct textbook).
These PowerPoints, along with the textbook and other materials I have provided go into enough depth that they can be adapted for other age groups and exam boards.
This is the last of my fourteen lessons that are linked to the Edexcel IGCSE history ‘The origins and course of the First World War, 1905-18’ so do be aware that any page numbers that have been added in are linked to the specific Edexcel textbook (the cover picture indicates the correct textbook).
These PowerPoints, along with the textbook and any other materials I have provided, go into enough depth that they can be adapted for other age groups and exam boards.
This is the thirteenth of fourteen lessons that are linked to the Edexcel IGCSE history ‘The origins and course of the First World War, 1905-18’ so do be aware that any page numbers that have been added in are linked to the specific Edexcel textbook (the cover picture indicates the correct textbook).
These PowerPoints, along with the textbook and other materials I have provided go into enough depth that they can be adapted for other age groups and exam boards.
These were a few lessons created showing the changes in medicine during the 16th-17th century. It covers what medieval people believed about illness and disease and how that thinking changed during and after the Renaissance period. I would have liked to have added more to this but these lessons are a great starter if you would like to build upon them or add in more detail about changes in medicine. The lessons in this bundle include:
Treatment and Healers
Andreas Vesalius
William Harvey
These lessons were originally created for Year 9 classes but they can be adapted for any age.
This Powerpoint was created for all my IGCSE, AS and A-Level history students for them to use throughout their courses. I created it as I felt that not enough time was being spent showing students how to answer certain questions and they did not have much to refer to outside of perhaps a textbook.
Please note that this resource was created for IGCSE, AS and A-Level students using the Edexcel exam boards. This resource consists of 60 slides that go through key skills such as PEEL paragraphs and how to effectively write introductions and conclusions. It shows students what needs to go into IGCSE history 6, 8 and 16 mark questions for Paper 1 and 2 and 25 mark questions for Paper 1 at AS and A-Level.
This welcome pack for Year 7 students takes them through all the necessary skills that they will need in history. There are a lot of fun activities and a great way to introduce them to this subject. The lessons in this bundle are:
Welcome to History
Dustbin challenge (focusing on the importance of evidence)
Primary and Secondary sources
PEEL Paragraphs
Tollund man/ two optional end of unit tests
All these lessons can be easily adapted to fit your classroom, department or school specifications.
These nine lessons were created to focus on the ‘Early Events of the 20th Century’. This topic specifically focuses on the sinking of the Titanic and the womens suffrage movement. There are a lot of great activities included here to keep students engaged during this topic. I have also included a project that can be used at any point in the year and fits in well with this topic. The resources in this bundle include:
20th Century Introduction
The Titanic
Who was the Blame for the Titanic?
What was life like for women in the 20th century?
Why Did Women Want the Vote?
Who were the Suffragettes?
Did Emily Davison mean to kill herself?
Why did women get the vote in 1918?
Greatest Events of the 20th Century Project
All these lessons can be easily adapted to fit your classroom, department or school specifications.
**Please note for the first lesson you will need the ‘Technology, War and Idependance: 1901-Present Day’ Textbook by Aaron Wilkes. **
In this bundle you will find 11 lessons I have created focusing on the high and late ‘Middle Ages’. The first 5 lessons focus on medieval life with students then learning about the role of monarchy and the church with Henry II and the murder of Thomas Becket, King John and the Magna Carta, Joan of Arc and the Black Death. For this unit of work I decided to assess students using an individual project to look at their investigation and research skills. There are a lot of great activities included here to keep students engaged during this topic. The resources in this bundle include:
Medieval Towns
Medieval Football
Medieval Food
Medieval Crime and Punishment
Medieval Medicine
Henry II and Thomas Becket
King John
The Magna Carta
Joan of Arc
The Black Death
Middle Ages Project
All these lessons can be easily adapted to fit your classroom, department or school specifications.
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I have created 10 lessons that take you through a wide variety of Roman topics. I have used these lessons for a number of years and my students enjoy them as the activities and lessons always offer something new and engaging.
The lessons in this package are:
Romulus and Remus
How was Rome governed
Why was Julius Caesar Assassinated?
What was housing like for the rich/poor?
Roman Baths
What did the Romans eat?
Roman entertainment
Roman Women
Roman Army
Roman Legacy
Any of these lessons could be adapted to your style or used as they are.
