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A Streetcar Named Desire Revision Booklet

A Streetcar Named Desire Revision Booklet

A 20 page booklet containing high level analysis of over 100 key quotations from A Streetcar Named Desire. Includes a revision page of quotations for each scene of the play and for each of the 4 main characters Blanche, Stella, Stanley and Mitch. Also includes a revision sheet on Williams’ innovative use of plastic theatre. Ideal as a revision print out to help students revise content. I give the students the booklet and ask them to create timelines to trace the development of themes across the play.
Mitch 3 full length exam responses to compare Band 3, Band 4, Band 5 A Streetcar Named Desire

Mitch 3 full length exam responses to compare Band 3, Band 4, Band 5 A Streetcar Named Desire

This resource contains 3 different responses to the following question: ‘Mitch is presented as a one-dimensional character who contributes little to the tragic impact of the play’. There is a band 3 response, a band 4 response and a band 5 response. This is useful for helping students to clearly see the difference between the attainment bands on the mark scheme. Also contains a revision sheet on Mitch’s character.
A Streetcar Named Desire: Notes on Scene 10

A Streetcar Named Desire: Notes on Scene 10

47 slide PowerPoint analysing Scene 10 in detail. Includes detailed analysis of 12 quotations from Scene 10 with a focus on Williams’ use of plastic theatre in this pivotal scene. There is also a blank template for students to have a go at exploring the quotations themselves first. Also includes a range of discussions on this critical scene.
A Streetcar Named Desire: Notes on Scene 11

A Streetcar Named Desire: Notes on Scene 11

50 slide PowerPoint with detailed analysis of 10 key quotations from Scene 11 of the play along with critical discussions about the final scene and a band 5 model essay about the ending. For analysis of key quotations from all scenes, try my bundle: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12899413
A Streetcar Named Desire: Scene 4 notes

A Streetcar Named Desire: Scene 4 notes

36 slide lesson looking at Scene 4 of A Streetcar Named Desire over 2 lessons. Contained detailed analysis of 12 key quotations. Also includes a blank template for students to write their own thoughts about the key quotations. Lesson 2 includes the planning for an essay based question on Blanche based on scenes 1-4.
A Streetcar Named Desire: Scene 5

A Streetcar Named Desire: Scene 5

Detailed 41 slide lesson analysing scene 5 from A Streetcar Named Desire to over 2 or 3 lessons. Includes detailed analysis of 12 key quotations from Scene 5 along with a blank template for students to explore their own thoughts about the quotations. Includes an analytical writing task based on the episode at the end of the scene.
A Streetcar Named Desire:  Scenes 7 and 8

A Streetcar Named Desire: Scenes 7 and 8

2 lessons with accompanying sheets analysing key quotations from Scenes 7 and 8 of A Streetcar Named Desire. Also includes a blank template for students to first try and explore the quotations themselves.
A Streetcar Named Desire Bundle

A Streetcar Named Desire Bundle

20 Resources
A bundle of resources to support the teaching of A Streetcar Named Desire. Detailed lesson on each scene of the play with accompanying revision sheets analysing key quotations. Character revision sheets on the 4 main characters. Various high level model responses. Revision booklet collating the resources into an easy to print version.
Edexcel Conflict Poetry Revision

Edexcel Conflict Poetry Revision

A 42 page booklet focused on the Edexcel conflict poetry anthology for GCSE 2024. Includes, printer-friendly revision activity sheets for all 15 poems in the Edexcel Conflict anthology. For each poem there is a question sheet and a detailed answer sheet covering the whole poem. Also includes 3 knowledge organisers looking at big ideas, structure and context in all 15 poems. Also includes 7 high grade model responses to different questions covering multiple themes such as war, powerful images, tension, anger and conflict. The Man he Killed Exposure Poppies No Problem What were they like? Charge of the light brigade Extract from the Prelude The Destruction of Sennacherib A Poison Tree Belfast Confetti Half Caste Cousin Kate Catrin The Class Game War Photographer
A Streetcar Named Desire: Scene 1

A Streetcar Named Desire: Scene 1

A sheet analysing 12 key quotations from Scene 1 of A Streetcar Named Desire. Contains a blank template version for students to have a go at analysing the quotations themselves. I then reveal the model explanations for each quotation. Also contains analysis sheets for the epigraph and the opening stage directions. Also contains a lesson exploring the whole scene.
A Streetcar Named Desire: Scene 2 Lesson and Notes

A Streetcar Named Desire: Scene 2 Lesson and Notes

Detailed analysis of 16 key quotations from Scene 2 on one handy printable revision sheet. Also includes a blank version for students to have a go at first exploring the significance of the quotations themselves. Also contains a PPT exploring the scene.
A Streetcar Named Desire: Scene 6

A Streetcar Named Desire: Scene 6

Lesson on Scene 6. Analysis of 12 key quotations from Scene 6 of A Streetcar Named Desire. Also includes a blank template version for students to explore the significance of the quotations themselves.
EdExcel Conflict Poetry

EdExcel Conflict Poetry

17 Resources
A range of revision worksheets on the Edexcel conflict poetry. Includes revision sheets on all 15 poems. Poppies Charge of the Light Brigade No Problem Prelude Exposure Belfast Confetti The Destruction of Sennacherib What were they like? A Poison Tree The Man he Killed Half Caste Catrin The Class Game Cousin Kate War Photographer