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Equivalent Fractions
Equivalent Fractions worksheet used in year 5 - differentiated for lower/middle/higher.
Numberline Division Worksheet
Numberline division worksheet with three sections:
A: Division questions with no remainders.
B: Division question with remainders:
C: Word problem challenge
Used with year 3 class as homework
Tray labels for colouring in
Labels to stick onto children's trays. Two options for colouring in and name is editable.
Reflecting Shapes using Grid
2 x Reflecting shapes in grid worksheet - differentiated for lower/middle and higher.
Extension activity - found online, cannot find source to credit.
Used in year 5 class.
Rotating Shapes on Grid
Rotating shapes on a grid - differentiated for lower and middle/higher, used in year 5 class. Children to be provided with tracing paper.
Rock permeability experiment table
A table to record the results when testing rocks for permeability. Two versions for differentiation.
Partitioning Guide/Reminder
A step by step guide for children to stick into their maths book to refer to when using partitioning to multiply.