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The Irish Teacher's Resources

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Mainly KS2 resources for English, Maths, Science and some topic also. Most of my resources include a lesson plan, presentation, activities and differentiated tasks. Please leave a review on any of my resources in which you purchase so I can use your feedback positively. I have taught the majority of these lessons and they have worked well. All lessons coincide with the National Curriculum 2014 and have been approved by my subject leaders. Hope they are useful :)




Mainly KS2 resources for English, Maths, Science and some topic also. Most of my resources include a lesson plan, presentation, activities and differentiated tasks. Please leave a review on any of my resources in which you purchase so I can use your feedback positively. I have taught the majority of these lessons and they have worked well. All lessons coincide with the National Curriculum 2014 and have been approved by my subject leaders. Hope they are useful :)
Non-Chronological Report- Writing our own.

Non-Chronological Report- Writing our own.

This is a follow on lesson from:Non-Chronological Reports: Understanding the features. Children cannot and should not be writing their own report without first of all familiarising themselves with the text type. Having completed that step, they can then begin to think about planning their very own report. This resource includes: *4 day detailed lesson plan with a step-by-step guide on how to deliver these lessons. *Report adaption sheet for drawing their new idea to change. *Pictures to caption- this confirms children’s ability to order the report. *‘Who murdered King Tut’ text for reference. *Comprehension on the text used to ensure understanding. *Success Criteria for children to self and peer assess their report writing. *Drama ideas: such as text tennis, hot seating etc. The idea behind this week of teaching is that children are reciting/acting out the text each day, confirming their understanding of the report structure/sentence structure orally. Once children can do this, they will be able to write their very own version. They are encouraged this week to change one part of the report in order to write their very own version. For example: instead of ‘Who killed King Tut?’, it could be ‘Who killed King Thor the Viking’ children will have to adapt the report they know so well to make it their own. Now that they have a basis to go off, their report will be much more successful.
Guided Reading Support Sheets

Guided Reading Support Sheets

4 reading skills graphic organizers and 5 support cards to structure children’s answers for comprehension questions. These post-it note graphic organizers are engaging and encourage children to discuss what they have read to arrive at the correct answer. They can be printed in Black and White or can be printed on colored paper to make them nice and colorful. I love to use them during my guided reading sessions as it encourages children to engage in paired work, extending and elaborating on their own ideas. See how I use them over on my blog: rebeccatheirishteacher.com Reading skills/strategies included: -Main Idea/Details -Making Connections -Theme -Summary Support Cards include: -Making Connections Support -Evaluating -Author’s Choice -Characters -Vocabulary Follow my Instagram to see these products and more in action. The whole idea behind this resource is to structure and build on children’s understanding, by giving them the scaffolding to write their own answers. Reading lessons have become much more ‘talk based’ and fun as a result.
Fractions: Worksheets and printables

Fractions: Worksheets and printables

A selection of resources to help your children understand fractions. These resources are saved as word documents so they are easy to edit to suit the needs of your class. This Simple Fractions NO PREP packet is full of FUN, ENGAGING activities for students to learn. All you need to do is print and go. Here is what is included in this Simple Fraction Packet: *Fraction Helpcard- The helpcard is a self-contained one page card which explains the terms numerator, denominator and can be shrunk, laminated and kept inside children’s book. *Fractions Page- Students see examples of 1, 1/2, 1/3 and 1/4 of a fraction. After looking at a shaded fraction, students are asked to identify the shaded part and the part that is not shaded. *Color the Fraction- Students are required to color 1/2, 1/3 and 1/4 of a each fraction. This pages uses different shapes to help students recognize fractions within divided objects. *Roll and Color a Fraction- This interactive game allows one or two students to roll a die, and color a fraction in that column. This pages uses circles. *Roll and Color a Fraction II - This page also has students playing a game in rolling two di and coloring twelfths. *Roll and Color the Fraction III- Children are playing a game, alternating in in rolling 2 di and 1, then coloring either sixths or twelfths. **Read and Color the Fraction- This Read and Color the Fraction page will help students practice reading the fraction word and coloring the correct parts of a rectangle. Split and Color a Fraction -Students are given a simple shape, asked to divide the shape into a specific number of equal parts and color part of the shape a specific color. *I Understand Parts of a Group- Color the correct parts of each lunch item. *Ten Frame Fractions- Students look at the written fraction and color the ten frame to match.
Subtraction- Year 4

Subtraction- Year 4

This resource includes a detailed plan for a week on subtraction. The plan is differentiated and explicitly lays out what each group will do for their activity each day. Objectives covered are: Using column method accurately Using the inverse to check my answers Solving word problems involving subtraction I have also included levelled SATs questions as an extension to extend or assess children's application of subtraction. These lessons were taught by myself and my year 4 team, who found the outcomes to understanding subtraction were successful. I have attached a maths skill check also, which I have started to use for the first lesson each week to check children's understanding of a variety of mathematical concepts.
World Cup 2018: Maths Activities

