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WHIZZ POP BANG is a monthly magazine brimming with top-quality science for children aged six to twelve. Our NEW downloadable resources link hands-on science experiments with key curriculum topics for years 2 to 6. The resources include lesson plans, hands-on investigations, PowerPoint presentations, games, science texts and guided reading comprehensions – all aimed at making science fun and engaging for children and teachers alike!




WHIZZ POP BANG is a monthly magazine brimming with top-quality science for children aged six to twelve. Our NEW downloadable resources link hands-on science experiments with key curriculum topics for years 2 to 6. The resources include lesson plans, hands-on investigations, PowerPoint presentations, games, science texts and guided reading comprehensions – all aimed at making science fun and engaging for children and teachers alike!
P5 Science:Animal classification game

P5 Science:Animal classification game

This lesson pack for P5, linking to the topic living things and habitats, explains how to group things which are alive. Pupils will learn how livings things are classified and then play a game in which they build their own dichotomous classification chart. This pack includes: A differentiated lesson plan containing scientific explanations. A PowerPoint presentation explaining how animals are classified. A printable animal flowchart game. Sign up at whizzpopbang.com/schools to access all of the teaching resources.
Year 4 Science: animal classification game

Year 4 Science: animal classification game

This lesson pack for year 4 and P5, linking to the topic living things and habitats, explains how to group things which are alive. Pupils will learn how livings things are classified and then play a game in which they build their own dichotomous classification chart. This pack includes: A differentiated lesson plan containing scientific explanations. A PowerPoint presentation explaining how animals are classified. A printable animal flowchart game. Sign up at whizzpopbang.com/schools to access all of the teaching resources.
Year 4 Science: circuit to light a bulb.

Year 4 Science: circuit to light a bulb.

Linking to the topic electricity, this fun, hands-on activity will light up Year 4 pupils’ curiosity. They will learn how to build their own circuits to light a bulb, using foil as wires, AA batteries and a bulb, then read about how some exciting electric gadgets work. This pack includes: A differentiated lesson plan that explains the science behind the activity A PowerPoint presentation that investigates how circuits work and includes the instructions to make a circuit Printable instructions to make an electrical circuit Six guided reading spreads: LED lights, freezers, speakers, candy floss machines, digital cameras and pet microchips Simple to resource! The items you will need: AA batteries Kitchen foil Small bulb Sign up at whizzpopbang.com/schools to access all of the teaching resources.
P5 Science: light up a bulb

P5 Science: light up a bulb

Linking to the topic electricity, this fun, hands-on activity will light up P5 pupils’ curiosity. They will learn how to build their own circuits to light a bulb, using foil as wires, AA batteries and a bulb, then read about how some exciting electric gadgets work. This pack includes: A differentiated lesson plan that explains the science behind the activity A PowerPoint presentation that investigates how circuits work and includes the instructions to make a circuit Printable instructions to make an electrical circuit Six guided reading spreads: LED lights, freezers, speakers, candy floss machines, digital cameras and pet microchips Simple to resource! The items you will need: AA batteries Kitchen foil Small bulb Sign up at whizzpopbang.com/schools to access all of the teaching resources.
P5 Science: Digestion

P5 Science: Digestion

Linking to the topics animals including humans and body systems and cells, this is an exciting lesson for P5 that your pupils will never forget! Lead a practical demonstration explaining how the human digestive system works (yes, really!) followed by a ‘build the digestive system’ game for your class to play. This pack includes: A differentiated lesson plan A PowerPoint presentation explaining how the human digestive system works and containing instructions for the demonstration and the game A printable game entitled ‘Race to the Loo’ Three guided reading spreads: How toilets work, interview with a scientist who turns poo into rocket fuel, and an incredible invention - the London sewage system Simple to resource! The items you will need: Orange juice Brown bread A banana Paper Cups Sealable plastic food bag A pair of thin tights Sign up at whizzpopbang.com/schools to access all of the teaching resources.
Year 3 Science:Investigate what soil is made of

Year 3 Science:Investigate what soil is made of

A rocking practical lesson for year 3 linking with the topic rocks, which involves pupils collecting soil samples and observing what they are made up of. Your pupils will love going outside to dig soil to be collected for separation. This pack includes: A differentiated lesson plan A PowerPoint presentation explaining what soil contains and including the instructions for the activity A printable observation sheet for pupils to record on One guided reading spread about famous female scientist Mary Anning Simple to resource! The items you will need: Dessert spoon Glass jars with lids Soil Sign up at whizzpopbang.com/schools to access all of the teaching resources.
P4 Science: how plants transport water.

P4 Science: how plants transport water.