These are the 10 lessons I have created focusing on the ‘Norman Conquest of England’. This topic covers everything from life in Anglo-Saxon England, the two invasions of 1066 and life after Hastings. There are a lot of great activities included here to keep students engaged during this topic. The resources in this bundle include:
Welcome to Anglo-Saxon England
Sutton Hoo Burial
What did the Anglo-Saxons do all day?
The Three Contenders to the Throne
Viking invasion of England
Saxons Vs Normans who will win in 1066?
The Battle of Hastings
How did William Take control of England?-The Feudal System
How did William Take control of England?- Domesday book and castles
Norman Conquest Assessment Preparation
All these lessons can be easily adapted to fit your classroom, department or school specifications.
This bundle consists of sixteen essons that are linked to the Edexcel IGCSE history depth study ‘A Divided Union: Civil Rights in the USA, 1945-74’ so do be aware that any page numbers that have been added in are linked to the specific Edexcel textbook (the cover picture indicates the correct textbook). The lessons in this bundle are as followed:
Background The American Political System
Reasons for the Red Scare: The Cold War
Reasons for the Red Scare: Events in the USA
The Role of McCarthy in the Red Scare
Segregation and Discrimination
Brown vs Topeka and its Impact
The Montgomery Bus Boycott
The 1957 Civil Rights Act
Enforcing School Desegregation
Protests, 1960-63
Protests, 1963-65
Civil Rights Legislation
Protests, 1966-74
Other Protest Movements Students, Women, Anti-Vietnam
Reasons for Key Features of the Watergate Scandal
The Impact of Watergate
These PowerPoints, along with the textbook and other materials I have provided go into enough depth that they can be adapted for other age groups and exam boards.
This bundle consists of thirteen lessons that are linked linked to the Edexcel IGCSE history ‘Germany: Development of Dictatorship, 1918-45’ so do be aware that any page numbers that have been added in are linked to the specific Edexcel textbook (the cover picture indicates the correct textbook). The lessons in this bundle are as followed:
The abdication of the Kaiser and the establishment of the Weimar Republic
The Treaty of Versailles
Challenges to the Weimar Republic from left and right
The work of Gustav Stresemann- At Home
Stresemann’s success at abroad
The Rise of Hitler and the Nazis to January, 1933
Setting up the Nazi Dictatorship
Nazi Methods of Control
The Impact of Nazi Domestic Policies
Nazi policies to Reduce Unemployment
Nazi Policies towards the Jews
The Home Front During the War
The Growth of Opposition to Hitler
These PowerPoints, along with the textbook and other materials I have provided go into enough depth that they can be adapted for other age groups and exam boards.
This bundle consists of fourteen lessons that are linked to the Edexcel IGCSE History ‘The Origins and Course of the First World War, 1905-18’ so do be aware that any page numbers that have been added in are linked to the specific Edexcel textbook (the cover picture indicates the correct textbook). The lessons in this bundle are as followed:
The Alliance Sysytem
Empires and Economics
Military Rivalry
The Growth of Tension in Europe 1905-14
The Schlieffen Plan Fails
Living in the Trenches
New Weapons and Methods
Success and Failures Somme and Passchendaele
The German Threat to Britain from the North Sea
The German threat to Britain from under the sea
The Gallipoli Campaign
The Ludendorff offensive, spring 1918
Allied drive to victory, July-November 1918
The reasons for Germany’s Defeat
These PowerPoints, along with the textbook and other materials I have provided go into enough depth that they can be adapted for other age groups and exam boards.
This bundle includes all nineteen lessons I have prepared for the Edexcel International Advanced Level History. These lessons cover the Unit 1: Depth Study with interpretations option 1C: Germany, 1918-45.
These lessons follow what was laid out in the Pearson Edexcel International Advanced Level History Specification scheme of work with a few of my own ideas added in. These lessons are really easy and simple to follow for anyone teaching this for the first time. The expectations are really clear, they come with a lot of different activities and challenges that my students really enjoyed.
