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I am a teaching Deputy Head in a primary school in Hampshire and TES recommended author. I've been teaching in primary since 2007 with experience in most year groups, although my heart lies in Year 1! I enjoy making helpful, time-saving and engaging educational resources for teachers and pupils - I hope you find them useful!




I am a teaching Deputy Head in a primary school in Hampshire and TES recommended author. I've been teaching in primary since 2007 with experience in most year groups, although my heart lies in Year 1! I enjoy making helpful, time-saving and engaging educational resources for teachers and pupils - I hope you find them useful!
Choices and consequences scenario cards

Choices and consequences scenario cards

Use these scenario cards to generate discussions in small groups and support your pupils in understanding the choices they can make and the consequences of these choices. Differentiated with simpler two choice scenarios, a three choice scenario and one scenario where a choice is left blank for the children to decide what other choice could be made.
Animals Venn Diagrams

Animals Venn Diagrams

Two differentiated Venn Diagrams for use with KS1 children or less able KS2 children. The first sheet sorts on a single criteria (whether the animal is nocturnal or not) and the second sheet sorts on two criteria, with overlap (animals that live on land/water). Also don't miss the opportunity for discussion around animals that go outside the circles on the second Venn Diagram!
Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark - role on the wall

Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark - role on the wall

Using Talk for Write ideas, this sheet was created to encourage children to consider the character of Plop in Jill Tomlinson's story, The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark. Physical attributes are written outside of the outline and thoughts & feelings are written inside the outline.
Two-digit Targets

Two-digit Targets

A place value worksheet where the children use given digits to create a 2-digit number that matches a target statement. There are two sheets, the second one provides more of a challenge.
Letter sounds orienteering

Letter sounds orienteering

Outdoors phonics activity, useful for Phase 4 revision of sounds. Print off the sound cards and hide around the playground. Children find the sound and the number then return to the supervising adult(s) who uses the checklist to ensure children have the sound correct and to record which sounds they have found.
Olympic Stadium Legacy

Olympic Stadium Legacy

Looking at the legacy of the Montreal Olympic Stadium, nicknamed 'The Big Mistake&' because of the amount of money poured into it. Also asks the children to think about the impact on the environment and society. Includes an activity at the end of creating a legacy for the London 2012 stadium and how to use it creatively and sustainably. My kids got so involved in this, it really surprised me how motivated and inventive they were - they even carried on in their own spare time!
Martin Luther King - I have a dream

Martin Luther King - I have a dream

Introductory powerpoint on Martin Luther King Jr, in particular his 'I have a dream&' speech, leading up to a poetry activity on writing their own speech/poem of what they would like to see in an ideal world. Contains two hyperlinks to youtube videos.
Level 1 Maths Assessment sheet

Level 1 Maths Assessment sheet

Levelling sheet that can be use to gain a snapshot of pupils' sub-level within level 1. The first two columns of the document contain assessment criteria linked to a simple task or question associated with the assessment focus. A third column is for assessor&'s notes and pupil&';s responses as evidence for levelling.
Jesse's Island number problem

Jesse's Island number problem

A number problem for year 1 children to solve involving triangular numbers. We had been looking at different methods the children could use to solve number problems, e.g. drawing diagrams, using apparatus, making playdough models, etc.. They worked in pairs or small groups to encourage them to talk about their approach. The problem is easily differentiated by changing the final number. More able children and those in higher year groups could look at the pattern and think about rules for solving the problem regardless of the number given.
Robot keyword spelling game

Robot keyword spelling game

A game to help pupils practice their high frequency keyword spellings. The first page - the game board - should be blown up to A3 size and I’ve laminated my copy. The keyword pages should be copied onto card and cut up. You will need a dice and a counter for each child playing (my class have used their mini robots that they created as part of our topic work).
Number stories - addition and subtraction

Number stories - addition and subtraction

Use number stories to help children visualise or act out a word problem or calculation. These number stories are based around addition and subtraction. Children are first shown a number story and relates it to a calculation as a model. The process is then turned around and scaffolded as the children are given a calculation and supported in making a number story from the calculation given. A set of differentiated number sentences is provided which the children can then use with practical equipment, drawings or writing to tell their own number stories.
Feet!  Problem solving activity

Feet! Problem solving activity

A pictorial problem solving activity for year 1 children. Which combinations of animals will give you the number of feet required? How many different ways are there of making a given number? Picture cards provide visual support for the activity.
Addition or Subtraction?

Addition or Subtraction?

Some number stories which ask the question - is this addition or subtraction? Pupils need to be able to answer this type of question if they are going to understand and work through mathematical word problems.
Tidying up song

Tidying up song

The children in my year 1 class were hopeless at tidying up at the end of a lesson. I wrote this song to remind then of the tidying up roles and to focus them on the task. It has worked a treat! (PS Sing to the tune of 'Pop Goes the Weasel&')