I regularly upload resources that I have created during 30 years as a teacher. Most of these are maths, but there are some ICT/Computing and Tutor Time activities. All of the resources are my own and are not available from third-parties. The resources have been tweaked over time and I have had many happy lessons and shed-loads of happy and successful students.
At the end of 2017 the TES announced that I was the most downloaded new author and in 2018 another 2 million were added to the count.
I regularly upload resources that I have created during 30 years as a teacher. Most of these are maths, but there are some ICT/Computing and Tutor Time activities. All of the resources are my own and are not available from third-parties. The resources have been tweaked over time and I have had many happy lessons and shed-loads of happy and successful students.
At the end of 2017 the TES announced that I was the most downloaded new author and in 2018 another 2 million were added to the count.
These two worksheets have never failed to get my students to gain an excellent understanding of using indices. They are aimed at upper primary or early secondary students.
Solutions are included.
These topic-focused SATs questions at the end of a unit will help to test and extend students’ understanding as well as helping them to prepare for SATs next year. These questions have fully-worked solutions which can be displayed on a whiteboard making feedback with students more efficient.
Click 👉 tes.com/…/KS2-Maths-Questions… for similar-style compilations on the other KS2 topics.<hr>This particular compilation is from the STATISTICS strand and contains questions on The Mean. There are a few standard questions, but also plenty of reasoning questions which require the students to show that they understand the relationship between the mean and the total.<hr>I have designed this compilation to be printed as an A4 or A5 booklet which is in the style of the actual SATs papers and is convenient for use in class or as homework. It can even be given to individual students if a parent is asking for ‘some more work’!
I have provided full answers, with comments and working where helpful.
I have maintained the style of the actual SATs questions so that students can become comfortable with the way that SATs questions are presented.
Most of the questions are from actual SATs papers, but I have also added questions so that this resource matches the requirements the current curriculum better than the older resources that are still in common use (note that many of the older resources of this type contain questions on topics which are no longer examined).
I have spent a lot of time arranging the questions so that there is a general increase in difficulty as students work through them, and so that they fit on the pages better ��� this means less wasted space and significant paper-saving when printing 😃
<hr>👍If you like this resource, then please rate it and/or leave a comment💬.
If the rate-resource button on this page doesn’t work, then go to your ratings page by clicking 👉 www.tes.com/…/rate-resources…
Ideal for GCSE revision, this worksheet contains exam-type questions that gradually increase in difficulty. This sheet covers Advanced Simultaneous Equations in which one of the equations is a quadratic.
This review sheet is great to use in class or as a homework. It is also excellent for one-to-one tuition and for interventions.
These worksheets (with solutions) help students take the first steps and then strengthen and extend their skills and knowledge of Solving Quadratic Equations by Factorising. Questions are carefully planned so that understanding can be developed, misconceptions can be identified and so that there is progression both across and down each sheet. Interactive versions of these sheets are available at
The interactive version allows individual questions to be selected for enlarged display onto a screen. The answer can then be worked out ‘live’ by the teacher (or student) or a single click will reveal my solution. This not only helps in class, but it is also very useful for a student who is revising at home.
These topic-focused SATs questions at the end of a unit will help to test and extend students’ understanding as well as helping them to prepare for SATs next year. These questions have fully-worked solutions which can be displayed on a whiteboard making feedback with students more efficient.
Click 👉 tes.com/…/KS2-Maths-Questions… for similar-style compilations on the other KS2 topics.<hr>This particular compilation is from the ALGEBRA strand and contains questions which test students understanding of Algebraic Expressions. The questions ask students to write worded phrases using algebra; to simplify algebraic expressions; and evaluate simple algebraic expressions by substituting values.<hr>I have designed this compilation to be printed as an A4 or A5 booklet which is in the style of the actual SATs papers and is convenient for use in class or as homework. It can even be given to individual students if a parent is asking for ‘some more work’!
I have provided full answers, with comments and working where helpful.
I have maintained the style of the actual SATs questions so that students can become comfortable with the way that SATs questions are presented.
Most of the questions are from actual SATs papers, but I have also added questions so that this resource matches the requirements the current curriculum better than the older resources that are still in common use (note that many of the older resources of this type contain questions on topics which are no longer examined).
I have spent a lot of time arranging the questions so that there is a general increase in difficulty as students work through them, and so that they fit on the pages better – this means less wasted space and significant paper-saving when printing 😃
<hr>👍If you like this resource, then please rate it and/or leave a comment������.
