An essential ally for school leaders at all levels. Comprehensively planned CPD, reliable resource packs and extensive guidance created with you in mind.
An essential ally for school leaders at all levels. Comprehensively planned CPD, reliable resource packs and extensive guidance created with you in mind.
This Single Central Record (SCR) Compliance Bundle is ideal for DSLs, headteachers and school leaders who want to check their safer recruitment and record-keeping processes against the criteria outlined in Part 3 of Keeping Children Safe in Education.
Fully in line with KCSIE 2024 and the Ofsted School Inspection Handbook (September 2024), this bundle will help school leaders and safeguarding lead governors to:
Conduct checks on whether their Single Central Record contains information about the correct people, including staff members, trainee teachers, agency and third-party workers, volunteers and contractors
Identify whether the correct checks have been conducted depending on the person’s role in school, including enhanced DBS checks, children’s barred list checks, Section 128 checks, right to work in the UK checks and other statutory and recommended checks
Verify whether dates are recorded for all of the above checks
Triangulate and confirm your SCR evidence by conducting a spot check into a staff member’s personnel file.
The bundle contains two templates to support you in doing this. The Single Central Record (SCR) Overview Checklist and The Single Central Record (SCR) Spot Check.
Further compliance and leadership resources can be found on our website,
Looking to boost key messages about attendance to parents, carers, families and the community? This digital download bundle of eight attendance posters is an ideal way to remind everyone about the importance of high levels of attendance, including messages around taking holidays in term time, how lateness impacts attendance and what to do if a family is struggling with supporting their child’s attendance. Each poster is in PDF format, so can be printed, sent as part of your regular newsletters and communication, or even displayed on your school website to promote good school attendance.
Further attendance resources can be found on our website,
Are you stepping into your first EYFS leadership role? Congratulations! This comprehensive and FREE checklist for new early years leaders is here to provide you with different ideas for how to get started in your new post over the first few weeks, half term and term. Designed to be fully editable, adapt and amend it to tailor it to your new EYFS role. Let us support your thinking and workload so you can find balance as a new EYFS leader.
There are lots of EYFS leader resources and supportive materials available on our website too,
Do you find that your September INSET ends up being planned in the last few weeks of the summer holiday? Want to get ahead and get organised? Honeyguide’s comprehensive INSET Preparation Checklist is here to support you! From planning key priorities and safeguarding training, to organisation and setup of your September staff training days, this checklist will help you to maximise impact and save you time.
Further resources can be found on our website,
Looking to recruit a new outdoor learning leader or Forest School lead for your school? If you’re wondering what outdoor learning tasks to set at interview or what interview questions you can ask to recruit the right candidate for your school, this Outdoor Learning Role Interview Pack can support you throughout the entire process, from advertising to employment.
This pack includes:
Concise 8-page Guidance PDF in full colour containing all the guidance, research and information you need.
Four fully editable and easy-to-use templates that can be adapted for your setting. These include:
Outdoor Learning Role Job Role Description
Outdoor Learning Role Person Specification
Outdoor Learning Role Interview Questions
Interview Task - Outdoor Activity
Further interview and skills audit resources for staff members can be found on our website,
If you’re looking to explore your school’s provision and curriculum for physical development for your early years children, this audit pack gives you the perfect starting point. Aimed at primary school settings, the audit can be used by both EYFS leads, year 1 leaders & teachers, and curriculum leaders to explore how effectively your school gives children broad and exciting physical development learning opportunities in order to develop their gross and fine motor skills. Links are also made between the EYFS and the National Curriculum subjects in Year 1 to provide support for that crucial transition, and is ideal if you’re looking to provide a cohesive curriculum offer.
Further EYFS leadership resources can be found on our website,
If you’re looking to explore your school’s provision and curriculum in Understanding the World (UW) for your early years children, this audit pack gives you the perfect starting point. Aimed at primary school settings, the audit can be used by both EYFS leads, year 1 leaders & teachers, and curriculum leaders to explore how effectively your school gives children broad and exciting UW learning opportunities and where there are opportunities to develop further. Links are also made between the EYFS and the National Curriculum subjects in Year 1 to provide support for that crucial transition, and is ideal if you’re looking to provide a cohesive curriculum offer.
