We are Science and Religious Education specialist with with a combined 30 years of experience as middle managers both academic and pastoral. We have experience teaching Science, PSHE, PE, Humanities, Philosophy , Ethics, Psychology, Sociology. Lots of our resources are aimed at whole school whether they be AFL activities to Tutor Time resources.
We are Science and Religious Education specialist with with a combined 30 years of experience as middle managers both academic and pastoral. We have experience teaching Science, PSHE, PE, Humanities, Philosophy , Ethics, Psychology, Sociology. Lots of our resources are aimed at whole school whether they be AFL activities to Tutor Time resources.
This is a grab and go, zero prep lesson investigating fairness.
Pupils will have the opportunity to discuss what is just and unjust in the world and have the opportunity to define these terms.
They will study what Christians believe about Justice and how they should behave towards their fellow humans.
PPT: 23 slides & Work booklet: 6 sheets
If you review this resource we will give you another resource of the same value for FREE.
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This is a fully prepared grab and go lesson or tutor time session on Consent. Discusses the topics of consent, refusal skills and assertive responses.
Included in this pack is:
Clear Aims & Objectives
YouTube Links
Discussion Task
Phone a Friend Scenario task
Emoji Exit Task
2 x Teach Elite Timers
We hope that you enjoy this resource!
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Science Quiz, Includes CHRISTMAS EDITION…perfect for a tutor time or science lesson treat for your Science class or Tutor group.
This super science quiz is perfect for science lesson fun. The possibilities are endless and it is guaranteed to add a bit of fun to any science lesson.
This INTERACTIVE Science quiz has a variety of activities and is perfect for Tutor Time or a fun lesson activity. It has the potential to span 90 minutes depending on how many rounds you wish to play.
Includes an Easter and Christmas edition too :)
PowerPoint: 85 slides and even comes with a team selector and an interactive score board for you to keep tabs on the team’s points.
Science Quiz consists of:
General Knowledge
Fact or Fiction
Science Caricatures
Brain Reader
Doodle This
Bonus Round-Easter Bunny bonus selector
Great for a bit of Easter Science excitement !
We hope that you enjoy this resource!
Back to School Plenaries! Always be prepared with this back to school Plenary kit. This has a fantastic range of mini activities for back to school and can even be used for distance learning via Teams or Zoom. Contains the original Plenary Generator and our CHRISTMAS version.
This is a fully INTERACTIVE presentation with animation and MUSIC.
The PPT consists of 70 Slides.
Use the Plenary Generator Wheel to select one of the 10 plenaries within this presentation. Press the ’Start’ Button to spin the wheel and the 'Stop’ button to select a number. Each plenary should last 10 minutes. Perfect for Assessment for Learning ( AFL)
Some of these plenaries require printouts-Supplied with this resource. It is suggested that copies are printed in bulk in preparation for use.
List of plenary Activities:
1. Tree Climb Activity
2. Pass the BombPLEASE NOTE: there are two versions of this resource so as to include 'Beat the Clock' alternative to 'Pass the Bomb' as we realise that this could be a sensitive activity for some pupils
3. Letter Investigator
4. Beat the Clock
5. Balloon Timer
6. Opinion Line
6. Chatterbox /Cootie Catcher
7. Memory Game
8. We Say, You Play
9. Reverse Cognition
10. Emoji Graph
Final Task: Exit Pass
This lesson is the first in a set of seven designed to introduce pupils to the six of the major world religions. In this lesson, pupils will look at a timeline of the origins of religion, be tasked to recreate this timeline themselves (There are differentiated worksheets and a help sheet for lower ability pupils.) They will also have to colour a map of where the religions began.
There are links to 2 videos within this PPT. The second gives and overview of 5 world religions. The sixth pupils have to research for homework.
This resource pack contains + 1x Assembly, 1 x tutor time session and an interactive quiz that can span an hour.
It also includes two of our interactive activities. Namely our 5W activity and our [Interactive Emoji Selector
All PowerPoints are fully resourced with YouTube links and activities to discuss the topic in question.
*** Assembly pack contains** a PPT (11 Slides) and a handout for you to make notes on each slide should you so wish.
The assembly introduces pupils to the history of Remembrance Day and the Poppy . It includes a link to a YouTube clip educating them on the main symbol of remembrance, the poppy and a link to the Flanders Field poem. This resource includes a quote relating to the topic and an OPTIONAL Christian prayer.
