Bookmarks to commemorate Book Day in Spain. There are two different versions: one with the typical rose that is given on Sant Jordi’s day and one with the Dragon. Each model is presented in colour and with a version to colour in. The options are: El día del libro, El día de San Jorge, El día de Aragón, Sant Jordi and Dia del llibre. Have fun assembling your ‘clip’ bookmark and, most importantly, reading!
Marcapáginas para conmemorar el Día del Libro en España. Hay dos versiones: una con la típica rosa del Día de Sant Jordi y otra con el dragón. Con cada modelo, tienes la opción a color y la opción para colorear. Las opciones de marcapáginas son: El Día del Libro, El día de San Jorge, El día de Aragón, Sant Jordi y Dia del llibre. ¡Pásalo genial montando tu marcapáginas “clip” y , lo que es más importante, leyendo!
Libro de la foto: La Nueva Educación, de César Bona
A printable dominoes to learn/review 31 of the most common infinitives in the French language as well as the GCSE specification. Perfect for the classroom environment, but also to have fun whilst learning French at home! :)
Un dòmino imprimible per aprendre / repassar 31 dels infinitius més comuns en llengua catalana. Perfecte per a jugar a classe, però també per divertir-se aprenent català a casa! :)
Practiquem el vocabulari dels animals mentre ens divertim! Aquest joc inclou 36 cartes amb 18 animals diferents. A cada carta hi ha una imatge d’un animal i el seu nom … Però, aneu amb compte! Algunes no porten la paraula correcta! Els estudiants han d’agafar una carta i anomenar l’animal que veuen abans de posar-la al munt del centre. Si la targeta té la paraula incorrecta i algú la llegeix sense corregir-la, aquesta persona ha d’agafar totes les cartes de la pila. El guanyador és qui que es queda sense cartes abans. Perfecte per treballar el vocabulari dels animals i la pronunciació a classe, però també per jugar a casa amb la família!
A printable dominoes to learn/review 31 of the most common infinitives in the Spanish language as well as the GCSE specification. Perfect for the classroom environment, but also to have fun whilst learning Spanish at home! :)
Let’s practise French vocabulary on animals in a fun way! This card game includes 18 items of vocabulary and consists of 36 cards that include a pet image and its name below. But careful! Some are labelled wrong! Students must grab one card and name the animal they see before putting it down on a pile in the centre. If the animal is labelled wrong and they read it without correcting it, they will have to get all cards from the pile. The winner is the person who runs out of cards. Perfect to review animals vocabulary and key sounds pronunciation in class, but also to play at home as a family!
Let’s practise Spanish vocabulary on animals in a fun way! This card game includes 18 items of vocabulary and consists of 36 cards that include a pet image and its name below. But careful! Some are labelled wrong! Students must grab one card and name the animal they see before putting it down on a pile in the centre. If the animal is labelled wrong and they read it without correcting it, they will have to get all cards from the pile. The winner is the person who runs out of cards. Perfect to review animals vocabulary and key sounds pronunciation in class, but also to play at home as a family!
¡Vamos a practicar el vocabulario de los animales mientras nos divertimos! Este juego incluye 36 cartas con 18 animales diferentes. En cada carta, hay una imagen de un animal y su nombre debajo… Pero, ¡cuidado! ¡Algunas no tienen la palabra correcta! Los estudiantes tienen que coger una carta y nombrar al animal que ven antes de ponerla en un montón boca abajo en el centro. Si la tarjeta tiene la palabra incorrecta y la leen sin corregirla, tiene que coger todas las cartas del montón. El ganador es la persona que se queda sin cartas. ¡Perfecto para trabajar el vocabulario de los animales y la pronunciación de sonidos clave en clase, pero también para jugar en casa con la familia!
A game designed to help your students improve the quality and creativity of their writing. 10 different worksheets that cover different categories: school, holidays, work, relationships, environment, food, free time I and II, festivals and traditions and technology. Each worksheet is based on a written task (GCSE style), with 4 bullet points that need to be covered. For each bullet point there is a table with five boxes that include variety of colour-coded items of vocabulary and grammar to cover the content (organised around different tenses). It also includes colour coded printable cards. Have a look at the didactical exploitation suggestions on the resource! It is planned around the GCSE specification, but the adaptable template makes it perfect for any type of exam/ student.
Un juego diseñado para ayudar a tus alumnos a mejorar la calidad y creativdad de su escritura. 10 fichas de diferentes categorías: instituto, vacaciones, trabajo, relaciones, medio ambiente, comida, tiempo libre I y II, festivales y tecnología. Cada ficha está basada en una prueba escrita con 4 puntos que hay que cubrir. Para cada punto hay una tabla con cinco cajas que incluyen una variedad de vocabulario y gramática (organizadas en torno a diferentes tiempos verbales). También incluye la versión en tarjetas de colores para imprimir. ¡Echa un vistazo a las propuestas de explotación didáctica! El recurso incluye una plantilla adaptable, así que es perfecto para cualquier tipo de examen/ estudiante.
