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New Focus Education

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Key Stage 3, GCSE and A Level History resources available for purchase and download. New Focus Education offer resources from a teacher with 10 years teaching experience, a track record of excellent outcomes and experience of leadership at several levels. The main focus is AQA 8145 and AQA A Level, with key stage three resources available with GCSE skills and requirements embedded throughout.




Key Stage 3, GCSE and A Level History resources available for purchase and download. New Focus Education offer resources from a teacher with 10 years teaching experience, a track record of excellent outcomes and experience of leadership at several levels. The main focus is AQA 8145 and AQA A Level, with key stage three resources available with GCSE skills and requirements embedded throughout.
AQA 8145 - Health - Anaesthetics and Anti-septics

AQA 8145 - Health - Anaesthetics and Anti-septics

This lesson explores the development of anaesthetics and antiseptics, and the impact on surgery. The lesson begins with a discussion of the issues remaining in surgery with a video introducing Simpson and Lister. This then leads to an exploration of the role of anaesthetics and antiseptics through completing categorisation tasks and written responses, with the addition of a progress checkpoint. Students then plan and answer an 8-mark significance question around anaesthetics, marking their own or their peers and improving their answers. A judgement plenary allows students to develop which they feel was most significant and over which time.
AQA 8145 - Health - Vesalius, Pare and Harvey surgical contributions

AQA 8145 - Health - Vesalius, Pare and Harvey surgical contributions

This lesson revisits Vesalius, Pare and Harvey and focuses on how they helped surgery to develop. The lesson begins with a Medieval surgery knowledge audit, leading to a task on Vesalius and ranking his contributions in terms of importance. Students then review Harvey, considering successes and limitations, moving on to review Pare and his importance. At each stage challenge questions extend thinking and promote comparison of significance. An opportunity for ‘utility’ practice on Pare leads to a plenary debate on who had the largest contribution to the development of surgery in the Renaissance.
AQA 8145 - Health - Significance of John Hunter to surgical development

AQA 8145 - Health - Significance of John Hunter to surgical development

This lesson explores the role of the individual (John Hunter) in bringing surgical development in the Early Modern period. The lesson begins with a video exploring his significance, leading to a reduction task of the ‘top 3’ reasons for his significance in the different fields (books, training etc). Students then apply this to an 8-mark significance plan, leading to an overall assessment of surgical progress by 1800. Finally, a judgement line plenary allows an overall assessment of how much progress had been made in surgery by 1800.
AQA 8145 Health - Public Health essay planning

AQA 8145 Health - Public Health essay planning

This lesson recaps the key content on Public Health from Medieval England to the modern day beginning with a quiz-quiz-trade starter. Students then categorise the evidence into the different factors, using this to plan a 16-mark essay response on the government being the most important factor in developing public health. Students then write a model paragraph and self or peer assess this. Finally, students complete a trio recap plenary.
AQA 8145 - Health - Progress in 17th and 18th century medicine

AQA 8145 - Health - Progress in 17th and 18th century medicine

This lesson explores the extent of progress by the end of the 18th century for causes and cures. The lesson begins with a recap of how disease had been treated up to the start of the Renaissance, leading to a video allowing exploration of change and continuity of medicine. The lesson leads to a source task, exploring scientific v supernatural cures in this time, leading to a table task assessing progress and remaining limitations. Finally, students complete a continuum plenary assessing the extent of progress by the 18th century.
AQA 8145 - America 1920-73 - New Deal of WW2 essay practice

AQA 8145 - America 1920-73 - New Deal of WW2 essay practice

This lesson focuses on planning and writing a 12-mark essay assessing which was more important in ending the depression in America: New Deal or WW2. The lesson starts with a rapid recap of both, swapping and sharing information, leading to a collaborative, modelled planning of the essay after exploring Level 3 criteria. Students then write a judgement to the essay and complete a judgement line plenary.
AQA 8145 - America 1920-73 - the impact of WW2 on the USA

AQA 8145 - America 1920-73 - the impact of WW2 on the USA

This lesson explores how WW2 affected the USA both positively and negatively. The lesson starts with a recap of key terms from the previous lesson (e.g. Cash and Carry), moving into a video introducing the impact of WW2 on US society/economy/politics. Students then use the hand out to create a table showing the positive and negative impacts of WW2, leading to application planning to an 8-mark response on the impact of war on African-Americans and women. Students then debate the overall impact of WW2 on America, leading to an interpretation plenary on the legacy of WW2, linking in knowledge gained from the lesson.
AQA 8145 America 1920-73 - how did America get involved in WW2?

AQA 8145 America 1920-73 - how did America get involved in WW2?

This lesson begins with students exploring what they already know about WW2, using a video then to note down how the US became involved. Students then explore the stages to war from 1935-1941 assessing how involved America was at each stage. Students then complete notes and questions on how Pearl Harbour was the trigger point for US involvement. Students then create a mind map showing how WW2 benefitted the US economy. A judgement plenary explores how ‘beneficial’ WW2 was for America.
AQA 8145 - America 1920-73 - How did Hoover respond to the depression?

AQA 8145 - America 1920-73 - How did Hoover respond to the depression?

