I have taught at both the elementary and high school levels. I also homeschooled my own children for seven years. I have taught high school English and SAT/ACT prep courses. I have also taught English as a Second Language for several years at schools in France, Hungary, and Slovakia.
I have taught at both the elementary and high school levels. I also homeschooled my own children for seven years. I have taught high school English and SAT/ACT prep courses. I have also taught English as a Second Language for several years at schools in France, Hungary, and Slovakia.
Interactive Reading Notebook for Sixth Grade - 224 pages!
This reading notebook is completely hands-on and interactive. Each chapter in this interactive reading journal includes a divider for the standard that is covered in the chapter, a hands-on activity for students to put in their reading notebooks, and at least one page that you can use as an assessment or as a worksheet for additional practice. In addition, each chapter has a page of graphics that your students can color, cut out, and paste into their reading notebooks. There are also pictures of children using this notebook to give you ideas about how to set up your Common Core reading notebooks.
All Common Core Reading standards for 6th grade are covered in this book.
Topics covered:
Drawing Inferences
Characters and Plots
Word and Phrase Meanings
Craft and Structure
Points of View
Comparing Versions
Comparing and Contrasting
Reading and Understanding Literature
Drawing Inferences
Central Idea
Analyzing Texts
Word Meanings
Analyzing Developments
Point of View and Purpose
Integrating Information
Reasons and Evidence
Comparing Authors
Make sure to look at the preview for more details about this fun and interactive way to teach reading in your classroom!
If you are interested in the bundle for this booklet that comes with math, reading and writing and language interactive notebooks and a 10% discount, click here.
If you are interested in the writing and language version of this book for 6th grade click here .
If you are interested in the math version of this book for 6th grade click here .
All graphics are originals and created by myself.
Thanks for visiting my store,
Yvonne Crawford
Total Pages 224
Answer Key Not Included
Teaching Duration 1 Year
Interactive Reading Notebook for Third Grade - 204 pages!
This reading notebook is completely hands-on and interactive. Each chapter in this interactive reading journal includes a divider for the standard that is covered in the chapter, a hands-on activity for students to put in their reading notebooks, and at least one page that you can use as an assessment or as a worksheet for additional practice. In addition, each chapter has a page of graphics that your students can color, cut out, and paste into their reading notebooks. There are also pictures of children using this notebook to give you ideas about how to set up your Common Core reading notebooks.
All Common Core Reading standards for 3rd grade are covered in this book.
Topics covered:
Answering Questions
Recounting Stories
Describing Characters
Describing Rhythm and Meaning
Describing Structure
Points of View
Understanding Information
Comparing Stories
Reading and Understanding Literature
Answering and Asking Questions
Main Topic
Word Meaning
Text Features
Distinguishing Points of View
Integrating Knowledge and Ideas
Comparing Points
Decoding Words
Make sure to look at the preview for more details about this fun and interactive way to teach reading in your classroom!
If you are interested in the bundle for this booklet that comes with math, reading and writing and language interactive notebooks and a 10% discount, click here.
If you are interested in the writing and language version of this book for 3rd grade click here
If you are interested in the math version of this book for 3rd grade click here
All graphics are originals and created by myself.
Thanks for visiting my store,
Yvonne Crawford
Total Pages 204
Answer Key Not Included
Teaching Duration 1 Year
Interactive Writing and Grammar Notebook for Second Grade - 132 pages!
This writing and language notebook is completely hands-on and interactive. Each chapter in this interactive writing journal includes a divider for the standard that is covered in the chapter, a hands-on activity for students to put in their writing and language notebooks, and at least one page that you can use as an assessment or as a worksheet for additional practice. In addition, each chapter has a page of graphics that your students can color, cut out, and paste into their writing and language notebooks. There are also pictures of children using this notebook to give you ideas about how to set up your Common Core writing and language notebooks.
All Common Core writing and language standards for 2nd grade are covered in this book.
Topics covered:
Writing Opinions
Writing Informative Texts
Writing Narratives
Focusing Writing
Publishing Writing
Writing Projects
Gathering Information
English Grammar
Capitalization, Punctuation, and Spelling
Knowledge of Language
Word Meanings
Word Relationships
Using Words and Phrases
Make sure to look at the preview for more details about this fun and interactive way to teach writing and language skills in your classroom!
