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McMahon Scripts

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A collection of assembly and Christmas scripts that I've written over the years! I'm very much an advocate of trying before you buy so all scripts are available as samples for free. Also, check out the children's book that I've written about a chicken who dreams of playing football!




A collection of assembly and Christmas scripts that I've written over the years! I'm very much an advocate of trying before you buy so all scripts are available as samples for free. Also, check out the children's book that I've written about a chicken who dreams of playing football!
Star Wars - The Force is Barely Awake SAMPLE assembly script

Star Wars - The Force is Barely Awake SAMPLE assembly script

This is a SAMPLE script. The full script is available to purchase from my TES Shop. Cast: The cast is easily adaptable to suit a class of 25 or more children. Main characters: Luke Leia Yoda Darth Vader Members of the Push Pull planet Members of the Friction Tribe Members of planet Magnetic Sir Isaac Newton Apple Tree People of Earth Sound Effects: Spacecraft entering hyper drive Light sabres duelling Duration: The script should last about 15 to 20 minutes; this does not include music. The script can be edited or amended to suit the needs of the children taking part in the assembly or to fit in with what the students have been covering in class.
Star Wars - The Force is Barely Awake:  Assembly script about forces

Star Wars - The Force is Barely Awake: Assembly script about forces

Cast: The cast is easily adaptable to suit a class of 25 or more children. Main characters: Luke Leia Yoda Darth Vader Members of the Push Pull planet Members of the Friction Tribe Members of planet Magnetic Sir Isaac Newton Apple Tree People of Earth Sound Effects: Spacecraft entering hyper drive Light sabres duelling Duration: The script should last about 15 to 20 minutes; this does not include music. The script can be edited or amended to suit the needs of the children taking part in the assembly or to fit in with what the students have been covering in class.
Zooming in to Nativity- a 10 minute socially distanced play script **SAMPLE**

Zooming in to Nativity- a 10 minute socially distanced play script **SAMPLE**

THIS IS A SAMPLE SCRIPT Cast: Mary Joseph Quiz Master Wise Man 1 Wise Man 2 Wise Man 3 Colin The Shepherd Props: Baby doll A Jar of Nescafe Gold Frankenstein mask Bottle of after shave with “Grrr” written upon it Mobile phone Sound effect: Sheep bleating Rustling and struggling noises Phone being broken I’ve written this short Christmas script with the thought that each character could be pre recorded and then a video could be edited together so that the final product is socially distanced and complies with Covid-19 regulations.
Zooming in to Nativity - A 10 minute socially distanced Xmas play script

Zooming in to Nativity - A 10 minute socially distanced Xmas play script

Cast: Mary Joseph Quiz Master Wise Man 1 Wise Man 2 Wise Man 3 Colin The Shepherd Props: Baby doll Jar of Nescafe Gold Frankenstein mask Bottle of after shave with “Grrr” written upon it Mobile phone Sound effect: Sheep bleating Rustling and struggling noises Phone being broken I’ve written this short Christmas script with the thought that each character could be pre recorded and then a video could be edited together so that the final product is socially distanced and complies with Covid-19 regulations. The premise is that the cast are taking part in a Zoom quiz. Joseph can’t get the camera working, the Wisemen weren’t able to get the right gifts and Colin the shepherd is attacked by his flock!
Zooming in to Lockdown - a free short sketch for year 6 leavers

Zooming in to Lockdown - a free short sketch for year 6 leavers

I’ve written this for the year 6 leavers this year. Due to social distancing I’ve decided that the best way perform this would be to film each student individually and then use some software to edit them in to a performance. The script is written for twelve students but it could easily be reduced by doubling up parts. There is some parts with few lines and, if required, there is the option to have one as a non speaking role. The idea behind the script is that the students are all taking part in different Zoom calls and the issues that they face.
Space Assembly Script

