This worksheet is an extension to my other worksheets: People and Jobs; People Working 2. It introduces students to a wider-range of jobs and encourages them to use past knowledge to create sentences corresponding to the images shown. There is also an activity which gives students the practise of researching words and their meanings in the dictionary.
This worksheet introduces children to the concept of various jobs and their connotations. It also teaches children how to write full sentences to answer questions in a short comprehension.
This worksheet gives the student a cute, simple story to read, which they would relate to. Then there are questions which they must answer, stressing on lists written with commas. This gives students the skills they need to use commas when writing lists.
This worksheet provides the student with a short story. Then they must answer the questions. This resource guides students on how to answer questions in full sentences - highlighting the part of the sentence which is important and should be used in the answer.
This activity is meant to be used with NUMBER TILES. The student is given 17 tiles and fills in the boxes in column 1 with the numbers on their tiles. Then they switch it over to their neighbour and calculate the sums. Then they fill in the boxes on column 2 with their number tiles and passes it to the next girl to complete.
This worksheet is to be used with the other negative numbers worksheet, which I have uploaded. This is for students who need independant work otherwise they end up copying from their friends.
This activity is ideal for when you are starting to teach symmetry (year 7/8). I cut out the words on coloured paper and then hung them in a random order around the whiteboard and asked the students to put it in the correct order, which makes them work out the definition.
This worksheet teaches students how to draw angles in a practical way. They first need to draw the time on the clock and then measure the angle they have drawn. More advanced students can name the angle.
This worksheet is similar to 'multiples and factors' however I find that some students copy others so I have this worksheet with the same activities, except different numbers.
This resource gives the student a number of phrases jumbled up. It is the student's job to sort through to phrases and decide which one's belong to 'The Town' and which ones belong to 'The village'. This teaches the student about various characteristics specific to these places.
This worksheet gives students extra practise on basic negative numbers and introduces the concept of algebra, where letters substitute numbers. This also encourages partner work, since one partner writes the sums and the other writes the answers. This can be a helpful way of finishing the topic.
To familiarise users with the many keys on the computer keyboard, this exercise teaches users how to use common altenative methods of typing and navigating a document. User-friendly and step by step instructions used to ease the transition for new learners.
Additional review worksheets are also located at the end of the document to consolidate.
This is the level up from the Keyboard Skills 1 exercise. It teaches learners common keyboard shortcuts to work more productively and efficiently.
An additional review worksheet located at the end of document.
This pair of resources can be used as the basis of a first lesson to teaching spreadsheet. It introduces the software and explores the environment.
The Powerpoint presentation involves a little game to understand how cell referencing works. It is fun and educational!