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Geography and Sociology resource and lesson shop

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(based on 37 reviews)

I am a secondary school Head of department and I love to teach engaging, vibrant and interesting lessons. I try to inspire students with what greets them when they come into my classroom and try to move away from the chalk and talk teacher at the front lessons and make learning interactive and fun!




I am a secondary school Head of department and I love to teach engaging, vibrant and interesting lessons. I try to inspire students with what greets them when they come into my classroom and try to move away from the chalk and talk teacher at the front lessons and make learning interactive and fun!
Introduction to the Living World - ecosystems AQA A

Introduction to the Living World - ecosystems AQA A

A good starter lesson with interactive activities such as map from memory and a sorting exercise in addition to a homework resource are attached. The book mentions the AQA A GCSE Geography text book right at the end of the ppt. This lesson has been transferred from a IWB file so the slides are images, and all of the tasks are on separate documents and can be differentiated as needed.
Coasts (sand dunes and transects) field work booklet Eduqas and AQA

Coasts (sand dunes and transects) field work booklet Eduqas and AQA

This booklet has the hypothesis, method, geographical application of a transect, instructions, equipment list and recording charts for students to complete this task in the field. Students can use this for any suitable location where there are sand dunes and there is also a vegetation analysis chart that has been added for species identification purposes.
Climate change - Maldives (SIDS) Eduqas and AQA Vulnerable coasts/ coastal hazards

Climate change - Maldives (SIDS) Eduqas and AQA Vulnerable coasts/ coastal hazards

This lesson considers how Climate change is impacting small island developing nations (SIDS) as a detailed case study. Students follow the lesson to understand the key terms and then apply their knowledge to a case study on a summary sheet with additional notes to assist them in their answer. The case study sheet is structured to encourage students to complete a variety of exam skill such as explain and justify as well as basic AO1/4 skills. There is also an examination question which can be used as a shared planning exercise or as a homework activity.
Tourism Q&A revision pack

Tourism Q&A revision pack

Students and parents can test themselves using the question and answer activities to learn and retain the content needed for the examination. The questions are largely focused around the AQA specification but can be applied to both EdExcel and OCR. My students have RAG these and put them onto flash cards for the questions that they find the most difficult.
AQA Geography Paper 1 home learning pack

AQA Geography Paper 1 home learning pack

This booklet contains an extensive set of question and answers for Paper 1 with Rivers and Coasts being the optional units (it does not have glaciation). The purpose of these booklets is so that students can put them onto flash cards as well as parents using the book to test their child. This resource has been compiled for students to access and use as an additional tool if they are working from home prior to the examinations.
China Population and Geography Skills

China Population and Geography Skills

This is a two part lesson that follows on from the Introduction lesson and the second lesson inn the scheme of work. Students have the opportunity to understand more about the population of China and population pyramids. In addition students learn skills of completing a chloropleth map and make comparisons between China's population and the UK over time. This lesson is the preparation for the 'One Child Policy'.
Rock types and the rock cycle

Rock types and the rock cycle

This lesson considers the main rock types and students complete and make a comparison pyramid to display in the classroom or in their books. Students then examine the rock cycle and have a variety of key terms and phrases to include in how rocks change shape and state as they journey through the cycle. There is also a homework task to consolidate learning.
Urbanisation and the Bhopal disaster

Urbanisation and the Bhopal disaster

This lesson explores the issues of the Bhopal disaster alongside other issues associated with rapid urbanisation. There are exam questions and tasks embedded that are self contained in the powerpoint and would just need to be printed.
Mass tourism in Majorca

Mass tourism in Majorca

This is a lesson that is ideal for KS3 or a lower ability KS4 class on Mass tourism, it fits best with AQA course however can fit nicely into any scheme of work and has the key skills needed for describing and explaining for an examination or assessment question.
Coastal landforms and types of coastline (sand dunes, LSD and unconsolidated) Eduqas/AQA

Coastal landforms and types of coastline (sand dunes, LSD and unconsolidated) Eduqas/AQA

This lesson covers 2-3 lessons regarding the way in which different coastlines are eroded as a result of geology of the cliffs and slopes. Students compare two coastlines and identify factors responsible. In addition this then goes on to show the formation of spits and the process of LSD as well as sand dunes. All activities are included to print and are stand alone without the need for a text book. These lessons fit in with the other coasts lessons for landforms and processes.
China population sorter: 'One Child policy'

China population sorter: 'One Child policy'

This is the third lesson in the series of China to help understand more about the social and economic issues associated with the One Child Policy and encourages students to be reflective about the future of China and the changes. The card sorting exercise encourages students to think about their own situations in addition to Mai Ling.
Geography of China

Geography of China

5 Resources
Get started with the China module and use the scheme of work, assessment, student self assessment rubric and five lessons that accompany the unit.