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Primary Stars Education

Average Rating4.92
(based on 875 reviews)

Our resources are professionally designed allowing all learners to access an enriched, engaging mastery approach to the curriculum.




Our resources are professionally designed allowing all learners to access an enriched, engaging mastery approach to the curriculum.
Year 3 - Number - Fractions - Week 1-3- Summer - Block 1 - BUNDLE  - White Rose

Year 3 - Number - Fractions - Week 1-3- Summer - Block 1 - BUNDLE - White Rose

3 Resources
UPDATE - Challenge cards updated (Week 2) This bundle covers Year 3 - Number - Fractions (Block 1 - week 1-3). You will save 40% buying this bundle! You will get: Week 1 , Week 2, Week 3 It covers the small steps: Week 1: • Equivalent Fractions (1) • Equivalent Fractions (2) • Equivalent Fractions (3) Week 2: • Compare Fractions • Order Fractions Week 3: • Add Fractions • Subtract Fractions PDF format (please set print option to fit). To ensure the hyperlinks fully work, you must download the Zip file provided and extract the folder to your computer. You must also ensure you have the latest update for your PDF reader. The resources support a mastery approach to encourage a deeper understanding of the topics taught. It follows a CPA (Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract) approach to ensure all children can access learning. The pack provides pictorial and abstract representations, along with fluency, reasoning, problem solving and open-ended investigation questions. This can be seen in our product previews. If you have any questions, please email primarystarseducation@gmail.com. Click here to join our exclusive Facebook group. Thank you, Primary Stars Education
Year 2 - Measurement - Time - Summer - Block 3 - BUNDLE White Rose

Year 2 - Measurement - Time - Summer - Block 3 - BUNDLE White Rose

3 Resources
This bundle covers Year 2 - Measurement - Time (Block 3 - week 6 & 7). You will save 40% buying this bundle! You will get: Week 6 , Week 7, Bonus It covers the small steps: Week 6: • O’clock and half past • Quarter past and quarter to • Telling time to 5 minutes Week 7: • Hours and days • Find durations of time • Compare durations of time Bonus pack: • Assessment - Time - End of unit • Homework - Time (3 sheets) • Activity - Match Cards - Quarterly hour intervals • Game - Time Bingo - Five minute intervals • Activity - - Time wordsearch • Game - Colour the time • Template - Blank clocks • Template - Comparison clocks PDF format (please set print option to fit). To ensure the hyperlinks fully work, you must download the Zip file provided and extract the folder to your computer. You must also ensure you have the latest update for your PDF reader. The resources support a mastery approach to encourage a deeper understanding of the topics taught. It follows a CPA (Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract) approach to ensure all children can access learning. The pack provides pictorial and abstract representations, along with fluency, reasoning, problem solving and open-ended investigation questions. This can be seen in our product previews. If you have any questions, please email primarystarseducation@gmail.com. Click here to join our exclusive Facebook group. Thank you, Primary Stars Education
Year 1 - Measurement - Time - Summer - Block 6 - BUNDLE White Rose

Year 1 - Measurement - Time - Summer - Block 6 - BUNDLE White Rose

3 Resources
This bundle covers Year 1 - Measurement - Time (Block 6 - week 10 & 11). You will save 40% buying this bundle! You will get: Week 10 , Week 11, Bonus It covers the small steps: Week 10: • Before and after • Dates • Time to the hour Week 11: • Time to the half hour • Writing time • Comparing time PDF format (please set print option to fit). To ensure the hyperlinks fully work, you must download the Zip file provided and extract the folder to your computer. You must also ensure you have the latest update for your PDF reader. The resources support a mastery approach to encourage a deeper understanding of the topics taught. It follows a CPA (Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract) approach to ensure all children can access learning. The pack provides pictorial and abstract representations, along with fluency, reasoning, problem solving and open-ended investigation questions. This can be seen in our product previews. If you have any questions, please email primarystarseducation@gmail.com. Click here to join our exclusive Facebook group. Thank you, Primary Stars Education
Year 5 - Geometry - Property of Shape - Week 5-7- Summer - Block 2 - BUNDLE  - White Rose

Year 5 - Geometry - Property of Shape - Week 5-7- Summer - Block 2 - BUNDLE - White Rose

