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German and French resources for KS3, KS4 and KS5 - tried and tested resources that develop pupils' confidence with a range of learning styles catered for.




German and French resources for KS3, KS4 and KS5 - tried and tested resources that develop pupils' confidence with a range of learning styles catered for.
Saying what your role-model can do

Saying what your role-model can do

A PPT with worksheet that looks at using ‘kann’ after ‘weil’ e.g. Ich mag mein Vorbild, weil er gut singen kann. A few visual supports on the PowerPoint to recap key vocabulary and encourage pupils to speak about their role-models. This would require pre-teaching of structures such as ‘nicht nur…sondern auch…’ and ‘sowohl…als auch’. I’ve used this with year 8/9 pupils, but it could equally make for a quick recap at GCSE, too.
German adjective endings practice

German adjective endings practice

Two worksheets to practise adjective endings in German in the accusative and dative cases. Each worksheet has the answers on the 2nd page. Aimed at those in year 9/10 with an understanding of adjective endings. This could be set as a homework task or as a revision task.
pluperfect in German

pluperfect in German

A PowerPoint that build on from the perfect tense, looking at formation and word order with ‘nachdem’ (verb, verb rule). Short translations with answers on the PowerPoint to help pupils understand the basics of the pluperfect tense in German. Aimed at GCSE/IGCSE pupils
Imperfect tense in German plus Vorbilder

Imperfect tense in German plus Vorbilder

A lesson that goes into the formation of the imperfect tense in German (regulars, irregulars + mixed) - key rules + short practice. Context is that of Vorbilder, culminating in a translation into English that includes several verbs in the imperfect. Included: Lesson plan also provided for this resource Teacher version of the PPT with answers Student version of the PPT for annotation
separable verbs fernsehen and radfahren

separable verbs fernsehen and radfahren

A worksheet to practise using the verbs fernsehen and Rad fahren in the present tense for different subject pronouns. Links on from hobbies that take regular verbs e.g. Rugby spielen, schwimmen gehen etc. Explanation about separable verbs plus support vocabulary given to help with this translation task. Aimed at beginners but could also be used to revise these key verbs.
German prepositional verbs

German prepositional verbs

A PowerPoint that explains and breaks down verbs taking prepositions - Da-Komposita and questions using prepositions (Wo-Komposita) Example: Ich freue mich auf das Wochenende. Ich freue mich darauf. Ich freue mich darauf, dich am Montag zu sehen (this type of construction being particularly useful for the speaking/writing components). Translation practice aimed at higher level (A/A*) candidates to consolidate this grammar concept. Final slide contains some prepositional phrases that could be used when writing an essay on Der Vorleser - could be adapted for other set texts.
Furniture items in accusative and dative

Furniture items in accusative and dative

A PowerPoint and accompanying support sheets to explain the difference between the accusative after ‘es gibt’ or ‘ich habe’ vs the dative after prepositions. One of the slides has a mouse that moves to different places and pupils have to make sentences to explain where the mouse is e.g. Die Maus ist auf dem Bett, die Maus ist vor dem Sofa etc. (vocabulary on screen to help). Adjective endings in the accusative case explained on a sheet in relation to furniture items for pupils to practise e.g. In meinem Zimmer habe ich einen kleinen Tisch etc. Colours used to explain the grammatical terms with a view to helping pupils understand the difference between the accusative and dative.
A level German oral exam support

A level German oral exam support

A series of PowerPoints to help students use a range of structures to extend the complexity of language used. Teacher PPT and Student Version (SV) to facilitate annotation. Phrases that can be used in the oral exam (or indeed in an essay) to help develop the point being made. Examples include passive, subjunctive, conditional perfect etc.
Haustiere Pets introduction in German

Haustiere Pets introduction in German

A few PowerPoints (series of lesson) to introduce pets and teach descriptions in the accusative case. Also incldued are relative pronouns to extended further. PowerPoints plus worksheets and answer sheets. Speaking practice with a support sheet
Hobbies with spielen

Hobbies with spielen

An introductory worksheet to practise conjugating ‘spielen’ - present tese + question forming using inversion. For beginners and helps them to focus on sports that take spielen.
Meine Schule  - revision/cover lesson

Meine Schule - revision/cover lesson

A series of tasks that could form part of revision or for a cover; answers are provided at the end. Task 1: Match up of key school subjects Task 2: Translation into English (some words will likely need to be looked up in a dictionary, but some vocabulary support is provided to help pupils. Focus is on opinions/weil. Task 3: Reading comprehension with questions in English - focus is on times of the day + in the X lesson. Task 4: Pupils to write own paragraph, using tasks 2/3 to support them.
Schuluniform adjective endings practice

Schuluniform adjective endings practice

Key vocabulary to describe items of clothing commonly worn to school + practice of adjective endings in the accusative case. Two versions attached - a student version (SV) - without answers and a teacher version (same, but with mark scheme at the end). Could form part of a sequence of lessons after having taught adjective endings or as a cover lesson (examples/support provided). Useful for KS3 or as revision at KS4.
Stimmt 3: Kapitel 1 resources

Stimmt 3: Kapitel 1 resources

Several PowerPoints and a worksheet focusing on the ‘Vorbild’ concept within Kapitel 1 of Stimmt 3. The PowerPoints cover adjectives, adverbs, opinions, justifications using a range of higher level subordinate clauses and comparisons. Contemporary photos to support. In lesson 4 (PowerPoint), slide 6, run the slide, and students have to provide the translation for each square - these can be clicked (either by teacher using the mouse, or students can come to board and use a pen) and they disappear, square by square - revealing part of an image ;opportunity to bring in some cultural discussion. Also included is a translation task based on a variety of future tense expressions, based on pp.16-17
French GCSE Question Generator

French GCSE Question Generator

Run PowerPoint, and use back arrow to stop at a random question. 7 key topic areas covered PowerPoint easily adapted. Good for revision in the build-up to GCSE exams.
Neue Medien Introduction

Neue Medien Introduction

Media bundle: An overview of new media types with a focus on the accusative case. Revision of gern/nicht gern with new media. Support structures for a speaking (class survey) task A mini translation into German A more complex translation (assisted, using the vocabulary from the first slide of the PowerPoint to help with key terms and more importantly word order.
Environment starter

Environment starter

Pupils to identify whether the statements belong to an eco-warrior or something who is indifferent to the environment. Accompanying PPT with answers.
Wo wohnst du

Wo wohnst du

Saying where you live - house types and locations PPT with accompanying worksheets (including one to practise the verb ‘wohnen’ in full Speaking survey for class interaction Homework task (reading and translation)
IGCSE German grammar revision

IGCSE German grammar revision

This resource revises: Changing the 1st person to the 3rd person (for Reading/Listening papers) Adjective endings in a range of cases Tense revision - putting sentences into different tenses Short translation practice A few identify the error sentences