An investigation for P4 linking with the topic biodiversity and interdependence. Ask your class if they think water can ‘walk’, then show them a nifty experiment to prove that it actually can move! Pupils will set up their own experiments using water, kitchen towels and food colouring to see how plants transport water. This pack includes: A differentiated lesson plan which explains capillary action A PowerPoint presentation with the instructions for the experiment Printable instructions Four guided reading spreads: Interview with a geothermal scientist, wrecking water, sensational scientist Archimedes and how steam engines work Simple to resource! The items you will need: 3 Glasses 2 sheets of kitchen roll Blue food colouring Yellow food colouring Sign up at whizzpopbang.com/schools to access all of the teaching resources.
Year 3 Science :how plants transport water.

Year 3 Science :how plants transport water.

An investigation for year 3 linking with the topic plants . Ask your class if they think water can ‘walk’, then show them a nifty experiment to prove that it actually can move! Pupils will set up their own experiments using water, kitchen towels and food colouring to see how plants transport water. This pack includes: A differentiated lesson plan which explains capillary action A PowerPoint presentation with the instructions for the experiment Printable instructions Four guided reading spreads: Interview with a geothermal scientist, wrecking water, sensational scientist Archimedes and how steam engines work Simple to resource! The items you will need: 3 Glasses 2 sheets of kitchen roll Blue food colouring Yellow food colouring Sign up at whizzpopbang.com/schools to access all of the teaching resources.
P4 Science:how water drains through soil.

P4 Science:how water drains through soil.

An investigation for P4 linking with the topic biodiversity and interdependence. We already know that plants need water to grow, but what happens if they have too much, and how does soil type help them to get the right amount? In this lesson, pupils will do an experiment to discover the best combination of soil and sand for drainage, and the reasons that this is important to plants. This pack contains: A differentiated lesson plan A PowerPoint presentation which includes instructions for the activity A printable set of instructions Two guided reading spreads: The secret life of seeds and an interview with a young scientist Simple to resource! The items you will need: Plastic cups Potting soil Sand Mixing bowl Newspaper Sign up at whizzpopbang.com/schools to access all of the teaching resources.
Year 3 Science: how water drains through soil.

Year 3 Science: how water drains through soil.

An investigation for year 3 linking with the topic plants . We already know that plants need water to grow, but what happens if they have too much, and how does soil type help them to get the right amount? In this lesson, pupils will do an experiment to discover the best combination of soil and sand for drainage, and the reasons that this is important to plants. This pack contains: A differentiated lesson plan A PowerPoint presentation which includes instructions for the activity A printable set of instructions Two guided reading spreads: The secret life of seeds and an interview with a young scientist Simple to resource! The items you will need: Plastic cups Potting soil Sand Mixing bowl Newspaper Sign up at whizzpopbang.com/schools to access all of the teaching resources.
Year 3 Science plants: build a model flower

Year 3 Science plants: build a model flower

An activity for year 3 linking with the topics plants. A hands-on lesson in which your future botanists will learn the names and functions of the parts of a flower. Each child will build their own 3D flower comprising leaves, sepals, petals, stamen, a stigma and an ovary. This pack includes: A differentiated lesson plan including the scientific terms used for the parts of a flower A PowerPoint presentation which names and explains the parts of a flower Printable instructions and templates to make a 3D flower Three guided reading spreads: Interview with a bumblebee biologist, sensational female scientist Agnes Arber and information about butterflies Simple to resource! The items you will need: Cotton bud Plasticine Polystyrene block or brown cardboard box Sign up at whizzpopbang.com/schools to access all of the teaching resources.
P4 Science Skeleton: ball and socket joint

P4 Science Skeleton: ball and socket joint

An investigation for year 3 linking to the topic animals including humans. Make no bones about it, this lesson about the skeleton will demonstrate anatomy in action! Pupils will discover how a ball and socket joint helps us to move by making one of their own. This pack includes: A differentiated lesson plan which includes a scientific explanation of how a ball and socket joint works A PowerPoint presentation explaining how a skeleton moves Printable instructions Three guided reading spreads: Interview with an orthopaedic vet, sensational female scientist Marie Curie and how an X-ray machine works Simple to resource! The items you will need include: A small funnel Plasticine or clay Cooking oil Sign up at whizzpopbang.com/schools to access all of the teaching resources.
Year 3  Science: ball and socket joint

Year 3 Science: ball and socket joint

An activity for year 3 , linking to the topic animals including humans . Make no bones about it, this lesson about the skeleton will demonstrate anatomy in action! Pupils will discover how a ball and socket joint helps us to move by making one of their own. This pack includes: A differentiated lesson plan which includes a scientific explanation of how a ball and socket joint works A PowerPoint presentation explaining how a skeleton moves Printable instructions Three guided reading spreads: Interview with an orthopaedic vet, sensational female scientist Marie Curie and how an X-ray machine works Simple to resource! The items you will need include: A small funnel Plasticine or clay Cooking oil Sign up at whizzpopbang.com/schools to access all of the teaching resources.
Year 2 Science: Bean germination Investigation

