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LikeAnExpert English Resources

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I am an experienced English teacher and Literacy Coordinator. All of my resources are organised, engaging, ready to teach and designed to save you - the teacher - your valuable time! Please have a look at all of my resources - at least 20% of which are free.




I am an experienced English teacher and Literacy Coordinator. All of my resources are organised, engaging, ready to teach and designed to save you - the teacher - your valuable time! Please have a look at all of my resources - at least 20% of which are free.
Boy in the Striped Pyjamas - Chapter 2 (FULL LESSON)

Boy in the Striped Pyjamas - Chapter 2 (FULL LESSON)

Engaging and ready to teach one hour lesson to cover chapter two of ‘The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas’ by John Boyne. This lesson introduces the key words juxtaposition and foreboding. Students then look at three quotes and consider the techniques and effects used in them before writing a scaffolded PETER paragraph about the chapter. This resource includes a ready-to-teach lesson and a printable scaffolding worksheet. Learning Objective: Write a PETER paragraph about the impression of Bruno’s new house. Learning Outcomes: Bronze: Write a paragraph using the PETER structure. Silver: Explain the effect of the quote in detail. Gold: Make links between different parts of the text. Lesson Outline: Do It Now: Students try to work out the meaning of the two key words of today’s lesson. Starter: Students read the chapter and write down any quotes that give a foreboding impression Activity one: Think – pair- share discussion of the literary techniques used and the effects. Activity two: Students use PETER paragraph outline to write an analytical paragraph. Peer assessment Plenary: What do you think made Bruno feel “cold and unsafe” in the new house? Freebies: Two pre-reading lessons to introduce students to the context of The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas is available for free here. A lesson on chapter 1 of The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas is available for free here. A scheme of work for teaching the entire novel is available for free here. If you find this lesson useful, please consider purchasing this ‘The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas’ Bundle or have a look at other resources available in my shop. . Leave a review and choose any other resource of up to the same value for free from my shop.
Cambridge IGCSE 0500 - Summary Writing (Paper 1 Question 1f)

Cambridge IGCSE 0500 - Summary Writing (Paper 1 Question 1f)

An engaging and detailed lesson to teach students how to approach the summary question in their reading paper for the CIE 0500 English First Language specification. In this resource is an original exam script which students practise answering. This resource contains: A ready-to-teach powerpoint with printing and teaching instructions. An example summary question/extract and the mark scheme A revision handout so that students can practise the four step method for approaching this question. This has been updated according to the 2024 specification change. Learning Objective: Write an effective summary. Learning Outcomes: Students will understand how to meet the requirements of the mark scheme for the summary writing question. Students will experience a ‘walking mock’ of how to approach the summary writing question. Students will practise applying the mark scheme by using peer assessment. Lesson Outline: Do it now: Think, pair, share: What are the key skills needed for writing a summary? Starter: Overview of the exam question, skills and marks. Task 1: Modelled and scaffolded summary task divided into four steps. For the final step, students should be given 15 minutes to write their answer. Task 2: Scaffolded peer assessment - students assess multiple other examples so that they can see a range of answers. Task 3: Self-reflection Leaving question: What questions do you still have about writing a summary? Freebies: A free lesson giving an overview of CIE 0500 Language Paper One here. A free lesson giving an overview of CIE 0500 Language Paper Two here. Free marking templates for CIE 0500 here. If you find this lesson helpful, have a look at my CIE 0500 Language Paper 1 bundle here or the Language Paper 2 bundle here. If you’re interested in both, there is a combined bundle here which is cheaper than buying them separately. Please leave a review as I value all the feedback I receive, and have a look at other resources available in my shop. **
WW1 Poetry - two lessons analysing 'Anthem for Doomed Youth'

WW1 Poetry - two lessons analysing 'Anthem for Doomed Youth'

