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Remedia Publications was founded by two experienced special education teachers who recognized a great need for special materials that would help their struggling learners develop and improve basic skills. They believed that teachers know best when it comes to creating learning material, so they assembled a team of other experienced teachers and began developing unique learning products suitable for students in both special ed. classes and regular ed. classes.




Remedia Publications was founded by two experienced special education teachers who recognized a great need for special materials that would help their struggling learners develop and improve basic skills. They believed that teachers know best when it comes to creating learning material, so they assembled a team of other experienced teachers and began developing unique learning products suitable for students in both special ed. classes and regular ed. classes.
Reading Comprehension: Cut, Paste, & Color

Reading Comprehension: Cut, Paste, & Color

“I can fly. I have feathers.” Which image/word goes with this statement: cardinal, bat, aardvark? The 24 illustrated lessons in this book ask students to match images with sentences or sketches with words. All sorts a creatures are featured from a “tarantula” to a “tick” and a “flamingo” to a “ferret.” Of course, creative coloring is all part of the fun.
Dictionary Skills

Dictionary Skills

The 26 lessons in this book take students through a full range of exercises designed to further their dictionary skills. From identifying syllables, compound words and guide words, to comprehending multiple meanings, homonyms and abbreviations, the activities included here will help build a better understanding of the many uses of a dictionary. Exercises include alphabetization, finding definitions, spelling, determining parts of speech, and more.
Cultures of the World: Central Europe

Cultures of the World: Central Europe

Appreciating other lands and cultures. The history, language, customs, and cultures of Greece, Holland, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, and Austria are all topics covered in this informative book. As students learn about these far off places and work the accompanying activities, they will build comprehension. The 30 illustrated exercises here enhance learning with information-packed stories about each country. The Greek history of the Olympic Games is covered, as is a recipe for German Potato Salad. There is even a lesson on the Holidays in Holland. Learning has never been so much fun.Reading Level 3
Riddles & Rhymes: Crossword Puzzles

Riddles & Rhymes: Crossword Puzzles

Each of the 24 creative yet challenging crossword puzzles in this workbook put forth a number of riddles or rhymes. Twelve words are featured with each puzzle. Riddle and Rhyme clues challenge students to ponder the appropriate answer. Examples: Rhymes with Choke: Scared, Smoke, Donate... I direct a group of musicians: Puppets, Butcher, Conductor... Comprehension skills are given a great workout with these activities.
Thematic Spelling Practice: Selling Demons

Thematic Spelling Practice: Selling Demons

The spelling words in this unit are sometimes referred to as "spelling demons." This unit offers spelling "gremlins" as a fun spin on the term "demons." Each activity page has a gremlin who offers an example of a memory link or mnemonic device to help students remember one of the lesson's spelling words. Some students learn to spell through visualization while others make use of phonetic elements of a word. Since these words and groups contain no common phonetic elements, this unit is best suited to your visual learners. This unit contains 15 lessons which include practice and activity pages for each word list. 180 Spelling Words Include: - dessert - cousin - either - enough - February - hour - height - terrible - principal - rough - rhyme - yolk - whose - and more! Contents Include: - Suggestions for Use - 15 Lessons - 12 Spelling Words per Lesson - Games - Writing Activities - and more!
Writing Letters & Social Correspondence

Writing Letters & Social Correspondence

Building writing confidence and give students are reason to write! Skills Covered Include: - Writing messages - Jotting down notes - Creating a sign or a poster - Writing a friendly letter, form letter, and a social note - Addressing an envelope - And more! All these activities are put to practice by the 29 lessons in this learning unit. Each of the motivating exercises boost vocabulary development, clarity, conciseness, order, and form. Best of all, students will have fun writing.
Human Body: Science Vocabulary

Human Body: Science Vocabulary

The essential vocabulary pertaining to specific systems of the human body and anatomy are covered in this unit – specifically the circulation, digestion, excretion, muscular, nervous, reproduction, respiratory, and skeletal systems. Example: Cross out the word that does NOT belong: bladder, tendon, kidney, liver. As students progress through the 27 lessons featured, they gain practical knowledge with 120 relevant words by practicing basic skills in reading, comprehension, word definition, spelling, and writing. Reinforcement activities include writing definitions, categorizing, matching, answering questions, completing sentences, puzzles, and much more. The separate vocabulary list makes a useful reference tool. A glossary of terms unique to each system is accompanied by an accurate diagram to enhance comprehension.
Reading Charts 1: Informational Text Comprehension with Graphic Organizers

Reading Charts 1: Informational Text Comprehension with Graphic Organizers

Compare and Contrast | Find Facts | Research | Analysis This unit features 25 charts packed with facts about animals, history, mythology, science, famous people, holidays, and much more! Each chart is followed by comprehension questions about information found in that chart. Skills Covered Include: - Locate Facts - Interpret Information - Compare & Contrast - Draw Conclusions - Research Each activity page also includes an additional research activity that prompts students to use a print or digital source to find more information on the same topic. Have students use their research to update the original chart, create a new chart, or as writing prompt for an essay.
What is a Sentence? - First Steps in Writing

What is a Sentence? - First Steps in Writing

From understanding the concept that "a sentence tells one complete thought" to actually writing coherent sentences, students will find the lessons in this unit to be both enlightening and entertaining. The exercises begin with the basic sequencing of a few words into short sentences and progress to viewing an imaginative illustration and writing an original sentence to describe it. Activities Include: - Sentence Recognition - Sequencing Words into a Sentence - Writing Original Sentences
Following Directions / Making Inferences: Primary Thinking Skills

