Whole school
Compassion and high standards assembly
-Assembly resource
-Starts with a reflection on compassion linked to inequality and palm oil exploitation
-Optional prayer and link to scripture
-Assembly focus: High standards, what they are and why they’re important, videos included
-Optional link to the parable of the lost sheep
-Script is included
Health and wellbeing assembly
-Assembly resource
-Optional reflection at the start including prayer and link to scripture
-Assembly focus: Health and wellbeing.
-Starts with fun facts about the human body, moves on to focus on: diet, rest, exercise and mental health
Pastoral/PHSE/Tutor time/Assembly activities SOW
An excellent bundle of 17 pastoral time activities, each activity is up to date, engaging and involves some form of student led discussion/task. These have been designed to be used weekly for 17 weeks and should take 20 minutes, all PPTs are neatly presented and require very little photocopying.
Designed for use in a faith school, each presentation has a prayer at the end which can be used/removed if needed. Could easily be adapted into assembly PPTs if needed.
Pastoral activity contents:
A fresh start
Self esteem
Healthy diet
Revision techniques
Mental health
John Henry Newman is canonized
Antibullying week
Remembrance day
Body image
New year’s resolutions
Sign language
International women’s day
World environment day
A year review (for final week of term -linked to week 1 activity)
Careers day enrichment activity
Careers day enrichment activity booklet. Designed for Y10 enrichment week with a focus on career prospects, electronic booklet contains instructions activities and questions for pupils to answer whilst working at laptops/computers. This activity booklet should occupy 2-3 hours of classroom time but you could pick and choose activities to suit the duration of your session.
Well presented and interesting assemblies for use with KS3/4 pupils. Assemblies come with a script or notes on slides to support with delivery.
Includes the following:
-Kindness and compassion
-Mental health
-Oversharing, social media and digital fingerprint
-Representation and diversity
-Resilience and adapting to change
-Hard work
Well presented and interesting assemblies for use with KS3/4 pupils. Assemblies come with a script or notes on slides to support with delivery.
Includes the following:
-Social media
-Soft skills, manners and body language
-Talents and practise
-Thinking traps
-Valentine’s day
Well presented and interesting assemblies for use with KS3/4 pupils. Assemblies come with a script or notes on slides to support with delivery.
Includes the following:
-Alan Turing (homophobia, LGBTQ, tolerance, prejudice)
-Body Image
-Importance of STEM/British science week
-Courage and forgiveness
-Inequality and exploitation
-Integrity and courage
Well-presented and interesting assemblies for use with KS3/4 pupils. Assemblies come with a script or notes on slides to support with delivery.
19 assemblies for £15.00, would cose £28.50 if purchased individually
Includes the following:
-Alan Turing (homophobia, LGBTQ, tolerance, prejudice)
-Body Image
-Importance of STEM/British science week
-Courage and forgiveness
-Inequality and exploitation
-Integrity and courage
-Kindness and compassion
-Mental health
-Oversharing, social media and digital fingerprint
-Representation and diversity
-Resilience and adapting to change
-Hard work
-Social media
-Soft skills, manners and body language
-Talents and practise
-Thinking traps
-Valentine’s day