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Writing Clerihews - KS2 Knowledge Organiser!

Writing Clerihews - KS2 Knowledge Organiser!

This clear, detailed and visually-appealing resource offers a complete reference point for KS2 children when writing clerihews. The organiser is also perfect for teachers, parents and English subject leaders - aiding their planning and supporting of children’s knowledge development for this poetic form. The organiser has a particular focus on the content, language and structural features required to write effective clerihews. It contains distinct sections covering: -Overview: Clerihews; -Content: What to include, the five senses, communicating a message, content features, humour; -Language: Word choices, word types, rhyme, alliteration, similes, metaphors, alliteration and onomatopoeia, punctuation checklist etc. -Structure: Poem length, line lengths, line breaks, stanzas; -Key Vocabulary. The organiser also includes 3 original clerihews written about Harry Potter, the Queen and Andy Murray - these can serve as excellent WAGOLLs. The resource was originally designed for KS2 children. It is designed to be printed onto A3 (however can also be printed in A4) and is provided as both a PDF and a Word version (so that you can edit if you want to).
Writing Riddles - Knowledge Organiser!

Writing Riddles - Knowledge Organiser!

This clear, detailed and visually-appealing resource offers a complete reference point for children when writing riddles. The organiser is also perfect for teachers, parents and English subject leaders - aiding their planning and supporting of children’s knowledge development for this writing form. The organiser has a particular focus on the content, language and structural features required to write effective riddle poems. It contains distinct sections covering: -Overview: Riddles; -Content: What to include, the five senses, Viewpoint, subject matter; -Language: Word choices, word types, poetic devices, punctuation checklist and phrase mat; -Structure: Word structure, line lengths, syllables, Top tips; -Key Vocabulary. The resource was originally designed for KS1/ lower KS2 children. It is designed to be printed onto A3 (however can also be printed in A4) and is provided as both a PDF and a Word version (so that you can edit if you want to).
Writing Sonnets - Knowledge Organiser!

Writing Sonnets - Knowledge Organiser!

This clear, detailed and visually-appealing resource offers a complete reference point for children when writing sonnets. The organiser is also perfect for teachers, parents and English subject leaders - aiding their planning and supporting of children’s knowledge development for this poetic form. The organiser has a particular focus on the content, language and structural features required to write effective sonnets. It contains distinct sections covering: -Overview: Sonnets; -Content: What to include, the five senses, themes and messages, example word bank; -Language: Vocabulary choices, rhyme, alliteration, similes, metaphors, alliteration and onomatopoeia, punctuation checklist etc. -Structure: Petrarchan Sonnets, Shakespearean Sonnets, iambic pentameter. -Key Vocabulary. The resource was originally designed for upper KS2/ lower KS3 children. It is designed to be printed onto A3 (however can also be printed in A4) and is provided as both a PDF and a Word version (so that you can edit if you want to).
Ghana Knowledge Organiser - Geography Place Knowledge!

Ghana Knowledge Organiser - Geography Place Knowledge!

This clear, detailed and visually-appealing resource offers a complete reference point for students revising knowledge relating to Ghana, as a part of their study of place, human and physical geography. It contains the following sections: Overview and Maps; Physical Geography; Human Geography; Comparison with the United Kingdom; Ghana Timeline; Key Vocabulary. The resource is designed to be printed onto A3, and is provided as both a PDF and a Word version (so that you can edit if you want to). All images used are licensed for commercial use and are cited on a separate document (included).
Sonnet 29: 'I think of thee!' Comprehension Activities Booklet!

Sonnet 29: 'I think of thee!' Comprehension Activities Booklet!

This 16-page resource booklet contains a wide range of challenging and engaging comprehension activities for use throughout the reading of Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s love and relationships poem ‘Sonnet 29: 'I think of thee!’ Teachers have found the activities particularly useful throughout teaching, or for exam revision or guided reading sessions. They are perfect for aiding the progress of students towards meeting the key English Literature assessment objectives - suitable for all examining bodies. Students have found these resources extremely engaging, and it is clearly highlighted within each task regarding which assessment strands the task is designed to demonstrate. It is provided in both Word (to allow for easy editing) and PDF (to ensure for consistency of formatting between computers). Activities within the booklet include (amongst many others): ‘Analysing Context’ - helping students to ‘Show understanding of the relationships between texts and the contexts in which they were written.’ ‘Analysing Subject Matter, Language and Structure’ - to help students to ‘Analyse the language, form and structure used by a writer to create meanings and effects, using relevant subject terminology where appropriate.’ ‘Diary Entry’ - to help students to ‘Use a range of vocabulary and sentence structures for clarity, purpose and effect, with accurate spelling and punctuation. Make an informed personal response, recognising that other responses to a text are possible and evaluating these.’ ‘The Speaker’ - to help students to ‘Read, understand and respond to texts. Students should be able to: maintain a critical style and develop an informed personal response use textual references, including quotations, to support and illustrate interpretations.’
Teachings of Jesus - The Parable of the Lost Son!