3 Resources
This bundle covers Year 5 - Geometry - Property of Shape (Block 2 - week 5-7). You will save 40% buying this bundle! You will get: Week 5, Week 6, Week 7 It covers the small steps: Week 5: • Measuring angles in degrees • Measuring with a protractor (1) • Measuring with a protractor (2) Week 6: • Drawing lines and angles accurately • Calculating angles on a straight line • Calculating angles around a point Week 7: • Lengths and angles in shapes. • Regular and irregular polygons • Reasoning about 3D shapes PDF format (please set print option to fit). To ensure the hyperlinks fully work, you must download the Zip file provided and extract the folder to your computer. You must also ensure you have the latest update for your PDF reader. The resources support a mastery approach to encourage a deeper understanding of the topics taught. It follows a CPA (Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract) approach to ensure all children can access learning. The pack provides pictorial and abstract representations, along with fluency, reasoning, problem solving and open-ended investigation questions. This can be seen in our product previews. If you have any questions, please email primarystarseducation@gmail.com. Click here to join our exclusive Facebook group. Thank you, Primary Stars Education
Year 5 - Geometry - White Rose - Summer - Block 2 - Week 5-7 - Property of Shape

Year 5 - Geometry - White Rose - Summer - Block 2 - Week 5-7 - Property of Shape

6 Resources
This corresponds to White Rose - Summer - Block 2 - Week 5-7. This is on offer for the weekend until the 18th March as part of the SpringSavings sale. This bundle is a complete Geometry - Property of Shape unit in line with the 2014 curriculum . Each objective pack contains a PowerPoint presentation, worksheets which include cards and extensions which will build children’s problem solving, fluency and reasoning skills and an answers pack for each. The packs provide a concrete, pictorial,abstract (CPA) approach helps pupils to develop a deep understanding of mastery maths. Purchase this and you will be saving a huge 44% than buying each pack individually! This bundle contains the following packs: Identify 3D shapes, including cubes and cuboids, from 2D representations Draw and measure angles Identify angles in a full turn, straight line and other 90 degrees Know angles are measured in degrees: estimate and compare acute, obtuse and reflex angles Distinguish between regular and irregular polygons Properties of rectangles PDF format (please set print option to fit). Your feedback is really important to us. We provide quality products at affordable prices and really would appreciate your feedback. With that in mind, please be kind enough to spare a minute or two to leave feedback on this product as it will help us improve our service to you the customer. Thanks, The Digital Stationer
Addition and Subtraction MEGA Bundle (suitable UK/US) – 220+ printables

Addition and Subtraction MEGA Bundle (suitable UK/US) – 220+ printables

6 Resources
PLEASE NOTE - This pack is suitable for both the UK and the US. This mega bundle is a combination of our 3 addition packs and 3 subtraction packs aimed at all abilities in the years 1 to 5, although we have used this as a guide only. There are a wide range of worksheets included and as the teacher, you are the most qualified to assess which worksheets will suit which of your students. See the individual packs to see what is included: Addition Pack Whole Numbers (Units and Tens) Addition Pack Whole Numbers (Tens and Hundreds) Addition Pack Whole Numbers (Hundreds and Thousands) Subtraction Pack Whole Numbers (Units and Tens) Subtraction Pack Whole Numbers (Tens and Hundreds) Subtraction Pack Whole Numbers (Hundreds and Thousands) Or why not check out our other Addition and Subtraction Packs: Addition MEGA Bundle Subtraction MEGA Bundle Addition and Subtraction Pack Whole Numbers (Units and Tens) Addition and Subtraction Pack Whole Numbers (Tens and Hundreds) Addition and Subtraction Pack Whole Numbers (Hundreds and Thousands) PDF format (please ensure that when printing, you set the size option to fit). Your feedback is really important to us. We provide quality products at affordable prices and really would appreciate your feedback. With that in mind, please be kind enough to spare a minute or two to leave feedback on this product as it will help us improve our service to you the customer. Thank you. The Digital Stationer
Measurement MEGA Bundle (US version) - 200+ printables

Measurement MEGA Bundle (US version) - 200+ printables

10 Resources
We created this MEGA bundle to provide you, our customers, with a cost effective Measurement MEGA Bundle which includes all of our individual Measuring Packs available from our store. Included Packs: Measuring Area Measuring Capacity Measure Charts/Posters Measuring Length Money Pack Measuring Perimeter Measuring Temperature Time Pack Measuring Volume Measuring Weight PDF format (please set print option to fit). Your feedback is really important to us. We provide quality products at affordable prices and really would appreciate your feedback. With that in mind, please be kind enough to spare a minute or two to leave feedback on this product as it will help us improve our service to you the customer. Thanks, The Digital Stationer
Measurement MEGA Bundle (UK version) - 200+ printables

Measurement MEGA Bundle (UK version) - 200+ printables

10 Resources
We created this MEGA bundle to provide you, our customers, with a cost effective Measurement MEGA Bundle which includes all of our individual Measuring Packs available from our store. Included Packs: Measuring Area Measuring Capacity Measure Charts/Posters Measuring Length Money Pack Measuring Perimeter Measuring Temperature Time Pack Measuring Volume Measuring Weight PDF format (please set print option to fit). Your feedback is really important to us. We provide quality products at affordable prices and really would appreciate your feedback. With that in mind, please be kind enough to spare a minute or two to leave feedback on this product as it will help us improve our service to you the customer. Thanks, The Digital Stationer
Year 5 - Geometry Unit (inc. mastery. White Rose)