If the rate-resource button on this page doesn’t work, then go to your ratings page by clicking 👉 www.tes.com/…/rate-resources�����
This activity gives students practice at finding an unknown side or angle using the sine, cosine or tangent ratios.
Click 👉https://tes.com/.../more… for similar style Treasure Hunts on 50 other topics.
Note that unlike most Treasure Hunts, this one has the added feature that the answers give an encrypted clue. Deciphering this clue reveals where the treasure is hidden!
A Treasure Hunt is a great activity which children love. They are ideal for revision, starters or plenaries. They are a really great way to get students to answer questions quickly and enjoy doing so.
These question cards have been prepared in two sizes. The large cards can be pinned around the classroom and used for a whole class activity; the smaller (loop cards) can be used for group work or by individuals – they are particularly helpful for one-to-one tutorials and during interventions.
Colour coding:
I have used colours to indicate the approximate level of the questions:
KS2 – red and orange
KS3/GCSE Foundation – orange and green
GCSE Higher – green, blue and purple
👍If you like this resource, then please rate it and/or leave a comment💬.
If the rate-resource button on this page does not work, then go to your ratings page by clicking here 👉 https://tes.com/.../rate-resources…
This activity contains carefully selected questions that give students practice at solving Direct Proportion problems involving costs.
Click -->https://tes.com/.../more… for similar style Treasure Hunts on more than 40 other topics.
Note that unlike most Treasure Hunts, this one has the added feature that the answers give an encrypted clue. Deciphering this clue reveals where the treasure is hidden!
A Treasure Hunt is a great activity which children love. They are ideal for revision, starters or plenaries. They are a really great way to get students to answer questions quickly and enjoy doing so.
These question cards have been prepared in two sizes. The large cards can be pinned around the classroom and used for a whole class activity; the smaller (loop cards) can be used for group work or by individuals – they are particularly helpful for one-to-one tutorials and during interventions.
Colour coding:
I have used colours to indicate the approximate level of the questions:
KS2 – red and orange
KS3/GCSE Foundation – orange and green
GCSE Higher – green, blue and purple
👍If you like this resource then please rate it and/or leave a comment💬 below, or by clicking here 👉 https://tes.com/.../rate-resources…
Topic-focused SATs questions and fully-worked solutions for the CALCULATIONS strand.
Click 👉 tes.com/…/bundles… for booklet bundles of the other strands.<hr>I have put all my CALCULATION strand booklets together in this one convenient download. I hope that this is helpful to you.<hr> The questions in these booklets are in the style of actual SATs questions and are designed to be printed as A4 or A5.
I have provided full answers, with comments and working where helpful.
I have maintained the style of the actual SATs questions so that students can become comfortable with the way that SATs questions are presented.
Most of the questions are from actual SATs papers, but I have also added questions so that this resource matches the requirements the current curriculum better than the older resources that are still in common use (note that many of the older resources of this type contain questions on topics which are no longer examined).
I have spent a lot of time arranging the questions so that there is a general increase in difficulty as students work through them, and so that they fit on the pages better ��� this means less wasted space and significant paper-saving when printing 😃
<hr>👍If you like this resource, then please rate it and/or leave a comment💬.
If the rate-resource button on this page doesn’t work, then go to your ratings page by clicking 👉 www.tes.com/…/rate-resources…
This activity helps students to practice working out areas and perimeters of rectangles and also working out the width or height when the area or perimeter is known.
Click --> https://tes.com/.../Treasure Hunts for similar style Treasure Hunts on 40 other topics.
Note that unlike most Treasure Hunts, this one has the added feature that the answers give an encrypted clue. Deciphering this clue reveals where the treasure is hidden!
A Treasure Hunt is a great activity which children love. They are ideal for revision, starters or plenaries. They are a really great way to get students to answer questions quickly and enjoy doing so.
These question cards have been prepared in two sizes. The large cards can be pinned around around the classroom and used for a whole class activity; the smaller (loop cards) can be used for group work or by individuals – they are particularly helpful for one-to-one tutorials and during interventions.
These topic-focused SATs questions at the end of a unit will help to test and extend students’ understanding as well as helping them to prepare for SATs next year. These questions have fully-worked solutions which can be displayed on a whiteboard making feedback with students more efficient.
Click 👉 tes.com/…/KS2-Maths-Questions… for similar-style compilations on the other KS2 topics.<hr>This particular compilation is from the GEOMETRY strand and contains questions on Reflective Symmetry. Students will have identify where mirror lines go and also complete shapes so that they are symmetrical.<hr>I have designed this compilation to be printed as an A4 or A5 booklet which is in the style of the actual SATs papers and is convenient for use in class or as homework. It can even be given to individual students if a parent is asking for ‘some more work’!
