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I am currently a Lecturer in Engineering Design at a University, prior to this I worked in secondary schools as a specialist physics teacher. My experience from working at these levels of education has emphasised the need to ensure fundamentals in science are mastered by students for continued success in education & beyond. My resources aim to clearly communicate complex scientific principles through clear visuals and explanations - with well structured tasks to practice what has been learnt.




I am currently a Lecturer in Engineering Design at a University, prior to this I worked in secondary schools as a specialist physics teacher. My experience from working at these levels of education has emphasised the need to ensure fundamentals in science are mastered by students for continued success in education & beyond. My resources aim to clearly communicate complex scientific principles through clear visuals and explanations - with well structured tasks to practice what has been learnt.
GCSE 9-1 AQA Physics - P11.2 - Pressure and Liquids

GCSE 9-1 AQA Physics - P11.2 - Pressure and Liquids

New GCSE AQA Physics lesson on ’ Pressure in Liquids’ written in line with new AQA Physics specification. All questions provided with answers within power point. The lesson starts with a question on the dangers presented to deep sea divers. How liquids exert a pressure is demonstrated with a visual of a series of containers with different heights of liquid inside whilst highlighting the liquid has mass and therefore weight - this is then linked back to pressure = force/area. The importance of height in relation to pressure is further reviewed with a water bottle that has holes at different heights - the water jets shooting out is then discussed. Finally reviewing the importance of density to mass to weight and therefore pressure leads to the formation of the equation, P= ρgh - practice of the use of the equation is provided by looking at the pressure beneath the sea at different depths. The dangers of deep sea scuba diving are again discussed with the lesson knowledge gained. The lesson is concluded with a set of review question. Lesson Objectives: - Explain how a liquid exerts a pressure. - Explain how pressure exerted by a liquid can be increased. - Explain how pressure varies at different points in liquid. - Calculate the pressure in a liquid column.
GCSE 9-1 AQA Physics - P11.3 - Atmospheric Pressure

GCSE 9-1 AQA Physics - P11.3 - Atmospheric Pressure

New GCSE AQA Physics lesson on ’ Atmospheric Pressure’ written in line with new AQA Physics specification. All questions provided with answers within power point. Learning objectives: - Explain what atmospheric pressure is. - Describe a simple model of earth atmosphere and atmospheric pressure. - Identify how atmospheric pressure changes with altitude. - Carry out calculations with atmospheric pressure at different altitudes.
GCSE AQA Physics - P7.2 - Atomic model, Plum pudding and Bohr's model of the atom

GCSE AQA Physics - P7.2 - Atomic model, Plum pudding and Bohr's model of the atom

New GCSE AQA Physics lesson on 'Atomic model, Plum pudding and Bohr's model of the atom ' written in line with new AQA Physics specification. Lesson Objectives: 1) Explain how and why ideas in Science change over time. 2) Identify and explain the conclusions from the alpha scattering experiment. 3) Explain why the new evidence from the scattering experiment led to a change in the atomic model. 4) Compare and contrast the plum pudding model of the atom and the nuclear model of the atom.
GCSE AQA Physics - P13.2 - EM Spectrum details

GCSE AQA Physics - P13.2 - EM Spectrum details

New GCSE AQA Physics lesson on 'EM spectrum details' written in line with new AQA Physics specification. Lesson Objectives: 1) Recall the different parts of the electromagnetic spectrum in order of wavelength, frequency and energy. 2) Explain in detail with different uses up to 4 EM waves. 3)Explain in detail with different uses of all 4 EM waves. 4) Evaluate and discuss the potential risk of using mobile phones.
GCSE AQA Physics - P14.2 - Refraction of Light

