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Really Good Geography's Shop

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Welcome to my shop. My aim is to provide high quality teaching, learning and assessment resources. In the case of GCSE and A Level resources I am adding examination questions to my resources as more become available. Please come in and browse. Feel free to contact me about any of the resources that you buy or if you are looking for something in particular.




Welcome to my shop. My aim is to provide high quality teaching, learning and assessment resources. In the case of GCSE and A Level resources I am adding examination questions to my resources as more become available. Please come in and browse. Feel free to contact me about any of the resources that you buy or if you are looking for something in particular.
KS3 Geography lockdown Kenya Project- home schooling

KS3 Geography lockdown Kenya Project- home schooling

This resource is designed to last for 11 lessons and be independently completed during lock down. It includes the following topics: location, physical features, human features, climate, employment structure, population, the Masaai and Rider’s for Health (charity case study). It is a single PowerPoint with instructions for the students to follow on each slide. The idea is that over the 11 lessons the PowerPoint will build up into a project that can then be submitted for teacher assessment. The lessons have differentiated tasks to stretch the more able. Each lesson/topic area can be graded using the mark scheme and AtL (attitude to learning) score, which can then be recorded in the student’s diary (these are all located on slides in the PowerPoint). Many of the resources are included at the end of the slide show, although a number of hyperlinks to websites and videos are also included. I have also included a version for pupils without access to the internet or a computer. I have tried to make this: Easy for the students to download - only one PowerPoint file. Easy for the students to follow - clear instructions on each slide Accessible - differentiated Challenging - differentiated Good Geography closely linked to what they would have been studying at school. Assessed - mark scheme for self and teacher assessment Well resourced - a range of media for research included.
Turkey Syria Earthquake February 2023

Turkey Syria Earthquake February 2023

The lesson incorporates a range of activities. To start there is a short video clip from the day after the earthquake. Next are slides including maps and plate margin diagrams which can be explained to pupils prior to them completing a gap fill exercise, which explains how the earthquake occurred. After that are a selection of photos of the damage, which can be used for Q and A with the pupils, including a 2 minute video clip of people being rescued from the rubble. I have then included a link to the BBC panorama programme which includes information about the earthquake and explanation of why so many people died. A note taking sheet is included. Next is a fact classification activity, with information about both Syria and Turkey. Finally there is a homework task. All resources are included at the end of the lesson.
GCSE 9-1 urban trends; solutions to sustainable transport in Leeds

GCSE 9-1 urban trends; solutions to sustainable transport in Leeds

In this lesson pupils will become a character. During a story telling activity they will answer a specific question linked to 3 sustainable transport schemes in Leeds. They will then share their answers in scrambled groups. An exam question and plan is included along with a mark scheme. The plenary is a case study fact quiz. All resources are included at the end of the PowerPoint.
A Level; Arctic - Strategies to reduce the impacts of oil production on the water and carbon cyclesT

A Level; Arctic - Strategies to reduce the impacts of oil production on the water and carbon cyclesT

This includes two lessons. In the first lesson students will research into strategies implemented to reduce the impact of the oil and gas industry on the water and carbon cycles. The second will involve students giving presentations, with PowerPoint presentations and information sheets. The students are split into six groups, each with a strategy such as insulated ice and gravel pads. They split up the three tasks (presentation, speech and information sheet) within their group and are given information about what to research and how they will be marked. All resources for students to use for note taking are included at the end of the PowerPoint.
A Level; statistics - mean, mode, median, interquartile range practice or revision lesson 1

A Level; statistics - mean, mode, median, interquartile range practice or revision lesson 1

This lesson contains a worked example followed by a series of exercises where the students can practice and apply their knowledge. Included within the PowerPoint are worksheets for the students to fill in and a full set of answers, including worked calculations. I designed these to be used either as homework tasks or as an introductory lesson / skill practice lesson. They are also designed to encourage the students to memorise the formulae as these will not be included in the exam papers.
GCSE 9-1; Global development - case study EDC LIDC city - Mumbai: rapid urban growth story telling

GCSE 9-1; Global development - case study EDC LIDC city - Mumbai: rapid urban growth story telling

