German A2 - Vocabulary Review Lessons 74-75
4 pages of vocabulary (2 lessons) on education, documentation and identification. Grammar topics include the adjective ‘dasselbe’ and its various forms, the subordinating conjunction ‘als’ and the reflexive verb ‘sich vorstellen’. Most vocabulary words are used in sample sentences.
German A2 - Vocabulary Review Bundle 2
20 vocabulary handouts for review and study. Each handout contains 2-3 pages of new vocabulary, sample sentences and grammar notes. Corresponds roughly with the Schritte International A2.2 course material but can be used with just about any advanced-level A2 course in preparation for B1.
German A2 - Vocabulary Review Lessons 58-60
7 pages of vocabulary lessons (3 lessons) pertaining to shipping and packaging, customer service, materials and everyday items. Grammar notes on comparative and superlative adjective and adverb forms (plus ‘so wie’, ‘genauso wie’ and ‘als’) and the suffix “-los”. Most new words are used in example sentences.
German A2 - Vocabulary Review Lessons 56-57
Grammar topics include the subjunctive mood (Konjunktiv II - wären, würden, hätten) and the accusative preposition ‘durch’. Some vocabulary on daily routines and leisure activities. Most vocabulary words are used in sample sentences.
German A2 - Inseparable Prefix Verbs
An eight-page lesson on inseparable prefix verbs and how they’re used in the present and ‘Perfekt’ tenses. The lesson starts out with a refresher on separable verbs and what makes inseparable verbs different, both in terms of syntax and also pronunciation. Roughly 40 sample sentences are provided, most with parallel English translations. Some sentences are also color-coded for clarity. A summary of the lesson is provided at the end.
German A2 - Vocabulary Review Bundle 1
21 vocabulary handouts for review and study. Each handout contains 2-3 pages of new vocabulary, sample sentences and grammar notes. Corresponds roughly with the Schritte International A2.1 course material but can be used with just about any beginning A2 course.
German A2 - Vocabulary Review Lessons 54-55
5 pages of vocabulary and grammar notes (2 lessons). Grammar topics include verbs with prepositions, the coordinating conjunction ‘sondern’, and pronouns as indirect objects (dative). The dative preposition ‘nach’ is introduced here as meaning “according to”. Some vocabulary on celebrations, hobbies and packaging. Most vocabulary words are used in sample sentences.
German A2 - Vocabulary Review Lessons 51-53
7 pages of vocabulary notes (3 lessons) pertaining to education and school subjects in addition to some computer terminology. Grammar topics include verbs with prepositions, the past tense forms of the modal verbs ‘wollen’, ‘dürfen’ and ‘müssen’, and the subordinating conjunction ‘dass’. Most vocabulary words are used in sample sentences. Some idioms are included.
German A1 - Imperative Mood (Quick Notes)
Set of quick study notes on using the imperative mood, helpful for quiz prep. Also included are notes on negating the modal verb “müssen”.
German A2 - Advanced Sentence Structure (Subordinating Conjunctions)
This is a thorough primer on subordinating conjunctions and the placement of verbs in dependent (subordinate) clauses in German. The lesson starts out with a review of coordinating conjunctions and then compares how they’re used vs. subordinating conjunctions by comparing ‘denn’ with ‘weil’. Other conjunctions covered are: ‘wenn’, ‘ob’, ‘als’, ‘da’ and ‘obwohl’. The subtle differences between some of these conjunctions are discussed, as well as how they should be translated into English, and vice-versa.
Also covered is how to formulate a dependent clause using separable prefix verbs, modal verbs and the ‘Perfekt’ tense. Approximately 80 example sentences are used in this lesson, the majority with parallel English translations and color-coded for easy understanding. A summary of the lesson and a page for taking notes is included at the end of the document.
German A2 - Adjective Endings (an introduction)
This is a simple primer on adjective endings in the nominative case, geared towards students who are new to the subject as well as those who don’t feel comfortable memorizing charts. The lesson starts off explaining the differences between predicate adjectives and attributive adjectives. Endings for attributive adjectives following ‘ein’-articles, ‘der’-articles and with no article preceding are all explained in an easy-to-read format, color-coded in large fonts. The accusative case is touched on in the summary section at the end of the lesson. Two short quizzes with answer key are provided.
German A1 - Telling Time (Die Uhrzeit)
Complete lesson on telling time in German, using both “offizielle Zeit” (official time) and “inoffizielle Zeit” (colloquial time). Plenty of colorful graphics and clock faces help the new learner in most aspects of learning to tell time. Short quizzes and a summary of the lesson are included. As a prerequisite, students should have a grasp on how to count to 60 in German.
German A2 - Verbs and Two-Way Prepositions Printable
6-page printable on verbs and two-way prepositions (Verben mit Wechselpräpositionen). This lesson shows the difference between transitive and instransitive verbs and shows the student how these verbs are used with various two-way prepositions in the accusative and dative cases. The verbs featured are ‘stellen’, ‘stehen’, ‘legen’, ‘liegen’, ‘stecken’ and ‘hängen’. Pages are in landscape format and can be used as slides.
This lesson can be used in tandem with the lesson: “Two-Way Prepositions with Verbs” https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12677484
German A2 - Local Prepositions in the Dative Case (Quiz)
Quiz on local prepositions in the dative case (lokale Präpositionen im Dativ). Match the vocabulary words with the objects in the picture, then fill in the blanks with the appropriate preposition and article/ending. Answer key provided.
German A1 - Test: 'Perfekt' Tense (Translation Exercises)
Two-page translation quiz emphasizing the ‘Perfekt’ tense. Translation is from English to German. Some helpful translation cues are given, especially for the more difficult grammar concepts and vocabulary that haven’t yet been studied (dative case, adjective endings). This quiz is intended for students at a high A1 level or the beginning of A2 and assumes a basic knowledge of the accusative case. Strong and weak verbs as well as separable and inseparable forms are covered. Answer key with notes provided.
German A2 - Short Story in the 'Perfekt' Tense
In his short, two-page story we learn about Marie and her journey from Milan, Italy to Cologne, where she goes to school to get her training in office administration. This story tests skills in using the ‘Perfekt’ tense. A list of verbs is provided at the top of the first page. Using these verbs, students reading the story will fill in the blanks with the appropriate participle and helping verb. Included is a small glossary, an answer key and an English translation of the text.
Appropriate for 2nd or 3rd-year students of German, or for adult learners at around the A2.2 level. A knowledge of some subordinating conjunctions and related word order rules is helpful.
German A2 - Test - Parts of the Body (Körperteile)
3-page vocabulary quiz on parts of the body. The first page on basic body parts can be given to A1-level students. The entire set is intended for more advanced students and tests their knowledge of the smaller and more complex parts of the body. Answer key is included.
German A1 - Test: 'Perfekt' Tense (Strong Verbs)
Two-Page quiz on irregular ‘Perfekt’ tense verbs, also known as ‘strong’ verbs. This quiz is suitable for students at the end of A1.1 or the beginning of A1.2 (first year students). Answer key with notes provided.
German A2 - Vocabulary Review Lessons 35-37
6 pages of vocabulary notes (3 lessons) relating to homes, neighbors and relocation. Many phrases and idiomatic expressions used in everyday German are introduced (“Das klappt nicht” / “Was soll das?” / “Das ist so ein Pech!” , etc.). Grammatical themes include participles with inseparable prefixes. Most vocabulary words are used in one or more example sentence.
German A2 - Vocabulary Review Lessons 38-39
4 pages of vocabulary and grammar notes on two-way prepositions and associated verbs (2 lessons). Most new words are used in example sentences. Some household vocabulary included.