GCSE AQA Physics - P14.2 - Refraction of Light

New GCSE AQA Physics lesson on 'Refraction of Light ' written in line with new AQA Physics specification. Lesson Objectives: 1) Detail steps to investigate how light travels through materials. 2) Investigate how light travels through materials. 3) Describe what happens to waves when they travel through materials of different densities. 4)Draw ray diagrams to show refraction of light through a glass blocks. 5) Use knowledge of refraction to explain phenomena of light travelling between boundaries.
GCSE AQA Physics - P7.5 - Radioactivity and Half-life

GCSE AQA Physics - P7.5 - Radioactivity and Half-life

New GCSE AQA Physics lesson on 'Radioactivity and Half-life ' written in line with new AQA Physics specification. Starter poses two interesting questions in relation to a continuous doubling effect linking to the mathematics of the lesson and inverse of half-life. A quick recap on isotopes and different types of radiation is provided to keep key concepts in pupils minds. The coin flip (heads or tails) activity is detailed to get students to carry out this activity and collect data to plot the results from to show a 'half-life curve'. Following the explanation of random events the pupils are given the task of recording nuclear decays in relation to video shown on youtube. This then allows a direct link to be made to a half-life graph to nuclear decay. This then leads to the review of half-life graph review questions. Learning Objectives for Half-life lesson: 1) Review what is meant by isotope and how this is radioactive. 2) Understand the ‘random’ nature of radioactive decay. 3) State and explain what is meant by ‘half-life’. 4) Determine the half-life of different isotopes using given information. The lesson is summarised with review questions on the content covered.
GCSE 9-1 AQA Physics 4.6 - Reflection and Refraction of Waves

GCSE 9-1 AQA Physics 4.6 - Reflection and Refraction of Waves

New GCSE AQA Physics lesson on ’ Reflection and Refraction of Waves’ written in line with new AQA Physics specification. All questions provided with answers within power point. Includes PowerPoint, 3 task sh Lesson Objectives: State what is meant by reflection of a wave. State what is meant by refraction of a wave. Explain how ‘incident waves’ relate to ‘reflected waves’. Identify and explain properties of waves that change due to refraction.
GCSE Physics AQA - P7.8 - Nuclear Fusion

GCSE Physics AQA - P7.8 - Nuclear Fusion

New GCSE AQA Physics lesson on 'Nuclear Fusion ’ written in line with new AQA Physics specification. Lesson Objectives: State and explain what is meant by Nuclear Fusion. Explain the process of nuclear fusion. Identify the reactants and products in a nuclear fusion reaction. Write nuclear fusion reactions. Apply knowledge of nuclear fusion and fission to compare and contrast both methods for generating electricity.
GCSE Physics - 2 lessons  - Properties of Alpha, Beta and Gamma Radiation & Uses of Radiation

GCSE Physics - 2 lessons - Properties of Alpha, Beta and Gamma Radiation & Uses of Radiation

2 COMPLETE LESSONS ON NUCLEAR RADIATION. A complete and detailed lesson on Radioactivity, focusing on the properties of alpha, beta and gamma radiation & a second lesson on uses of nuclear radiation (created with AQA and Edexcel specification content). PROPERTIES OF NUCLEAR RADIATION 1) Review the characteristics of the 3 types of nuclear radiation. 2) Identify the penetrating power and range of type of radiation. 3) Explain what is meant by ionising radiation and relate to the three types and applications of this. 4) Compare and contrast the effect of magnetic and electric fields of nuclear radiation. Pupils are prompted to post questions they have on nuclear radiation so far and in general which can be discussed by the class to serve as some recap on the previous lesson, deal with misconceptions and highlight progress when these may be answered during the lesson (and previous lessons). Pupils recap the content of the previous lesson on the characteristics of the 3 types of radiation as this is important to the current lesson and exercises their knowledge on the subject. Penetrating power and range of the types of radiation is covered in detail using animations. Ionisation is reviewed by challenging pupils through questioning relating to previous content. This is then related to radiation and the types ability to ionise atoms. This lead to descriptions of photographic film and a detailed description of how the geiger-muller counter work with a bespoke animation to assist this. Deflection of radiation is covered through questioning using clear imagery and animations to support pupils. This leads to literacy based task for pupils to compare and contrast different types of radiation and their path through an electric field. The lesson is summarised with review questions on the content covered. USES OF NUCLEAR RADIATION 1) Review the properties of the 3 types of nuclear radiation. 2) Identify that nuclear radiation can be dangerous and useful. 3) Explain in detail one or two applications of nuclear radiation. 4) Apply your knowledge of nuclear radiation to exam questions. Applications explored in detail: geiger-muller counter, x-rays, badges, automatic thickness monitoring, traces, smoke alarms, carbon dating and uranium dating. More Radioactivity lessons to come shortly.
GCSE AQA Physics - P7.4 - Alpha, beta and gamma properties

