I am a teacher of PE and Senior Leader in an Outstanding school in London. I create meaningful, progressive and challenging resources. All resources are detailed teaching & exam prep resources for GCSE (AQA GCSE 9-1) and the A Level PE spec (2016 AQA). I am keen to share my knowledge and resources with other professionals.
I am a teacher of PE and Senior Leader in an Outstanding school in London. I create meaningful, progressive and challenging resources. All resources are detailed teaching & exam prep resources for GCSE (AQA GCSE 9-1) and the A Level PE spec (2016 AQA). I am keen to share my knowledge and resources with other professionals.
This excellent value package of 3 ‘Retrieval Challenge Grids’ focus on both paper 1 and paper 2 revision content. Retrieval grids are proven to improve students memory in preparation for the end of year exams, as they focus on different topics. They work on a point system of recalling information from recent and pass topics, which can be completed as a paired, individual or group activity. Each grid has a main topic focus: 1. Commercialisation, 2. Cardio-respiratory system, 3. Physical Training.
These resources are an excellent revision tool and can be given to students as tasks when delivering lessons, within revision sessions, or as homework, as a way to improve students understanding of topics and ability to apply this understanding to answering exam questions.
A vital teaching resource, this structuring 2 page activity has been created to help students to plan their response to a 9 mark question in line with the new GCSE AQA 9-1 course. Page 1 gives the guidance in planning at stage 1 and page 2 includes sentence starters and content tips. This method uses the 'process'of Knowledge (AO1), Apply (AO2) and Say Why (AO3) to answer questions fully, inline with the mark schemes, giving students the best chance of achieving a high grade in their long answer written responses. This can be completed as a classwork or homework task.
Question topic area is physical training - methods of training.
The lesson includes 1 lesson for the Unit: Ethical and socio-cultural issues in physical activity and sport - Spectator behaviour
This includes one thoroughly planned powerpoint, a teaching worksheet resource for students, which includes exam questions and examples.
This is part of the Paper 2 module in line with the new AQA GCSE PE 9-1 course, first taught September 2016.
For the topic there is all content required, inline with the spec. This includes differentiated learning activities through; discussion tasks, differentiated questions and exam questions to test the student’s knowledge and understanding. The exam questions relate to the AO1, AO2 and AO3 assessment objectives and include examples and tips.
The lesson includes 1 lesson for the Unit: Ethical and socio-cultural issues in physical activity and sport - Conduct of performers
This includes one thoroughly planned powerpoint, with exam questions. This lesson also comes complete with a ‘Retrieval Challenge Grid’. This is a vital teaching resource to aid revision. This resource allows students to recall information, from previous topics and improve memory recall, therefore exam performance.
This is part of the Paper 2 module in line with the new AQA GCSE PE 9-1 course, first taught September 2016.
For the topic there is all content required, inline with the spec. This includes differentiated learning activities through; videos, interactive tasks, discussion tasks, differentiated questions and exam questions to test the student’s knowledge and understanding. The exam questions relate to the AO1, AO2 and AO3 assessment objectives and include examples and tips.
These vital teaching resources pulls together all the key information in line with the NEW AQA (9-1) GCSE PE spec for 'Physical Training ’ (3.1.3). The information is included within 4 different activities which includes 8 worksheets for the teaching of physical training for the first time, or as revision session. This is an excellent value set of resources.
The resource contains a selection of key information supported by exam questions, each part of the session focuses on AO1, AO2, AO3 to increase student understanding of how to access full marks during theory examinations.
The pack also contains two writing frames which help students to structure their response for a 6 and 9 marker extended answer question, directly improving their performance within exams.
This will allow students to revise key content & techniques ready for exams. These could also be used in pairing with your lesson presentation, or used to create your PowerPoint presentation.
The resources are engaging for students, this can be set as classwork or homework task. It could also be used solely to revise from ready for exams.
A thoroughly planned lesson, including a comprehensive PowerPoint presentation and workbook. L2 of Unit - ‘Technology in physical activity and sport’. This is part of the Year 2 Sport & Society module, planned in line with the AQA A-Level PE spec first taught September 2016.
The lesson focuses on; Video analysis programmes, motion tracking software, performance analysis, testing and recording equipment and data integrity. The two other lessons of this unit are also available to purchase with this lesson in a bundle or separately from my bank of resources.
The lesson includes all content required, inline with the spec. The lesson includes differentiated learning activities through; discussion tasks, research tasks, video analysis activities and independent learning activities. Exam questions are also included to test the student’s knowledge and understanding. The exam questions relate to the AO1, AO2 and AO3 assessment objectives.
This is an excellent value bundle of thoroughly planned resources focusing on the industrial and post industrial revolution.
It includes a 20 slide PowerPoint, exam technique 15 mark storyboard and an exam technique structuring task for 2 long answer questions. This revision session allows students to apply their knowledge learnt in this lesson and in previous lessons to answer exam questions.
The storyboards / structuring tasks are long answer exam question structuring activities, that can be used to enable students to apply their knowledge and understanding, to create a plan, for accessing full marks when writing a long answer exam question response.
