I have been working at the EAL Department for over 10 years developing resources in various subjects. If you are keen on Flipped Classroom concept of teaching, you can use all my presentations as pre-teaching resources for students (to study before a lesson).
I have been working at the EAL Department for over 10 years developing resources in various subjects. If you are keen on Flipped Classroom concept of teaching, you can use all my presentations as pre-teaching resources for students (to study before a lesson).
This poster is designed to promote learning foreign languages in schools, the choice of 'language icons' covers many successful people in sport, science, music, film. The main aim of this campaign is to show to students that learning languages enhances chances of success in life.
This poster is designed to promote learning foreign languages in schools, the choice of 'language icons' covers many successful people in sport, science, music, film. The main aim of this campaign is to show to students that learning languages enhances chances of success in life.
This poster is designed to promote learning foreign languages in schools, the choice of 'language icons' covers many successful people in sport, science, music, film. The main aim of this campaign is to show to students that learning languages enhances chances of success in life.
This presentation is based on Edexcel GCSE History of Medicine book. By adding many pictures, photos, diagrams and couple of video links the content of the course is more accessible to all ability pupils. This unit is about the stage of medical knowledge and practice before the outbreak of the WW1: aseptic surgery, development of x-rays, blood transfusions and storage.
This presentation is based on Edexcel GCSE History of American West book. The content of the course is converted into visual presentation with multiple pictures, photos and video links. This unit informs about the climate of the Great Plains, specific adaptation of Native American to a nomadic way of life, the importance of buffalo (bison) and horses to Indians, as well as their beliefs.
This resource is based on Edexcel GCSE History of American West in 1800s book. The main aim is to make the content of the course more visual so it should be more accessible to all ability pupils. This resource has many pictures, diagrams, maps and video link. You can use this in Flipped Classroom concept of teaching (pre teaching resource), normal lesson or exam revision. This lesson is about the Ghost Dance Movement, The Wounded Knee Massacre and the reaction of American public to the massacre.
This resource is based on Edexcel GCSE History of American West in 1800s book. The main aim is to make the content of the course more visual so it should be more accessible to all ability pupils. This resource has many pictures, diagrams, maps and video link. You can use this in Flipped Classroom concept of teaching (pre teaching resource), normal lesson or exam revision. This lesson is about the Rage Wars- The Johnson County War, beginning with tensions in Wyoming, killing of Ella Watson and Jim Averill, the ‘Invaders’ in Johnson County, their attack, catching and trial.
This resource is based on Edexcel GCSE History of American West in 1800s book. The content is enriched with many pictures, photos, diagrams and a video link, so the topic is more accessible to all ability pupils. The resource can be used in Flipped Classroom teaching style (as pre teaching resource) or revision material. This lesson is presenting the story of establishing and shrinking of the reservations, removal of the power of Plains Indians’ Chiefs, the role of reservation agents, education and religion at reservations, as well as living conditions.
This resource is based on Edexcel GCSE History American West in the 19th Century. The main aim is to make the content more visual, hence more accessible to all ability pupils. There are many pictures, photos and diagrams, as well as couple of video links. This unit is about the challenges of white settlers who were trying to develop farming on the Great Plains.
This resource is based on Edexcel GCSE History of Medicine book, and by adding many pictures, photos and diagrams the content becomes more accessible to all ability pupils. This unit is summarises the influence of genetics in human health in 20th century: early genetics (Grego Mendel), idea of inheritance, discovery of the DNA (James Watson, Francis Crick, Rosalind Franklin, Maurice Wilkins), and finally the Human Genome Project. This presentation includes 3 YouTube video links to present the content in more visual form.
This presentation is based on Edexcel GCSE History of American West in 1800s book. The content is converted into visual slides (many pictures, photos, maps and diagrams), so it becomes more understandable to all ability pupils. This resource can be used in pre-teaching (Flipped Classroom concept). The content of the unit: the overview of rivalry between ranchers and homesteaders (and sheep farmers).
This resource is based on Edexcel GCSE History of American West in 1800s book. The main aim is to make the content of the course more visual so it should be more accessible to all ability pupils. This resource has many pictures, diagrams, maps and video link. You can use this in Flipped Classroom concept of teaching (pre teaching resource), normal lesson or exam revision. This lesson is summarising the changes in farming on Great Plains: its challenges, the impact of dry farming, use of wind pumps, barbed wire and mechanisation in farming.
This is a short presentation to explain the story line of the poem. It starts with a brief information about the idea of poppies as a symbol or remembrance (video link to a YouTube video), then visual explanation of each line of the poem with labelled diagrams. Hope you will find it useful. Can be used in all ability classes, but is designed to be used by an EAL pupil/
This is a short presentation to explain the content of the poem Storm on the Island, it contains many visual clues and labelled diagrams, as well as a link to a YouTube video of the reading of this poem. It had been made with EAL pupils in mind but can be used by any ability student.
This presentation is designed to explain poem The Charge of the Light Brigade in a visual form, it can be used in all ability classes. The presentation starts with a brief introduction to Crimean Wars and Battle of Balaclava, then using visual prompts and labelled diagram presents each line of the poem in accessible way. At the end the are links to 2 video clips: one a fragment of the 1968 film (The Charge of the Light Brigade) and reading of the poem.
This is a PowerPoint presentation on War Photographer, it was originally made for EAL pupils, who would need additional visual support in understanding the content of the poem. Each line of the poem has supported by labelled pictures, the introduction to the poem has a link to a short video about the work of a photographer in a dark room, the finally the last slide contains links to a YouTube video (hyperlink and QR code) with a reading of the poem. Hope you will find it useful. Can be used by all ability students.
This presentation is based on Edexcel GCSE History (9-1) Anglo Saxon and Norman England, the content of the book has been enriched in visual clues, diagrams and maps for better understanding the concept. Original idea was to create a resource for EAL pupils, but it can be used by any ability pupils. This topic contents: King Cnut, Godwin, his earldoms and succession, increase of power during Edward the Confessor's reign.
This resource is based on Edexcel GCSE History Anglo Saxon and Norman England book. The main aim is to visualise the content of the course by adding pictures and labelled diagrams. This presentation compares the tactics of both armies, and the leadership of Harold and Duke William of Normandy.
This poem visualisation was originally created for EAL pupils, although it is accessible to all ability pupils, each line of the poem is enriched in labelled pictures. It used pictures of war torn Syria, so if you have pupils who are Asylum Seekers or Refugees, please be aware about the content.
This lesson is based on Edexcel GCSE History Anglo Saxon and Norman England. It is made to help all ability students with comprehension by adding visual clues. This lesson is on the Harrying of the North, causes and immediate and long term impacts of the harrying.