This lesson explores how Herbert Hoover attempted to tackle the issues of the Great Depression. The lesson begins with an interpretation of Hoover, allowing students to make an inference. Students then explore the biography of Hoover and suggest what kind of a leader he would be. A video outlining Hoovervilles leads to an assessment of the different methods Hoover used to tackle the depression - for each students assess if each was a success or failure and why. Students then link the learning to a 4-mark describe question, revisiting the interpretation of Hoover as a plenary.
AQA 8145 - America 1920-73 - The 1932 Presidential election

AQA 8145 - America 1920-73 - The 1932 Presidential election

This lesson explores why Roosevelt beat Hoover in the 1932 election. The lesson starts with an interpretation of Hoover with students supporting and challenging this, leading to a consideration of what voters would want in 1932. A video then introduces the election, leading to students assessing in a tabe why Hoover was unpopular and Roosevelt popular. Students then complete a written assessment, leading to a judgement line plenary on who was responsible for the loss of the 1932 election.
AQA 8145 - America 1920-73 - Opposition to the New Deal

AQA 8145 - America 1920-73 - Opposition to the New Deal

This lesson explores the causes and variety of opposition to the New Deal. A source starter allows inferences of criticisms of the New Deal, leading to a video exploring motivations behind the critics. Students then explore one opponent in depth and present to either the whole class or small groups, building a picture of the five main opponents. An interpretation plenary allows a review of criticisms of the New Deal and interpretation skills.
AQA 8145 - America 1920-73 - Who were the Americans? (Introductory lesson)

AQA 8145 - America 1920-73 - Who were the Americans? (Introductory lesson)

The first lesson in the scheme American 1920-73: Opportunity and Inequality, focusing on what American society was like by 1920. The lesson begins with an exploration of existing knowledge of America, moving to exploring the American political system. Students then watch a video on how immigrants came to America through Ellis Island, leading to an assessment of which groups held the most ‘value’ in society at the time. Students then create a spider diagram on why people emigrated to America at this time, linking it to the melting pot idea. Finally, students summarise America society by 1920 with 5 key words or phrases.
AQA 8145 - America 1920-73 - The Red Scare and Sacco and Vanzetti

AQA 8145 - America 1920-73 - The Red Scare and Sacco and Vanzetti

This lesson explores the causes for and events of the Red Scare in the 1920s. A source starter explores the issues of the melting pot and fears of ideological differences, leading to video notes exploring why communism was so feared at this time. Students then explore why communism was feared, linking in the Palmer raids. Using a video and a card sort, students assess how the case of Sacco and Vanzetti showed attitudes towards immigrants at this time. Finally, students link their learning to a source showing fears of anarchists and communism at this time.
AQA 8145: Conflict in Asia - The growing demands for peace (Vietnam pt. 1)

AQA 8145: Conflict in Asia - The growing demands for peace (Vietnam pt. 1)

This lesson focuses on the anti-war movement and how demands for peace escalated. The lesson starts with a picture starter, leading to a discussion over why opposition to the war increased after 1965. Students then complete a chart examining the different factors causing the growth in the anti-war movement, reaching a judgement. Two songs and their lyrics are then analysed to explore the role that songs played in influencing youth culture. Students then explore which anti-war slogans would have been the most effective at protests, leading a plenary vote on the most significant reason that impacted on the anti-war movement.
AQA 8145: Conflict in Asia: The Tet Offensive (Vietnam pt 1)

AQA 8145: Conflict in Asia: The Tet Offensive (Vietnam pt 1)

This lesson explores the events of the Tet Offensive and why it could be seen as a turning point in the Vietnam War. The lesson begins with a recap on why the US had been unsuccessful in the Vietnam War so far, leading to an introduction to Tet using two videos and students making notes on the events/impact. Students then use the hand out to examine Tet, highlighting Communist/US gains, leading to a completion of a table comparing how it was a Communist/US victory. Students then explore why it could be seen a turning point in the war, leading to a corners plenary.
Drake HE 2024 model answer - increase in wealth and power main result of journeys of exploration

Drake HE 2024 model answer - increase in wealth and power main result of journeys of exploration

A model answer to a sample question for the AQA 2024 HE on Drake’s Circumnavigation of the Globe 1577-1580. The answer explores several factors to address the question: “The main result of journeys of exploration was the increase in the wealth and power of Elizabethan England”. How far does the study of Drake’s circumnavigation support this statement? You should refer to Drake’s circumnavigation and your contextual knowledge (16 marks)
AQA 8145: Conflict in Asia: Eisenhower and Kennedy's policies (Vietnam pt.1)

AQA 8145: Conflict in Asia: Eisenhower and Kennedy's policies (Vietnam pt.1)

This lesson explores how both Eisenhower and Kennedy increased US intervention in Vietnam and their similarities/differences. The lesson begins with exploration of existing knowledge of Eisenhower, using a video to make notes, with the same task utilised for Kennedy. Students then use the handout to create a table showing similarities and differences of their policies, leading to a detailed focus on the Strategic Hamlet Programme. Students then list any successes and failures so far for the US in Vietnam, finally assessing how far they agree that the Strategic Hamlet Programme was ultimately a failure for the US.
AQA 8145: Conflict in Asia: US tactics in Vietnam (Vietnam pt. 1)

AQA 8145: Conflict in Asia: US tactics in Vietnam (Vietnam pt. 1)

This lesson explores how the US responded to VC tactics. The lesson starts with a rapid recap to review prior content, leading to a whiteboard discussion of why the US faced issues based on their young, inexperienced soldiers. Students then use the hand out to complete the chart exploring the strengths and weaknesses of various US tactics. The lesson then culminates in students exploring how the US/VC caused the various issues for the American troops.
AQA 8145 - Burghley Almshouse 2022 Model answer

AQA 8145 - Burghley Almshouse 2022 Model answer

A model answer for the 16-mark Historic Environment focus of Burghley Almshouse. The answer focuses on key themes for the creation of the Almshouse including legacy/memorial, religious motivations, fear of poverty/rebellion, and loyalty and status. The answer integrates key features and themes of Burghley’s Almshouse.