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WaterAid UK

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Clean water, decent toilets and good hygiene are basic human rights. They should be a normal part of daily life for everyone, everywhere – but they aren't. That's why we're here. We aim to provide useful, accessible and engaging resources to help educated young people in water related topics and issues.




Clean water, decent toilets and good hygiene are basic human rights. They should be a normal part of daily life for everyone, everywhere – but they aren't. That's why we're here. We aim to provide useful, accessible and engaging resources to help educated young people in water related topics and issues.
Water Cycle - KS2 - Age 7-9

Water Cycle - KS2 - Age 7-9

This lesson helps explain the water cycle and how it works. Learning Objectives: ● I understand that human rights belong to everybody and should protect everyone. ● I can create tables and bar charts to represent data. Curriculum link: The curriculum links are not exhaustive but offer a guide ● Science: States of Matter - Identify the part played by evaporation and condensation in the water cycle. ● Geography: Human and Physical – Describe and understand key aspects of the water cycle. Resources: ● Lesson Plan ● Lesson Slides
Human Rights - KS2 - Ages 7-9

Human Rights - KS2 - Ages 7-9

This lesson helps explain what human rights are and how they are needed to protect everyone. Learning Objectives: ● I understand that human rights belong to everybody and should protect everyone. ● I can create tables and bar charts to represent data. Curriculum link: The curriculum links are not exhaustive but offer a guide ● Personal, Social, Health Education: recognise there are human rights that protect everyone. ● Science: gathering, recording and presenting data in a variety of ways to help in answering questions; recording findings using bar charts and tables. Resources: ● Lesson Plan ● Lesson Slides
Climate change - KS2 - Ages 9-11

Climate change - KS2 - Ages 9-11

This lesson helps explain the effect of climate change on the world and how it is everybody’s responsibility to help. Learning Objectives: ● I understand the effects of climate change on the world. ● I understand that we have a shared responsibility to help. Curriculum link: The curriculum links are not exhaustive but offer a guide ● Personal Social Health Education: ways of carrying out shared responsibilities for protecting the environment; how everyday choices can affect the environment. Resources: ● Lesson Plan ● Lesson Slides
Water A Basic Need - Sink or Float - KS1

Water A Basic Need - Sink or Float - KS1

This lesson explains the importance of water as a basic need and then explains how items have different properties that make them sink or float. Learning Objectives: ● I understand that water is a basic need for humans. ● I understand that items have different properties. Curriculum link: The curriculum links are not exhaustive but offer a guide ● Science - Animals including Humans: Find out about and describe the basic needs of animals, including humans, for survival (water); Everyday materials – Compare and group together a variety of everyday materials on the basis of their simple physical properties. Resources: ● Lesson Slides ● Lesson Plan
Managing personal hygiene - KS1 or EYFS - WaterAid

Managing personal hygiene - KS1 or EYFS - WaterAid

This lesson is shows the importance of hygiene and hand washing and explains to students the correct way to wash their hands. Learning Objectives: ● I understand why it is important to wash our hands thoroughly. ● I am able to wash my own hands thoroughly. Curriculum link: The curriculum links are not exhaustive but offer a guide ● Personal, Social and Emotional development: Manage their own basic hygiene. Resources: ● Resource 1 - Hand sequencing activity ● Lesson Plan
Comparing our lives to elsewhere - EYFS - WaterAid

Comparing our lives to elsewhere - EYFS - WaterAid

This lesson introduces students to idea that lives in different places can vary from our own as well as explains how WaterAid helps people who do not have clean water. This lesson encourages children to look at their lives compared with Cecilia’s (Age 6) in Timor-Leste (Asia). This comparing daily activities and building an understanding of life without clean water. Learning Objectives: ● To understand what is the same and what is different about your life and the life of a child in some other countries. ● To understand that WaterAid help people who do not have clean water. Curriculum link: The curriculum links are not exhaustive but offer a guide ● People, Culture and Communities: Explain some similarities and differences between life in this country and life in other countries. Resources: ● Lesson Plan ● Supporting PowerPoint
Menstrual Hygiene Day - 28th May - Class Activities - Period Understanding Activities - KS2 / KS3