GCSE AQA Physics - P7.4 - Alpha, beta and gamma properties

A complete and detailed lesson on Radioactivity, focusing on the properties of alpha, beta and gamma radiation & a second lesson on uses of nuclear radiation (created with AQA and Edexcel specification content). PROPERTIES OF NUCLEAR RADIATION 1) Review the characteristics of the 3 types of nuclear radiation. 2) Identify the penetrating power and range of type of radiation. 3) Explain what is meant by ionising radiation and relate to the three types and applications of this. 4) Compare and contrast the effect of magnetic and electric fields of nuclear radiation. Pupils are prompted to post questions they have on nuclear radiation so far and in general which can be discussed by the class to serve as some recap on the previous lesson, deal with misconceptions and highlight progress when these may be answered during the lesson (and previous lessons). Pupils recap the content of the previous lesson on the characteristics of the 3 types of radiation as this is important to the current lesson and exercises their knowledge on the subject. Penetrating power and range of the types of radiation is covered in detail using animations. Ionisation is reviewed by challenging pupils through questioning relating to previous content. This is then related to radiation and the types ability to ionise atoms. This lead to descriptions of photographic film and a detailed description of how the geiger-muller counter work with a bespoke animation to assist this. Deflection of radiation is covered through questioning using clear imagery and animations to support pupils. This leads to literacy based task for pupils to compare and contrast different types of radiation and their path through an electric field.
GCSE 9-1 AQA Physics - P11.4 - Upthrust and Flotation (How things float)

GCSE 9-1 AQA Physics - P11.4 - Upthrust and Flotation (How things float)

New GCSE AQA Physics lesson on ’ Atmospheric Pressure’ written in line with new AQA Physics specification. All questions provided with answers within power point. (Required for GCSE Physics only Higher tier) Lesson Objectives: - Explain how upthrust acts on an object in a fluid. - Identify the key factors that contribute to upthrust of an object in a fluid. - Relate pressure in a fluid to upthrust. - Predict whether a variety of objects will float or sink.
GCSE 9-1 AQA Physics 4.6 -  Ultrasound

GCSE 9-1 AQA Physics 4.6 - Ultrasound

New GCSE AQA Physics lesson on ’ Ultrasound’ written in line with new AQA Physics specification. All questions provided with answers within power point. Lesson Objectives: State what ultrasound waves are State what happens to an ultrasound wave when it meets a boundary Explain how ultrasound waves can be used to find how far away something is Detail how ultrasound can be used in medicine & industrial imaging
GCSE AQA Physics - P7.6 - Nuclear radiation uses (medicine)

GCSE AQA Physics - P7.6 - Nuclear radiation uses (medicine)

The lesson is summarised with review questions on the content covered. USES OF NUCLEAR RADIATION 1) Review the properties of the 3 types of nuclear radiation. 2) Identify that nuclear radiation can be dangerous and useful. 3) Explain in detail one or two applications of nuclear radiation. 4) Apply your knowledge of nuclear radiation to exam questions. Applications explored in detail: geiger-muller counter, x-rays, badges, automatic thickness monitoring, traces, smoke alarms, carbon dating and uranium dating.
GCSE Physics AQA Physics - P9.1 - Distance-time graphs