I have provided full answers, with comments and working where helpful.
I have maintained the style of the actual SATs questions so that students can become comfortable with the way that SATs questions are presented.
Most of the questions are from actual SATs papers, but I have also added questions so that this resource matches the requirements the current curriculum better than the older resources that are still in common use (note that many of the older resources of this type contain questions on topics which are no longer examined).
I have spent a lot of time arranging the questions so that there is a general increase in difficulty as students work through them, and so that they fit on the pages better – this means less wasted space and significant paper-saving when printing 😃
<hr>👍If you like this resource, then please rate it and/or leave a comment💬.
If the rate-resource button on this page doesn’t work, then go to your ratings page by clicking 👉 www.tes.com/…/rate-resources…
These word-wheels are designed as 5-minute starters for secondary students, although they might also be of use to upper primary classes. I use these maths word-wheels to help improve general maths vocabulary and I have found that they provide excellent motivation for students to learn the abbreviations, prefixes, the units of measure, and even the Greek alphabet!
When I first introduce these word-wheels, I take the time to go through some of the common (maths) abbreviations, prefixes, units of measurement, the Greek alphabet and finance terms. I often set aside a whole lesson to do this because it sets the scene for future word-wheels and other vocabulary-improving tasks. During the first lesson I will often include sixty-second memory tests where students try to learn some of the terms.
<hr>The ‘Rules’
In the PowerPoint, there are eight word-wheels each made from an anagram of a nine-letter maths word. The aim is for students to use the letters in the wheel to create as many maths words as they can (of two letters or more), and to find the nine letter word.
They can create any word used in maths including units of measure, abbreviations and prefixes. They are even allowed to spell out numbers and the letters of the Greek alphabet (if you want!). The middle letter does not have to be used, but students earn extra points when it is.
I have created these word-wheels from a database of over 1400 terms and I have included solutions which show all of the words, abbreviations, etc. that fit. Occasionally a student will create a valid word that is not on my list but which you should accept (if they can explain its connection to maths) and award the appropriate number of points.
This is more than just finding words on a grid. The words are not given, they have to get them from the diagrams. There is a moderate and a 'difficult' version so the activity is accessible to all and there are many opportunities for extension. The PowerPoint reveals the solutions one word at a time so you can stop and discuss each shape as you go. Try it and you will see what I mean☺.
This has been used with classes from Year 6 to Year 11 and they have loved it and had many useful discussions.
The activity could be given as a homework as well as used in the classroom. With older students, when I go through the answers I use it as an opportunity to revise the properties of the shapes as well.
You can give students as much help as you like, but if you leave them to it…
they have to think about the names of the shapes;
they have to think about the spelling of the names;
they have to look for names that are not represented by the diagrams.
Because the diagrams have been drawn for the students, there is the opportunity to talk about the use of little squares to indicate right-angles, the use of little lines to indicate equal length sides and the use of arrows to indicate parallel lines.
Three additional 2D shapes are hidden in the grid (these are nonagon, decagon and icosagon).
The 3D shapes that are hidden are cone, cube, cuboid, cylinder, pyramid, sphere & tetrahedron.
The solutions to the moderate version are contained within the pdf; the PowerPoint contains the solutions to the ‘difficult’ version.
If you like this activity then look through the other resources that I have uploaded by clicking -->https://tes.com/Morse's-Resources.
At the moment, I am uploading about 10 new resources each week, if you want to be kept up-to-date, then click-->HERE and then follow me.
This activity is great to consolidate or revise The Rules of Indices.
Click --> https://tes.com/.../Treasure Hunts for similar style Treasure Hunts on 40 other topics.
Note that unlike most Treasure Hunts, this one has the added feature that the answers give an encrypted clue. Deciphering this clue reveals where the treasure is hidden!
A Treasure Hunt is a great activity which children love. They are ideal for revision, starters or plenaries. They are a really great way to get students to answer questions quickly and enjoy doing so.
These question cards have been prepared in two sizes. The large cards can be pinned around around the classroom and used for a whole class activity; the smaller (loop cards) can be used for group work or by individuals – they are particularly helpful for one-to-one tutorials and during interventions.
Topic-focused SATs questions and fully-worked solutions for the RATIO strand.
Click 👉 tes.com/…/bundles… for booklet bundles of the other strands.<hr>I have put all my RATIO booklets together in this one convenient download. I hope that this is helpful to you.<hr> The questions in these booklets are in the style of actual SATs questions and are designed to be printed as A4 or A5.
I have provided full answers, with comments and working where helpful.