Space Assembly Script

Cast: The cast is easily adaptable to suit a class of 25 or more children. Main characters: Tom Planet group x 8 Annie Star group x 3 Father Navigation group x 3 Captain Astrophotography group x 4 First Officer Moon group x 4 Child 1, 2 ,3 Bridge Control Officer Writesong Suggested Music: Dream – Everly brothers mixed in to Space Oddity – David Bowie Planet Rap Ask the children to write their own lyrics and perform it over a backing track (E.G. Intergalactic by The Beastie Boys Sound Effects: Star Trek Teleporter Clanger Whistle Dot Matrix printer Red alert klaxon Darlek Exterminate Duration: The script should last about 20 to 25 minutes; this does not include music. The script can be edited or amended to suit the needs of the children taking part in the assembly or to fit in with what the students have been covering in class. We covered Apollo 13 so there are references to that. We found it difficult to find a song for the children so we asked on student if he’d like to write a rap which turned out to be amazing!
Space Assembly Script **SAMPLE**

Space Assembly Script **SAMPLE**

This is a SAMPLE. The full version is available via my TES shop Cast: The cast is easily adaptable to suit a class of 25 or more children. Main characters: Tom Planet group x 8 Annie Star group x 3 Father Navigation group x 3 Captain Astrophotography group x 4 First Officer Moon group x 4 Child 1, 2 ,3 Bridge Control Officer Writesong Suggested Music: Dream – Everly brothers mixed in to Space Oddity – David Bowie Planet Rap Ask the children to write their own lyrics and perform it over a backing track (E.G. Intergalactic by The Beastie Boys Sound Effects: Star Trek Teleporter Clanger Whistle Dot Matrix printer Red alert klaxon Darlek Exterminate Duration: The script should last about 20 to 25 minutes; this does not include music. The script can be edited or amended to suit the needs of the children taking part in the assembly or to fit in with what the students have been covering in class. We covered Apollo 13 so there are references to that. We found it difficult to find a song for the children so we asked on student if he’d like to write a rap which turned out to be amazing!
To Frozen - A pantomime for staff to perform to students

To Frozen - A pantomime for staff to perform to students

CAST: Anna Elsa Sven Olaf Props: There are no props required Sets and back drops: There are no sets or back drops required Sound effects: There are no sound effects required Plot: Queen Elsa has a dark secret she’s been hiding for years… she doesn’t like Christmas! How can she break this to Princess Anna, who adores Christmas, without upsetting her? Meanwhile, Sven and Olaf have a joke telling contest to find out who’s the funniest in the kingdom. This is a short four-person script intended for the staff to perform to the students and allow the children to see the adults in a different light. I’ve found in the past that there is no need to have huge amounts of rehearsals. We’ve gone on after just having an hours read through and then we read from a script whilst on stage. The very fact that you are putting yourselves out there and performing to the children means that they will over look any “rough around the edges” parts! I’ve left it open in regards to the jokes that you want to tell as you know what would make your students laugh! With the joke telling contest, the children will decide who the winner is by cheering for their preferred choice. Anna will then decide who got the loudest cheer. The script will then need to be adapted for the winner to accept the win and then acknowledge the other competitor.
To Frozen SAMPLE - A pantomime for staff to perform to students

To Frozen SAMPLE - A pantomime for staff to perform to students

THIS IS A SAMPLE. THE FULL VERSION IS AVAILABLE TO BUY FROM MY TES SHOP MCMAHONSCRIPTS CAST: Anna Elsa Sven Olaf Props: There are no props required Sets and back drops: There are no sets or back drops required Sound effects: There are no sound effects required Plot: Queen Elsa has a dark secret she’s been hiding for years… she doesn’t like Christmas! How can she break this to Princess Anna, who adores Christmas, without upsetting her? Meanwhile, Sven and Olaf have a joke telling contest to find out who’s the funniest in the kingdom. This is a short four-person script intended for the staff to perform to the students and allow the children to see the adults in a different light. I’ve found in the past that there is no need to have huge amounts of rehearsals. We’ve gone on after just having an hours read through and then we read from a script whilst on stage. The very fact that you are putting yourselves out there and performing to the children means that they will over look any “rough around the edges” parts! I’ve left it open in regards to the jokes that you want to tell as you know what would make your students laugh! With the joke telling contest, the children will decide who the winner is by cheering for their preferred choice. Anna will then decide who got the loudest cheer. The script will then need to be adapted for the winner to accept the win and then acknowledge the other competitor.
Electricity Assemble Script