Further EYFS leadership resources can be found on our website,
This EYFS Learning Environment and Resource Audit Bundle is ideal for any early years leader who’s looking to explore how the learning environment and resources across their early years setting supports children’s early development.
The Learning Environment Audit template walks you through different reflective questions about your areas of indoor provision, outdoor provision and how you structure your spaces and resources to support development in the seven areas of learning. This allows you to identify the current strengths of your EYFS spaces and rooms, and make a plan for any areas of development. The following types of questions are included - why not see if you can answer them about your setting?
Are items and equipment labelled? Is this in a child-friendly font? Are photographs also used?
Is furniture adapted for any children with special educational needs and/or disabilities?
What natural materials are available for children to interact with and observe?
What first aid provision is in place for the outdoor space(s)?
Questions like these can help you critically reflect on your early years learning environment in order to makes changes to give your children the best possible experiences. Also included is an EYFS Resource Audit and Inventory template which covers the types of early years resources, furnishings and equipment that you might have. This can help you to identify any gaps in your resource stock as well as finding where old equipment needs replacing or updating. This template also allows you to consider different resource types, such as those that support different areas of learning, sensory and therapeutic resources, technology and digital resources, and health and safety equipment.
Further EYFS resources can be found on our website,
This Subject Intervention and Provision Map Bundle is ideal for any subject leader who’s looking to explore what additional support is given to pupils in their subject.
Aimed at primary subject leaders, this mini bundle contains two useful editable Word templates. The Subject Intervention and Provision Audit allows you to look in-depth at your subject and the provision, adaptations, differentiation and intervention on offer. This template is split into three handy sections that cover the following:
Quality First Teaching
Targeted Pupil Support
Group Intervention
This allows you to explore the current offer for pupils who need additional support to attain well in your subject as well as changes that could be made to further improve outcomes for pupils. You can then use the Subject Provision Map to give an overview of the different types of provision and support available in different year groups as well as summarising the general strategies used by all staff to support learning.
Further subject leader resources can be found on our website,
Looking to identify the skills and development points of your school’s attendance champion, attendance co-ordinator, attendance lead or attendance officer? Or perhaps you’re a senior attendance champion who wants to explore their role-specific strengths and weaknesses as part of ongoing development or when looking for a new role. No matter the situation, this handy pack contains exactly what you need to uncover strengths and plan for professional development & growth.
This is a quick-and-easy pack to audit the skills of an attendance champion. This pack contains concise guidance to support you in effectively utilising the skills audit, whether you’re line managing an attendance lead or whether you’re a school attendance officer yourself who’s wanting to evaluate their strengths and areas for improvement.
Further attendance resources can be found on our website,
Looking to identify the skills and development points of your school’s outdoor learning lead? Or perhaps you’re a outdoor learning practitioner or Forest School lead who wants to explore your role-specific strengths and weaknesses as part of ongoing development or when looking for a new role. No matter the situation, this handy pack contains exactly what you need to uncover strengths and plan for professional development & growth.
Further resources can be found on our website,
Support staff in managing classroom noise levels with this CPD training bundle focusing on identifying the root causes of rising noise levels in classrooms and strategies to tackle this. Ideal for behaviour leads, SLT or anyone looking to strengthen staff behaviour management skills, this PowerPoint training session, designed to last for up to an hour, allows for collaboration, discussion and action-planning, and is perfect for INSET days, staff meetings on training sessions dedicated to improving behaviour management.
A 31-slide PowerPoint designed to last between 30 minutes to 1 hour, this time-saving and ready-to-roll CPD session on managing classroom noise levels is a perfect way to train staff in the different ways they can identify the causes of rising classroom noise levels to prevent it, and how they can monitor and respond to noise when it does occur.
Further behaviour CPD resources can be found on our website,
Whether you’re a new early years leader looking to create your first EYFS leader file or are an experienced foundation stage lead wanting to ensure your EYFS folder contains all the documents you need, this EYFS Leader Folder Pack is ideal for you. With 31 editable templates and full guidance, it’ll walk you through what you could include in your EYFS leader folder - digital or paper-based - and why you need to include it. Suitable for EYFS leaders who work within a primary school as well as those in group-based settings such as nurseries and preschools, this pack will save you both time and energy in creating your subject leader file.