The lessons include:
The Collapse of the Second Reich and the Creation of the Weimar Republic, 1918-19
Crisis and Survival, 1919-24
The ‘Golden Years’ of the Weimar Republic 1924-29
The Origins of the NSDAP
Failure and Survival, 1924-28
Nazi breakthrough, Weimar collapse and Coming to Power, 1929-33
The Nazi Dictatorship
Nazi Repression and Control
Nazi Policies: Women and Children
Nazi Persecution of the Jews and Other Minorities, 1933-39
Nazi Policies: Religion
Nazi Policies: Changing Economic Priorities
Nazi Policies: Responses to the Great Depression
Nazi Policies Agriculture, Industry and Foreign Policy
Life Under the Nazi Regime
Managing the War Economy
Controlling the Civilian Population
The Evolution of Genocide
Losing the War
There are a lot of chances in this course for independent research and learning (which at this level they need to prepare them for university) while also providing opportunities for class discussion and ICT based tasks.
Please Note: Some tasks and revision are linked to ‘Weimar & Nazi Germany’ SHP textbook by John Hite and Chris Hinton. The PP’s have page numbers and this is the textbook that links. These PowerPoints, along with the textbook and other materials I have provided go into enough depth that they can be adapted for other age groups and exam boards.
This bundle includes all fifteen lessons I have prepared for the Edexcel International Advanced Level History. These lessons cover the Unit 3, Thematic Study with Source Evaluation- Option 1D: Civil Rights and Race Relations in the USA, 1865-2009.
These lessons follow what was laid out in the Pearson Edexcel International Advanced Level History Specification scheme of work with a few of my own ideas added in. These lessons are really easy and simple to follow for anyone teaching this for the first time. The expectations are really clear, they come with a lot of different activities and challenges that my students really enjoyed.
The lessons include:
The Impact of the 13th Amendment 1865-77
Northern Radicals and ‘Radical Reconstruction’ 1867-77
Backlash to Reconstruction
The Role of the Supreme Court
The Spread of Jim Crow Laws
Excluding Black Voters
The Pattern of Black Settlement
Southern White Democrats and the Failure of Congress
The Positive and Negative Impacts of the New Deal
Pressure for Change in Civil Rights, 1954-65
Landmark Legislation
Increasing Divisions in the Civil Rights Movement
Black Voters and Black Politicians at the Turn of the Century
The Political Career of Barack Obama
The Reasons for Victory in November 2008
There are a lot of chances in this course for independent research and learning (which at this level they need to prepare them for university) while also providing opportunities for class discussion and ICT based tasks.
Please Note: Some tasks and revision are linked to ‘A Level History, Paper 3: Civil Rights and Race Relations in the USA, 1850-2009’ Edexcel textbook by Derrick Murphy. The PP’s have the correct page numbers and the cover image linked to this bundle shows the correct textbook. These PowerPoints, along with the textbook and other materials I have provided go into enough depth that they can be adapted for other age groups and exam boards.
These 15 lessons were created for the Cambridge International History (9489) Paper 4 Depth Study 1: European History in the Interwar Years 1919-41. The Depth Study focuses on Hitler’s Germany 1929-41. These lessons follow exactly what was laid out in the Cambridge scheme of work with a few of my own ideas added in. These lessons are really easy and simple to follow for anyone teaching this for the first time. The expectations are really clear, they come with a lot of different activities and challenges that my students enjoyed.
The lessons include:
The Problems Facing Weimar Politicians from 1929
Growth in Support of the NSDAP After 1929
Hitler’s Appointment as Chancellor
Reasons and Methods Used in the Consolidation of Power, 1933-34
Hitler’s Aims in Government and Administration Establishing the Nazi State
Nazi Means of Control and Their Impact
Nazi Persecution of the Jews and Other Minorities, 1933-39
Hitler and Nazi Foreign Policy
Nazi Policies: Changing Economic Priorities
Nazi Responses to the Great Depression
Key Nazi Policies in Agriculture and Industry
Nazi Policies: Women and Children
Nazi Policies Towards Religion
Life Under the Nazi Regime
Support for the Nazi Regime
There are a lot of chances in this course for independent research and learning (which at this level they need to prepare for university) while also providing opportunities for class discussion and ICT based tasks.
Please Note: Some tasks and revision are linked to ‘Weimar & Nazi Germany’ SHP textbook by John Hite and Chris Hinton. The PP’s have page numbers and the image linked to this bundle is the cover of the textbook needed. These PowerPoints, along with the textbook and other materials I have provided go into enough depth that they can be adapted for other age groups and exam boards.