This lesson aims to familiarise students with rapid urban growth in Mumbai and the urban zones that have resulted from this. It also aims to encourage students to develop a sense of place and empathise with residents through a story telling activity. Firstly, students are shown a clip from the opening titles of Slum Dog Millionaire. Whilst watching they are asked to consider what they know, think they know and would like to know about Mumbai. Next students are given an urban land use map of Mumbai and shown photos of the zones to help them to make more sense of the map. After that are a series of discussion questions designed to consolidate this understanding. Next the students will be read an extract and asked to annotate their map with sketches and details. I recommend you read the extract twice. After that the students should get into groups of 4 to share their notes and to add additional detail to their maps. Finally, the students should return to the questions they answered at the start if the lesson and update their responses. It would be interesting to find out if anyone had found out the answers to things that they would like to know. All resources are included at the end of the PowerPoint.
GCSE 9-1; Ecosystems - threats to coral reefs in St Lucia

GCSE 9-1; Ecosystems - threats to coral reefs in St Lucia

The lesson starts by asking the students to consider how different parts of the reef ecosystem are interdependent. It then reminds the students of the value of reefs. Next there is a map interpretation activity showing areas of reef that are under threat followed by a you tube clip. Students are then split into groups and given a threat to coral reef in St Lucia information sheet. there are four sheets; fishing, tourism, bleaching and disease. They are asked to create a teaching resource to use to teach their peers. there is also a rate my teacher mark scheme for the students to assess each other and a note taking sheet to encourage the students to use PEE paragraphs. These can be marked using the 8 mark, mark scheme provided. There is also a threats to coral reef homework activity provided. All resources are included at the end of the PowerPoint.
GCSE 9-1; Ecosystems - types of coral reef and Darwinian theory of atoll formation

GCSE 9-1; Ecosystems - types of coral reef and Darwinian theory of atoll formation

In this lesson students are reminded of the location of reefs before being introduced to the conditions that they grow in. They are then given a table to complete about fringing reefs, barrier reefs and atolls. To help them do this there are information cards about each type of reef including photos, diagrams and maps. When they have completed this the answers are on a slide for pupils to check their work. Next they are introduced to a map showing the route of Darwin’s voyage, then the concept of eustatic sea level change and reminded about the conditions needed for coral to grow. Then they are given a diagram of all three reefs and asked to consider how a fringing reef can become a barrier reef and then an atoll (the Darwinian theory of atoll formation). Finally they could also consider that most atolls are formed on volcanic islands and the impact of coral growth on those islands. All resources are included in the PowerPoint.
A Level; The impacts of water extraction - Beijing and Tigris

A Level; The impacts of water extraction - Beijing and Tigris

Firstly, the students are introduced to the key terminology relating to water extraction. Next, students will comprehend a newspaper article to evaluate the impacts of water extraction from the aquifer surrounding Beijing. After that the students will study surface extraction on the Tigris and Euphrates and convert this information into a mind map. T consolidate students are given an examination question and asked to produce presentations on one element of the question, using the case studies. The students can then answer the question for homework or in class. All resources are included at the end of the PowerPoint.
GCSE 9-1; Ecosystems - introduction to biomes

GCSE 9-1; Ecosystems - introduction to biomes

This is the first in a series of lessons about biomes, available as a bundle. The lesson introduces students to the concept of ecosystems that occur at different scales. Students are asked to classify ecosystems of different scales. They are then introduced to abiotic and biotic factors. Biomes are located globally and students are introduced to the different types of biome. Students are then required to used graphical skills to draw and interpret graphs, showing temperature ranges and total rainfall for a range of biomes. The lesson is linked to an examination question and mark scheme and to finish there is a quiz with answers to test what the students have learned. Resources are included at the end of the PowerPoint.
A Level; the water cycle and cloud formations

A Level; the water cycle and cloud formations

This lesson is designed for the new A2 syllabus. this lesson includes a water cycle card sort, where pupils classify the water cycle into stores, flows, inputs and outputs. It then goes onto define condensation, before outlining the characteristics of different cloud types. It has a revision test to review the students learning on the water cycle, clouds and the importance of water to maintaining life on earth. Answers to all activities are included and all worksheets/ hand-outs are within the lesson PowerPoint.
GCSE9-1; Climate - Evidence of climate change

GCSE9-1; Climate - Evidence of climate change

In this lesson pupils will learn about the pieces of evidence that can be used to show climate change and their limitations. The lesson starts by asking students to suggest evidence that can be used to show climate change. Next students use information sheets to take notes of the evidence of climate change, where they occur, how they work and any limitations. The evidence includes dendrochronology, ice cores, cave paintings, paintings and diaries and global temperature recordings. There is an answer sheet provided. For the plenary students are required to undertake examination questions relating to the evidence. All resources are included at the end of the PowerPoint.
Key Stage 3; rainforest exploitation role play