Following Directions / Making Inferences: Primary Thinking Skills

Teach the thinking process! Experts agree that when “thinking power” is improved, reading, comprehension, problem-solving, and writing abilities will follow suit. The 28, highly visual lessons in this unit utilize word searches, puzzles, and color coding to teach students to identify inferences. (“I have black and white fur. I live in the forest. Sometimes I smell bad. What am I?).Following directions are also covered. (Write the names of each creature pictured. “Fred is the biggest. Ned is bigger than Jed. One is named Ted. Jed is not the smallest.”)The inclusion of creative illustrations greatly assists the learning process. The easy-to-use activities are sure to improve critical thinking skills.
Analogies, Similarities & Differences: Primary Thinking Skills

Analogies, Similarities & Differences: Primary Thinking Skills

Teach the thinking process! Experts agree that when “thinking power” is improved, reading, comprehension, problem-solving, and writing abilities will follow suit. The 26, highly visual lessons in this unit utilize word, image, and shape associations to make students aware of the similarities and differences between objects and word meanings. “See how the pictures are different. How many differences can you find?”) Analogies are also covered. (“Bite is to Dog as Sting is to ___: Bee, Hurt, Bear.”)The inclusion of creative illustrations greatly assists the learning process. The easy-to-use activities are sure to improve critical thinking skills.
Primary Word Logic: Primary Thinking Skills

Primary Word Logic: Primary Thinking Skills

Exercise thinking skills and build vocabulary! In each of the 24 lessons in this unit, student must first answer a series of random letter-placement clues. If their “logic” is correct, the letters spell a word. Students are then challenged to write an original sentence using the word. The vocabulary featured is at an easy level so that the focus is on thinking more than on word knowledge. Creative illustrations and coloring activities add to the fun of learning.
Subjects & Predicates: Skill Booster Series

Subjects & Predicates: Skill Booster Series

Boost language skills to new heights with this step-by-step, practice-packed book! The sequential, easy-to-do activities will guide your students through important concepts, one-by-one, while the illustrations are sure to keep interest soaring. Part of the Skill Booster Series, this flexible book is superb as an introduction or review. Its specific focus allows repeated practice and is a terrific way to help students prepare for standardized tests. In addition, it can be incorporated into both skill-based and whole-language programs. You will find this book an effective teaching tool for many age and ability levels.
Social Studies Research

Social Studies Research

Seeking out more information. From “Bodies of Water” to “Historical Events,” this book presents over 100 “social studies” topics for students to research. Each category presents a word search puzzle from which students choose a specific research topic. (“Transportation: Spirit of St. Louis. Hindenberg. Titanic. Orient Express…”) A series of statements follow, encouraging students to find specific information. (“It was built in the year ___ by ____.”)To put what they have learned to use, guidelines for the structure of a report are included.
Animals Research

Animals Research

Seeking out more information. From “Wild Felines” to “Prehistoric Creatures,” this book presents over 100 “animal” topics for students to research. Each category presents a word search puzzle from which students choose a specific research topic. (“Reptiles: Crocodile. Box Turtle. Iguana. Gecko….”) A series of statements follow, encouraging students to find specific information. (“Its enemies are ___.” “It protects itself by ___.”)To put what they have learned to use, guidelines for the structure of a report are included.
Likenesses & Differences: Primary Thinking Skills

Likenesses & Differences: Primary Thinking Skills

Structured practice in visual discrimination and perception! The 25 lessons in this unit take children a step beyond simply differentiating between “like” and “different” objects by requiring them to specify HOW two objects are similar and different. This extra step helps children begin to recognize and put into words the characteristics they observe.Visual clues are used for students to compare.Example: An image of a calendar and a drawing of a clock are shown. “How are these alike? How are they different?”
Using Logic & Reason: Primary Thinking Skills

Using Logic & Reason: Primary Thinking Skills

Experts agree that when “thinking power” is improved, reading, comprehension, problem-solving, and writing abilities will follow suit.The 26, highly visual lessons in this unit utilize a variety of activities to teach logic. (Read the clues and write down what Buster does on each day of the week listed. “Buster has a soccer game on Thursday. He has swim lessons 3 days before soccer…..”)Of course, reason is also covered. (“Mom asked Jill to stir the soup so it would not burn. What does Jill need to get?)The inclusion of creative illustrations greatly assists the learning process. The easy-to-use activities are sure to improve critical thinking skills.
Drawing Solutions / Finding Facts: Primary Thinking Skills

Drawing Solutions / Finding Facts: Primary Thinking Skills

Teach the thinking process! Experts agree that when “thinking power” is improved, reading, comprehension, problem-solving, and writing abilities will follow suit. The 25, highly visual lessons in this unit utilize art, calendars, advertisements, signs, and more from which students draw solutions. (A playground is pictured. “Draw a red line to show one way to go from the swings to the pond.”) Finding facts are also covered. (A May calendar is shown. “What is the number of the first Monday?”)The inclusion of creative illustrations greatly assists the learning process. The easy-to-use activities are sure to improve critical thinking skills.


Fine tuning alphabetization! More challenging than Alphabetizing: Book 1, the 24 lessons found in this book include letter before, letter after, letter between, and ordering to the second and third letter. Imaginative illustrations make the exercises visually interesting. Example: A picture of a snow skier is presented with his clothing and equipment labeled. Students are asked to use 1st and 2nd alphabetizing to order the words. “Sweater. Pole. Bindings. Goggles….”Student are sure to enjoy learning and get plenty of practice with this essential skill.


Promote students' thinking skills with the 22 dictionary and writing activities in this book. Each exercise spotlights an associated group of science topics – from “layers of the earth” to “spiny skinned invertebrate animals” to “spheres in nature.” The “Webbing” technique used throughout the book involves writing each featured word in one of the ovals provided, counting syllables, alphabetizing the words, using the words to answer questions, writing definitions, using them in sentences, locating requested words/terms using an encyclopedia, and more.