Menstrual Hygiene Day - 28th May - Class Activities - Period Understanding Activities - KS2 / KS3

These activities are designed to engage students in conversations about periods. The activities are designed to help reduce the taboo and stigma surrounding periods and engage young people in the realities around menstrual health and hygiene as well as educate young people on period poverty, both in the UK and globally. The activity pack is made up of two sessions. There are 5 activities in each. Session one: Stigma and language Let’s get talking! 2.Talking lines Guess what it is Is that a fact? Myth busting Session two: Dealing with periods What do we know about periods? What happens when you have a period Be prepared Periods in the UK and abroad 5.Create your own sanitary towel
Weather Worksheets - Nepal vs Local Area - KS2 Geography

Weather Worksheets - Nepal vs Local Area - KS2 Geography

These worksheets ask children to use their IT skills to find facts on the internet. It also asks them to compare two different locations, Nepal and students local area, rainfall patterns. They then can produce a graph which shows the comparison of the locations, write statements about their data and to reflect using success criteria on how well they have done. These resources have been made by WaterAid in partnership with Welsh Water and Anglian Water.
Clean Water for All - Board Game - KS2 or KS3

Clean Water for All - Board Game - KS2 or KS3

This is a board game designed to be played by KS2-KS3 age students. It has been designed to convey the issues and stuggles of those that do not have access to clean drinking water. Included in the download is : Clean Water For All Board Game - Instructions Clean Water For All Board Game - Board These resources have been made by WaterAid in partnership with Welsh Water and Anglian Water.
Menstrual Hygiene Day Assembly - 28th May

Menstrual Hygiene Day Assembly - 28th May

This assembly discusses menstrual hygiene day 28th May, providing slides that discuss: Why we celebrate menstrual hygiene day Menstrual hygiene challenges around the world The importance of menstrual hygiene What your school provides regarding menstrual hygiene This assembly is designed to get students thinking about periods and to promote an open discussion regarding other peoples as well as their own menstrual hygiene challenges.
Fraction and Algorithms Worksheets  - Geography and ICT - KS2 - WaterAid

Fraction and Algorithms Worksheets - Geography and ICT - KS2 - WaterAid

These work sheets are designed to test curriculum targeted skills with real world examples. Build these worksheets into your existing lessons, or use them as standalone activities. You could also use them as extension activities for the film and the three lessons also found in WaterAid’s library. KS2 - Mathematics & Geography - Water level problem solving This is an exercise that uses water levels to help aid children in using fractions in real world scenarios. In this case, water usage in a well. KS2 - ICT & Mathematics & Geography - Algorithm Worksheet A worksheet using algorithms to navigate children to a water source. This requires them to give directions in order to get from one spot to another, whilst avoiding obstacles. Uses directions, programming and These resources have been made by WaterAid in partnership with Welsh Water and Anglian Water.
Virtual Visit to Nepal - Water, Toilets and School in Nepal - KS2-5 - WaterAid

Virtual Visit to Nepal - Water, Toilets and School in Nepal - KS2-5 - WaterAid

This 15 minute video for KS2-5 complements our other resources around Nepal, and is a great conversation starter for discussions around the difference between school life in Nepal and in the UK. Might be nice for form time or PSHE/ Citizenship. Students will “walk” alongside local WaterAid staff as they visit some of the communities WaterAid has been working with, including a school in Lahan, south-eastern Nepal; students will learn common Nepali phrases and join 16-year-old Karun on his water walk. Geography, Science, Mathematics, IT, PSHE, Citizenship
WaterAid Free KS3-5 Critical Thinking Resources (Inequality and Taboo)