14 Instagram templates and more to come! The range of templates includes bingo style tasks, yes/no and open questions/answers to practise topics such as school, holidays, free time, personal information, bedroom objects and hobbies. You can use them online but they are perfect to give as starter, plenary, extension tasks or even rewards! They are very colourful and follow the format that your students are used to seeing in social media. Keep an eye as we will be uploading more in the next few days!
This knowledge organiser has been designed to help your A Level students with their essay writing.
It includes structures for the different parts of the essay (introduction, main body and conclusion) as well as complex structures and other vocabulary related to both literary and cinematographic works. Particularly, there are a variety of high level phrases to make reference to the author/director, the plot, the characters, the context, as well as other specific terminology. Your students will also find that A* structures useful to illustrate with examples, add new ideas and give and justify opinions/ arguments have been included.
A very complete learning mat that has been organised in a visual and student friendly way, making it the best possible way to support your students when writing essays both independently and in class.
Student friendly user guide for Active Learn Pearson. It includes how to access and use it step by step and how to complete the assigned tasks from home as well as what to do if your account is locked. We hope your students find it useful!
This bundle is designed to help your students prepare the General Conversation part of their speaking exam.
It includes 8 modules (following the structure of the Viva! Edexcel Spanish GCSE book by Pearson). Each of these has a series of scaffolded sentence building blocks for each of the questions (lists of questions detailed in the description of each module).
The questions match those of our Speaking Booklet ( Each question is answered with a colour coded multiple choice word bank that includes higher structures, different tenses, idioms and a variety of vocabulary. The perfect resource to boost their confidence when developing their productive skills and when preparing them for the General Conversation part of the Speaking GCSE.
Easy to adapt and modify to suit your classes and curriculum.
Scaffolded sentence building blocks designed to provide students with the necessary grammar and range of vocabulary to give detailed and complex answers in their speaking and writing GCSE Spanish exams. The questions match those of our Speaking Booklet ( and are organised by modules 1-8, following the structure of the Viva! Edexcel Spanish GCSE book. Each question is answered with a colour coded multiple choice word bank that includes higher structures, different tenses, idioms and a variety of vocabulary. The perfect resource to boost their confidence when developing their productive skills and when preparing them for the General Conversation part of the Speaking GCSE.
Easy to adapt and modify to suit your classes and curriculum.
The questions included in this document are as follow:
¿Qué te gusta comer? ¿Por qué?
¿Has probado algún tipo de comida española? ¿Te gusta?
Háblame de lo que hiciste recientemente en un día especial, con amigos o con familia.
¿Cómo quieres celebrar tu próximo cumpleaños?
Háblame de lo que hiciste durante las últimas vacaciones de Navidad.
En tu opinión, ¿son importante las tradiciones y las fiestas?
Háblame de una fiesta a la que te gustaría asistir.
Scaffolded sentence building blocks designed to provide students with the necessary grammar and range of vocabulary to give detailed and complex answers in their speaking and writing GCSE Spanish exams. The questions match those of our Speaking Booklet ( and are organised by modules 1-8, following the structure of the Viva! Edexcel Spanish GCSE book. Each question is answered with a colour coded multiple choice word bank that includes higher structures, different tenses, idioms and a variety of vocabulary. The perfect resource to boost their confidence when developing their productive skills and when preparing them for the General Conversation part of the Speaking GCSE.
Easy to adapt and modify to suit your classes and curriculum.
The questions included in this document are as follow:
¿Tienes un trabajo a tiempo parcial? ¿Qué haces?
¿Qué planes tienes para el futuro?
¿Qué opinas de ir a la universidad? ¿Por qué?
¿Has hecho algunas prácticas laborales?
¿Son importantes los idiomas extranjeros en el trabajo?
¿Cuál sería tu empleo ideal / de tus sueños?
¿Cuál es más importante: el éxito profesional o el bienestar personal?
¿Eres muy ambicioso/a? ¿Por qué (no)?
Scaffolded sentence building blocks designed to provide students with the necessary grammar and range of vocabulary to give detailed and complex answers in their speaking and writing GCSE Spanish exams. The questions match those of our Speaking Booklet ( and are organised by modules 1-8, following the structure of the Viva! Edexcel Spanish GCSE book. Each question is answered with a colour coded multiple choice word bank that includes higher structures, different tenses, idioms and a variety of vocabulary. The perfect resource to boost their confidence when developing their productive skills and when preparing them for the General Conversation part of the Speaking GCSE.