If you are interested in the bundle for this booklet that comes with math, reading and writing and language interactive notebooks and a 10% discount, click here.
If you are interested in the reading version of this book for 2nd grade click here.
If you are interested in the math version of this book for 2nd grade click here.
If you are interested in this book for 1st grade, click here.
If you are interested in this book for 3rd grade, click here.
If you are interested in this book for 4th grade, click here.
If you are interested in this book for 5th grade, click here.
If you are interested in this book for 6th grade, click here.
If you are interested in this book for 7th grade, click here .
All graphics are originals and created by myself.
Thanks for visiting my store,
Yvonne Crawford
Total Pages 132
Answer Key Not Included
Teaching Duration 1 Year
Interactive Writing and Grammar Notebook for Third Grade - 152 pages!
This writing and language notebook is completely hands-on and interactive. Each chapter in this interactive writing journal includes a divider for the standard that is covered in the chapter, a hands-on activity for students to put in their writing and language notebooks, and at least one page that you can use as an assessment or as a worksheet for additional practice. In addition, each chapter has a page of graphics that your students can color, cut out, and paste into their writing and language notebooks. There are also pictures of children using this notebook to give you ideas about how to set up your Common Core writing and language notebooks.
All Common Core writing and language standards for 3rd grade are covered in this book.
Topics covered:
Writing Opinions
Writing Informative Texts
Writing Narratives
Producing Writing
Focusing Writing
Publishing Writing
Research Projects
Gathering Information
Writing Routinely
English Grammar
Capitalization, Punctuation, and Spelling
Knowledge of Language
Word Meanings
Word Relationships
Using Words and Phrases
Make sure to look at the preview for more details about this fun and interactive way to teach writing and language skills in your classroom!
If you are interested in the bundle for this booklet that comes with math, reading and writing and language interactive notebooks and a 10% discount, click here.
If you are interested in the reading version of this book for 3rd grade click here
If you are interested in the math version of this book for 3rd grade click here
If you are interested in this book for 1st grade, click here .
If you are interested in this book for 2nd grade, click here .
If you are interested in this book for 4th grade, click here .
If you are interested in this book for 5th grade, click here .
If you are interested in this book for 6th grade, click here .
If you are interested in this book for 7th grade, click here .
All graphics are originals and created by myself.
Thanks for visiting my store,
Yvonne Crawford
Total Pages 152
Answer Key Not Included
Teaching Duration 1 Year
Interactive Reading Notebook for First Grade - 221 pages!
This reading notebook is completely hands-on and interactive. Each chapter in this interactive reading journal includes a divider for the standard that is covered in the chapter, a hands-on activity for students to put in their reading notebooks, and at least one page that you can use as an assessment or as a worksheet for additional practice. In addition, each chapter has a page of graphics that your students can color, cut out, and paste into their reading notebooks. There are also pictures of children using this notebook to give you ideas about how to set up your Common Core reading notebooks.
All Common Core Reading standards for 1st grade are covered in this book.
Topics covered:
Answering Questions
Retelling Stories
Describing Characters
Feeling Words in Stories and Poems
Explaining Differences
Points of View
Using Pictures
Comparing Stories
Reading and Understanding Literature
Answering and Asking Questions
Main Topic
Word Meaning
Text Features
Pictures and Information
Pictures and Details
Comparing Texts
Reading Informational Texts
Printed Sentences
Understanding Sounds
Words, Syllables and Sounds
Make sure to look at the preview for more details about this fun and interactive way to teach reading in your classroom!
If you are interested in the bundle for this booklet that comes with math, reading and writing and language interactive notebooks and a 10% discount, click here .
If you are interested in the writing and language version of this book for 1st grade click here
If you are interested in the math version of this book for 1st grade click here
All graphics are originals and created by myself.
Thanks for visiting my store,
Yvonne Crawford
Total Pages 221
Answer Key Not Included
Teaching Duration 1 Year
Interactive Grammar Notebook for Fourth Grade has 200 pages!