Two fully resourced and differentiated 1 hour lessons in which students are guided to independently analysing ‘Anthem for Doomed Youth’ by Wilfred Owen which culminate in students writing a PETER paragraph on it using a scaffold (explanation of PETER paragraphs included). The second lesson was observed by two members of SLT in my school and rated ‘outstanding’. This two lesson unit would be suitable for a high ability KS3 class but is easily adaptable. This resource includes: *Full Powerpoint for two lessons (20 slides) - breakdown of each lesson is provided. * Copy of ‘Anthem for Doomed Youth’ including glossary of difficult vocabulary. * PETER paragraph scaffold with sentence starters. Leave a review and choose any other resource for free from the LikeAnExpert shop.
Cambridge IGCSE 0500: Paper 2 -  Directed Writing

Cambridge IGCSE 0500: Paper 2 - Directed Writing

An engaging and detailed lesson to teach students how to approach the directed writing question in paper 2 for the CIE 0500 English First Language specification. This resource contains: A ready-to-teach powerpoint with printing and teaching instructions. An original example directed writing question with two insert texts provided. A revision handout so that students can can revise how to approach this question. Learning Objective: Understand how to approach the paper 2 directed writing task Learning Outcomes: Students will understand what the directed writing task looks like and what is assessed on the mark scheme. -Students will be introduced to a five step writing guide for this question. Lesson Outline: Do it now: What is directed writing? Discuss with your partner? Starter: What does the question look like and what is the mark scheme? Main task: Five step guided directed writing. Discussion Plenary: What questions or concerns do you still have about directed writing? Freebies: A free lesson giving an overview of CIE 0500 Language Paper One here. A free lesson giving an overview of CIE 0500 Language Paper Two here. Free marking templates for CIE 0500 here. If you find this lesson helpful, have a look at my CIE 0500 Language Paper 1 bundle here or the Language Paper 2 bundle here. If you’re interested in both, there is a combined bundle here which is cheaper than buying them separately. Please leave a review as I value all the feedback I receive, and have a look at other resources available in my shop. **
20 Lessons on The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas (COMPLETE SOW)

20 Lessons on The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas (COMPLETE SOW)

20 Resources
20 1-hour ready-to-teach and fully resourced lessons on every chapter of 'The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas' by John Boyne. This scheme also includes two contextual lessons to introduce students to the important background knowledge for the book such as Nazi Germany, the Holocaust and Auschwitz. All lessons are easily adaptable and ready to teach with a lesson overview and printing instructions. Each lesson has a clear learning objective and differentiated learning outcomes. This resource also includes a detailed knowledge organiser and a homework menu to accompany the unit. Assessment ideas for the unit are also provided. For a detailed breakdown of the knowledge and skills covered by this unit, have a look at the scheme of work, which is available for free if you click through the resources in this bundle. This covers a range of knowledge and skills on the key stage 3 curriculum and prepares students for both Language and Literature that they will study in key stage 4. A number of the resources in this bundle are available for free - you can find them if you click through the resources in the bundle. Please leave a review as I value all the feedback I receive. Freebies in this bundle (so that you can try before you buy): 1) Two pre-reading lessons to introduce students to the context of The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas. 2) A lesson on chapter 1 of The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas. 3) A scheme of work for teaching the entire novel. If you find this bundle useful, have a look at other resources available in my shop. Leave a review and choose any other resource of up to the same value for free. Instructions of how to claim are included in the bundle.
Cambridge IGCSE 0500: Paper 2 Descriptive Writing (2 FULL LESSONS)

Cambridge IGCSE 0500: Paper 2 Descriptive Writing (2 FULL LESSONS)