Teachings of Jesus - The Parable of the Lost Son!

In this engaging lesson, students read and interpret ‘The Parable of the Lost Son’ (also known as the Parable of the Prodigal Son). The learning is guided by a clear and colourful PowerPoint presentation, which guides students through the following step-by-step journey: -Defining what ‘forgiveness’ means; -Knowledge recall - remembering key facts about Jesus’ life and teaching; -Understanding how it can be difficult, but important, to forgive; -Watching an engaging, age-appropriate video of the parable; -Demonstrating understanding of the parable through Bloom’s Taxonomy-style activities, including defining, remembering, inferring, sequencing, analysing, applying and creating activities; -Considering the messages that they can take for their own lives from this parable; -Self-reflecting on the extent to which they feel they have met the learning objective. The resource pack includes everything you need to teach the lesson, including the comprehensive PowerPoint presentation and the Bloom’s Taxonomy worksheet (provided in both Word and as a PDF). Just download and teach! In the past, I have used this lesson with children from across Key Stage 2 with minor adaptations for age - the key learning is aligned with curriculum expectations for RE, and also the content prescribed by most diocese regions. All images are licensed for commercial use.
Introducing Jesus - Events in His Life!

Introducing Jesus - Events in His Life!

In this engaging lesson, students develop their understanding of the key events in the life of Jesus Christ. The learning is guided by a clear and colourful PowerPoint presentation, which guides students through the following step-by-step journey: -Personal Spirituality - considering important events in their own life; -Comprehending and sequencing - card-sorting the main events in Jesus’ life; -Using independent research skills to find out more about one of the key events in Jesus’ life, before creating newspaper reports detailing their findings; -Considering a deeper thinking question, with the aid of clear points for consideration; -Completing a plenary quiz to assess their understanding. This resource pack contains a comprehensive Powerpoint, alongside an eye-catching worksheet. In the past, I have used this lesson with children from across Key Stage 2 - the key learning is aligned with curriculum expectations for RE, and also the content prescribed by most diocese regions. All images are licensed for commercial use.
Arctic Star - Whole Class Reading Session!

Arctic Star - Whole Class Reading Session!

This whole class reading session aims to develop children’s comprehension skills through a reading of the opening chapter of Tom Palmer’s ‘Arctic Star.’ The resource pack includes the extract and all of the activities for the session, which the class are guided through via a comprehensive PowerPoint presentation. The reading is followed by a series of activities aiming to develop children’s retrieval, explanation, inference, prediction and summarising skills. It also contains a vocabulary check immediately after the extract is read to clarify any unfamiliar/ difficult language. The tasks are comprised of quick-check questions, solo thinking, pair/ group discussions and deeper thinking activities. The session is best suited for children in upper KS2. I originally used this with Year 5-6 children, although with minor adaptations it could feasibly be used with slightly younger and older year groups. The session is also suitable for home/ remote learning.
Toys in Space - Whole Class Reading Session!

Toys in Space - Whole Class Reading Session!

This whole class reading session aims to develop children’s fluency and comprehension skills through reading Mini Grey’s ‘Toys in Space.’ The reading is followed by a series of activities aiming to develop children’s retrieval, explanation, inference, prediction and summarising skills. It also contains a vocabulary check immediately after the extract is read to clarify any unfamiliar/ difficult language. The tasks are comprised of quick-check questions, solo thinking, pair/ group discussions and deeper thinking activities. The session is best suited for children in years 1-2, although with minor adaptations it could feasibly be used with slightly younger and older year groups.
Writing Traditional Tales - Lower KS2 Knowledge Organiser!

Writing Traditional Tales - Lower KS2 Knowledge Organiser!

This clear, detailed and visually-appealing resource offers a complete reference point for lower KS2 children when writing traditional tales. The organiser is also perfect for teachers, parents and English subject leaders - aiding their planning and supporting of children’s knowledge development for this writing text type. The organiser has a particular focus on the content, language and structural features required to write effective traditional tales at lower KS2. It contains distinct sections covering: -An Overview of Traditional Tales; -Content: Myths, Legends, Fairy Tales and Fables; -Language: Descriptive Devices, Sentence Openers, Dialogue, Conjunctions, Punctuation Checklist and Word Mat; -Structure - Titles, Structure Mountains and other tips; -Key Vocabulary The content is fully aligned with the age-related expectations for lower KS2 children in writing. The resource is designed to be printed onto A3, and is provided as both a PDF and a Word version (so that you can edit if you want to). All images used are licensed for commercial use and are cited on a separate document (included).
Leif Eriskon Non-Fiction Text - Whole Class Reading Session!