This grammar interactive notebook is completely hands-on and interactive. Each chapter in this interactive grammar journal includes a divider for the topic that is covered in the chapter, at least one hands-on activity for students to put in their grammar notebooks and an assessment. There are also pictures of children using this notebook to give you ideas about how to set up your grammar notebooks. This interactive notebook is aligned with the common core standards.
Topics covered:
Grammar and Mechanics
Relative Pronouns
Progressive Verb Tenses
Modal Auxiliaries
Order Adjectives
Prepositional Phrases
Fragments and Run-ons
Confusing Words
Commas and Quotation Marks
Commas and Coordinating Conjunctions
Choosing Words and Phrases
Choosing Punctuation
Formal and Informal English
Word Meaning
Greek and Latin Affixes
Consult Reference Materials
Similes and Metaphors
Idioms, Adages and Proverbs
Antonyms and Synonyms
Domain-specific words
Make sure to look at the preview for more details about this fun and interactive way to teach grammar and mechanics in your classroom!
All graphics are original and created by myself.
Thanks for visiting my store,
Yvonne Crawford
In this packet you will find reading passages and interactive activities for 30 countries. Students can learn a little bit about each country, then expand upon their learning through discussions and further research. They will learn about the different ways that people live. In the back of the packet there are flag cards and country names that you can use in your interactive notebook or as a game with the class. Also included is a passport so that students can write which countries they have visited as you teach about each country and an Around the World booklet.
Countries explored include: Italy, France, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Argentina, New Zealand, USA, Canada, England, Germany, Norway, Brazil, Japan, China, India, South Africa, Australia, Thailand, El Salvador, Dominican Republic, Portugal, Turkey, Albania, South Korea, Ukraine, Tunisia, Finland, Morocco, and the Netherlands.
This can be used as a standalone unit on cultures around the world or it can be used to supplement your social studies curriculum.
For the Christmas Around the World Literacy and Craftivities, click here .
All artwork is original and created by myself.
Thanks for stopping by my store,
Yvonne Crawford
Interactive Writing and Grammar Notebook for Seventh Grade - 179 pages!
This writing and language notebook is completely hands-on and interactive and completely different from my Sixth Grade Writing and Grammar Interactive Notebook. Each chapter in this interactive writing journal includes a divider for the standard that is covered in the chapter, a hands-on activity for students to put in their writing and language notebooks, and at least one page that you can use as an assessment or as a worksheet for additional practice. In addition, each chapter has a page of graphics that your students can color, cut out, and paste into their writing and language notebooks. There are also pictures of children using this notebook to give you ideas about how to set up your Common Core writing and language notebooks.
All Common Core writing and language standards for 7th grade are covered in this book.
Topics covered:
Writing Opinions
Writing Informative Texts
Writing Narratives
Producing Writing
Developing Writing
Publishing Writing
Research Projects
Gathering Information
Finding Evidence
Writing Routinely
English Grammar
Capitalization, Punctuation, and Spelling
Knowledge of Language
Word Meanings
Word Relationships
Using Words and Phrases
Make sure to look at the preview for more details about this fun and interactive way to teach writing and language skills in your classroom!
All graphics are originals and created by myself.
Thanks for visiting my store,
Yvonne Crawford
Interactive Social Studies Notebook for Kindergarten through Third Grade - 103 pages!
This social studies notebook is completely hands-on and interactive. Each chapter in this interactive social studies journal includes a divider for the topic that is covered in the chapter, at least one hands-on activity for students to put in their social studies notebooks. There are also pictures of children using this notebook to give you ideas about how to set up your social studies notebooks.
Topics covered:
The Timeline of Me
Life History
George Washington
Abraham Lincoln
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Susan B. Anthony
Thomas Jefferson
Jonas Salk
Government and Citizenship
Right and Wrong
Community Leaders
Leadership Traits
Barack Obama
American Symbols
American Holidays
Wants vs. Needs
What I have
Goods vs. Services
Natural Resources
Natural Resources vs. Man-made resources
Renewable Resources
Where We Live
Where I Live
Compass Skills
Map Skills
Globes vs. Maps
Make sure to look at the preview for more details about this fun and interactive way to teach social studies in your classroom!
