
Operations, Estimation & Checking Calculations
Learning Objectives:-
Understand the relationships between operations e.g. inverse operations
Estimate answers)
Check calculations using approximation and estimation (including using technology

Learning Objectives:-
a) To understand how to use fractions to find percentages
b) Convert Fractions to Percentages
c) Find a percentage of an amount
d) Solve problems involving percentage increase and decrease
e) Simple and Compound Interest

Learning Objectives:-
o Add and subtract fractions including improper fractions and mixed numbers.
o Multiply and Divide fractions

Changing the Subject, Formulae & Substitution
Learning Objectives:-
Change the subject of a formula
Write simple formulae or expressions from a problem
Substitute numerical values into formulae and expressions, including scientific formulae

Learning Objectives:-
• Recognising place value
• Ordering whole numbers
• Recall all positive integer complements to 100
• Understanding place value and round to a given power of 10
• Round to the nearest integer
• Round to a given number of decimal places
• Estimate answers to problems involving decimals
• Round a number to one significant figure

Pythagoras' Theorem
Learning Objectives:-
Know and use Pythagoras’ Theorem for right-angled triangles.

Learning Objectives:-
Know and use trigonometric ratios for right-angled triangle to:-
Find the length of a missing side
Find the size of a missing angle

Properties of Polygons
Learning Objectives:-
Derive and apply properties of polygons (and know their names)
Correctly use geometrical terms, label triangle sides and angles and draw diagrams from written descriptions
Calculate interior and exterior angles in regular polygons
Identify lines or symmetry and rotational symmetry order

Learning Objectives:-
Represent the solution of a linear inequality on a number line
Work out an inequality from a number line
Solving Inequalities

Straight-line Graphs
Learning Objectives:-
Be able to name and draw horizontal and vertical equations
Be able to draw an equation onto axis using the table method
Identify and interpret gradients and intercepts of linear functions, both algebraically and graphically.

Cumulative Frequency, Box Plots & Comparing Distributions
Learning Objectives:-‐
Construct and interpret cumulative frequency
diagrams (for grouped discrete as well as
continuous data)
Interpret and construct box plots
Use measures of central tendency and measures
of spread to interpret, analyse and compare the
distributions of data sets

Learning Objectives:-
Simplify expressions involving sums, products and powers, including using index laws
Calculate with negative and fractional indices

Data, Charts & Diagrams
Learning Objectives:-‐
Be able to categorise different types of data,
including primary, secondary, discrete, continuous
Interpret and construct charts and diagrams
(including bar charts and pictograms) for
categorical data
Interpret and construct pie charts for categorical
Construct and interpret histograms with equal
class widths (for grouped discrete as well as
continuous data)
Use graphical representations to interpret,
analyse and compare the distributions of data sets
from univariate distributions (discrete, continuous
and grouped)

Ratio & Proportion
Learning Objectives:-
Relate ratios to fractions and linear functions
Divide a quantity in a given ratio
Convert standard compound units in numerical and algebraic contexts

Learning Objectives:-
Construct and interpret histograms with equal class widths (for grouped discrete as well as continuous data)
Construct and interpret histograms with unequal class widths (for grouped discrete as well as continuous data)

Learning Objectives:-
• Solve linear equations with one unknown on one side
• Derive equations from geometric and other forms of problem
• Solve two linear simultaneous equations in two variables algebraically

Simplifying, Factorising & Brackets
Learning Objectives:-
Simplify algebraic expressions by collecting like terms (adding and subtracting)
Expanding brackets
Take out common factors to factorise
Factorising and expanding quadratics

Sampling & Population
Learning Objectives:-
Apply statistics to describe a population
Infer properties of populations or distributions from a sample, whilst knowing the limitations of sampling
Use measures of central tendency and measures of spread to interpret, analyse and compare the distributions of data sets

Probability & Venn Diagrams
Learning Objectives:-‐
• Describe the probability of an event occurring
using probability words
• Use a probability scale
• Theoretical Probability and Mutually exclusive
• Relative frequency
• Enumerate sets and combinations of sets
systematically, using tables and grids
• Record, describe and analyse the frequency of
outcomes of probability experiments using tables
and frequency tress (probabilities as fractions,
decimals or percentages)
• Enumerate sets and combinations of sets
systematically, using Venn Diagrams