Two engaging and detailed lessons to teach students how to approach the descriptive writing question in Language paper 2 of CIE 0500 English Language IGCSE. This resource contains a ready-to-teach powerpoint with printing and teaching instructions. LESSON ONE Learning Objective: Plan a structure for descriptive writing for Language Paper 2 Learning Outcomes: -Students will understand what the descriptive questions look like and what is assessed on the mark scheme. Students will be introduced to a recommended descriptive structure and then will plan their own answer. Lesson Outline: Do it now: Quick recall – what skills are needed for descriptive writing? Share as part of a class discussion. Starter: Overview of paper 2, descriptive writing and the mark scheme. Task one: Outline of structure and students plan their structure. Peer assessment Plenary: Look at your zoom section and where your partner has added a ‘?’ Write a simile or metaphor to describe this feature. LESSON TWO Learning Objective: Improve our descriptive writing for Language Paper 2 Learning Outcomes: Students will revise the recommended structure for descriptive writing. Students will practise improving extracts using the success criteria. Students will begin to write a piece of descriptive writing using their structure plan. Lesson Outline: Do it now: Quick recall on structure and length of exam Starter: Gap fill exercise for descriptive writing success criteria Task one: Improve three examples using the success criteria. Task three: Write piece of descriptive writing. Peer assessment Plenary: After today’s lesson, what do you think are the top three rules for success in descriptive writing? Freebies: A free lesson giving an overview of CIE 0500 Language Paper One here. A free lesson giving an overview of CIE 0500 Language Paper Two here. Free marking templates for CIE 0500 here. # If you find this lesson helpful, have a look at my CIE 0500 Language Paper 1 bundle here or the Language Paper 2 bundle here. If you’re interested in both, there is a combined bundle here which is cheaper than buying them separately. Please leave a review as I value all the feedback I receive, and have a look at other resources available in my shop.
Macbeth detailed character profiles

Macbeth detailed character profiles

Detailed character profiles for five of the main characters in Macbeth: Macbeth, Lady Macbeth, Banquo, King Duncan and the three witches. These profiles contain a description of each character and some of their important quotes. They could be used for revision or for learning about the characters before reading the play. To purchase the accompanying lesson with the profiles included, please click here. Leave a review and choose any other resource for free from the LikeAnExpert shop.
Writing Skills (SPAG) - knowledge organiser/revision mat

Writing Skills (SPAG) - knowledge organiser/revision mat

A detailed knowledge organiser/revision mat that outlines punctuation and grammar techniques and writing styles. This could be used in English lessons or printed for desk placemats to develop literacy across the curriculum. Leave a review and choose any other resource for free from the LikeAnExpert shop.
Of Mice and Men - Revision Bundle

Of Mice and Men - Revision Bundle

6 Resources
This bundle contains six essential revision resources for Of Mice and Men revision. It includes: An Of Mice and Men revision card game which includes key quotes A 10 page Of Mice and Men revision guide on loneliness (focused on IGCSE Pearson English Literature but relevant to a range of syllabi) A 100 question Of Mice and Men revision quiz An Of Mice and Men knowledge organiser A knowledge organiser about Curley’s Wife and an activity in which students use this as a model to create knowledge organisers for the other characters in the book. A home-learning/online resource to help students to independently learn the social context of Of Mice and Men. Thank you for supporting my small business. Leave a review and choose any other resource for free from the LikeAnExpert shop.
Annotating and analysing poetry - 2 lessons to introduce these skills!

Annotating and analysing poetry - 2 lessons to introduce these skills!

Two fully resourced and ready-to-teach one-hour lessons which introduce students to the skills of annotating a poem and then writing an analytical PEE paragraph about it. These lessons are designed so that they can be downloaded and taught immediately and all printing instructions are included. The poem used is ‘I am Offering this Poem’ by Jimmy Santiago Baca. This lesson is aimed at KS3 and would be suitable for an introduction to poetry unit - but it could easily be adapted to younger or older students. Students will need to know what personification, similes, alliteration and repetition are already. These lessons include: A 22-slide Powerpoint Differentiated learning outcomes Copies of the poem with a glossary (in both word and pdf formats - for editing or printing). Explanation of annotation A model PEE paragraph Structured peer assessment Leave a review and choose any other resource for free from the LikeAnExpert shop.
Romeo and Juliet literary terms match-up exercise