*** Tutor Time pack contains** 1 x Fully Resourced PPT (12 slides in total) Worksheet (1 A4 sheets). Included in this session is our 5W activity complete with music and worksheet and a link to a debate on whether people should wear white or red poppies (this is an optional video) Following this pupils are to create their own leaflet on the history of Remembrance Day and the Poppy.
*** The Quiz resource contains: **
General Knowledge
Guessing Game
Yay or Nay
Emoji Selector
Act it Out
Observation Round
We hope that you enjoy this resource!
This lesson Starter Generator perfect for back to school. This can be used as a distance learning tool with a great range of mini activities for a zoom or Teams session.
Check out our Plenary Generator here. These are the perfect pair of resources to have in ANY lesson!
This is a fully INTERACTIVE presentation with animation and MUSIC. The PPT consists of 37 Slides and a 7 page booklet. SUPER FOR Assessment for Learning (AFL)
Check out the Book:
Use the Starter Generator Wheel on slide 3 to select one of the 10 starters within this presentation. Press the ’Start’ Button to spin the wheel and the ‘Stop’ button to select a number. You can then click on the coloured segment selected to take you to that particular starter. If you wish to be taken back to the Starter Generator wheel, there is a signpost on the dividing page at the end of each starter task. Once the starter has been completed press the ‘Start the Lesson’ sign to take you to the generic title page. Each starter should last around 5-10 minutes.
Please note…Some of these starters require printouts-Supplied alongside this PowerPoint. It is suggested that copies are printed in bulk in preparation for use.
1. Doodles
2. Think, Pair, Share
3. Give me 5
4. Pupil Questionnaire
5. The Rainbow Game
6. Beat the Teacher
7. 5Ws
8. Question Matrix
9. Verbal Tennis
10. Act it Out
We would love your feedback on this resource!
Jesus : Who is responsible for Jesus’ death? ( Murder Mystery Style Resource)
Easter Activity
This resource contains six Fact Files on characters that are relating to the Passion narrative within the Bible. Pupils can be divided into groups and asked to collect evidence on each character and build up a convincing argument as to why this person may be responsible for Jesus death.
This activity works well when ended with a class debate on this topic.
This PowerPoint is centred around the digestive system. Taking pupils through the process of digestion. This includes a literacy task based on the “Fantastic Journey” through the body.
Included in this resource is a peer assessment worksheet for pupils to assess their peers on their literacy work.
If you review this resource we will give you another resource of the same value for FREE.<br />
<br />
We hope that you enjoy this resource! We would love your feedback, if you like what you see, please follow us: on Tes <a href=“https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/TeachElite”>TeachElite’s Shop</a> click the’Follow this Author button’ . We will keep you updated on any sales we throw or FREEBIES we upload. <br />
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and Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TeachElite/
This Children’s Book Week Quiz is perfect for Children’s Book Week. This INTERACTIVE back to school literature book quiz has 9 rounds consisting of a variety of activities and is perfect for Tutor Time or a fun lesson activity.
This even comes with a team selector and an interactive score board for you to keep tabs on the team’s points.
Children’s Book Week Quiz consists of:
General Knowledge
True or False
Doodle This
Back To Back
We Say You Play
Have Your Cake
Bonus Round
Includes a 2 minute TeachElite timer!
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This resource contains TWO editions of this resource:
Behaviour Monitoring : Reward Jars-Behaviour Monitoring
This PowerPoint Contains four reward jars to use with your pupils to positively reinforce good behaviour. A great Visual behaviour monitoring strategy!
Simply press the right arrow key to add an item to the jar and the left arrow key to delete it.
Halloween - Spooktacular Reward Jars
This PowerPoint contains four reward
jars to use with your pupils to positively reinforce good behaviour. It is a great Visual behaviour management strategy!Simply press the right arrow key to add an item to the jar and the left arrow key to delete it.
Click on the image on slide 5 to select your reward Jar.
We hope that you enjoy this resource! We would love your feedback, if you like what you see, please follow us: on Tes [TeachElite's Shop](https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/TeachElite) click the'Follow this Author button' . We will keep you updated on any sales we throw or FREEBIES we upload.
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and Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TeachElite/
A great visual way of letting your class know how well they are behaving!!
A visual PowerPoint display that you can use with your classes for behaviour management. We have included an editable and an uneducable version purely due to the fonts we have used.
There are also Poor, improvement and Excellent behaviour certificates that can be printed out and given to the child to take home. These can be edited on the PowerPoint if you wish to add a reason for certification, for example. A PDF version is available for ease of printout also.
Please leave a comment if you have the time, it would be much appreciated.
