Materials for “Der Vorleser” discussing the historical background (focusing in particular on the Nuremberg trials, Holocaust, SS, etc.)
perfect for German AQA A level (& Hodder Dynamic Learning textbook)
Presentation to introduce colours and key phrases (me gusta, me encanta, prefiero, etc.)
For the textbook Claro 1
includes several ICT activities, including decktoys and kahoot
For accessing the decktoys game, go to the decktoys website and head to the deck gallery. There you can find all my decktoys and simply add them to your own classroom
perfect for the chapter “Una de bravas, por favor” in Claro 2
includes key vocabulary and a lot of practice tasks, including grammar and translation
several ICT resources included
To access the decktoys task, please find the individual game on my site and assign to your classroom
This is a lesson tailored to Viva 2, but it can also be used with other textbooks.
The lesson focuses mostly on the preterite forms of verbs with -ar ending. There are several different activities that are supposed to drill these forms, including conjugation games and writing tasks.
The topic is holidays.