Set of five worksheets each with 30 questions for practising the order of operations rule. Separate answer sheets provided. Exit ticket included ( learning evaluation).
Five folders each containing 3 worksheets to support teaching of Russian greetings. The sixth item is a presentation linking to the online resources on which the worksheets are based (this file is available separately as a free resource, but is included here for convenience).
Each of the 10 folders contains a set of 10 worksheets plus 10 answer sheets.
The activities focus on basic number skills, and increase slightly in difficulty through the sets. They can be used in a number of ways, according to the individual teacher and the class:
starter activity
for supply or cover teachers
assessment to find gaps in knowledge
to encourage independent working (pupils given different version from neighbours)
However you decide to use them, it might be wise to use one of the sheets as a whole class example so that pupils don’t waste time working out what they are expected to do.
Five folders each containing 10 worksheets with answers. Spelling lists included - alphabetical and randomised. Also a list for Look Say Cover Write Check activity,
Could be used in class as starter activities, or set as homework.
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This resource for KS2/3 pupils has been expanded and updated. The presentation ( supplied in 2 formats) is on the use of the apostrophe for contractions. The PDF version is great for displays! ThePowerPoint is teacher-operated and is good for whole class practice. Later slides cover common difficulties such as should of/should have.
The 24 cards are ideal for laminating and can be used for individual or group activity. They are accompanied by a pupil answer sheet.
There are 2 differentiated worksheets for individual pupil work. (answers provided separately).
A two page text about the haggis and the rituals of Burns Night Suppers. The comprehension comprises 15 questions and is marked out of 30. Mark scheme is provided.
This is one of a series of PowerPoint presentations designed to get students analysing and talking about the work of well-known artists, and then creating their own artwork inspired by the art they have studied. Each presentation should be sufficient for a project lasting several lessons. The presentations contain the following:
brief biographical text
links to online resources
questions to focus looking at artworks
activity based on an aspect of the artist’s work (not a copying exercise)
evaluation of project
Artists in this series: Camille Pissarro, Jean Cocteau, Amedeo Modigliani, James McNeill Whistler, Marc Chagall, Gustav Klimt, David Hockney,
NB Copyright restrictions have made it necessary to rely on online material for images of artists’ work. If links cease to work, please contact me and I will do my best to put things right!
A great classroom game for 8 players or teams. There are 6 single jeopardy topics (clothes, food, regular -er verbs, Easter, numbers, common words) and six grammar-based double jeopardy topics. The final jeopardy question has a betting component where contestants can win or lose as much as they like. There is an optional timer at the bottom of the question slides, and upbeat music that could really get on the your nerves (turn the volume down!). You probably need to allow about half an hour to get through to the end. Instructions and optional settings are included, as is a link to the Excel template which you could use to make your own version of the game. Make sure you enable macros on your computer, or none of it will work!
Do leave feedback, as it’s really helpful in preparing future games!
Ten thematically connected sentences some of which have incorrect sentence punctuation. Marking instructions and suggestions for writing extension included. Good for Y2-Y4 classes or SEN.
Spelling and grammar in one resource pack.
A PowerPoint presentation on the spelling rules for multi-syllable words. Slides on syllable counting, stress marking, the rules for doubling or not, and the difference between UK and US English (traveled / travelled).
Accompanied by a grammar worksheet with 2 exercises where pupils have to apply the spelling rules in order to change verbs from simple present to present continuous/progressive, and from simple present to simple past. (e.g. benefit - benefited; refer - referred; cancel / cancelling).
Best for upper KS2 or KS3.
A short PDF presentation revising the rules for doubling consonants to keep short vowel sounds, and for adding suffixes. Accompanied by a spelling worksheet where pupils have to find 20 mis-spelled words and correct them. It is assumed that pupils are familiar with the terms 'long/short vowels' and 'hard/soft c and g'. Good for upper KS2 and KS3. Answers are provided.
Five worksheets with eight questions each. Task is to calculate area of a circle from either the diameter or the radius. Pi is set at 3.14. Answer sheets supplied.
A single worksheet with a conversion exercise (ratio/fraction/percent/decimal) and five word problems with real life application of ratios. Exit ticket is also included.
This is the third set of French worksheets for beginners or near-beginners. There are 5 topic folders, each containing a word list and 12 worksheets: 3 each of crosswords, multiple choice, wordsearches and translation (matching) activities. Answer sheets are included.
This is one of a series of PowerPoint presentations designed to get students analysing and talking about the work of well-known artists, and then creating their own artwork inspired by the art they have studied. Each presentation should be sufficient for a project lasting several lessons. The presentations contain the following:
brief biographical text
links to online resources
questions to focus looking at artworks
activity based on an aspect of the artist’s work (not a copying exercise)
evaluation of project
Artists in this series: Camille Pissarro, Jean Cocteau, Amedeo Modigliani, James McNeill Whistler, Marc Chagall, Gustav Klimt, David Hockney,
NB Copyright restrictions have made it necessary to rely on online material for images of artists’ work. If links cease to work, please contact me and I will do my best to put things right!
These three tests each comprise a pupil sheet with a list of the target homophone pairs/groups, and a teacher sheet with 10 sentences each containing one of the homophones. The sentences are read out one by one and the pupils have to circle the correct spelling on their sheets.
Great for diagnostic testing or for a quick revision activity.
A PowerPoint presentation for KS2 on the use of the apostrophe with plural nouns ending in 's'. Also included is a PDF version for use as classroom display,
A lesson on vocative commas (commas used for addressing). Included are complete lesson plan,Powerpoint presentation, sentence making exercise for pupils, plus a blank version for early finishers. The lesson would be a good follow on to a Commas for Lists lesson, and is probably suitable for KS2