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Snakes and ladders revision game - Au Revoir Les Enfants, Louis Malle
This is a fun activity to revise for the essay Au Revoir Les Enfants by Louis Malle. It contains essential questions. Students have to speak for at least 1 minute on each question with high order structures. Once downloaded, questions can be altered to suit your teaching.
AS/Year 12 French speaking exam snakes and ladders revision game
This is a fun activity to revise each and every unit studied in the new French A-level program. It contains essential questions. Students have to speak for at least 1 minute on each question with high order structures. Once downloaded, questions can be altered to suit your teaching.
French A-levels - how to impress an examiner
This presentation contains many outstanding features that would impress an examiner of French A Level: sophisticated vocabulary, compound tenses, grammatical structures, idioms, etc. with exercises and link to extra practice online.
Examples can directly be implemented in any essay or speaking practice.
Exprimer la comparaison - Studio 2 Module 4.1. Là où j'habite
Full lesson on comparative (using Studio 2 and the topic of housing, but could be adapted) Range of exercises to push students to use a variety of adjectives to describe houses and other objets or people. Speaking, reading and writing skills. Can be easily used for GCSE lessons on the topic “Where I live”.
"Au Revoir Les Enfants" study pack 2 - Louis Malle
The pack contains:
a translation (English to French) based on the film (with correction and markscheme)
a worksheet to tackle essays’ main mistakes
a quiz to reiterate the film’s key details
a snakes and ladder game to revise key facts about the film in a fun way
essay writing assessment (with 4 different essay titles in total)
one model essay done in exam conditions
“piste de corrections” for 2 essay titles
feedback sheet
Traduction Au Revoir Les Enfants de Louis Malle - avec corrections et markscheme
Translation (149 words) from English to French on the topic of Au Revoir Les Enfants by Louis Malle with corrections and markscheme.
Quiz Au Revoir Les Enfants de Louis Malle -with answers and reflection + creative parts
Quiz with 15 questions to check students’ knowledge of key facts of the film. Answers are included. There is also a reflection’s section and a creative section for students to push their knowledge.
Erreurs principales d'essai à corriger sur Au Revoir les Enfants de Louis Malle
5-page long worksheet designed to make students reflect on the main mistakes found in essays on the film Au Revoir les Enfants of Louis Malle and correct them. Students have to explain why some options are wrong. They can do it in pairs too. Corrections are included.
A-level (Y12 and Y13) sets of oral exam questions - ALL TOPICS
11 pages-long booklets with suggested questions for students to practise or to inspire teachers, including all the following topics:
3.1 Social issues and trends
3.1.1 Aspects of French-speaking society: current trends
3.1.2 Aspects of French-speaking society: current issues
3.2 Political and artistic culture
3.2.1 Artistic culture in the French-speaking world
3.2.2 Aspects of political life in the French-speaking world
La représentation de l'autorité dans le film Au Revoir Les Enfants de Louis Malle
Presentation with ideas and key questions on the topic of “l’autorité” in the film Au Revoir Les Enfants by Louis Malle.
Le personnage de Julien dans le film Au Revoir Les Enfants de Louis Malle
Presentation/lesson on the character of Julien in the film Au Revoir les Enfants of Louis Malle. It contains questions to push discussion and reflection, prompts for ideas and key scenes/quotes to consider to write an essay on this topic. Also, it gives a possible essay plan.
La division dans le film Au Revoir Les Enfants de Louis Malle
Presentation / lesson on the topic of division in the film. The presentation contains a lot of questions and ideas that lead to an essay plan. Great to foster students’ reflection.
L'enfance dans le film Au Revoir Les Enfants de Louis Malle
Whole lesson presentation on the topic of childhood in the film Au Revoir Les Enfants by Louis Malle. The presentation contains ideas to prompts students’ reflexion on the topic. Lots of ideas and keys scenes and quotes plus a possible essay plan.
French idioms for A-level (les expressions idiomatiques)
3 different activities to push Year12/13 (A-level) students to use idiom to raise their levels in their speaking or writing. Students have to work on a range of useful idioms, finding their meaning and using them in writing and speaking.
A2 French speaking exam snakes and ladders revision game
This is a fun activity to revise each and every unit studied in the new French A-level program. It contains essential questions. Students have to speak for at least 1 minute on each question with high order structures. I have put those questions on a separate document if you want to have them prepare them in advance or at home. Once downloaded, questions can be altered to suit your teaching.
Cryptogram halloween - reading and writing, present and near future
Great settling activity that pushes literacy in French by having students spell words properly, read and translate a text, judge it and write a reply. This has worked very well with my wildest students! Used it for Year 7 and Y8 students, can be adapted to include past tense. Answer is provided.
L'importance des personnages secondaires dans le film Au Revoir Les Enfants de Louis Malle
Presentation/lesson with key questions, ideas, scenes, quotes on the topic of secondary characters in Au Revoir Les Enfants of Louis Malle.
La représentation de la Résistance dans Au Revoir Les Enfants de Louis Malle
Presentation/lesson/ideas on the topic of Resistance in the film. Lots of ideas, key scenes and quotes about the topic so that students should be able to come up with an essay plan by the end.
L'importance du titre du film Au Revoir Les Enfants de Louis Malle
Presentation/lesson on “Analysez l’importance du film Au Revoir Les Enfants” The presentation contains many questions to develop students’ ideas and key points to develop and analyse this topic. Also, it prompts students to organise ideas in a well-structured essay.
La représentation de la collaboration dans le film Au Revoir Les Enfants de Louis Malle
Presentation to foster students’ thinking on the topic of collaboration in the film Au Revoir Les Enfants by Louis Malle. The presentation contains a wealth of ideas and discussions to prompt students’ reflexion and have them come up with an essay plan.