Romeo and Juliet literary terms match-up exercise

This is a simple match up exercise containing key literary terms that students need to know to study Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare. I use it as a starter revision exercise or I also set it as homework to have students use it to create flashcards for revision. I have included one page of it in colour and one in black and white. Many of these terms are included on the Romeo and Juliet Knowledge Organiser. Please leave a review - I value all the feedback I receive - and have a look at the other free and cheap resources from the LikeAnExpert shop.
Free Macbeth Act 1, Scene 7 Worksheet: Lady Macbeth's Persuasion

Free Macbeth Act 1, Scene 7 Worksheet: Lady Macbeth's Persuasion

This free worksheet is designed to deepen students’ understanding of Act 1, Scene 7, where Lady Macbeth persuades Macbeth to commit murder. Perfect for in-class activities or homework, this resource helps students analyse persuasive devices such as rhetorical questions, emotive language, flattery, hyperbole, and direct address used by Lady Macbeth to manipulate Macbeth. Students will then apply these techniques through one of five creative tasks, encouraging them to craft their own persuasive speeches. This Macbeth worksheet is ideal for key stage 3 and key stage 4 students studying Shakespeare and works across various ability levels. Have a look at our other resources in our LikeAnExpert shop.**
Compound sentences and FANBOYS - 1 hour resourced and differentiated lesson

Compound sentences and FANBOYS - 1 hour resourced and differentiated lesson

Ready-to-teach and easily adaptable 1 hour lesson to teach simple/compound sentences and FANBOYS connectives. This lesson breaks down the difference between independent and dependent clauses and then prompts students to compose their own simple and compound sentences. This lesson includes a very engaging extension task whereby students correct the punctuation in ‘Human’ by Rag’n’Bone Man. This activity really pushes them to consider what is and isn’t an independent clause and the music means that students find it really engaging. This lesson was designed for key stage 3, but could easily be adapted for key stage 2 or key stage 4 depending on the ability! Leave a review and choose any other resource for free from the LikeAnExpert shop.
Horror Bundle - features of gothic horror writing

Horror Bundle - features of gothic horror writing

7 Resources
This bundle contains resources to help students to develop their understanding of horror conventions and their close reading of texts. These lessons are all fully differentiated, resourced and ready to teach. All teacher instructions and answers (if required) are included. 'Do it now' activities, differentiated learning outcomes and opportunities for peer assessment are all included. This bundle includes: * A lesson on the features of gothic horror description. * A lesson in which students learn how to write their own gothic horror description. *A lesson for lower ability learners to teach them how to write a point, evidence, explain answer about 'Dracula'. * A lesson in which students independently analyse the beginning of 'The Tell-Tale Heart' by Edgar Allan Poe. * An independent close reading lesson which can be used multiple times with different texts (could be used with any challenging horror text). * A horror writing knowledge organiser * A horror writing homework menu Leave a review and choose any other resource for free from the LikeAnExpert shop.
Textual analysis support mat/knowledge organiser

Textual analysis support mat/knowledge organiser

This support mat/knowledge organiser is designed to help students in their independent literary textual analysis. It contains the following sections: Annotation Sentence starters for comparing/contrasting, introducing new information etc. How to embed quotes within sentences A checklist for outstanding analysis. I use the checklist to help when giving students feedback (which is why they are coded by letters). I would then give students a specific letter to be their target for their next attempt. I have included the file as a pdf for easy printing, and also as a ppt file so that you can edit it in line with your own teaching methods if you wish. Leave a review and choose any other resource for free from the LikeAnExpert shop.
Boy in the Striped Pyjamas: Knowledge Organiser & Homework Menu

