A free sample from
which contains many more differentiated worksheets and activities with all the answers.
Y5 LO: Find Factor Pairs of A Number.
Many more factor resources here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-11537076
This sample is a 1 page worksheet with answers.
Quick free upload.
LO: To multiply 2-digit numbers by 2-digit numbers.
LO: To solve word problems involving multiplication.
Free taster of
which contains many more pages of differentiated worksheets and activities with all the answers.
A free sample of
The full resource has 20 pages of worksheets plus flip cards and a 20 slide presentation:-
Y4 Objectives Covered:
LO: To count up and down in hundredths; recognise that hundredths arise when dividing an object by one hundred and dividing tenths by ten.
LO: To recognise and write decimal equivalents of any number of tenths or hundredths.
LO: To recognise and write decimal equivalents to ¼ ½ ¾ .
LO: To round decimals with one decimal place to the nearest whole number.
LO: To compare numbers with the same number of decimal places up to two decimal places.
1. Recognise and understand hundredths - 4 pages plus extension plus answers. Hundredths in words, decimals, fractions, number line and visual image.
2. Hundredths Snails & Tortoises. 3 pages plus answers.
3. Hundredths number lines with gaps. 3 levels of challenge = 3 pages plus answers.
4. Hundredths grid jigsaws. 3 levels of challenge = 3 pages plus answers.
5. Secret Squirrel converting between decimals and fractions. 3 levels of challenge = 3 pages plus answers.
6. 54 decimals to fractions flip cards - 3 levels of challenge - bronze, silver, gold.
7. Rounding Decimals Cracking The Code. 1 page with answers.
8. 54 Rounding Decimals Flip Cards. 3 levels of challenge - bronze, silver, gold.
9. Rounding Decimals Spot My Mistakes. 1 page, 3 levels of challenge with answers.
10. Rounding Money Shopping Challenge. 1 page, 3 levels of challenge with answers.
11. Ordering Decimals Pet Shop Challenge. 3 pages - 3 levels of challenge with answers.
12. 20 slide presentation teaching comparing and ordering decimals with challenges and answers
13. 0-1 tenths and hundredths grids - useful scaffolds for some pupils.
14. Flip Card guidance.
LO: To understand right angles, degrees and fractions of a full rotation.
LO: To use knowledge of angles and triangles to find missing angles.
Free Taster of
which covers more -
LO: To understand right angles, degrees and fractions of a full rotation.
LO: To estimate and measure angles.
LO: To use knowledge of angles and triangles to find missing angles.
LO: To use understanding of angles in a right angle, straight line, ¾ turn and full circle to calculate missing angles.
LO: To draw and measure lines to the nearest 1mm. To draw and measure angles to the nearest 1 degree.
LO: To visualise 3D shapes from 2D nets.
and has an 18 slide teaching presentation and many more differentiated mastery challenges with all the answers.
Y3 Add numbers with up to three digits, using formal written methods of columnar addition.
Worksheet with answers.
Find the next brick up by adding the two bricks directly beneath it.
Support pupils with Place Value Apparatus or Place Value Counters.
Extend pupils by asking them to create their own pyramid so that the top brick is exactly 1750.
Free Sample Taster - Lots more available here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12165882
Differentiated challenge designed to support mastery of Year 5 Multiplication and Division.
This is a free sample from a larger pack which can be found here…
Which is in turn part of a complete support pack for Year 5 Multiplication and Division which can be found here…
A couple of mental maths warm up starter activities - mental multiplication grids with answers.
Encourage the children to notice how they can use facts and combine multiples.
E.g. Once they have x10 they can x5 by halving.
E.g. Once they have x10 and x5 they can x15 by adding.
Quick Freebie Upload :-)
LO: To find percentages of amounts.
LO: To solve problems involving the calculation of percentages.
Free Taster of
which contains presentations and many more pages of differentiated worksheets and activities with all the answers.
Free Taster of
which has many more pages of differentiated challenges plus answers, plus presentations and flip cards.
LO: To solve problems involving converting from hours to minutes; minutes to seconds; years to months; weeks to days.
This is a small free sample of
which contains many more differentiated resources covering more objectives together with all the answers.
It also has reasoning challenges and a presentation teaching days of the months and reading analogue time.
Free sample taster version of https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/ratio-scaling-and-proportion-y6-presentation-and-differentiated-challenges-11861322
The paid version also has a 13 slide teaching presentation and many more differentiated challenges with all the answers.
LO: To add and subtract fractions with the same denominator and denominators that are multiples of the same number.
Free Taster of
which has many more pages of differentiated challenges plus answers, plus presentations and flip cards.
4 page free taster of https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/y4-y5-fractions-of-a-set-of-objects-numbers-and-amounts-differentiated-challenges-and-presentation-11664699
Check out the full version for answers, differentiated challenges, presentation, games and more.
This is a free taster of https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/y5-fractions-equivalents-comparing-improper-and-mixed-differentiated-challenges-presentations-11727694 which has 27 pages of differentiated challenges with all answers plus 4 presentations.
LO: To compare and order fractions whose denominators are all multiples of the same number.
LO: To identify, name and write equivalent fractions of a given fraction.
LO: To recognise mixed numbers and improper fractions and convert from one form to the other.
LO: To identify 3-D shapes from 2-D representations.
LO: To measure angles in degrees. To measure lines to the nearest millimetre (mm).
This is a free taster of
which contains 35+ pages of differentiated challenges plus flip cards plus all the answers and covers all the Y5 shape objectives.
Y6 Algebra
LO: To generate and describe linear number sequences.
LO: To use simple formulae.
Free Taster of https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/algebra-y6-sequences-and-formulae-24-pages-of-differentiated-challenges-presentation-11757564
Which has many more differentiated challenges, plus answers, plus a 15 slide presentation, flip cards, partner game and more.