Electricity Assemble Script

Cast: The cast is easily adaptable to suit a class of 25 or more children. Main characters: 3 x news readers 4 x On the scene reporters Benjamin Franklin Thomas Edison 2 x archaeologists 6 x electrical safety team Sound Effects: News introduction music Big Ben “bong” Lightning strike Music: Suggested: Electricity from the musical Billy Elliott (available through YouTube) Duration: The script should last about 15 to 20 minutes; this does not include music or songs. The script can be edited or amended to suit the needs of the children taking part in the assembly or to fit in with what the students have been covering in class. It would also require students to write some arguments about non renewable vs renewable energy sources as well as writing some information about circuits and why they won’t work.
Electricity Assembly Script  **SAMPLE**

Electricity Assembly Script **SAMPLE**

THIS IS A SAMPLE SCRIPT THE FULL SCRIPT IS AVAILABLE TO BUY IN MY TES SHOP MCMAHONSCRIPTS Cast: The cast is easily adaptable to suit a class of 25 or more children. Main characters: 3 x news readers 4 x On the scene reporters Benjamin Franklin Thomas Edison 2 x archaeologists 6 x electrical safety team Sound Effects: News introduction music Big Ben “bong” Lightning strike Music: Suggested: Electricity from the musical Billy Elliott (available through YouTube) Duration: The script should last about 15 to 20 minutes; this does not include music or songs. The script can be edited or amended to suit the needs of the children taking part in the assembly or to fit in with what the students have been covering in class. It would also require students to write some arguments about non renewable vs renewable energy sources as well as writing some information about circuits and why they won’t work.
Twelve Days of Christmas - sample 10 min drama script

Twelve Days of Christmas - sample 10 min drama script

SAMPLE Cast: Twelve female roles although this could be performed by a smaller group with parts being doubled up. Scenes: All the action takes place on what is essentially a school stage. No back drops or scenery is required. Props: No props are required Sound effects: A gentle flatulence noise (short and discreet) A door bell followed by a cow mooing and sloppy cow pat splat. This Christmas I’ve had an all female group of twelve students to write a script for. I wanted to make sure that they all got equal stage time but also I wanted to keep the piece to a short and reasonable length. I feel that it could be performed as a series of monologues by as few as two or as many as twelve performers. The idea is that the girls are all playing the same person, Mary Christmas, who has received extravagant, inappropriate and truly bizarre gifts from her true love this Christmas and she is, in one way or another, not impressed by what she has received.
Twelve Days of Christmas - A Socially distanced 10 min drama script

Twelve Days of Christmas - A Socially distanced 10 min drama script

NOTE This script can be adapted so that the students are socially distanced. This might be that they are stood further apart or even videoed individually and then the footage edited together. Cast: Twelve female roles although this could be performed by a smaller group with parts being doubled up. Scenes: All the action takes place on what is essentially a school stage. No back drops or scenery is required. Props: No props are required Sound effects: A gentle flatulence noise (short and discreet) A door bell followed by a cow mooing and sloppy cow pat splat. This Christmas I’ve had an all female group of twelve students to write a script for. I wanted to make sure that they all got equal stage time but also I wanted to keep the piece to a short and reasonable length. I feel that it could be performed as a series of monologues by as few as two or as many as twelve performers. The idea is that the girls are all playing the same person, Mary Christmas, who has received extravagant, inappropriate and truly bizarre gifts from her true love this Christmas and she is, in one way or another, not impressed by what she has received.
Roman Assembly Script SAMPLE