Leif Eriskon Non-Fiction Text - Whole Class Reading Session!

This whole class reading session aims to develop children’s comprehension skills through a reading of a non-fiction text about the legendary Norseman ‘Leif Erikson.’ The resource pack includes the full text and all of the activities for the session, which the class are guided through via a comprehensive PowerPoint presentation. The reading is followed by a series of activities aiming to develop children’s retrieval, explanation, inference, prediction and summarising skills. It also contains a vocabulary check immediately after the extract is read to clarify any unfamiliar/ difficult language. The tasks are comprised of quick-check questions, solo thinking, pair/ group discussions and deeper thinking activities. The session is best suited for children in years 4-6, although with minor adaptations it could feasibly be used with slightly older or younger year groups. This resource is suitable for home/ remote learning.
PSHE: Being My Best - Year 4 Knowledge Organiser!

PSHE: Being My Best - Year 4 Knowledge Organiser!

This clear, detailed and visually-appealing resource offers a complete reference point for covering ‘Being My Best’ at Year 4 in PSHE. The organiser is clear, logical and fully meets all requirements for the PSHE curriculum, including the DfE’s new Relationships Education and Health Education statutory guidance It includes sections on: -Overview and Recap of Prior Learning; -Developing Myself - Amazing Me and Communities; -Being Healthy and Safe - Food Groups, Healthy Choices and Basic First Aid; -Being Healthy and Safe - Wellbeing Wheel and Seven R’s for a Better Environment; -Key Vocabulary. The resource is designed to be printed onto A3, and is provided as both a PDF and a Word version (so that you can edit if you want to). All images used are licensed for commercial use and are cited on a separate document (included).
The Magic Finger - Whole Class Reading Session!

The Magic Finger - Whole Class Reading Session!

This whole class reading session aims to develop children’s comprehension of the opening chapters of Roald Dahl’s The Magic Finger. It contains a link to the online chapter (on the first slide). This is followed by a series of activities aiming to develop children’s retrieval, explanation, inference, prediction and summarising skills. It also contains a vocabulary check immediately after the extract is read to clarify any unfamiliar/ difficult language. The tasks are comprised of quick-check questions, solo thinking, pair/ group discussions and deeper thinking activities. The session is best suited for children in years 2-3, although with minor adaptations it could feasibly be used with slightly younger and older year groups. The session works great in isolation, but was initially taught as part of a Roald Dahl link series over a week, with the class dipping into a different Roald Dahl text each day. The other two texts are George’s Marvellous Medicine and The Twits - the resources for both of these sessions are also available via this website.
PSHE: Rights and Responsibilities - Year 4 Knowledge Organiser!

PSHE: Rights and Responsibilities - Year 4 Knowledge Organiser!

This clear, detailed and visually-appealing resource offers a complete reference point for covering ‘Rights and Responsibilities’ at Year 4 in PSHE. The organiser is clear, logical and fully meets all requirements for the PSHE curriculum, including the DfE’s new Relationships Education and Health Education statutory guidance It includes sections on: -Overview and Recap of Prior Learning; -Staying Healthy and Safe -Helping us to Stay Healthy and Safe, Responsibilities, Safety in Numbers; -People and Environments - Rules and Laws, Your Rights; -Money - Income and Expenses, Taxes; -Key Vocabulary. The resource is designed to be printed onto A3, and is provided as both a PDF and a Word version (so that you can edit if you want to). All images used are licensed for commercial use and are cited on a separate document (included).
PSHE: Rights and Responsibilities - Year 3 Knowledge Organiser!

PSHE: Rights and Responsibilities - Year 3 Knowledge Organiser!

This clear, detailed and visually-appealing resource offers a complete reference point for covering ‘Rights and Responsibilities’ at Year 3 in PSHE. The organiser is clear, logical and fully meets all requirements for the PSHE curriculum, including the DfE’s new Relationships Education and Health Education statutory guidance It includes sections on: -Overview and Recap of Prior Learning; -Staying Healthy and Safe -Keeping Each Other Safe and Volunteers; -People and Environments - The Environment, Facts and Opinions; -Money - What is Money? How Do We Earn It? What Can I Afford? -Key Vocabulary. The resource is designed to be printed onto A3, and is provided as both a PDF and a Word version (so that you can edit if you want to). All images used are licensed for commercial use and are cited on a separate document (included).
PSHE: Me and My Relationships - Year 4 Knowledge Organiser!