All graphics are original and created by myself.
Thanks for visiting my store,
Yvonne Crawford Total Pages
Answer Key N/A
Teaching Duration N/A
Interactive Writing and Grammar Notebook for Sixth Grade - 165 pages!
This writing and language notebook is completely hands-on and interactive. Each chapter in this interactive writing journal includes a divider for the standard that is covered in the chapter, a hands-on activity for students to put in their writing and language notebooks, and at least one page that you can use as an assessment or as a worksheet for additional practice. In addition, each chapter has a page of graphics that your students can color, cut out, and paste into their writing and language notebooks. There are also pictures of children using this notebook to give you ideas about how to set up your Common Core writing and language notebooks.
All Common Core writing and language standards for 6th grade are covered in this book.
Topics covered:
Writing Opinions
Writing Informative Texts
Writing Narratives
Producing Writing
Developing Writing
Publishing Writing
Research Projects
Gathering Information
Finding Evidence
Writing Routinely
English Grammar
Capitalization, Punctuation, and Spelling
Knowledge of Language
Word Meanings
Word Relationships
Using Words and Phrases
Make sure to look at the preview for more details about this fun and interactive way to teach writing and language skills in your classroom!
All graphics are originals and created by myself.
Thanks for visiting my store,
Yvonne Crawford
Interactive Reading Notebook for Second Grade - 191 pages!
This reading notebook is completely hands-on and interactive. Each chapter in this interactive reading journal includes a divider for the standard that is covered in the chapter, a hands-on activity for students to put in their reading notebooks, and at least one page that you can use as an assessment or as a worksheet for additional practice. In addition, each chapter has a page of graphics that your students can color, cut out, and paste into their reading notebooks. There are also pictures of children using this notebook to give you ideas about how to set up your Common Core reading notebooks.
All Common Core Reading standards for 2nd grade are covered in this book.
Topics covered:
Answering Questions
Recounting Stories
Describing Characters
Describing Rhythm and Meaning
Describing Structure
Points of View
Understanding Information
Comparing Stories
Reading and Understanding Literature
Answering and Asking Questions
Main Topic
Word Meaning
Text Features
Purpose of a Text
Comparing Points
Decoding Words
Make sure to look at the preview for more details about this fun and interactive way to teach reading in your classroom!
If you are interested in the bundle for this booklet that comes with math, reading and writing and language interactive notebooks and a 10% discount, click here.
If you are interested in the writing and language version of this book for 2nd grade click here
If you are interested in the math version of this book for 2nd grade click here
All graphics are originals and created by myself.
Thanks for visiting my store,
Yvonne Crawford
Total Pages 191
Answer Key Not Included
Teaching Duration 1 Year
Interactive Writing and Grammar Notebook for First Grade - 128 pages!
This writing and language notebook is completely hands-on and interactive. Each chapter in this interactive writing journal includes a divider for the standard that is covered in the chapter, a hands-on activity for students to put in their writing and language notebooks, and at least one page that you can use as an assessment or as a worksheet for additional practice. In addition, each chapter has a page of graphics that your students can color, cut out, and paste into their writing and language notebooks. There are also pictures of children using this notebook to give you ideas about how to set up your Common Core writing and language notebooks.
All Common Core writing and language standards for 1st grade are covered in this book.
Topics covered:
Writing Opinions
Writing Informative Texts
Writing Narratives
Focusing Writing
Publishing Writing
Writing Projects
Gathering Information
English Grammar
Capitalization, Punctuation, and Spelling
Word Meanings
Word Relationships
Using Words and Phrases
Make sure to look at the preview for more details about this fun and interactive way to teach writing and language skills in your classroom!
If you are interested in the bundle for this booklet that comes with math, reading and writing and language interactive notebooks and a 10% discount, click here .
If you are interested in the reading version of this book for 1st grade click here .
If you are interested in the math version of this book for 1st grade click here .
If you are interested in this book for 2nd grade, click here .
If you are interested in this book for 3rd grade, click here .
If you are interested in this book for 4th grade, click here .