This pack includes:
EYFS Leader Folder Checklist
EYFS Curriculum Overview Checklist
EYFS Summary Overview
EYFS Leader Yearly Planner
EYFS Ofsted Grade Descriptor Grids
EYFS Self-Evaluation Form
EYFS Safeguarding and Welfare Checklist
EYFS Improvement Plan
EYFS Improvement Plan Checklist
EYFS Action Plan
EYFS Leader Self-Review
EYFS Intent, Implementation and Impact Checklist
EYFS Intent, Implementation and Impact Statement Checklist
Quality of Education Self-Evaluation
Learning Walk Template (EYFS)
Work Scrutiny Template (EYFS)
EYFS Cultural Capital, Personal Development and Enrichment Audit
EYFS Intervention and Provision Mapping
EYFS Provision Map
EYFS Learning Environment Audit
EYFS Resource Audit and Inventory
EYFS Pupil Progress Meeting
EYFS Link Governor Meeting Report
EYFS Report to Governors
EYFS Pupil Voice Survey
EYFS Staff Voice Survey
EYFS Parent Feedback Survey
Staff EYFS Knowledge Audit
EYFS Practitioner Skills Audit
Professional Development Plan and Record
Supervision Meeting Template
Further EYFS leadership resources can be found on our website,
This EYFS Self-Evaluation Bundle is ideal for any EYFS leader looking for a structured and guided way to evaluate actions, improvements and development points in their early years setting across the year.
The EYFS self-evaluation form (SEF) template is carefully structured and is aligned to the Ofsted School Inspection Handbook so you can evaluate your provision’s current strengths and areas for development based on a robust set of criteria, which include:
Quality of Education, including Curriculum Intent, Implementation and Impact
Behaviour and Attitudes
Personal Development
Leadership and Management
Each of the above sections contains sets of reflective questions, allowing you to be critical and accurate in your early years self-evaluation. Alongside each section are ideas for where you can find multiple sources of evidence to back up your judgement. A further template - Quality of Education Self-Evaluation - is also included. This document allows you to dig deeper into the effectiveness of the teaching and learning that your early years setting provides, allowing you to RAG-rate your provision in different areas. This can then inform your next steps for improvement.
Also included are the EYFS Ofsted Grade Descriptor Grids, which are fully aligned to the latest 2024 Ofsted School Inspection Handbook and which you can use to support your decision-making when self-evaluating your strengths and weaknesses.
The editable EYFS SEF template and accompanying documents are ideal for new early years leads or those wishing to refine their EYFS SEF writing process. Often, these sorts of documents are kept - either digitally or paper-based - in an EYFS leader file. For further support with creating, building and organising an effective early years leader folder, this template along with many more are also included in our full EYFS Leader Folder Pack.
Further EYFS leadership resources can be found on our website,
his EYFS Safeguarding and Welfare Checklist is ideal for any EYFS leader who’s looking to explore safeguarding and child welfare in their setting. It’s suitable for EYFS leaders in both school-based settings as well as group-based providers such as nurseries and preschools, and is built from all of the safeguarding and welfare requirements in section 3 of the EYFS statutory framework for group and school-based providers (and therefore isn’t applicable to childminders).
The checklist walks you through different criteria about welfare and safeguarding in the EYFS, allowing you to identify your current strengths and make a plan for any areas of development. The following broad areas are included in the checklist:
Child Protection
Training and Qualifications
Staff Ratios
Child Health
Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND)
Premises and Equipment
Record Keeping
Each section can help you to critically reflect on your safeguarding procedures and processes, allowing you to keep every child safe as well as ensuring compliance with safeguarding requirements in the EYFS.
Every early years leader should ensure they’re aware of their setting’s strengths and levels of compliance when it comes to safeguarding as well as ensuring any weaknesses are addressed quickly. This information should be regularly reviewed so it’s ideal to keep copies and records together, such as in an EYFS leader folder. For further support with creating, building and organising an effective early years leader folder, this template along with many more, are also included in our EYFS Leader Folder Pack.
Further EYFS leadership resources can be found on our website,
This EYFS Leader Folder Checklist is ideal for any EYFS lead looking for ideas and guidance on the documentation they might want to include in their EYFS leader file, regardless of whether it’s kept digitally or in a paper-based folder.