Easy to adapt and modify to suit your classes and curriculum.
The questions included in this document are as follow:
¿Cómo es tu ciudad?
¿ Cómo era tu ciudad en el pasado?
¿Qué hay para turistas en tu ciudad?
¿Qué has hecho recientemente en tu zona/barrio?
¿Dónde te gustaría vivir en el futuro/si tuvieras la oportunidad?
¿Cómo sería tu casa ideal / de tus sueños?
¿Qué planes tienes para este fin de semana?
¿Te gusta ir de compras, entonces?
Describe una visita que has hecho recientemente a una ciudad en Gran Bretaña o en otro país.
Scaffolded sentence building blocks designed to provide students with the necessary grammar and range of vocabulary to give detailed and complex answers in their speaking and writing GCSE Spanish exams. The questions match those of our Speaking Booklet ( and are organised by modules 1-8, following the structure of the Viva! Edexcel Spanish GCSE book. Each question is answered with a colour coded multiple choice word bank that includes higher structures, different tenses, idioms and a variety of vocabulary. The perfect resource to boost their confidence when developing their productive skills and when preparing them for the General Conversation part of the Speaking GCSE.
Easy to adapt and modify to suit your classes and curriculum.
The questions included in this document are as follow:
¿Qué sueles hacer en tus ratos libres?
¿Eres teleadicto/a?
¿Prefieres ver películas en casa o en el cine? ¿Por qué?
¿Te gusta la música/leer? ¿Por qué sí/no?
¿Tus padres te dan dinero? ¿Qué haces con la paga?
¿Qué planes tienes para este fin de semana?
¿Qué hiciste la semana pasada?
¿Eres muy deportista? ¿Por qué (no)?
¿Quién es tu modelo a seguir?
This is an activity that we’ve created after seeing this ingenious comic strip from @precariada
It is perfect to brainstorm and learn or revise vocabulary about global problems in Spanish as well as to get your students to think and discuss about their ideas. Can be used as a starter or plenary.
We’d love your feedback, please don’t forget to leave a review!
Scaffolded sentence building blocks designed to provide students with the necessary grammar and range of vocabulary to give detailed and complex answers in their speaking and writing GCSE Spanish exams. The questions match those of our Speaking Booklet ( and are organised by modules 1-8, following the structure of the Viva! Edexcel Spanish GCSE book. Each question is answered with a colour coded multiple choice word bank that includes higher structures, different tenses, idioms and a variety of vocabulary. The perfect resource to boost their confidence when developing their productive skills and when preparing them for the General Conversation part of the Speaking GCSE.
Easy to adapt and modify to suit your classes and curriculum.
The questions included in this document are as follow:
Describe a un buen amigo tuyo / una buena amiga tuya.
¿Te llevas bien con tu familia? ¿Por qué (no)?
Describe a una persona de tu familia.
¿Quiénes son más importantes, tus amigos o tus padres? ¿Por qué?
¿Cómo es un buen amigo / una buena amiga?
¿Qué planes tienes (con tus amigos) este fin de semana?
¿Qué aplicaciones usas para estar en contacto con tus amigos y con tu familia?
¿Estás enganchada a tu móvil?
¿Qué piensas de las redes sociales?
¿Qué te gusta leer? ¿Por qué?
Scaffolded sentence building blocks designed to provide students with the necessary grammar and range of vocabulary to give detailed and complex answers in their speaking and writing GCSE Spanish exams. The questions match those of our Speaking Booklet ( and are organised by modules 1-8, following the structure of the Viva! Edexcel Spanish GCSE book. Each question is answered with a colour coded multiple choice word bank that includes higher structures, different tenses, idioms and a variety of vocabulary. The perfect resource to boost their confidence when developing their productive skills and when preparing them for the General Conversation part of the Speaking GCSE.
Easy to adapt and modify to suit your classes and curriculum.
The questions included in this document are as follow:
¿Adónde vas de vacaciones normalmente?
¿Cómo sueles viajar?
¿Cuánto tiempo pasas allí?
¿Dónde te alojas normalmente?
¿Qué te gusta hacer durante las vacaciones, por ejemplo durante el día?
¿Adónde fuiste de vacaciones el año pasado?
¿Cómo viajaste?
¿Cuánto tiempo pasaste allí?
¿Qué tiempo hacía?
¿Qué hiciste durante las vacaciones?
¿Cómo era el hotel / el pueblo / la ciudad?
¿Qué planes tienes para este verano?
6. ¿Por qué veranea tanta gente en el extranjero?
7. ¿Es importante aprender sobre otros países y otras culturas?
This pack includes all our top GCSE preparation resources, which cover the four papers (reading, listening, speaking and writing) as well as all the grammatical aspects. Save 36%!
Answers are included in all the resources so students are able to self assess their work.