If you are interested in this book for 5th grade, click here .
If you are interested in this book for 6th grade, click here .
If you are interested in this book for 7th grade, click here .
All graphics are originals and created by myself.
Thanks for visiting my store,
Yvonne Crawford
Total Pages 128
Answer Key Not Included
Teaching Duration 1 Year
Interactive Glyphs Bundle are included in my Interactive Glyphs Bundle which contains tons of interactive glyphs for your students to complete. Try my Valentine's Day interactive glyphs in my new growing bundle. Interactive Glyphs Bundle is a growing bundle that contains interactive glyphs for your students to complete for different seasons and holidays like winter, Christmas and more. Each picture will tell a story about each student’s likes and dislikes. To complete each glyph, students should read a question, then find the number of the question on the coloring page and fill in the corresponding area based on how they responded to the question. When they are finished, the students can write short essays based on their answers to the glyph questions.
In this bundle you will find these interactive glyphs:
Back to School
Earth Day
End of the Year
Mother's Day/Father's Day
Valentine's Day
St. Patrick's Day
In each packet you will find:
Four interactive coloring pages
Four question and answer pages with season/holiday specific questions
Four essay pages that are season or holiday-themed.
This bundle comes with a nice discount to save you money! If bought individually they would cost $45!
Have a great school year!
All graphics are original and created by myself.
Thanks for visiting my store,
Yvonne Crawford
Christmas Bundle features 11 different packets of math and literacy worksheets and activities specifically for first grade. Any time I add Christmas products for first grade it will be added to this bundle and you will get access to it without having to pay any more money for it with this endless bundle!
In this bundle you will find a variety of different fun math, reading, and writing activities:
Christmas Color by Number (First Grade)
Christmas Math Puzzles (First Grade)
Christmas NO PREP Printables - First Grade Common Core Math and Literacy
Christmas No Prep Common Core Math (1st grade)
Christmas No Prep Common Core Literacy (1st grade)
Christmas Mathbooking (1st grade)
Christmas Math Goofy Glyph (1st grade)
Christmas Interactive Glyphs
Christmas Around the World
Christmas Skills Assessment
Christmas Writing Centers
This bundle comes with a 25% discount to save you money! If bought individually the products in this packet would cost $45.95.
Merry Christmas!
All graphics are original and created by myself.
Thanks for visiting my store,
Yvonne Crawford
Math and Literacy NO PREP Printables Bundle offers a variety of different worksheets aligned with the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics and English Language Arts and Literacy. Problems are targeted for the first graders featuring different themes for each month. The pages are all ready for you to print out: no prep, no laminating, and low ink which equals no stress! There are also several different activity levels to help you differentiate within your class.
Math and Literacy Packets included:
Back to School
Valentine's Day
Earth Day
End of the Year
You can use the worksheets included in this packet in a variety of different ways:
As morning work
As homework
As a skills review
As an assessment
For a substitute teacher (sub)
Skills covered:
Language Arts -
Writing Words
Capital and Lowercase Letters
Word and Letter Recognation
Plural Words
Word Meaning
Math -
Word Problems
Add and Subtract within 10
Writing Numbers
Adding and Subtracting within 20
Add 10 to a number
Telling Time
This bundle comes with a 5 dollar discount.
All graphics are original and created by myself.
Thanks for stopping by my store,
Yvonne Crawford
Total Pages 333
Answer Key N/A
Teaching Duration N/A
Interactive Math Notebook for Eighth Grade - 279 pages! ANSWER KEYS ARE INCLUDED! This huge bundle has everything you need for a full year of teaching 8th grade math. Scaffolded notes are going to be added which will be an additional 100+ pages!
This math notebook is completely hands-on and interactive. Each chapter in this interactive math journal includes a divider for the standard that is covered in the chapter, a hands-on activity for students to put in their math notebooks, and at least one page that you can use as an assessment or as a worksheet for additional practice. In addition, each chapter has a page of graphics that your students can color, cut out, and paste into their math notebooks. There are also pictures of children using this notebook to give you ideas about how to set up your Common Core math notebooks.
All Common Core Math standards for 8th grade are covered in this book.