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This is a complete lesson on the topic of Friction (A Grab and Go Lesson). It includes a fully editable lesson plan, PowerPoint, Differentiated activities (at the end of the PowerPoint) and a Pupil Peer Assessment sheet on an activity relating to friction.
The PowerPoint includes a bell task linking back to forces and a conveyor belt activity on the topic of forces too. Pupils are taught the basic principles of friction and then are given the task of creating a leaflet on the topic. There is a level ladder included in this pack based on Skill 1: Finding Information.
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A Lesson PowerPoint with worksheet & A fully resourced and interactive Quiz!
Tutor Time : International Women’s day / Women’s History Month resource contains a PPT (22 Slides) with 1 A4 worksheet (that can be blown up to A3).
The Tutor Time : International Women’s day / Women’s History Month resource covers a whole week of sessions! contains:
Bell Task
YouTube links
Discussion Points
Learning Placemat
Vlog Task
Opinion Line
Inspirational Quotes
Interactive Plenary
International Women’s Day / women’s History Month Assembly
The International Woman’s Day Women’s History Month Assembly PowerPoint is fully resourced with YouTube links and questions to discuss International Women’s Day.
This is an hour lesson on subjects and predicates. It contains:
Discussion Points
Clear, step-by-step explainations
YouTube Clips
Interactive plenary
We hope that you enjoy this resource! If you review this resource we will give you another resource of the same value for FREE.
We would love your feedback :)
Excellent lesson-Externally inspected.
An introduction to Human Body systems. Pupils are given a placemat with the different systems and are ten asked to categorise the body organs in the relevant box. The activities are all printable from within PowerPoint.
In this pack you get a pupil voice exit task worksheet.
Our Letter investigator resource. This can be found to purchase as a stand alone activity at-https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/letter-investigator-11479813
A pass the time bomb activity which includes 8 different timed slides ranging from 5-60 seconds. A great plenary activity!
Back to School - Question matrix / Question Generator - Interactive!
This is fully interactive with music!!!
This is a great way to spice up your questioning during lessons. What a great way to promote literacy and getting pupils to think about deeper questioning.
Included in this resource is a Question Matrix worksheet. With a selection of questions ranging from lower to higher order questioning. Each selection is colour-coded (green-red). The green questions are lower order and they progress to red (higher order).
Teacher Instructions: You can copy and paste the Question Generator slide into any presentation you wish or use the slide as a standalone resource.
Click on the spin button to start the selector and the stop button to stop it. You can reset the selector at any time to restart the process.
Pupil Instructions: The Question Generator will generate the start of a question. Press ‘spin’ to start the selector and ‘stop’ to stop it spinning. Use this resource to help pupils formulate questions to ask about the topic studied OR the teacher will give questions that they will need to answer in the relevant boxes.
We hope that you enjoy this resource! We would love your feedback, if you like what you see, please follow us:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TeachElite/
Back to School : KS3 Science - Scientific Vocabulary A-Z
An A-Z vocabulary booklet that is LEFT BLANK for pupils to write specific vocabulary that they need to know. The majority of pages are dedicated to a letter. were as come letters (Y & Z, for example) share a page.
The booklet is 39 pages long, this will allow you to have it printed back to back in magazine form as either an A5 (printed on A4 paper) or A4 booklet (printed on A3 paper).
Back to School - Starter and Plenary Prompt Selector
This is a really fun INTERACTIVE resource , complete with MUSIC and our very popular 60 second Ultimate Bubble timer!!
You can copy and paste The Starter and Plenary Prompt Selector slide into any presentation you wish or use the slide as a standalone resource. To make the selection, click on the spin button to start the selector and the stop button to stop it. You can reset the selector at any time to restart the process.
Pupils need to have a sticky note each for this task in order that they can ‘slap it’ on the board with their answer.
We hope that you enjoy this resource! We would love your feedback, if you like what you see, please follow us:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TeachElite/
Debate - Philosophical Questions P4C Debate starters.
This is a fully interactive PowerPoint. pupils are able to choose an icon, click on it and they are taken to a slide with a question relating to that icon. There is an arrow icon to click on to take you back to the main screen. There are 15 philosophical questions in total.
Back to School : Balloon Timer
A fun countdown timer that can be used as a time management tool in any lesson. This is a 3 minute timer. Each balloon has been set to fly away within a 20 second timeframe, but can easily be altered in the animation pane to make the timer shorter or longer. The balloons can all be selected, copied from this presentation and pasted and inserted into your own or on top of any slide you wish!
BONUS: 5 minute Balloon Timer video that can be inserted into any PPT or used as a standalone resource-No editing required!