Topics included:
Rational recreation
Industrial revolution
Transport revolution
Influence of the church
Middle class in three tier society
The British Empire
This is part of the Paper 1 module in line with the new AQA A Level PE course, first taught September 2016. This can be taught in 1-2 lessons.
For the topics there is all content required, inline with the spec. It includes differentiated learning activities through; discussion tasks, research tasks, higher order questioning and exam questions are also included to test the student’s knowledge and understanding. The exam questions relate to the AO1, AO2 and AO3 assessment objectives.
This thoroughly planned lesson focuses on unt 3.1.3 - Physical training - Methods of training. The lesson includes a 18 slide PowerPoint presentation, student workbook, ‘diamond 9’ matching activity and a storyboard/learning mat, a long answer exam question structuring activity, which enables students to apply their knowledge and understanding in preparation for writing a long answer exam question response.
This can be used for teaching the topic for the first time or for revision purposes, can be taught practically or within a classroom. The lesson and resources can also be adapted to teach at KS3 as a bridging activity before starting the course, or within KS3 practical fitness lessons.
This is part of the Paper 1 module in line with the new AQA GCSE PE 9-1 course, first taught September 2016. This can be taught in 1-2 lessons.
For the topic there is all content required, inline with the spec. It includes differentiated learning activities through; discussion tasks, higher order questioning and exam questions are also included to test the student’s knowledge and understanding. The exam questions relate to the AO1, AO2 and AO3 assessment objectives.
A thoroughly planned lesson, including a comprehensive PowerPoint presentation and workbook. L3 of Unit - ‘Technology in physical activity and sport’. This is part of the Year 2 Sport & Society module, planned in line with the AQA A-Level PE spec first taught September 2016.
The lesson focuses on; The development of equipment and facilities, technology positive and negative impacts on performer, sport, coach and audience. The two other lessons of this unit are also available to purchase with this lesson in a bundle or separately from my bank of resources.
The lesson includes all content required, inline with the spec. The lesson includes differentiated learning activities through; discussion tasks, research tasks, video analysis activities and independent learning activities. Exam questions are also included to test the student’s knowledge and understanding. The exam questions relate to the AO1, AO2 and AO3 assessment objectives.
Inspirational, motivational assembly, this assembly looks at the importance of a healthy active lifestyle. This can be delivered to Key Stage 3, 4 or 5- this could be adapted for Primary if required.
This could be delivered within an assembly slot, or within Tutor/Form/ PSHE Time. It includes a rolling fact powerpoint for the entrance to assembly for students to read as they come in.
It provides relatable topics such as mcdonalds and health risks. It also links exercsise to mental and physical health benefits. Opportunities for interactive questions to take place. It also relates health and fitness into academic links.
This assembly ensures that students understand the importance of being healthy delivering an extremely important message to your students.
This assembly comes complete with an assembly speech which is attached within the powerpoint presentation.
This thoroughly planned lesson focuses on unt 3.1.3 - Physical training - Fitness testing. The lesson includes a 17 slide PowerPoint presentation, student workbook and long answer exam question structuring activity, which enables students to apply their knowledge and understanding in preparation for writing a long answer exam question response.
This can be used for teaching the topic for the first time or for revision purposes, can be taught practically or within a classroom. The lesson and resources can also be adapted to teach at KS3 as a bridging activity before starting the course, or within KS3 practical fitness lessons.
This is part of the Paper 1 module in line with the new AQA GCSE PE 9-1 course, first taught September 2016. This can be taught in 1-2 lessons.
For the topic there is all content required, inline with the spec. It includes differentiated learning activities through; discussion tasks, higher order questioning and exam questions are also included to test the student’s knowledge and understanding. The exam questions relate to the AO1, AO2 and AO3 assessment objectives.
This includes 2 Learning mat/ storyboards.
These are vital teaching resources! The structuring activities have been created to help students to plan their responses to 4-8 mark questions in line with the new AQA A level PE course.
The sheets include content tips to support the students in planning their exam responses to long answer questions. These resources will ensure students get into excellent habits ready for the exam.
This method uses the 'process'of Knowledge (AO1), Apply (AO2) and Analyse (AO3) to answer questions fully, inline with the mark scheme, giving students the best chance of achieving a high grade in their long answer written responses. These can be completed as classwork or homework tasks.
This pack contains two detailed PowerPoint presentations which can be delivered over 2-3 lessons. The unit is planned based on the new AQA A Level course, first delivered in September 2016. It covers 3 areas of unit 1 of Sport and Societ- Pre industrial Britain:
Pre-industrial Britain: Popular recreation (pre-1780)
Industrial and post-industrial (1780–1900)
The industrial revolution and rbanisation
The lessons include a variety of knowledge tasks and analyse/evaluate tasks inline with the AO1, AO2, AO3 objectives. This helps to ensure student progress in this unit.
The includes 1 lesson of the Unit: Ethical and socio-cultural issues in physical activity and sport - Prohibited substances- the advantages and disadvantages of performance enhancing drugs on the performer and the sport. This lesson uses interactive tasks to recap the effects of PEDs on performance, including a PED DRUG shop task. This lesson follows perfectly after L1 of PEDs which can also be purchased on my area.