Topics covered:
Irrational Numbers
Rational Approximations
Equivalent Numerical Expressions
Square Roots and Cubed Roots
Power of 10
Scientific Notation
Proportional Relationships
Triangles and Slopes
Linear Equations
Pairs of Simultaneous Linear Equations
Understanding Functions
Comparing Functions
Defining Linear Functions
Constructing Functions
Describing Functional Relationships
Properties of Rotations, Reflections and Translations
Similarities of Two-Dimensional Figures
Establishing Facts About Triangles
Pythagorean Theorem
Applying the Pythagorean Theorem
Finding Distance
Scatter Plots
Modeling Relationships
Equation of a Linear Model
Patterns of Associations
Make sure to look at the preview for more details about this fun and interactive way to teach math in your classroom!
If you are interested in this book for kindergarten, click here .
If you are interested in this book for 1st grade, click here .
If you are interested in this book for 2nd grade, click here .
If you are interested in this book for 3rd grade, click here .
If you are interested in this book for 4th grade, click here .
If you are interested in this book for 5th grade, click here .
If you are interested in this book for 6th grade, click here .
If you are interested in this book for 7th grade, click here .
If you are interested in this book for Algebra, click here .
All graphics are originals and created by myself.
Thanks for visiting my store,
Yvonne Crawford
Total Pages 237
Answer Key Included
Teaching Duration 1 Year
Geometry Interactive Notebook - 221 pages! ANSWER KEYS ARE INCLUDED!
This Geometry interactive notebook is completely hands-on and interactive. Each chapter in this interactive math journal includes a divider for the standard that is covered in the chapter, a hands-on activity for students to put in their math notebooks, and at least one page that you can use as an assessment or as a worksheet for additional practice. In addition, each chapter has a page of cut-outs that your students can color, cut out, and paste into their math notebooks. There are also pictures of pages from this notebook to give you ideas about how to set up your math notebooks. Answers are included for activities.
Topics covered:
Foundations of Geometry
Translations, Rotations & Reflections
Congruent Triangles
Geometry Theorems
Finding Angles
Properties of Parallelograms
Similar Triangles
Advanced Similar Triangles
Pythagorean Theorem
Solid Geometry
Cross Sections of 3D Objects
Rotating Shapes
Midpoint Formula
Dividing Line Segments
Parallel and Perpendicular Lines
Arc Measurements
Arc Length
Radians & Degrees
Radians & Arc Length
Inscribed Angles and Shapes
Make sure to look at the preview for more details about this fun and interactive way to teach math in your classroom!
All graphics are originals and created by myself.
Thanks for visiting my store,
Yvonne Crawford
Interactive Math Notebook for Seventh Grade - 248 pages! ANSWER KEYS ARE INCLUDED! This huge bundle has everything you need for a full year of teaching 7th grade math. Scaffolded notes are going to be added which will be an additional 100+ pages!
This math notebook is completely hands-on and interactive. Each chapter in this interactive math journal includes a divider for the standard that is covered in the chapter, a hands-on activity for students to put in their math notebooks, and at least one page that you can use as an assessment or as a worksheet for additional practice. In addition, each chapter has a page of graphics that your students can color, cut out, and paste into their math notebooks. There are also pictures of children using this notebook to give you ideas about how to set up your Common Core math notebooks.
All Common Core Math standards for 7th grade are covered in this book.
Topics covered:
Proportional Relationships
Ratios and Percentages
Adding and Subtracting Rational Numbers
Multiplying and Dividing Rational Numbers
The Four Operations
Linear Expressions
Rewriting Expressions
Multi-step Problems
Algebraic Expressions and Equations
Scale Drawings
Drawing Geometric Shapes
Describing Figures
Area and Circumference
Unknown Angles in Figures
Area, Volume and Surface Area
Statistical Uses
Drawing Inferences from Samples
Data Distributions
Measures of Center and Variability
Experimental Probability
Probability Models
Probabilities of Compound Events
Make sure to look at the preview for more details about this fun and interactive way to teach math in your classroom!
If you are interested in this book for kindergarten, click here .