PSHE: Me and My Relationships - Year 4 Knowledge Organiser!

This clear, detailed and visually-appealing resource offers a complete reference point for children, teachers and parents learning about ‘Me and My Relationships’ at Year 4 in PSHE. The organiser is clear, logical and fully meets the DfE’s new Relationships Education and Health Education statutory guidance It includes sections on: -Overview and Recap of Prior Learning; -Healthy Relationships - Managing Friendships, Communication and Expression, Together, Body Space; -Feelings and Emotions - Emotions, Challenges and Dares; -Being Kind - Friends and Acquaintances, Showing Courage; -Key Vocabulary. The resource is designed to be printed onto A3, and is provided as both a PDF and a Word version (so that you can edit if you want to). All images used are licensed for commercial use and are cited on a separate document (included).
PSHE: Valuing Difference - Year 3 Knowledge Organiser!

PSHE: Valuing Difference - Year 3 Knowledge Organiser!

This clear, detailed and visually-appealing resource offers a complete reference point for covering ‘Valuing Difference’ at Year 3 in PSHE. The organiser is clear, logical and fully meets all requirements for the PSHE curriculum, including the DfE’s new Relationships Education and Health Education statutory guidance It includes sections on: -Overview and Recap of Prior Learning; -Relationships with Others - Family, Friends; -Similarities and Differences - Celebrating Differences, Communities; -Our Behaviour - Respect, Challenge; -Key Vocabulary. The resource is designed to be printed onto A3, and is provided as both a PDF and a Word version (so that you can edit if you want to). All images used are licensed for commercial use and are cited on a separate document (included).
PSHE: Being My Best - Year 3 Knowledge Organiser!

PSHE: Being My Best - Year 3 Knowledge Organiser!

This clear, detailed and visually-appealing resource offers a complete reference point for covering ‘Being My Best’ at Year 3 in PSHE. The organiser is clear, logical and fully meets all requirements for the PSHE curriculum, including the DfE’s new Relationships Education and Health Education statutory guidance It includes sections on: -Overview and Recap of Prior Learning; -Developing Myself - Talents and Goals, For or Against?; -Being Healthy and Safe - Food Groups and Illnesses and Medicines; -Helping Others - Our Bodies and Nerves; -Key Vocabulary. The resource is designed to be printed onto A3, and is provided as both a PDF and a Word version (so that you can edit if you want to). All images used are licensed for commercial use and are cited on a separate document (included).
The Great Fire of London Poem - KS1 Whole Class Reading Session!

The Great Fire of London Poem - KS1 Whole Class Reading Session!

This KS1 whole class reading session aims to develop children’s comprehension skills through the reading of a Paul Perro poem about The Great Fire of London. The reading is followed by a series of activities aiming to develop children’s retrieval, explanation, inference, prediction and summarising skills. It also contains a vocabulary check immediately after the extract is read to clarify any unfamiliar/ difficult language. The tasks are comprised of quick-check questions, solo thinking, pair/ group discussions and deeper thinking activities. The poem is provided in both Word and as a PDF. The session is best suited for children in years 1-2, although with minor adaptations it could feasibly be used with slightly younger and older year groups.
Love's Philosophy - Percy Bysshe Shelley - Comprehension Activities Booklet!

Love's Philosophy - Percy Bysshe Shelley - Comprehension Activities Booklet!

This 16-page resource booklet contains a wide range of challenging and engaging comprehension activities for use throughout the reading of Percy Bysshe Shelley’s love and relationships poem ‘Love’s Philosophy.’ Teachers have found the activities particularly useful throughout teaching, or for exam revision or guided reading sessions. They are perfect for aiding the progress of students towards meeting the key English Literature assessment objectives - suitable for all examining bodies. Students have found these resources extremely engaging, and it is clearly highlighted within each task regarding which assessment strands the task is designed to demonstrate. It is provided in both Word (to allow for easy editing) and PDF (to ensure for consistency of formatting between computers). Activities within the booklet include (amongst many others): ‘Analysing Context’ - helping students to ‘Show understanding of the relationships between texts and the contexts in which they were written.’ ‘Analysing Subject Matter, Language and Structure’ - to help students to ‘Analyse the language, form and structure used by a writer to create meanings and effects, using relevant subject terminology where appropriate.’ ‘Diary Entry’ - to help students to ‘Use a range of vocabulary and sentence structures for clarity, purpose and effect, with accurate spelling and punctuation. Make an informed personal response, recognising that other responses to a text are possible and evaluating these.’ ‘The Speaker’ - to help students to ‘Read, understand and respond to texts. Students should be able to: maintain a critical style and develop an informed personal response use textual references, including quotations, to support and illustrate interpretations.’