GCSE Physics AQA Physics - P9.1 - Distance-time graphs

New GCSE AQA Physics lesson on ‘distance - time graphs’ written in line with new AQA Physics specification. Lesson Objectives: Describe what a distance-time graph can tell you. Identify different distance-time graph trends. Use the gradient of a distance-time graph for speed calculations. Calculate velocities from distance time graphs. More content to be added to lesson shortly and new worksheets.
GCSE 9-1 AQA Physics 4.6 -  Sound

GCSE 9-1 AQA Physics 4.6 - Sound

New GCSE AQA Physics lesson on ’ Sound’ written in line with new AQA Physics specification. All questions provided with answers within power point. Lesson Objectives: Explain what sound is in terms of a wave. Explain what an echo is and how it occurs. Detail what effect amplitude has on sound. Detail what effect pitch has on sound. Explain how the human ear detects sound and the limits of the human ear.
GCSE AQA Physics - Reflection of Light (Diffuse and specular reflection)

GCSE AQA Physics - Reflection of Light (Diffuse and specular reflection)

New GCSE AQA Physics lesson on 'Reflection of Light (Diffuse and specular reflection) ’ written in line with new AQA Physics specification. Lesson Objectives: Identify and explain different methods of reflecting waves. Investigate the law of reflection. Draw ray diagrams for different objects. Explain and draw virtual images. Explain what happens to light rays when they reflect of different types of surfaces.
GCSE AQA Physics - P7.7 - Nuclear Fission

GCSE AQA Physics - P7.7 - Nuclear Fission

New GCSE AQA Physics lesson on 'Nuclear Fission ’ written in line with new AQA Physics specification. Learning Objectives for Fission lesson: State and explain what is meant by Nuclear Fission. State the isotopes commonly used in Nuclear Power stations. Explain the process of a nuclear fission chain reaction. Identify and explain in detail the key features of a Nuclear Power station.
GCSE Physics - Nuclear Fusion & Life Cycle of Stars

GCSE Physics - Nuclear Fusion & Life Cycle of Stars

Complete GCSE lesson on Nuclear Fusion and the life cycle of stars. Learning Objectives: 1) State and explain what is meant by Nuclear Fusion. 2) Identify the products from nuclear fusion reactions. 3) Explain in detail the birth and life cycle of a star. 4) Apply knowledge of nuclear fusion to stars and how different elements have been formed.
GCSE Physics - Radioactivity & Half-life - Fission

GCSE Physics - Radioactivity & Half-life - Fission

2 COMPLETE LESSONS ON HALF-LIFE & NUCLEAR FISSION A complete and detailed lesson on Radioactive half-life and another on nuclear fission (created with AQA and Edexcel specification content). Learning Objectives for Half-life lesson: 1) Review what is meant by isotope and how this is radioactive. 2) Understand the ‘random’ nature of radioactive decay. 3) State and explain what is meant by ‘half-life’. 4) Draw key conclusions from graphs of radioactive decay. The lesson is summarised with review questions on the content covered. Learning Objectives for Fission lesson: 1) State and explain what is meant by Nuclear Fission. (D) 2) State the isotopes commonly used in Nuclear Power stations. (C) 3) Explain the process of a nuclear fission chain reaction. (B) 4) Identify and explain in detail the key features of a Nuclear Power station. (A) The lesson is summarised with exam style questions. Lessons Fusion to come soon.
GCSE Chemistry - C3.3 - Ionic Bonding

GCSE Chemistry - C3.3 - Ionic Bonding

New GCSE lesson on Ionic bonding Lesson Objectives: 1) Recap ion formation 2) Describe ionic bonding. 3) Explain how elements form ionic bonds. 4) Draw dot and cross diagrams. 5) Use the periodic table to find how different elements form ionic bonds. Lesson updated as promised to version 2 - 05/09/16 More Chemistry lessons to follow on Nteach