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Former neurophysiologist and pharmacologist turned teacher - offering resources across all 3 Sciences at KS3




Former neurophysiologist and pharmacologist turned teacher - offering resources across all 3 Sciences at KS3
Biotechnology - Activate

Biotechnology - Activate

KS3 Biology - Biotechnology - AQA Activate 9.3.3 Challenge opportunities throughout Many answers animate onto screen to allow opportunity of peer/self assess
Anaerobic Respiration - Activate

Anaerobic Respiration - Activate

KS3 Biology - Anaerobic Respiration - Activate2: 2.6 (+3.1) - AQA Activate 9.3.2 Challenge opportunities throughout Lesson starts with comparison of 2 types of athletes - one doing aerobic respiration and the other doing anaerobic. Aerobic respiration equation is recalled Anaerobic respiration equation is given Statement as to why anaerobic respiration releases less energy Oxygen debt is defined Equation also given for oxygen debt (lactic acid +O2 --> CO2 + H2O) Anaerobic respiration in plants and yeast - equation and comparison to anaerobic respiration in animals 6 mark question on comparing aerobic and anaerobic respiration Plenary which relates oxygen debt to shortness of breath following exercise Many answers animate onto screen to allow opportunity of peer/self assess See the lesson taught here: https://youtu.be/_nltNBZnOxE Also convenient for students who may have missed the lesson.
Aerobic Respiration - Activate

Aerobic Respiration - Activate

KS3 Biology - Aerobic Respiration - Activate2: 2.5 - AQA Activate 9.3.1 Lesson covers: Recap of the components of the atmosphere and that percentage of oxygen in the exhaled breath is lower - this leads into what oxygen could be used for. Photosynthesis equation is recalled and aerobic respiration is defined, as well as the terms endothermic and exothermic reactions - assigning these terms to photosynthesis and aerobic respiration respectively. Three specialised cell types are considered - sperm cell, muscle cell, and root hair cell - all of which have a lot of mitochondria - students are asked to make the link between the number of mitochondria, the function of the specialised cell, and how much energy that would require. Further analysis of the topic links it with the digestion of carbohydrates to get glucose ,and how oxygen is transported from the lungs to the tissues for aerobic respiration. Challenge opportunities throughout + worksheet Many answers animate onto screen to allow opportunity of peer/self assess See the lesson taught here: https://youtu.be/Ptg_SeAYZk8 Also convenient for students who are absent from lessons
AQA Activate 9.1 - Interdependence

AQA Activate 9.1 - Interdependence

3 Resources
This contains 3 presentations covering: 9.1.1 Food Chains and Food webs 9.1.2 Disruption to Food Webs 9.1.3 + 9.1.4 Ecosystems and Competition No worksheets are required for any of these lessons - but it is important to read the presenter notes under the slides prior to the lesson as there are many animations (especially in 9.1.2) which require some narration.
AQA Activate 8.4 - Digestion

AQA Activate 8.4 - Digestion

5 Resources
This contains 5 presentations, 4 worksheets and 1 support sheet covering: 8.4.1. Nutrients 8.4.2. Food Tests 8.4.3. Unhealthy Diet 8.4.4. The Human Digestive System 8.4.5. Bacteria and Enzymes in Digestion 8.4.1 requires access to the internet via PC/Tablet/iPad 8.4.2 supplements the food test practical (but can be delivered without 8.4.4 requires students to whiteboard pens and tasks them with drawing around a person laying on a table and then drawing the organs of the digestive system within the silhouette (can be done on large pieces of sugar paper/wallpaper) Challenge tasks throughout, answers animate onto the board for peer/self assessment.
Ecosystems and Competition - Activate

Ecosystems and Competition - Activate

KS3 Biology - Ecosystems and Competition - Activate2: 2.9 (+3.1) - AQA Activate 9.1.3 and 9.1.4 Challenge opportunities throughout Lesson contains starter - keywords for both topics and tasks to check understanding. Predator-prey relationship graph with cut and stick activity including copy of graph for students to stick in their books **2nd Worksheet included for: ** Explaining why predator numbers are lower than prey numbers using recap of food chains and energy transfer - including percentage calculation practice Data included for Red Squirrel Vs Grey Squirrel on worksheet with further percentage calculation challenge questions and calculating differences task Answers animate onto screen to allow opportunity of peer/self assess See the lesson taught here: https://youtu.be/7UIs1UWIa14 Also convenient for students who miss the lesson
Disruption to Food Webs - Activate

Disruption to Food Webs - Activate

POWERPOINT CONTAINS MANY ANIMATIONS - READ THE NOTES BELOW THE SLIDES PRIOR TO THE LESSON (or use presenter view) KS3 Biology - Smoking - Activate2: 2.8 - AQA Activate 9.1.2 Challenge opportunities throughout + Worksheet Many answers animate onto screen to allow opportunity of peer/self assess This is a great lesson - but delivery may require a bit of practice =D See the lesson taught here: https://youtu.be/QhXbWxqR2l8 Also convenient for students who miss the lesson
Food Chains and Food Webs - Activate

Food Chains and Food Webs - Activate

KS3 Biology - Food Webs and Food Chains - Activate2: 2.7 - AQA Activate 9.1.1 Challenge opportunities throughout Students extract food chains from a web -and- Construct a web from a series of chains Answers animate onto screen to allow opportunity of peer/self assess See the lesson taught here: https://youtu.be/oYQdCwb9J48 Also convenient for students who miss the lesson
Bacteria and Enzymes in Digestion - Activate