Year 5 - Geometry Unit (inc. mastery. White Rose)

7 Resources
This bundle is a complete Geometry UNIT (inc. position and direction) in line with the 2014 curriculum. Each objective pack contains a PowerPoint presentation, worksheets which include cards and extensions which will build children’s problem solving, fluency and reasoning skills and an answers pack for each. The packs provide a concrete, pictorial,abstract (CPA) approach helps pupils to develop a deep understanding of mastery maths and can be used alongside White Rose schemes. Purchase this and you will be saving a huge 43% than buying each pack individually! This bundle contains the following packs: This bundle contains the following packs: Identify 3D shapes, including cubes and cuboids, from 2D representations Draw and measure angles Identify angles in a full turn, straight line and other 90 degrees Know angles are measured in degrees: estimate and compare acute, obtuse and reflex angles Distinguish between regular and irregular polygons Reflection and Translation The resources support a mastery approach to encourage a deeper understanding of the topics taught. It follows a CPA (Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract) approach to ensure all children can access learning. The pack provides pictorial and abstract representations, along with reasoning, problem solving and open-ended investigations. Details of this can be seen in the contextual overview provided. I hope you find them useful. If you have any questions, please email thedigitalstationer@gmail.com. Thanks, The Digital Stationer
YEAR 1 - Place Value (within 50) - White Rose - COMPLETE Block 2 - Spring BUNDLE

YEAR 1 - Place Value (within 50) - White Rose - COMPLETE Block 2 - Spring BUNDLE

3 Resources
This bundle contains week 5-7 of Place Value (Within 50) - Block 2. Buy this bundle to save 20%! It will cover small steps: Week 5: • Counting to 50 • Representing numbers • Tens and ones Week 6: • One more, one less • Compare objects within 50 • Compare numbers within 50 Week 7: • Order numbers within 50 • Count in 2s • Count in 5s You will receive everything you need - lesson plans, presentation for the whole week, differentiated worksheets & answers, differentiated activities and extensions, templates and displays for your own resource creation. PDF format (please set print option to fit). To ensure the hyperlinks fully work, you must download the Zip file provided and extract the folder to your computer. You must also ensure you have the latest update for your PDF reader. The resources support a mastery approach to encourage a deeper understanding of the topics taught. It follows a CPA (Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract) approach to ensure all children can access learning. The pack provides pictorial and abstract representations, along with fluency, reasoning, problem solving and open-ended investigation questions. This can be seen in our product previews. If you have any questions, please email primarystarseducation@gmail.com. Click here to join our exclusive Facebook group. Thank you, Primary Stars Education
YEAR 1 - Multiplication & Division - White Rose - COMPLETE Block 1 - Summer BUNDLE

YEAR 1 - Multiplication & Division - White Rose - COMPLETE Block 1 - Summer BUNDLE

3 Resources
This bundle contains week 1-3 of Multiplication & Division - Summer - Block 1. Buy this bundle to save 20%! It will cover small steps: Week 1: • Count in 10s • Making equal groups • Adding equal groups Week 2: • Make arrays • Make doubles Week 3: • Make equal groups – grouping • Make equal groups – sharing You will receive everything you need - lesson plans, presentation for the whole week, differentiated worksheets & answers, differentiated activities and extensions, templates and displays for your own resource creation. PDF format (please set print option to fit). To ensure the hyperlinks fully work, you must download the Zip file provided and extract the folder to your computer. You must also ensure you have the latest update for your PDF reader. The resources support a mastery approach to encourage a deeper understanding of the topics taught. It follows a CPA (Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract) approach to ensure all children can access learning. The pack provides pictorial and abstract representations, along with fluency, reasoning, problem solving and open-ended investigation questions. This can be seen in our product previews. If you have any questions, please email primarystarseducation@gmail.com. Click here to join our exclusive Facebook group. Thank you, Primary Stars Education
YEAR 2 - Fractions- White Rose - COMPLETE Block 4- Spring BUNDLE