Boy in the Striped Pyjamas: Knowledge Organiser & Homework Menu

A detailed knowledge organiser and homework menu to support students studying ‘The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas’ by John Boyne The knowledge organiser includes: 21 literary terms and their definitions of techniques analysed in the novel such as juxtaposition, foreboding, mondegreen etc… 10 contextual terms and their definitions such as Holocaust, Antisemitism, Aryan Race etc… 10 reading terms and their definitions such as scanning, skimming, synthesis etc… The homework menu includes: Four weeks worth of homework: for each week students are able to select the specifics of their task from a menu. The options include research, informational writing, artistic and creative writing tasks. This is suitable for any age group studying The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas. If you find these resources useful, consider purchasing this ‘The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas’ Bundle or have a look at other resources available in my shop. Leave a review and choose any other resource of up to the same value for free from my shop.
CIE 0500 IGCSE English Language Papers 1 and 2: Scheme of Work

CIE 0500 IGCSE English Language Papers 1 and 2: Scheme of Work

A scheme of work to introduce students to the entire syllabus of CIE 0500 IGCSE English Language. These lessons work well both to introduce the course or as revision before exams. This scheme of work has 12 lessons and involves 2 assessments for papers 1 and 2. All of the resources required to teach this scheme of work are available in my shop and a number of them can be downloaded for free as I have listed below. Freebies: A free lesson giving an overview of CIE 0500 Language Paper One here. A free lesson giving an overview of CIE 0500 Language Paper Two here. Free marking templates for CIE 0500 here. # If you find this scheme of work helpful, have a look at my CIE 0500 Language Paper 1 bundle here or the Language Paper 2 bundle here. If you’re interested in both, there is a combined bundle here which is cheaper than buying them separately. Please leave a review as I value all the feedback I receive, and have a look at other resources available in my shop.
Complex sentences - 1 hour differentiated lesson

Complex sentences - 1 hour differentiated lesson

Ready-to-teach and easily adaptable 1 hour lesson on complex sentences. This lesson teaches students how to write complex sentences and how to move the dependent clause to different parts of the sentence accurately. This lesson was designed for key stage 3, but could easily be adapted for key stage 2 or key stage 4 depending on the ability! Leave a review and choose any other resource for free from the [LikeAnExpert](https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/LikeAnExpert ) shop.
IGCSE Curious Incident (play) - 12 lesson scheme of work overview

IGCSE Curious Incident (play) - 12 lesson scheme of work overview

A 12 lesson scheme of work overview to support students in their studies of The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time (play by Simon Stephens) for Edexcel English Literature IGCSE 4ET1. All the resources are available on TES. The first lesson can be found for free here. If you find this resource helpful, please leave a review and have a look at other resources available in my shop.
Home/online learning: Boy in the Striped Pyjamas 21 lesson workbook/full scheme of work

Home/online learning: Boy in the Striped Pyjamas 21 lesson workbook/full scheme of work

21 engaging and supportive lessons designed for home/online/virtual learning to assist students to independently read ‘The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas’ by John Boyne. This is aimed at key stage 3 students and covers both English Language and Literature skills. I have taken my popular scheme of work on ‘The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas’ and redesigned it for students to be able to work through independently from home. Therefore it is a workbook style document and students type their work straight into the Powerpoint. This is ideal for students who are home-schooled or need additional support to study the novel. This workbook comprises of 21 full one-hour lessons, and it is 225 Powerpoint slides long. The Powerpoint/workbook contains: A contents page A knowledge organiser with all the key terms for the unit defined A calendar template so that you can support your students with when they should be working on their English work. 21 fully resourced lessons with spaces for students to complete the work in it. Extension tasks A helpsheet Space for teacher/parent feedback. Freebies: Two pre-reading lessons to introduce students to the context of The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas is available for free here. A lesson on chapter 1 of The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas is available for free here. A scheme of work for teaching the entire novel is available for free here. If you find this lesson useful, please consider purchasing this ‘The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas’ Bundle or have a look at other resources available in my shop. . Leave a review and choose any other resource of up to the same value for free from my shop.