Bacteria and Enzymes in Digestion - Activate

KS3 Biology - Bacteria and Enzymes in Digestion - Activate2: 1.5 - AQA Activate 8.4.5 Challenge opportunities throughout + Worksheet Very challenging clinical tasks at the end All answers animate onto screen to allow opportunity of peer/self assess
The Human Digestive System - Activate

The Human Digestive System - Activate

KS3 Biology - The Human Digestive system - Activate2: 1.4 - AQA Activate 8.3.4 Additional equipment --> whiteboard pens for students Lesson has students lay on tables and desks - students are then drawn around and groups will draw a list of organs within their silhouette. Challenge opportunities throughout + worksheet Many answers animate onto screen to allow opportunity of peer/self assess
Unhealthy Diet - Activate

Unhealthy Diet - Activate

KS3 Biology - Unhealthy Diet - Activate2: 1.3 - AQA Activate 8.4.3 Lesson assumes completion of lesson: "Nutrients - Activate" Lesson can still be completed without using the “completed nutrient table” worksheet included in the lesson TASK 1 - requires the Food Labels worksheet and can be used with physical food labels from packaging although this is not required for the lesson and sheet can be completed by going through the food labels on screen TASK 2 - will require the nutrient table from previous lessons (or the support worksheet included) Challenge opportunities throughout + Worksheets Many answers animate onto screen to allow opportunity of peer/self assess
Food Tests - Activate

Food Tests - Activate

-READ INFORMATION- KS3 Biology - Food Tests - Activate2: 1.2 - AQA Activate 8.4.2 Lesson is best accompanied by food test practical session but can be delivered without FOOD TESTS is best done in place of TASK 2- Slides 3-6 can be printed and used as instructions for each test at designated stations around the classroom and have them in front of the tests Challenge opportunities throughout Answers for task 1 animate onto screen to allow opportunity of peer/self assess
Nutrients - Activate

Nutrients - Activate

-READ INFORMATION- KS3 Biology - Nutrients - Activate2: 1.1 - AQA Activate 8.4.1 Presentation and Worksheet guiding students to research nutrients and their functions within the body - lesson WILL REQUIRE ACCESS TO INTERNET via PC or iPad/Tablet Worksheet included Clinical questions to follow research task + 2x plenaries Answers for research task animate onto screen to allow opportunity of peer/self assess
Activate 1 - Structure and Function - B1 - Chapter 2

Activate 1 - Structure and Function - B1 - Chapter 2

6 Resources
Activate 1 - Biology 1 - Chapter 2 This contains 6 lessons over 7 presentations and + 6 worksheets covering: 1 - Levels of Organisation 2 - Gas Exchange 3 - Breathing 4 - The Skeleton 5 - Movement - Joints 6 - Movement - Muscles ^there are two variations of the “Movement - Joints” lesson, one with an investigation, the other paper based. Challenge tasks throughout, answers animate onto the board for peer/self assessment. Skeleton Lesson also includes Homework
Activate 1 - Cells - B1 - Chapter 1

Activate 1 - Cells - B1 - Chapter 1

5 Resources
This contains 5 presentations + 5 worksheets covering: Activate 1 - B1 - Chapter 1 1 - Observing Cells 2 - Plant and Animal Cells 3 - Specialised Cells 4 - Movement of Substances 5 - Unicellular Organisms Challenge tasks throughout, answers animate onto the board for peer/self assessment.
AQA Activate 8.3 - Breathing

AQA Activate 8.3 - Breathing

5 Resources
AQA Activate 8.3 - Breathing Contains 5 presentations + 3 worksheets 8.3.1 Gas Exchange 8.3.2 Breathing 8.3.3 Drugs 8.3.4 Alcohol 8.3.5 Smoking Challenge tasks throughout, answers animate onto the board for peer/self assessment. 8.3.2 - optional extra - bell jar model 8.3.4 - 30cm rulers required for ruler drop/reaction time investigation
AQA Activate 8.2 - Cells

AQA Activate 8.2 - Cells

5 Resources
AQA Activate 8.2 - Cells Activate 1 - Chapter B1 5 presentations with 5 accompanying worksheets 8.2.1 Observing cells 8.2.2 Animal and Plant cells 8.2.3 Specialised cells 8.2.4 Movement of Substances 8.2.5 Unicellular Organisms Observing cells requires the use of microscopes All lessons contain challenge tasks through out and (almost) all answers animate onto the presentation
Smoking - Activate

Smoking - Activate

KS3 Biology - Smoking - Activate2: 1.8 - AQA Activate 8.2.5 Challenge opportunities throughout + Worksheet Many answers animate onto screen to allow opportunity of peer/self assess See the lesson taught here: https://youtu.be/3ZRvdF4uaqY Also convenient for students who miss the lesson
Alcohol - Activate

Alcohol - Activate

KS3 Biology - Alcohol - Activate2 1.7 - AQA Activate 8.2.4 Challenge opportunities throughout Many answers animate onto screen to allow opportunity of peer/self assess Requires graph paper and 30cm rulers for reaction time test Worksheet included is the conversation table for catch distance --> reaction time
Drugs - Activate

Drugs - Activate

KS3 Biology - Drugs - Activate 1.6 - AQA Activate 8.3.3 Challenge opportunities throughout Many answers animate onto screen to allow opportunity of peer/self assess See the lesson taught here: https://youtu.be/Vr4mNOZmQ7I Also convenient for students who miss the lesson