This includes one thoroughly planned powerpoint. This lesson also comes complete with a learning mat and all lesson resources.
This is part of the Paper 2 module in line with the new AQA GCSE PE 9-1 course, first taught September 2016.
For the topic there is all content required, in line with the spec. This includes differentiated learning activities through; videos, interactive tasks, discussion tasks, differentiated questions, research activities and exam questions to test the students knowledge and understanding. The exam questions relate to the AO1, AO2 and AO3 assessment objectives and include examples and tips.
I have planned all resources using examiner reports and assessment objectives inline with the specification. The resources have been used with multiple cohorts and are proven in supporting students to be successful.
This unit includes lessons on Cardio-respiratory system, including; mechanics of breathing, pathway of air, structure and function of the heart, anaerobic and aerobic exercise and the effects of exercise.
Lessons make specific reference to the assessment objectives so that students are able to develop their exam technique responses with high levels of literacy in line with mark scheme requirements.
This huge bundle of resources include; 5 lesson powerpoints and accompanying homework tasks, exam practice work sheets and many scaffolded class resources. If you purchase this bundle you will not only cut down on hours of planning- but you will also have everything you need to ensure that your students receive the best outcomes possible!
In order to ensure that your students continue to learn effectively at home these resources provide an excellent bank of tasks for you to set your students to complete at home. Included in this excellent value bundle are ample phyiscal training learning tasks. These can be uploaded for students to complete at home, or can be completed whilst in school. These tasks are suitable for GCSE students, but can also be given to KS3 groups to prepare them for the GCSE PE theory content.
The bundle includes a very detailed powerpoint including a ‘topic on a page’ for each topic within the Physical Training unit - which is easy for students to learn first time or to recap from -each ‘topic on a page’ includes all relevent content knowledge from this unit of work (physical training) which students can use to aid their completion of the tasks.
The bundle includes 13 Learning mats and more.
This would be saving you hours of planning time and is ready for you to upload for students to complete.
This lesson includes 3.2.2 Unit: Technology in sport: Positive and negative impacts of technology on the performer, sport, official, spectator and sponsor
This includes one thoroughly planned powerpoint which can be taught as 1-2 lessons. The lesson also comes complete with comprehensive workbook. This is part of the Paper 2 module in line with the new AQA GCSE PE 9-1 course, first taught September 2016.
For the topic there is all content required, inline with the spec. This includes differentiated learning activities through; discussion tasks, differentiated questions and also exam questions to test the student’s knowledge and understanding. The exam questions relate to the AO1, AO2 and AO3 assessment objectives and include examples and tips.
I have planned all resources using examiner reports and assessment objectives inline with the specification. The resources have been used with multiple cohorts and are proven in supporting students to be successful. All of my resources, provide modelled and scaffolded examples of exam technique to support you building children’s confidence in the classroom.
This unit includes lessons on Physical training ; Principles and Methods/Types of training . This resource pack includes:
Lesson 1 - Physical Training : Powerpoint of Specificity, Progressive overload and FITT , student workbooklet for classwork & exam technique
Lesson 2 - Physical Training : Powerpoint on Tedium and Reversibility. Also an I DO, WE DO, YOU DO - exam technique model for extended answer questions
Lesson 3 & Lesson 4 - Methods of training: Powerpoint, student workbooklet for classwork and exam technique.
Lessons make specific reference to the assessment objectives so that students are able to develop their exam technique responses with high levels of literacy in line with mark scheme requirements.
If you purchase this bundle you will not only cut down on hours of planning- but you will also have everything you need to ensure that your students receive the best outcomes possible!
This is a huge, excellent value bundle of thoroughly planned resources focusing on many different topics within both paper 1 and paper 2 of the AQA GCSEP PE 9-1 course. This purchase includes a 15 slide PowerPoint , AO1 content sheets/ information and 4 long answer question exam technique activities. This session and its resources provides students with the AO1 knowledge, that they then have to apply to answering exam questions. It focuses on the ‘Knowledge, Apply, Say Why’ process - recommend by exam boards to access full marks on AO1, AO2 and AO3 assessment objectives. This can be taught in 2-3 lessons.
Topics included:
Ranges of movement
Principles of training
Methods of training
Musculoskeletal system
Cardiorespiratory system
Performance enhancing drugs
Health and Fitness
Training seasons
The includes 1 lesson of the Unit: Ethical and socio-cultural issues in physical activity and sport - Prohibited substances- types of performance enhancing drugs; stimulants, narcotic analgesics, anabolic agents, peptide hormones (EPO), blood doping, diuretics and beta blockers. It also includes each drugs benefits to performers and side effects.
This includes one thoroughly planned 14 slide powerpoint. This lesson also comes complete with a workpack for students.
This is part of the Paper 2 module in line with the new AQA GCSE PE 9-1 course, first taught September 2016.
For the topic there is all content required, in line with the spec. This includes differentiated learning activities through; videos, interactive tasks, discussion tasks, differentiated questions, research activities and exam questions to test the student’s knowledge and understanding. The exam questions relate to the AO1, AO2 and AO3 assessment objectives and include examples and tips.