World Cup 2018: Maths Activities

FIFA WORLD CUP 2018 is HERE! Coming from a ‘football crazy’ class, I knew my class would want to spend the end of year engaging with content based around the FIFA world cup. This resource involves the whole class and is a way to consolidate maths through the World Cup. I have included: PPT for the names of 30 children PPT for the names/groups of the countries in the World Cup Scoreboard to track who is winning/competing against who. Research sheet to engage children with the country they chose Over 45 different maths questions WITH answers Game rules Example of a layout of who plays who Children names will be drawn from a hat along with a country. They will then be representing this country in the game. Children will roll a dice 6 times. If either competing team rolls a 6, this equates to one goal IF they can answer the a maths question (included) correctly. If they get it incorrect, the goal has been saved by their opponent. Aimed at KS2. Can be eaily adapted for your children too. In my class, there are only 18 students, but I have included enough for 30. (As there is 2 extra teams, the first two children ‘out’ can come back in. An exhilarating, fun activity for those ‘End of Year’ days that we all crave activities for. We really enjoyed it :)
Playscripts Year 5

Playscripts Year 5

A wonderful week of planning, resources and presentations to engage children in writing playscripts. As our topic was on Ancient Greece, the playscript that children will be writing will be based around Ancient Greek Gods. I found that this motivated the children more as they already had previous information on the topic. Children are introduced to playscipts by picking out the features in pairs and also gathering an understanding of what a 'myth' is. As the week progresses, children will then create a hero/heroine for their own playscipt by filling out a job application for that particular character. There is a planning/drafting day included also, with resources, to ensure children fully understand the layout of a playscript, along with using features of a Greek Myth. By the end of the week, children will produce an interesting Greek Myth play using the features correctly and effectively. This resource includes notebook presentation, differentiated resources, very detailed planning which points out explicitly what needs to be taught and how the lessons are to be differentiated, and also a success criteria for children to follow. I have tried these lessons myself, and my children really enjoyed them. Please leave a review and check out my other resources if you get the chance: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/Morrisr9
Tanka Poems- Year 4 Poetry Planning

Tanka Poems- Year 4 Poetry Planning

This is a 4 day plan focused on Tanka Poetry. Tanka poems are 5 lines long and contain 31 syllables. They are normally about nature, love, sadness or other strong emotions. As my children have studied the Vikings this year, I have based this planning for children to imagine that they are a Viking leaving their lovely homeland and family. Children spend the week researching about the Vikings leaving their homes and also using similes, metaphors and adjectives to describe their feelings. My children really enjoyed these lessons and were surprisingly good at writing Tanka poems. Powerpoint, lesson plan and activities included.
Comic Strip Art

Comic Strip Art

This is a very fun lesson in which I spent half a day creating with my class. It involves learning about the artist Roy Lichenstein while creating a fun comic strip like creation. This is a perfect 'end of term' activity and children genuinely had a great day engaging with this type of art. The resource includes a colourful, detailed notebook, which contains lots of links to video clips and details on how to make this creation (step-by-step). It also includes a lesson plan. Please leave a review if you liked this resource and check out some of my other resources also: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/Morrisr9
The Vikings- Year 4

The Vikings- Year 4

An introduction into the Vikings. It’s very exciting lesson as it involves role-play and physical moving around the classroom to “spy” on the Vikings. My class got a lot out of it.
Descriptive Writing KS2

Descriptive Writing KS2

Resources, plan, presentation and SPAG. This week of lessons really helped bring on the children's descriptive writing. The video clips help them to imagine things clearer and bring great life to their writing. I found it really successful. It focuses on getting the children to use their sense to imagine what a scene looks like. SPAG lesson is on prepositions and this presentation was accumulated from TES website also. Check out my other resources also: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/Morrisr9
KS2: Converting fractions to decimals

KS2: Converting fractions to decimals

Planned, resourced and differentiated for a year 5 class. These lessons are highly resourced with practical, engaging activities which are aimed to encourage each type of learner and ability. It involves the following objectives: *How do I multiply and divide whole numbers and decimals by 10, 100 and 1 000? *How do I read and write decimal numbers as fractions? *How do I round decimals to the nearest whole number and one decimal place? *How do I read, write, order and compare numbers with up to 3 decimal places? *How do I solve problems involving converting between units of time? Please review and check my other resources: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/Morrisr9/edit
Column Addition Year 4

Column Addition Year 4

A week's planning based on building children up to adding using the formal method. The week begins by discussing ways to partition and add three digit numbers mentally. This embeds the idea that will be used for the week. From there, interactive activities are used to engage children with column addition and to understand that place value and aligning the digits is extremely important when using this method. This package includes a detailed, differentiated plan as well as a resource of number cards to use.
Adding and Subtracting Fractions: KS2