If you are interested in this book for 1st grade, click here .
If you are interested in this book for 2nd grade, click here .
If you are interested in this book for 3rd grade, click here .
If you are interested in this book for 4th grade, click here .
If you are interested in this book for 5th grade, click here .
If you are interested in this book for 6th grade, click here .
If you are interested in this book for 8th grade, click here .
If you are interested in this book for Algebra, click here .
All graphics are originals and created by myself.
Thanks for visiting my store,
Yvonne Crawford
Total Pages 219
Answer Key Included
Teaching Duration 1 Year
Pre-Algebra Interactive Notebook has 227 pages filled with hands-on activities. ANSWER KEYS ARE INCLUDED! This huge bundle has everything you need for a full year of teaching pre-algebra. Scaffolded notes are going to be added which will be an additional 100+ pages!
This Pre-Algebra interactive notebook is completely hands-on and interactive. Each chapter in this interactive math journal includes a divider for the standard that is covered in the chapter, a hands-on activity for students to put in their math notebooks, and at least one page that you can use as an assessment or as a worksheet for additional practice. In addition, each chapter has a page of cut-outs that your students can color, cut out, and paste into their math notebooks. There are also pictures of pages from this notebook to give you ideas about how to set up your math notebooks. Answers are included for most activities.
Topics for Pre-Algebra are covered in this book.
Topics covered:
Adding and Subtracting Negative Numbers
Multiplying and Dividing Negative Numbers
Absolute Values
Factors and Multiples
Decimal Arithmetic
Decomposing Fractions
Dividing & Multiplying Positive & Negative Fractions
Ratio Tables
Fahrenheit & Celsius Conversion
Plotting Inequalities
Math Patterns
Cube Roots
Negative Exponents
Scientific Notations
Round Whole Numbers
Distributive Property to Factor
Perimeter and Area
Make sure to look at the preview for more details about this fun and interactive way to teach math in your classroom!
All graphics are originals and created by myself.
Thanks for visiting my store,
Yvonne Crawford
Interactive Math Notebook for Fourth Grade - 415 pages! ANSWER KEYS ARE INCLUDED! This huge bundle has everything you need for a full year of teaching 4th grade math.
This math notebook is completely hands-on and interactive. Each chapter in this interactive math journal includes a divider for the standard that is covered in the chapter, a hands-on activity for students to put in their math notebooks, and at least one page that you can use as an assessment or as a worksheet for additional practice. In addition, each chapter has a page of graphics that your students can color, cut out, and paste into their math notebooks. There are also pictures of children using this notebook to give you ideas about how to set up your Common Core math notebooks.
All Common Core Math standards for 4th grade are covered in this book.
Topics covered:
Multiplication as a Comparison
Word Problems with Multiplication and Division
Multi-step Word Problems
Prime and Composite Numbers
Creating Patterns
Place Value
Reading and Writing Numbers
Rounding Numbers
Adding and Subtracting
Equivalent Fractions
Comparing Fractions
Adding and Subtracting Fractions
Multiplying Fractions
Fractions with Denominators of 10 and 100
Decimal Notation for Fractions
Comparing Decimals
Equivalent Measurements
Measurement Word Problems
Areas and Perimeters
Line Plots for Measurement Data
Measuring Angles
Adding and Subtracting Angles
Drawing and Identifying Lines and Angles
Classifying Figures
Make sure to look at the preview for more details about this fun and interactive way to teach math in your classroom!
If you are interested in the reading version of this book for 4th grade click here
If you are interested in the writing and language version of this book for 4th grade click here
If you are interested in this book for kindergarten, click here .
If you are interested in this book for 1st grade, click here .
If you are interested in this book for 2nd grade, click here .
If you are interested in this book for 3rd grade, click here .
If you are interested in this book for 5th grade, click here .
If you are interested in this book for 6th grade, click here .
If you are interested in this book for 7th grade, click here .
If you are interested in this book for 8th grade, click here .
If you are interested in this book for Algebra, click here .
All graphics are originals and created by myself.
Thanks for visiting my store,
Yvonne Crawford
Total Pages 415
Answer Key Included
Teaching Duration 1 Year