Key Stage 3; rainforest exploitation role play

This is a series of 3 lessons during which the students will research groups involved in rainforest exploitation and preservation. There are role play cards outlining the characters and a writing frame to support speech writing. There is a mark scheme which you can adapt to your schools Key Stage 3 assessment strategy. At the end there is an opinion line for pupil to consider their opinions about rainforest exploitation and preservation.
Key Stage 3; rainforest tribes

Key Stage 3; rainforest tribes

This resource gives the template to create a website on PowerPoint with hyperlinks between the different pages. Pupils can use this as a project over the course of 2-3 lessons in an ICT room
GCSE 9-1; fracking role play

GCSE 9-1; fracking role play

This is a series of lessons on fracking (hydraulic fracturing). Initially there is a map quiz on the Poulton le Fylde area of Lancashire where permission has been given for fracking. Students watch video clips to develop an understanding of how fracking works and use a Cornell reading frame to analyse an article on fracking. In the next lesson there are video clips to explain the advantages and disadvantages of fracking. Pupils are split into characters and given writing frames for a speech they will give as part of a role play. There are recording sheets for students to use during the role play itself. Also there is an engagement tally chart , this is designed to get the pupils to observe each other. they can then give feedback to their peers o their engagement. There is an extended writing homework task for the students to complete after the role play.
A Level; Earthquakes - how do they occur?

A Level; Earthquakes - how do they occur?

The lesson starts with a plate margin card sort and maps showing the location of earthquakes. Video clips explain how earthquakes occur. there are note taking sheets for pupils to complete about the nature of earthquakes at each plate margin. There are also details of exceptions - earthquakes that don’t occur on plate margins. The lesson also introduces the students to p and s waves.
A Level; Coast - Headlands and Bays

A Level; Coast - Headlands and Bays

This lesson develops the pupils understanding of how headlands and bays are formed on concordant and discordant geology coastlines. It then goes onto coves and geos. There is a mark scheme to assess the pupils At the end there is a Swanage Map quiz with answers.
GCSE 9-1; Global development- Ethiopia case study , population and employment structure

GCSE 9-1; Global development- Ethiopia case study , population and employment structure

Firstly, students are given a set of axes and asked to complete a population pyramid for Ethiopia. They are then asked to use their knowledge of population pyramids to annotate the characteristics of the population e.g. birth rate, death rate, ageing/youthful. Next students are asked to estimate a range of population data for Ethiopia, they are given the UK data to give them a starting point. After that the students are introduced to employment structure and asked to classify a range of jobs into primary, secondary and tertiary. They are then asked to draw / interpret pie charts of employment structure data for Ethiopia and the UK. Next they need to write a comparison of the two pie charts. Finally there is a gap fill exercise describing and explaining the employment structure of Ethiopia. All resources are included at the end of the PowerPoint.
GCSE 9-1; Global development - core, periphery, Friedman's and Rostow's Model

GCSE 9-1; Global development - core, periphery, Friedman's and Rostow's Model

Firstly, the students are given definitions of core and periphery. Next the students are given maps of a range of countries and asked to shade in where they consider the core to be. As they work through the maps they should increase the accuracy with which they can locate the core, making links to the definition to help them. Next the students are introduced to Friedman's development model and the stages are identified using different countries at different levels of development. After that they are introduced to Rostow's Model of development through a video clip and asked to identify countries from each stage and to classify the countries from each stage into ACs, EDCs and LIDCs. Next there is a card sort to complete to show cumulative causation, which occurs in the core. This can be reversed to show the downward spiral of deprivation, which occurs in the periphery. Then there are some discussion questions and an extension question from Wider World.
GCSE 9-1; Global development - Aid

GCSE 9-1; Global development - Aid

This lesson is designed to teach the students about the different types of aid and to identify the advantages and disadvantages of different types of aid. To start the students are asked to consider where aid is needed at the moment and what type of aid they have given recently. Next there is a video clip introducing the different types of aid. After that they are given definitions of the main types of aid including multi-lateral aid, bilateral aid and voluntary aid. They are then asked to classify the advantages and disadvantages of this aid. Next, there is a recall quiz to test the students understanding of these terms. After that the class is split into groups of four. Each group is given a disaster card, aid costs sheet and aid package sheet. The students are asked to identify which aid is needed in the immediate, short and long term. They are then asked to refine their ideas to fit a budget of 700 units. You can also dish out chance cards to groups, which may benefit or disadvantage their aid package. Some groups can share their aid package plans with the class. The plenary is a cartoon interpretation activity. All resources are included at the end of the PowerPoint.