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Using adjectives to describe a setting Year 1

Using adjectives to describe a setting Year 1

A resource used when teaching a year 1 class about adjectives. Contains a powerpoint with two pictures of an icy setting to describe, a sound clip to be played when the children are thinking about what they may hear in this setting, a thermometer picture to use as a prompt when thinking about how cold it may be there. I used the resource alongside fake snow and fans in boxes. There are senses spinners for lower ability children as a prompt to get them thinking about using the 5 senses to describe the setting. There are also a range of snowflakes. Blank snowflakes for children to write their own adjectives on to share with the class and others with a range of different adjectives on for LA children to decide which ones would be well chosen and which wouldn't. They are then to match the well chosen adjectives to the picture.
Place Value 3-Digit Numbers

Place Value 3-Digit Numbers

A resource used to teach year 3 place value. This folder includes two files. The first is a starter where the children must order the 3-digit numbers printed on trains. Also included is an activity where the children must partition the 3-digit numbers printed on the trains into hundreds, tens and ones. Also comes with a blank set of trains.
Whole class reading where the wild things are year 1

Whole class reading where the wild things are year 1

A week long flipchart and resources to be used as a whole class read for year 1 based on the book ‘Where the wild things are’. Covers the domains- inference, sequencing, retrieval, prediction, vocabulary. Only open if you have publisher and activinspire otherwise it wont work. Activities are differentiated.
Year 1 RE celebrations pack

Year 1 RE celebrations pack

A plan and resources following the new RE curriculum for year 1 on celebrations. The pack contains a six week plan following the new national curriculum guidelines. The plan looks at celebrations- the celebrations the children may have been to, achievements, Jewish Passover, Eid, Christian wedding ceremonies and special places. The pack contains a powerpoint presentation to go with the plan along with activities for each lesson.
Writing compound sentences year 1

Writing compound sentences year 1

A resource made to recap writing compound sentences with year 1. We have previously learnt about coordinating conjunctions and compound sentences but revisited them before learning about complex sentences. The powerpoint and activity is linked to the Julia Donaldson stories as we are currently writing stories based on books by other authors. I have also included an activity where children are to match the two main clauses and turn them into a compound sentence.
Subordinating conjunctions and complex sentences

Subordinating conjunctions and complex sentences

A presentation and visual resource when teaching year 1 children about the subordinating conjunctions; when, if, that and because. Before introducing the lesson we recapped what we knew already about conjunctions and their purpose. The main activity was for the children to rewrite the sentences on the last slide and underline the subordinating conjunctions. I stuck the complex sentences stickers in the children's books as a reminder of complex sentences and what we had learnt about subordinating conjunctions.
Time interval problems year 1

Time interval problems year 1

A lesson on time interval problems for year 1. The powerpoint presentation recaps what the children already know about intervals of time and the clock and then asks them to solve a word problem on the board using their clocks and circular card folded into halves and quarters. Also included are differentiated word problems for quarter, half and full hours. The LA problems start from o'clock whereas the HA start from various points around the clock.
Persuasive writing toolbox

Persuasive writing toolbox

A resource created to be an aid on tables when year 3 children were using persuasive writing. Includes sign to go on the lid of the toolbox and pictures of tools to stick the persuasive techniques on. I bought cheap plastic boxes to create the toolboxes with,
Polar Express Activities to teach time.

Polar Express Activities to teach time.

A resource used for year 3 children when looking at time. The resource was created to get the children to think about different time intervals. The activity comes with question cards which ask the children to look at the different trains on the time table and work out how long it has taken for the trains to get from the station to the North Pole. The questions range from working out time intervals within and over an hour. The questions are differentiated with some asking the children to identify which train left at a certain time and others to work out the shortest and longest journey. The timetable and tickets are both Polar Express themed.
Grammar Suffixes Fly Swatting Game

Grammar Suffixes Fly Swatting Game

A resource designed to get children excited about grammar. The idea of the game is for children to investigate what happens when we add a suffix to words. One person is to read the word out to their two team mates who must use a fly swatter to choose the options relating to what they must do before adding the suffix to their words e.g. double the letter before it or remove a letter. The first to guess right gets to keep the word card. If children are struggling they can choose one of the magic clue keys to help them.
Year 3 Angles

Year 3 Angles

A range of resources to help children to come to terms with different angles. I created angle eaters so that the children could first investigate the angles that they could find around the classroom. Once the children had found a range of different objects containing right angles I used the alien angles display to get the to think about obtuse and acute angles. After investigating these with the angle eaters we moves on to labeling and sorting different angles and the angles within shapes.
Rainforest  Biome

Rainforest Biome

A pack of resources used when teaching year 3 about the rainforest when covering a biomes topic. This resource was used in conjunction with the book 'Charlie Small'. The packs of information were put into shoe boxes so that each group could investigate a layer of the rainforest independently, as a result the information is differentiated to allow different abilities to access the information. When I carried out this lesson I also included magnifying glasses and different toy animals to bring the learning to life. The children used this information to create a group presentation about the layer of the rainforest they had been investigating.
Using conjunctions and interesting sentence starts

Using conjunctions and interesting sentence starts

A presentation and resource created to help year 1 children to edit their work, include conjunctions in their writing and use a range of interesting sentence starts. At the end of the activity I asked children to look at the success criteria they had included in their work and rate whether they deserved 1, 2 or 3 stars, I then asked the children to stand in groups depending on how many they had included, the children were then given another opportunity to fix their work.
To understand animals and humans- investigate things that are living, dead and were never alive.

To understand animals and humans- investigate things that are living, dead and were never alive.

A lesson created to get children to think about things that are living, dead or were never alive in line with the new national curriculum. Lesson was created for KS1. The pack contains a powerpoint presentation which is easy to follow with a starter activity which children can do on the carpet or at their tables where they can discuss their thoughts. Also included is a table for the children to investigate living, dead and never alive objects around the school and then place in the correct column.
GP&S Homophones and near homophones year 1 and 2

GP&S Homophones and near homophones year 1 and 2

A lesson created to teach year 1 and 2 about homophones and near homophones. Can be used as a 20 minute grammar session or whole lesson depending on the depth you want to go into. Pack includes a lesson plan, a powerpoint presentation and the homophones hunt activity.
History Lesson- Taj Mahal

History Lesson- Taj Mahal

An activity created to teach children about the Taj Mahal during our India topic. Children were asked to think about what they already knew about the Taj Mahal. They were then to sort the facts into those that they thought were about the Taj Mahal and the ones that weren't. For the children's independent activity they were to colour in the picture of the Taj Mahal and then answer the questions on the board underneath the picture.