The checklist is designed to save your time in wondering what to include in an EYFS leader folder by helping you to consider the different documents you might need. Each suggestion has handy notes about what to include and you can tick them off once completed, allowing you to stay on top of keeping your EYFS file organised.
The checklist is split into the following helpful sections:
EYFS Improvement and Leadership
Curriculum and Assessment Information
Pastoral Information
Communication and Involvement
Staffing, Training and Development
Governors and External Advisors
This editable EYFS leadership folder template is ideal for new early years leads or those wishing to refine how they store and organise their EYFS information. For further support with creating, building and organising an effective early years leader folder, this template along with many more are also included in our full EYFS Leader Folder Pack.
Further EYFS leadership resources can be found on our website,
Thinking about doing a spot check on your special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) provision or wondering what Ofsted will ask about SEND when they visit? This pack, perfect for school leaders and SENDCos, has been designed to give you the tools to gather snapshot viewpoints of SEND and inclusion practices in your setting. In turn, this allows you to gain insight into how others could view your SEND provision and the steps you may need to take to keep improving it.
This pack includes:
Example SENDCo Ofsted questions
SEND subject knowledge question bank
SEND questions for pupils
SEND document and files checklist
Deep dive process overview for SEND
Deep dive evidence exploration for SEND
Further resources can be found on our website,
A key responsibility for headteachers and principals in schools is to support the wellbeing of your staff team, but what about you and your own wellbeing? You don’t need us to tell you that the pressures of school leadership can often feel overwhelming but our Headteacher Wellbeing Audit and Action Plan is here to help. Designed with the unique challenges of headship in mind, this tool helps you take stock of what or who is currently supporting you in a professional capacity and where there could be room for development to improve your wellbeing in school. It’s perfect for heads, executive heads, school principals or anyone leading a school to use as a self-reflection tool, as well as being useful for trust leaders, CEOs, governors, trustees or anyone line managing a headteacher to utilise as part of a full support package.
For further supportive resources for school leaders, visit our website -
Struggling to get release time to monitor Geography or having to complete subject monitoring in your PPA? This Ten-Minute Subject Monitoring in Geography Pack provides a solution to the challenges of having a high level of accountability as a primary subject leader but not having the time to complete the monitoring activities necessary - often because of factors beyond your control, such as the school budget, booking supply or getting cover.
Ten-minute subject monitoring works by identifying different time slots where you can be away from your teaching commitments in order to conduct a precise and focused subject monitoring activity on one element, such as a book look focusing on one strand of the Geography curriculum or a single 10-minute lesson drop-in. So rather than trying to find a full afternoon’s cover to conduct a term or half-term’s worth of monitoring, you can spread monitoring across a term by choosing slots where teaching and learning in your own classroom won’t be impacted.
Aimed at primary Geography subject leads (or those line managing a Geography subject leader), this pack walks you through the entire process and is full of ideas on how to find and utilise ten-minute time slots for subject monitoring. It also explores what you should be looking for in your monitoring when it comes to the four strands of substantive knowledge in Geography; locational knowledge, place knowledge, environmental, human and physical processes and geographical skills, as well as disciplinary knowledge in Geography.
Further subject leader resources are available on our website,
Struggling to get release time to monitor History or having to complete subject monitoring in your PPA? This Ten-Minute Subject Monitoring in History Pack provides a solution to the challenges of having a high level of accountability as a primary subject leader but not having the time to complete the monitoring activities necessary - often because of factors beyond your control, such as the school budget, booking supply or getting cover.
Ten-minute subject monitoring works by identifying different time slots where you can be away from your teaching commitments in order to conduct a precise and focused subject monitoring activity on one element, such as a book look focusing on one strand of the History curriculum or a single 10-minute lesson drop-in. So rather than trying to find a full afternoon’s cover to conduct a term or half-term’s worth of monitoring, you can spread monitoring across a term by choosing slots where teaching and learning in your own classroom won’t be impacted.
Aimed at primary History subject leads (or those line managing a History subject leader), this pack walks you through the entire process and is full of ideas on how to find and utilise ten-minute time slots for subject monitoring, as well as what you should be looking for in your monitoring when it comes to substantive knowledge and concepts, disciplinary knowledge and concepts, plus the chronological knowledge and historical terms and phenomena pupils need to grasp.
Further subject leader resources can be found on our website,