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Wise Ark Resources

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WiseArk Ltd which is a ‘micro-company specialising in supplying educational resources. We specialise in resources for use in tutor time -many of which are also suitable for use in citizenship/PSHE. We also have a range of resources to support learning in history. I was a teacher for over 20 years so know from first-hand experience how engaged students can be when given challenges and puzzles.




WiseArk Ltd which is a ‘micro-company specialising in supplying educational resources. We specialise in resources for use in tutor time -many of which are also suitable for use in citizenship/PSHE. We also have a range of resources to support learning in history. I was a teacher for over 20 years so know from first-hand experience how engaged students can be when given challenges and puzzles.
Remembrance day: A century of global conflict

Remembrance day: A century of global conflict

Since the end of WW1 the world has never been fully at peace. This resource is ideal for use at this time of remembrance (whilst also extending horizons to look at the wider world) This resource shows in visual form how the past 100+ years have still been a period of ongoing conflict (despite hopes that WW1 would be the ‘war to end all wars’). There is a selection of 50 different conflicts; a range covering civil wars, invasions and multi-national wars. The emphasis is on the post WW2 period to help support citizenship learning-in particular through helping show why there are so many refugees given the recent and on-going conflicts. (The emphasis is on the global community so wars such as the Falklands which was ‘just’ UK v an opponent are not included in this resource). In the main presentation each slide represents one year (running through takes just over 5 minutes) with each year showing the selected conflicts taking place in that year (so some slides are rather crowded!). For each conflict the dates are given as well as one sentence about it (this only appears when the conflict begins). There is also a power point presentation of 50 slides -one per conflict- as well as a word document with the same information. Finally there is a set of three word searches featuring most of the nations involved in the featured conflicts.
British Prime Ministers since 1892

British Prime Ministers since 1892

Information and activities on British PMs and General Elections since the first Labour MP. Ideal for use in the period leading up to the General Election as well as for citizenship and British values. There is a power point showing all the General elections with the resultant Prime Ministers since 1892 (and changes in PM post-election) -one slide per election (these also have a pie chart showing the number of seats won by the main parties) A power point presentation of a range of activities – Listing recent PMs ; Sorting PMs into order; such as sorting into order, matching PMs with party/coalition, what’s the link?. A word document with the activities from the power point plus 2 word searches and a crossword (and a copy with the answers) *1892 was when Kier Hardie was the first ‘Labour’ MP elected
Black British Firsts

Black British Firsts

3 Resources
A set of linked resources and activities to help students improve their knowledge and understanding of a range of Black British Firsts. This features a range of 50 Black British firsts- from the 16th century to the modern day. There are three linked resources (all based on the same set of A power point presentation with one slide per person and their achievement (also in a ‘run through’ version that plays automatically); Two related activities develop this study of people with tasks using a selection of the same people/achievements - The first is a set of printable ‘cards’ which can be used for sorting or matching tasks (such as the matching pairs game) – each event is on a separate ‘card’ from its date, organised in sets of 10 -there are two sets, but each can be used separately or the two combined to increase the difficulty level. The second is a set of ‘domino cards’ to provide a more supported matching challenge; these feature the same events and each ‘card’ links to another forming a ‘domino’ like chain (which again can be used as a set of 10 or both combined for greater challenge). There are three of the word search and a combined word search & quiz challenge. Each comes in a range of versions to provide differing degrees of challenge: each wordsearch has a grid and 10 names to find – the same names so that all students are covering the same answers whatever the level of support/challenge. In each set the first version is a ‘traditional’ one with the words provided. Then there are four versions with a quiz: this has the same words to find but they aren’t provided -first you need to use the clues (questions) to work out what word you are searching for. One just has the clues then there are three supported versions (each of the four has the same clues): the first has the first letter of the answer; the second has the number of numbers in the answer and the third has both the first letter and number of letters. An ideal resource to support Black History Month but also useful at any time-especially as a resource for tutor or assembly time.
On this Day information resource

On this Day information resource

A year of information -a power point and word document resource. Each day has a selection of four events (including a famous/significant birth and death) from that date in the past, On the power point there is one slide per day, each also having a picture of one associated event/person. The word document also features the same people/ events (with slightly more information such as a well-known book if an author). The focus is on Britain though each day also features a female/ linked event as well as most days including an event or person from outside the British Isles- for example for 25th December: 1977 Death of Charlie Chaplin (b 1889), actor and director 1972 The Nicaraguan capital Managua was devastated by an earthquake 1771 Birth of Dorothy Wordsworth (d 1855) 1066 William of Normandy was crowned king of England at Westminster Abbey. Designed for use in tutor time/assembly this resource provides a range of information that is of use throughout the year.
Migration & British Isles -wordsearches/quizzes