Roman Assembly Script SAMPLE

A Roman assembly script covering Julius Caesar, the invasion of Britain, gladiators, Roman numerals and Pompeii. Cast: The cast is easily adaptable to suit a class of 25 or more children. Main characters: Child 1 & 2 (comedy duo of sorts!) Pliny the Younger Julius Caesar Props: A box or large piece of card on which has an arrow that can be pointed at either Latin or English. Cards with Emperor, Senate, Consul, Plebeians, Salves written upon them. Music: Suggested: • The Roman Numeral Song • Just like a Roman - SingUp or Youtube Duration: The script should last about 15 to 20 minutes; this does not include music. The script can be edited or amended to suit the needs of the children taking part in the assembly or to fit in with what the students have been covering in class.
Roman Assembly Script

Roman Assembly Script

A Roman assembly script covering Julius Caesar, the invasion of Britain, gladiators, Roman numerals and Pompeii. Cast: The cast is easily adaptable to suit a class of 25 or more children. Main characters: Child 1 & 2 (comedy duo of sorts!) Pliny the Younger Julius Caesar Props: A box or large piece of card on which has an arrow that can be pointed at either Latin or English. Cards with Emperor, Senate, Consul, Plebeians, Salves written upon them. Music: Suggested: • The Roman Numeral Song • Just like a Roman - SingUp or Youtube Duration: The script should last about 15 to 20 minutes; this does not include music. The script can be edited or amended to suit the needs of the children taking part in the assembly or to fit in with what the students have been covering in class.
MC Beth - A sample script based on Shakespears Macbeth

MC Beth - A sample script based on Shakespears Macbeth

SAMPLE It is the last school disco of the year and 3 friends decide that Duncan King must not be allowed to ruin this one with his poor MC-ing skills. They convince Beth that it’s her destiny to become the greatest school disco legend ever… MC Beth. Will it all work out in the end or is MC Beth in for a short reign? This is a play written for 8 actors and should take no more than 10 minutes. There are few costume requirements apart from a crown, cape and sunglasses for Duncan King. Props are kept to a minimum and are easy to create. No scenery or back drops are required. A couple of sound effects are required. The full version is available to purchase.
MC Beth - 10 minute play based on Shakespears Macbeth

MC Beth - 10 minute play based on Shakespears Macbeth

It is the last school disco of the year and 3 friends decide that Duncan King must not be allowed to ruin this one with his poor MC-ing skills. They convince Beth that it’s her destiny to become the greatest school disco legend ever… MC Beth. Will it all work out in the end or is MC Beth in for a short reign? This is a play written for 8 actors and should take no more than 10 minutes. There are few costume requirements apart from a crown, cape and sunglasses for Duncan King. Props are kept to a minimum and are easy to create. No scenery or back drops are required. A couple of sound effects are required.
Rivers Assembly Script

Rivers Assembly Script

Cast: The cast is easily adaptable to suit a class of 25 or more children. **Main characters: ** Dragon 1 Dragon 2 Dragon 3 Voice Over Person Pitcher 1 Pitcher 2 Props: Red and brown sauce bottles 2 images showing a badly designed flood defence and a well-designed one. Feel free to use the images I created to be used in our assembly at the end of the scrip Music: Suggested: Sound of Music Clip Dragons Den opening credit music Duration: The script should last about 20 to 25 minutes; this does not include music. The script can be edited or amended to suit the needs of the children taking part in the assembly or to fit in with what the students have been covering in class.
Rivers Assembly Script - SAMPLE

Rivers Assembly Script - SAMPLE

**Cast: **The cast is easily adaptable to suit a class of 25 or more children. Main characters: Dragon 1 Dragon 2 Dragon 3 Voice Over Person Pitcher 1 Pitcher 2 ** Props:** Red and brown sauce bottles 2 images showing a badly designed flood defence and a well-designed one. Feel free to use the images I created to be used in our assembly at the end of the scrip Music: Suggested: Sound of Music Clip Dragons Den opening credit music Duration: The script should last about 20 to 25 minutes; this does not include music. The script can be edited or amended to suit the needs of the children taking part in the assembly or to fit in with what the students have been covering in class. The full script is available to purchase.