Lesson resources for ESL GCSE focused on free time activities. Includes a PPT with picture prompts to test vocabulary, useful phrases, pairs speaking practice and a photo card with questions. Includes a word document with sentence building practice (with pictures), gap fill text for grammar practice (past tense) and a writing exercise. Also includes an additional PPT with speaking exam questions.
This material would cover more than one lesson and is great for GCSE (A1/A2 level) teaching or revision.
Two Spanish GCSE PPTs with an accompanying word document with a reading comprehension about holidays and a word find, questions, translation and writing exercises. One PPT focuses on holidays with speaking activities, vocab matching, gap-fill, odd one out, translation and role-play. The second PPT is about making bookings in a hotel and train station with useful vocabulary, 2 dialogues, 2 role-plays, speaking and writing exercises.
Two French GCSE PPTs with an accompanying Word document with a reading comprehension about holidays, a word find, questions, translation and writing exercises. One PPT focuses on holidays with speaking activities, vocab matching, gap-fill, odd one out, translation and role-play. The second PPT is about making bookings in a hotel and train station with useful vocabulary, 2 dialogues, 2 role-plays, speaking and writing exercises.
A GCSE Italian PPT with accompanying word document with a text about holidays with word find, questions, translation and writing exercises. Includes speaking, vocab matching, gap-fill, translation and role-play. Also an additional PPT about making bookings in a hotel and train station with useful vocabulary and role-plays.
Includes 2 PPTS for Italian GCSE to review the environment topic.
Both include vocab review with pictures, speaking activities incl. photo cards & questions, translations, verb review, writing exercises and video links for listening practice.
Resources for Italian B1 level (AS/lower grade A level) or could be adapted for GCSE. Includes 2 PPTs with material on sport, including football vocabulary and reading texts, Olympic sports with readings texts about Italy’s medal achievements in Tokyo 2020 Olympics, photos, comprehension questions and speaking topics.
A series of resources suitable for Italian GCSE level and above.
Includes 2 PPTs which can be used for a series of lessons, including vocab, reading texts about Magna Grecia, speaking activities and role-play. The second lesson hones in on Taranto, Puglia and focuses on archaeology in the city.
A great lesson on the history and culture of ancient Italy as well as modern day holiday resorts.
Italian resources on the topic of street art, suitable for A level and above.
Includes 2 PPTs which could be used for 2 lessons. Both feature the work of well known Italian street artists. Including reading texts, questions, T/F, translation, vocab and questions for free speaking practice.
Spanish GCSE resources focused on environmental problems and solutions. Includes a set of resources that could be used for 2 lessons or more - 2 PPTs and 2 student worksheets. One set focuses on problems and the other focuses on solutions.
The resources include vocabulary/ verb review, translation sentences, jumbled sentences, speaking questions, sentence matching, gap-fill and writing exercises.
Suitable for group classes or online individual lessons.
Italian GCSE resources focused on environmental problems and solutions. Includes a set of resources that could be used for 2 lessons or more - 2 PPTs and 2 student worksheets. One set focuses on problems and the other focuses on solutions.
The resources include vocabulary/ verb review, translation sentences, jumbled sentences, speaking questions, sentence matching, gap-fill and writing exercises.
Suitable for group classes or online individual lessons.
French GCSE resources focused on environmental problems and solutions. Includes a set of resources that could be used for 2 lessons or more - 2 PPTs and 2 student worksheets. One set focuses on problems and the other focuses on solutions.
The resources include vocabulary/ verb review, translation sentences, jumbled sentences, speaking questions, sentence matching, gap-fill and writing exercises.
Suitable for group classes or online individual lessons.
Includes 2 PPTs for GCSE Italian review on voluntary work & the homeless. Also there are 2 Word documents with reading texts.
Lessons include: vocab review, reading texts, vocab matching activities, grammar, translation exercises, speaking activities - role-play/photo card & additional video links with questions.
2 PPTs for Italian GCSE about festivities and focusing primarily on Carnevale.
PPT 1: Review of Italian festivities, a reading text about Carnevale with vocab check and true/false questions, translation sentences, speaking questions about carnival/festivities. Also includes a grammar review on relative pronouns with exercises and verb + preposition review. There is also a picture card for GCSE speaking practice about carnevale and festivities. Reading text also as Word document.
PPT 2: Follow on lesson with a review of grammar from previous PPT (relative pronouns & verb + preposition. Review of carnivale di Acireale, reading text about Venice Carnevale with vocab check, T/F questions and translation sentences. Also questions for speaking about carnivals.
Italian GCSE review material that covers topics: rooms in the house, hotels, family & relationships, social networks, future studies and the past subjunctive.
Includes 3 PPTs with vocab review pictures/words, reading comprehensions with questions, translation, writing, speaking material- role-play & picture card. Also includes a worksheet on the past subjunctive.
A series of materials suitable for Italian B2 level (A level) introducing art, artisans and architecture. Includes 3 PPTs that include new vocab, readings texts/photos about art history in Italy (Leonardo Da Vinci, Michelangelo etc) as well as role-play and speaking prompts. (Intended to be a series of lessons- 1. L’ italiano con l’arte 2. L’artigianato 3. Architettura).
This bundle includes 7 PPTs with speaking practice questions for Spanish GCSE. The 7 topics are: home life, family, food and drink, free time, holidays, school and further education.
This bundle includes 7 PPTs with speaking practice questions for French GCSE. Topics are: home life, family, food and drink, free time, holidays, school and further education.
This bundle includes 7 PPTs with speaking practice questions for Italian GCSE. The 7 topics are: home life, family, food and drink, free time, holidays, school and further education. The slides include GCSE style questions focused on the topic and a sentence starter.
A bundle of Spanish resources covering festivals and traditions in Spain. 6 topics: La Tomatina, San Fermin, Halloween, Easter, Valentine’s Day and Christmas. In addition, there are 2 quizzes to review Christmas and customs and festivals.
A selection of GCSE French grammar resources that will cover many hours of teaching with a mixture of PPTs and worksheets These resources cover: adjectives, prepositions and conjunctions, adverbs, asking questions, the present tense, the perfect tense, imperfect and pluperfect tenses, future tenses, present tense and past tense review and a collocations quiz.