Adding and Subtracting Fractions: KS2

This resource contains a detailed lesson plan, powerpoint and lesson starter to help you teach children how to add and subtract fractions with the same denominator. I spent a long time making this resource as I wanted to ensure children understand how to use the correct terminology i.e. numerator, denominator, whole etc. The powerpoint is extremely detailed and contains pictorial representation as well as numerical to satisfy the needs of visual learners also. The powerpoint also contains key questions, encouraging children to explain 'why' something happens. This is very effective for the overall understanding of adding and subtracting fractions. The activities are on the powerpoint, hence why there is no activity attached. There is also a challenge embedded in the plenary aimed to be completed in mixed ability pairs, in order to push on the high ability children and secure the understanding of the class. Please leave a review if you liked this resource and check out some of my other resources also: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/Morrisr9
The Super Book of Guided Reading Activities

The Super Book of Guided Reading Activities

FUN, COLORFUL and SUPERHERO THEMED! This resource is 25 pages of superhero themed guided reading activities to cover lots of objectives from the curriculum. Children will engage with activities such such: *Sorting fiction and non-fiction book titles. *Feature spotting in a non-fiction text. *Adding an appropriate sub-heading. *Adding captions to pictures. *Book review *Designing book covers *Designing blurbs *Identifying what makes a book cover attractive in fiction books. *Identifying what makes a book cover attractive in non-fiction books. *Dictionary work. *Alphabetical ordering and why it’s important… And much more! Just PRINT and TEACH!
Year 3 Maths Medium Term Plan-Term 2

Year 3 Maths Medium Term Plan-Term 2

A medium term plan used during term 2 for Year 3. Topics covered and expanded in the MTP: Place value, ordering, estimating, rounding Reading numbers from scales Understanding + and – Mental calculation strategies (+ and -) Multiplication and division : Fractions Measure, and time, including problems Geometry: Properties of Shape
Number Sense/Place Value- Year 4

Number Sense/Place Value- Year 4

A fantastic week's plan and detailed notebook presentation to begin maths with your new year 4's. Every activity is displayed on the presentation and the plan explicitly states what needs to be covered in order to help children to meet the learning objective. Nice, colourful, engaging slides to begin maths in a fun way. Covered: count in multiples of 1000 find 1000 more or less of a given number identify the values of different digits complete sequences involving 4 digit numbers apply my knowledge of place value to solve a problem
Measure: Year 4

Measure: Year 4

A lesson plan Noteboook file Differentiated Activities Powerpoint Practical Activity to understand measure This is a week of lessons on measure. It’s a fun filled week with a nice baking session at the end to round up the week on measure. There are differentiated activities available and also higher order questioning eg can you place these statements under the headings ‘always’, ‘sometimes’ or ‘never’.
Stories with Issues and Dilemmas

Stories with Issues and Dilemmas

This was a fantastic week of English lessons, including lots of speaking and listening activities, resulting in effective writing. This genre was studied through the story ‘Journey to Jo’Burg’. To which we read the first two chapters online (pdf linked in planning) and ended up writing the third chapter as our ‘big write’ including an issue and dilemma. Lesson 1: Children explore the terms issue and dilemma by engaging in a conscience alley, forcing the child acting as the main character to make a decision based on a dilemma. (thoroughly enjoyable). Lesson 2: Children read through the chapter 1 and 2 (linked in planning) and underline dialogue, action and different words for the word ‘said’. This allows children to see the exact style used by the author in order for them to recreate their very own chapter 3 in the style of the story. Planning is also done in this lesson. Lesson 3: The success criteria is shared with the children and they are then allowed the remainder of the lesson to finish off their chapter 3. The end product was fantastic! The children came up with their own title for their chapter and really took on the style of the author, alternating between dialogue and action. It was fantastic! INCLUDED: *4 day detailed lesson plan *Colourful Notebook File *Success Criteria *Identifying features Prompt *Moral Dilemmas for discussion *Positive and Negative grid
Suspense and Mystery- KS2

Suspense and Mystery- KS2

A 3 day series of lessons on suspense and mystery. These lessons allow children to write in a suspense style by using ellipses, short sentences and making the reader think that there is something hidden. These lessons involve video clips and setting a spooky scene my turning off the lights during the reading of these paragraphs. Included: A powerpoint Detailed, differentiated lesson plan Spooky pictures to spark writing Sample of mysterious writing for WAGOLL (What A Good One Looks Like) Picture of the finished product from two Year 4 girls.
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory- Guided Reading.

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory- Guided Reading.

A detailed chapter study of the book Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl. Included: vocabulary study from various chapters comprehension questions for a variety of chapters character analysis on all of the main characters in the book a wide range of independent activities which engage children with the content of the story. This is a selection of resources in which I used alongside reading the story to my class. It can be used for guided reading sessions also. During the independent activities children are asked to: Re-write the blurb Re-draw the cover for the book Write a letter to Veruca Salt’s Dad Write a diary entry from Grandpa Joe’s point of view. Design the chocolate palace Design a golden ticket Children really engaged with the story and learned some new words also through the vocabulary study. For more resources related to this book, please see my persuasive writing unit, which also directly links to Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/persuasive-writing-year-4-11762226