Migration & British Isles -wordsearches/quizzes

Word search and mini quiz combined A set of word searches to help develop knowledge of migration to the British Isles –both individuals born abroad and nationalities that have provided many migrants to Britain over the centuries. Has twenty of each of a range of individuals and nationalities. There is a set of four different word searches – two on individuals, two on nationalities. In each set the first version is a ‘traditional’ one with the words provided. Then there are four versions with a quiz: this has the same words to find but they aren’t provided -first you need to use the clues (questions) to work out what word you are searching for. One just has the clues then there are three supported versions (each of the four has the same clues): the first has the first letter of the answer; the second has the number of numbers in the answer and the third has both the first letter and number of letters. This provides students with the opportunity to develop their knowledge of a range of individuals or groups who were born abroad / moved to Britain whilst providing varying degrees of challenge/support. They are suitable for use in class -both as a main activity and as an extension task- as well as for homework / independent study or a cover lesson activity or as a resource for ‘school at home (maybe even as staff challenge!) The four word-searches cover the following groups/individuals: Africans, Angles, Asians, Belgians, Chinese, Danes, Flemings, Germans, Huguenots, Indians Irish, Normans, Norwegians, Polish, Romans, Russians, Saxons, Somalians, Syrians, West Indians Prince Albert, Montague Burton, Joseph Conrad, Mo Farah, Lucian Freud, Alec Issigonis, Boris Johnson, Judith Kerr, Doreen Lawrence, Michael Marks Karl Marx, Freddie Mercury, Rupert Murdoch, Rita Ora, Shantra Patak, Prince Phillip, Cliff Richard, Salman Rushdie, Charles Saatchi, JRR Tolkien
British Asian Firsts

British Asian Firsts

A selection of 40 people who were the first in an occupation or to achieve a specific goal, ranging from the first Oscar winner to the first Cabinet minister via Mercury Prize winner and international footballers. An ideal resource to support learning about the multi-cultural nature of British society; there are several components to this resource: A power point presentation with one slide per person and their achievement (also in a ‘run through’ version that plays automatically); A set of word searches featuring these people: there are two in ‘traditional’ format (17 or 18 names in each) and three with a quiz -provided in four versions : each has the same words to find but they aren’t provided -first you need to use the clues (questions) to work out what word you are searching for. One just has the clues then there are three supported versions (each of the four has the same clues): the first has the first letter of the answer; the second has the number of numbers in the answer and the third has both the first letter and number of letters. (These have 12 names each) Two sets of printable ‘cards’ : One for matching pairs with one half having the name of one of the fifty people and the other half what they achieved. They are in sets of ten names (achievements) so that students can be given varied numbers to allow for increasing challenge. (The second is similar but set out as a set of dominoes to allow for greater variety and a degree of support -again provided in sets (of five) to allow for increasing challenge if more than one set used at a time. Answers provided!
Time to talk -prompts for discussion

Time to talk -prompts for discussion

A set of three different types of prompts to encourage discussion in a structured way and promoting tolerance of different views There are: 40 Discussion points with a citizenship related question that requires a group response -e.g. ‘Should driverless cars be allowed on UK roads?’ 20 Moral dilemmas with a particular focus on reflecting on personal and social values- each Moral Dilemmas provides a situation (such as finding money in the street) and asks student’s how they would respond –individually or as a group. 10 Top threes : select three items for a category-such as crisps - so means consideration of criteria for decision making (in a more light hearted manner than some of the other two types which include bullying and capital punishment) Resources are supplied on a power point and a word document The objectives are to encourage students to discuss and so develop their speaking and listening skills; reflect on their values and how to treat others with respect They fit into many areas of school life; ideal for use in tutor time -especially in encouraging talk with a focus and helping tutors learn more about their group. Suitable also for use in PSHE/Citizenship and RE –saving the need to devise suitable scenarios.
Moral Dilemmas talking about values

Moral Dilemmas talking about values

A resource to encourage purposeful talk and for students to reflect on their values. Each Moral Dilemmas provides a situation (such as finding money in the street) and asks student’s how they would respond –individually or as a group. Moral dilemmas are part of life and so their discussion fits into many areas of school life; ideal for use in tutor time -especially in encouraging talk with a focus and helping tutors learn more about their group. Suitable also for use in PSHE/Citizenship and RE –saving the need to devise suitable scenarios. The objectives are to encourage students to discuss and so develop their speaking and listening skills; reflect on their values and how to treat others with respect The resources supplied are a power point with 40 different dilemmas which are also supplied in a word document. They cover a range from ‘cheating’ at sport (the officials don’t notice an infringement) to who would you give a heart transplant to if the choice was a former alcoholic or a former chain smoker -so that there is no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ answer.
Elections and voting

Elections and voting

5 Resources
A set of resources ideal for use with the 2024 General Election, especially for those young people who are able to vote for the first time. Resources included: A brief guide to the voting process -from the electoral register to the count. Information on election results since 1892 -the major parties share of the vote and number of seats won plus the winning Prime Minister-power point plus word document Information and activities on a range of PMs who were first in some way 1 from the first (Walpole) to the first female (Thatcher) – wordsearch, crossword and variety of comprehension tasks (‘5,4,3,2,1; True/false; questions) (1 +last peer!) Information and activities on all PMs from Walpole to Sunak (includes word searches, sorting and listing activities) -power point plus word document How democratic is the UK? This resource encourages students to consider a range of ways in which the UK falls short- including the gender make up of representatives and how election results do not reflect votes cast. Information provided then a range of discussion points -ideal for work on British Values-power point plus word document