YEAR 2 - Fractions- White Rose - COMPLETE Block 4- Spring BUNDLE

3 Resources
This bundle contains week 8-10 of Fractions - Block 4. Buy this bundle to save 20%! It will cover small steps: Week 8: • Make equal parts • Recognise a half • Find a half • Recognise a quarter Week 9: • Find a quarter • Recognise a third • Find a third • Unit fractions Week 10: • Non-unit fractions • Equivalence of half and two quarters • Find three quarters • Count in fractions You will receive everything you need - lesson plans, presentation for the whole week, differentiated worksheets & answers, differentiated activities and extensions, templates and displays for your own resource creation. PDF format (please set print option to fit). To ensure the hyperlinks fully work, you must download the Zip file provided and extract the folder to your computer. You must also ensure you have the latest update for your PDF reader. The resources support a mastery approach to encourage a deeper understanding of the topics taught. It follows a CPA (Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract) approach to ensure all children can access learning. The pack provides pictorial and abstract representations, along with fluency, reasoning, problem solving and open-ended investigation questions. This can be seen in our product previews. If you have any questions, please email primarystarseducation@gmail.com. Click here to join our exclusive Facebook group. Thank you, Primary Stars Education
YEAR 2 - Position and direction - White Rose - COMPLETE Block 1 - Summer BUNDLE

YEAR 2 - Position and direction - White Rose - COMPLETE Block 1 - Summer BUNDLE

3 Resources
This bundle contains week 1-3 of Position and direction - Summer - Block 1. Buy this bundle to save 20%! It will cover small steps: Week 1: • Describing movement Week 2: • Describing turns Week 3: • Describing movement & turns • Making patterns with shapes You will receive everything you need - lesson plans, presentation for the whole week, differentiated worksheets & answers, differentiated activities and extensions, templates and displays for your own resource creation. PDF format (please set print option to fit). To ensure the hyperlinks fully work, you must download the Zip file provided and extract the folder to your computer. You must also ensure you have the latest update for your PDF reader. The resources support a mastery approach to encourage a deeper understanding of the topics taught. It follows a CPA (Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract) approach to ensure all children can access learning. The pack provides pictorial and abstract representations, along with fluency, reasoning, problem solving and open-ended investigation questions. This can be seen in our product previews. If you have any questions, please email primarystarseducation@gmail.com. Click here to join our exclusive Facebook group. Thank you, Primary Stars Education
YEAR 2 - Geometry - Properties of Shape - White Rose - COMPLETE Block 3 - Spring BUNDLE

YEAR 2 - Geometry - Properties of Shape - White Rose - COMPLETE Block 3 - Spring BUNDLE

3 Resources
This bundle contains week 5-7 of Geometry - Properties of Shape - Block 3. Buy this bundle to save 20%! It will cover small steps: Week 5: • Recognise 2D and 3D shapes • Count sides on 2D shapes • Count vertices on 2D shapes • Draw 2D shapes Week 6: • Lines of symmetry • Sort 2D shapes • Patterns with 2D shapes • Count faces on 3D shapes Week 7: • Count edges on 3D shapes • Count vertices on 3D shapes • Sort 3D shapes • Patterns with 3D shapes You will receive everything you need - lesson plans, presentation for the whole week, differentiated worksheets & answers, differentiated activities and extensions, templates and displays for your own resource creation. PDF format (please set print option to fit). To ensure the hyperlinks fully work, you must download the Zip file provided and extract the folder to your computer. You must also ensure you have the latest update for your PDF reader. The resources support a mastery approach to encourage a deeper understanding of the topics taught. It follows a CPA (Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract) approach to ensure all children can access learning. The pack provides pictorial and abstract representations, along with fluency, reasoning, problem solving and open-ended investigation questions. This can be seen in our product previews. If you have any questions, please email primarystarseducation@gmail.com. Click here to join our exclusive Facebook group. Thank you, Primary Stars Education
YEAR 1 - Addition & Subtraction - White Rose - COMPLETE Block 1 - Spring BUNDLE

YEAR 1 - Addition & Subtraction - White Rose - COMPLETE Block 1 - Spring BUNDLE

4 Resources
This bundle contains week 1- 4 of Addition & Subtraction - Block 1. Buy this bundle to save 25%! It will cover small steps: Week 1: • Adding by counting on • Number bonds Week 2: • Add by making 10 • Subtraction (not crossing 10) Week 3: • Subtraction - Crossing 10 (1) • Subtraction - Crossing 10 (2) Week 4: • Related facts • Comparing number sentences You will receive everything you need - lesson plans, presentation for the whole week, differentiated worksheets & answers, differentiated activities and extensions, templates and displays for your own resource creation. PDF format (please set print option to fit). To ensure the hyperlinks fully work, you must download the Zip file provided and extract the folder to your computer. You must also ensure you have the latest update for your PDF reader. The resources support a mastery approach to encourage a deeper understanding of the topics taught. It follows a CPA (Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract) approach to ensure all children can access learning. The pack provides pictorial and abstract representations, along with fluency, reasoning, problem solving and open-ended investigation questions. This can be seen in our product previews. If you have any questions, please email primarystarseducation@gmail.com. Click here to join our exclusive Facebook group. Thank you, Primary Stars Education