Year 2 Science: Bean germination Investigation

An investigation for year 2 , linking to the topics plants, focussing on how beans germinate. Pupils will set up an investigation to see how well bean seeds grow in different environments. In this experiment you can add bean seeds every other day so that at the end you will have an example of each stage of germination, which looks like a stop motion animation. This pack includes: A three-part lesson plan Printable differentiated observation sheets A PowerPoint presentation entitled ‘The secret life of seeds’ Printable instructions Simple to resource! The items you will need: Bean seeds (any type) Compost Large clear plastic cups Carboard toilet roll tubes Sign up at whizzpopbang.com/schools to access all of the teaching resources.
Year 2 Science: grow plant pets

Year 2 Science: grow plant pets

An investigation for year 2, linking to the topics plants, focussing on how seeds germinate. Pupils will enjoy a fun gardening activity, where they will design and make their own grass head pets. They will then do an experiment to discover what plants need in order to grow. This pack includes: Two differentiated lesson plans A PowerPoint presentation entitled ‘Super Seeds’ Printable discussion prompts Two guided reading spreads based on pets like dogs, cats and mice including information about how microchips work Simple to resource! The items you will need: Soil or compost Grass seeds Old nylon tights Googly eyes, felt or beads Plant pots or bowls Sign up at whizzpopbang.com/schools to access all of the teaching resources.
Year 2 Science: material investigation

Year 2 Science: material investigation

An investigation for year 2 , linking to the topic everyday materials. Pupils will investigate which is the best material for our robot Y to bounce off. They will make their own bouncing Y toy, changing the material Y bounces against, causing them to consider the properties of each material. This pack includes: A differentiated lesson plan A PowerPoint presentation including the instructions to make a bouncing Y toy A printable Y template A results table for pupils to complete Simple to resource! The items you need: A bamboo skewer A fruit or vegetable Wooden beads with large holes The spring from inside a retractable biro Sign up at whizzpopbang.com/schools to access all of the teaching resources.
Year 2 Science: mouldable materials

Year 2 Science: mouldable materials

An investigation for year 2 , linking to the topics everyday materials . Pupils will sort stretchy, flexible and inflexible materials by testing if they can bend or be twisted, stretched, pulled or squashed. Then it’s time to get creative and competitive in a game which involves moulding dough into an animal shape. This pack includes: A differentiated lesson plan A PowerPoint presentation containing instructions for the game Printable game One guided reading spread entitled ‘plastic fantastic’ Simple to resource! The items you will need: plasticine, Play-doh or modelling clay Sign up at whizzpopbang.com/schools to access all of the teaching resources.
Year 2 Science:  healthy eating

Year 2 Science: healthy eating

An investigation for year 2, linking to the topics animals including humans. Pupils will analyse a recent meal, examine food labels and have fun making tasty, healthy super seed energy balls. This pack includes: A differentiated lesson plan A PowerPoint presentation entitled ‘Sugar rush’ A printable recipe for ‘Super seed energy balls’ Sign up at whizzpopbang.com/schools to access all of the teaching resources.
Year 3  Reading comprehension Mary Anning

Year 3 Reading comprehension Mary Anning

This biography text for year 3, linking to the topic rocks, describes the life of famous scientist Mary Anning. She is known for hunting fossils and in 1823 she discovered the first complete Plesiosaurus to have ever been found. She also found a flying reptile, now called a pterosaur, which was displayed in the British Museum in London. She started her own fossil shop where she could display her fossil finds to visitors. Many famous fossil collectors and geologists came from far and wide to buy them. This downloadable reading pack includes: An A3 reading spread for you to print. Reading comprehension question sheets, differentiated using our magnifying glasses key (on the bottom right). One magnifying glass indicates easier and two means harder. An answer sheet including the objective for each question, which is taken from the reading national curriculum. Sign up at whizzpopbang.com/schools to access all of the teaching resources.
Year 6 Science Reading: genetics

Year 6 Science Reading: genetics

This explanation text for year 6 , linking to the topic evolution and inheritance, explains why we have similarities to our family members, but we look different. The text explains how our DNA makes us unique, but still like our sisters and brothers. This downloadable reading pack includes: An A3 reading spread for you to print. A reading comprehension question sheet. An answer sheet including the objective for each question, which is taken from the reading national curriculum. Sign up at whizzpopbang.com/schools to access all of the teaching resources.