Space: The Earth
A lesson covering The Earth designed for the new KS3 curriculum. Included is the lesson PowerPoint and some of the additional digital resources that I use teaching the lesson. For the back to back activity you will need to get an diagram that shows why we have seasons.
Space: The Solar System
A lesson covering The Solar System designed for the new KS3 curriculum. Included is the lesson PowerPoint and additional digital resources that I use teaching the lesson.
Space: The Night Sky
A lesson covering The Night Sky designed for the new KS3 curriculum. Included is the lesson PowerPoint and additional digital resources that I use teaching the lesson.
AQA GCSE P9 Motion L4 Acceleration - Equation 5
A lesson covering "Acceleration" and Physics equation 5 designed for the new AQA GSCE P9 topic on Motion. The lesson could be used for the Physics and Trilogy specification. Included is the lesson PowerPoint and additional digital resources that I use teaching the lesson.
AQA GCSE P9 Motion L3 Velocity Lesson
A lesson covering "Velocity" designed for the new AQA GSCE P9 topic on Motion. The lesson could be used for the Physics and Trilogy specification. Included is the lesson PowerPoint and additional digital resources that I use teaching the lesson.
AQA GCSE P9 Motion L2 Distance Time Graphs Lesson
A lesson covering "Distance Time Graphs" designed for the new AQA GSCE P9 topic on Motion. The lesson could be used for the Physics and Trilogy specification. Included is the lesson PowerPoint and additional digital resources that I use teaching the lesson.
Within this lesson I use a worksheet that can be downloaded from Kerboodle and a past AQA exam question.
AQA GCSE P9 Motion L1 Speed Lesson
A lesson covering "Speed" designed for the new AQA GSCE P9 topic on Motion. The lesson could be used for the Physics and Trilogy specification. Included is the lesson PowerPoint and additional digital resources that I use teaching the lesson.
AQA GCSE P8 Forces in Balance L4 Centre of Mass
A lesson covering Centre of Mass designed for the new AQA GSCE P8 topic on forces in balance from the oxford 3rd edition textbook which is part of the topic 4.5 Forces from the specification. The lesson could be used for both the Physics and the Trilogy specification. Included is the lesson PowerPoint and additional digital resources that I use teaching the lesson.
AQA GCSE Forces in Balance Revision Mat - Physics Specifacation
Revision mat that I use for revising the forces in balance topic from the oxford 3rd edition textbook. It covers the following parts of the physics specification:
Scalar and Vector Quantities
Contact and Non Contact Forces
Resultant Forces
Moments, Levers and Gears
AQA GCSE P8 Forces in Balance Revision Mat - Trilogy Specification
Revision mat that I use for revising the forces in balance topic from the oxford 3rd edition textbook. It covers the following parts of the trilogy specification:
Scalar and Vector Quantities
Contact and Non Contact Forces
Resultant Forces
AQA GCSE P8 Forces in Balance L3 Gravity - Equation Number 1
A lesson covering Gravity designed for the new AQA GSCE P8 topic on forces in balance which is part of the topic 4.5 Forces from the specification. The lesson could be used for both the Physics and the Trilogy specification. Included is the lesson PowerPoint and additional digital resources that I use teaching the lesson.
Within this lesson there is a particular focus on equation number 1 from the new specification for physics weight = mass x gravitational field strength.
AQA GCSE P8 Forces in Balance L2 Contact and Non-Contact Forces
A lesson covering Contact and Non-Contact Forces designed for the new AQA GSCE P8 topic on forces in balance which is part of topic 4.5 Forces from the specification. The lesson could be used for both the Physics and the Trilogy specification. Included is the lesson PowerPoint and additional digital resources that I use teaching the lesson.
AQA GCSE P8 Forces in Balance L1 Vectors and Scalars
A lesson covering Vectors and Scalars designed for the new AQA GSCE P8 topic on forces in balance which is part of topic 4.5 Forces from the specification. The lesson could be used for both the Physics and the Trilogy specification. Included is the lesson PowerPoint and additional digital resources that I use teaching the lesson.
Surface Area to Volume Ratio Logic Challenge
An activity in which students use clues to find and calculate the surface area, volume and surface are to volume ratios of different animals. This activity has been produced for the new AQA Trilogy GCSE.