I have maintained the style of the actual SATs questions so that students can become comfortable with the way that SATs questions are presented.
Most of the questions are from actual SATs papers, but I have also added questions so that this resource matches the requirements the current curriculum better than the older resources that are still in common use (note that many of the older resources of this type contain questions on topics which are no longer examined).
I have spent a lot of time arranging the questions so that there is a general increase in difficulty as students work through them, and so that they fit on the pages better – this means less wasted space and significant paper-saving when printing 😃
<hr>👍If you like this resource, then please rate it and/or leave a comment💬.
If the rate-resource button on this page doesn’t work, then go to your ratings page by clicking 👉 www.tes.com/…/rate-resources…
The main purpose of this activity is to give students practice at simplifying surds without using a calculator. It also serves as useful revision of Pythagoras.
Click 👉https://tes.com/.../more… for similar style Treasure Hunts on more than 40 other topics.
Note that unlike most Treasure Hunts, this one has the added feature that the answers give an encrypted clue. Deciphering this clue reveals where the treasure is hidden!
A Treasure Hunt is a great activity which children love. They are ideal for revision, starters or plenaries. They are a really great way to get students to answer questions quickly and enjoy doing so.
These question cards have been prepared in two sizes. The large cards can be pinned around the classroom and used for a whole class activity; the smaller (loop cards) can be used for group work or by individuals – they are particularly helpful for one-to-one tutorials and during interventions.
Colour coding:
I have used colours to indicate the approximate level of the questions:
KS2 – red and orange
KS3/GCSE Foundation – orange and green
GCSE Higher – green, blue and purple
👍If you like this resource, then please rate it and/or leave a comment💬.
If the rate-resource button on this page does not work, then go to your ratings page by clicking here 👉 https://tes.com/.../rate-resources…
This is my poster, which provides a really useful summary of Transformations. I give students the A5 version for revision and have a large version on the wall somewhere.
Click 👉www.tes.com/.../more-posters... to see my other posters, which are also available for free.
Ideal for GCSE revision, this worksheet contains exam-type questions that gradually increase in difficulty. This sheet covers Converting between Different Units of Length, Area and Volume.
This review sheet is great to use in class or as a homework. It is also excellent for one-to-one tuition and for interventions.
Ideal for GCSE revision, this worksheet contains exam-type questions that gradually increase in difficulty. This sheet covers The Four Rules for Fractions.
This review sheet is great to use in class or as a homework. It is also excellent for one-to-one tuition and for interventions. An interactive version of this sheet is available at
The interactive version allows individual questions to be selected for enlarged display onto a screen. The answer can then be worked out ‘live’ by the teacher (or student) or a single click will reveal my solution. This not only helps in class, but it is also very useful for a student who is revising at home.
If you want some extra information about the 2018 Winter Olympics then go through this interesting interactive PowerPoint presentation, It takes you through the different event categories; why the emblem was the way it was; and why there was a white cat with stripes. This presentation is not only informative, it has links to 24 short videos that show top athletes performing in each of the sports. If they watched the Winter Games, your students will probably tell which videos to show.Some of these videos are amazing . We watched our greatest medal hope, Elise Christie, succumb to the perils of Short-Track Speed Skating, but have you seen when it worked in favour of Steven Bradbury when he 'won' his unbelievable Gold Medal win in the 2002 Olympics – it really was a matter of Last Man Standing!
The topics covered within the presentation include:
Location and dates,
Venues and the stadiums
The emblems and mascots
The events and their pictograms.
Note that the presentation contains interactive buttons which allow you to jump to different parts of the presentation and then return. My recommendation is that you go through the presentation slide by slide until you get to the information on the venues. From here, I recommend that you select the particular sports that take your interest.
If you have a live Internet connection, then watch some of the videos – especially the ones that I’ve labelled with 5-stars.
If you like this presentation then please leave a review.
This is a quick activity which reinforces students' understanding of the proper conventions for writing algebraic expressions.
Click --> https://tes.com/.../Treasure Hunts for similar style Treasure Hunts on more than 40 other topics.
Note that unlike most Treasure Hunts, this one has the added feature that the answers give an encrypted clue. Deciphering this clue reveals where the treasure is hidden!
A Treasure Hunt is a great activity which children love. They are ideal for revision, starters or plenaries. They are a really great way to get students to answer questions quickly and enjoy doing so.
These question cards have been prepared in two sizes. The large cards can be pinned around around the classroom and used for a whole class activity; the smaller (loop cards) can be used for group work or by individuals – they are particularly helpful for one-to-one tutorials and during interventions.