WaterAid Free KS3-5 Critical Thinking Resources (Inequality and Taboo)

Use these activities to encourage debate and discussion about different points of view. This lesson is designed to help pupils in KS3-5 to become critical thinkers and develop their problem-solving skills, in the context of international development. We have a Powerpoint which includes 3 sessions, which can be delivered as standalone sessions or as a whole lesson. There are accompanying teacher notes, and print out worksheets to go with each session. You will find an overview of all 3 sessions attached as a PDF. Session1: Inequality and Taboo Session 2: Access to Education Session 3: Access to Water Schools and teachers, Teaching, Key Stage 3, Key Stage 4, Key Stage 5, Geography, Citizenship, Science, PSHE, Politics This selection of resources has been created by WaterAid in partnership with Anglian Water and Welsh Water.
Water and Reasoning - Free KS3 Lesson

Water and Reasoning - Free KS3 Lesson

KS3 students will learn about the Lahan area of Nepal, while developing problem-solving skills through distance- and time-based reasoning challenges. This resources collection includes a short Powerpoint lesson introduction, whic can be followed by the two worksheets. Teacher notes are also provided. Within the PowerPoint you will find a 20 minute video - this is a virtual visit to Lahan in South-Eastern Nepal , which provides a great overview of how school life is for children between 5 and 18 in Lahan. Schools and teachers, Teaching, Key Stage 3, Geography, Maths, PSHE, Citizenship These have been created by WaterAid in partnership with Anglian Water and Welsh Water.
KS2 Lesson Resources - Country Comparison - Nepal vs UK - WaterAid

KS2 Lesson Resources - Country Comparison - Nepal vs UK - WaterAid

KS2 pupils will compare life in the UK to life in Nepal, gaining an understanding of how a lack of WASH (water, sanitation and hygiene) impacts children’s education. With a focus on girls’ education, pupils will also debate and discuss gender inequalities in Nepal. This includes a powerpoint (.ppt), teacher notes as a PDF and printable worksheets. The lesson length is 1.5-2 hours (there are 4 main activities to the lesson which can be used separately to fit your planning or as part of a whole longer session). PURPOSE: • To understand how other countries are similar or different to ours • To find out about how lack of water and sanitation affects being able to go to school • To understand the impact of poor sanitation and lack of water supplies on females and how this impacts their education • To understand the impact of poor sanitation and lack of water on menstruating females Schools and teachers, Teaching, Key Stage 2, Geography, PSHE, Citizenship, Science These resources were created by WaterAid, Welsh Water and Anglian Water.
Free Primary School resources from WaterAid

Free Primary School resources from WaterAid

Take on WaterAid's non-uniform day with a difference. We have developed fun, interactive, curriculum-linked resources to involve your whole school in learning about and raising money for children across the world who don't have access to clean water. The pack includes fun craft activities which will see your pupils creating their own Water Warriors masks and shields. A curriculum linked creative writing activity where your pupils learn all about real life Water Warriors in Ethiopia and Madagascar as well as: - A poster - Stickers - An assembly plan and presentation - A template letter for parents/guardians - Stories from WaterAid's work Download your free pack today and your school can help children all over the world who don't have access to clean water or decent toilets.
The Water Cycle Explanation Film

The Water Cycle Explanation Film

A 1 minute, comprehensive look at the four main components of the water cycle: Showing condensation, evaporation, precipitation and run off. Could be used as a refresher for older students or as an explanation for younger students. Can be used for all ages (KS1 / KS2 / KS3 / KS4) Using simple language and clear diagrams to show the step by step processes in the water cycle.
The Importance of Water Explanation Film

The Importance of Water Explanation Film

Suitable for Key Stages 1-2, ‘A world of water’ explores the importance of this vital resource. This video covers: the water cycle, introduces the concept of life without taps and toilets the implications of a lack of water on health and livelihoods. Use our new film to introduce topics around water, global issues or campaigning and fundraising to inform and inspire your pupils.