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The Enabling Law
A storyboard that breaks down the road to the Enabling Law. Lots of variation of tasks. Very useful for promotion of literacy.

The Long And Short Term Impact Of Versailles
A diagram to show the impact of the treaty in Germany.
1: By 1923
2: After 1929 and the Global Depression

The Vietnam War + Revision Summary
Content - Unit key words, who is who, the domino theory and containment, why did the USA get involved?, source comparison and evaluation.
Updated to include a shorter summary + revision pack and a 1968 as a turning point focus questions and opportunity for extended writing.
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Vietnam War Knowledge Organiser
The Gunpowder Plot - 1605
The Cuban Missile Crisis – 1962
World War 2 PowerPoint
Causes of World War 2
Rise of Hitler
Skills Unit Introduction
WW2 Homefront – The Blitz
The Holocaust
Weimar Revision Cards
Phil@icHistory Tes Shop

How Did The Whites Change The Plains?
A range of sources and template to record / classify findings. Follow up with debate activity using the structure provided.

Was The USA right to get Involved in Vietnam?
A simple outline to promote discussion / debate skills. Template and ideas for judges too.

Why did the USA lose the Vietnam war?
A diverse collection of sources design to help student understand the factors behind the US 'defeat&'.
1: US military weaknesses
2: Vietnamese strengths
3: The battle for hearts and minds
4: US public opinion.

The Battle Of Little Bighorn.
Asks students to order the events of Bighorn and imagine 'Custer&'s Last Moments&';.

Hitler's Storm Troopers (SA)
20 question quiz that covers the set up, organisation and roles of the SA / suggested extensions ideas.
Summary worksheet to accompany.

Hitler : The Making of A Monster.
Allows students to consider how the experiences of Hitler's early life shaped his political views.

Trench Attack Games
Allows students to select appropriate weapons and equipment then answer questions regarding trench attack methods.

Hyperinflation Causes Source Compilation
A collection of sources and supporting questions allows students to explore the causes and effects of hyperinflation.

Hyperinflation Source Analysis
A neat sheet / template / cartoon to support student understanding of hyperinflation and general cartoon analysis and evaluation.
Cartoon = 'The transparent dodge&'.

Putting year dates into centuries.
Helps students understand the how and why of converting year dates into a century. Examples and opportunity to practice. Also helps with chronology, timelines, BC, AD, BCE and CE.

Treaty of Versailles and German Reaction Summary
A neat summary of Versailles activity and hangman style activity to judge German reaction to the treaty.

History Skills Complete Unit Introduction
Key words, terminology, fact and opinion, chronology, primary, secondary, tertiary sources, questioning photographic evidence.
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Phil@icHistory Tes Shop

Primary, Secondary, Tertiary Sources.
A neat. simple sheet provides definitions and examples of source types.

Spartacist Revolt / Kapp Putsch Sort
A simple activity to help review / sort these challenges to the Weimar Government.

Using Chronology / timelines
A code breaking / puzzle activity that helps explain chronology and introduces timelines. Drop me a line if you would like extension activities and fun lesson plan.

An interview with General Haig
A good empathy activity puts students in the place or both reporter and General Haig. Helps review the Battle of the Somme. Option to film the interview.

Cold War Blame / Origins Chart Summary
Chart, summary and timeline to help revise this topic.
Includes: Communist Manifesto, The Russian Revolutuon, Appeasement, Nazi-Soviet Pact, The Eastern Bloc, The Iron Curtain Sppech, The Truman Dosctrine, The Marshall Plan, Marshall Aid, The Berlin Blockade, The Berlin Airlift, The Formation of Comecon and NATO.