Psychology Teaching Resources: A-Level and GCSE all boards
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Digital teaching resources for Psychology, all the major examination boards: AQA, OCR and EDEXCEL (A-Level and GCSE). Message me if you wish to purchase with a school invoice, it can be arranged (
Digital teaching resources for Psychology, all the major examination boards: AQA, OCR and EDEXCEL (A-Level and GCSE). Message me if you wish to purchase with a school invoice, it can be arranged (
POSTERS@PSYCH – Brighten up your walls
Download A4 size, print A3 (colour), laminate, fix on wall – stand back and admire (if on step ladder, dismount and then step back and admire)
Great for open evenings, Ofsted and just to make people smile
Watch this space – more to come…
Extensive Powerpoints and Resource/workbooks covering:
Paper 2 (Psychology in context)
- Approaches in psychology
- Biopsychology (mainly Year 1)
-Research Methods
- Psychopathology (AS only, was included in a bundle for Year 1, paper 1)
The author Andy McCarthy is an experience teacher, Lecturer and publisher....
Sample Slides from AQA A-Level Psychology: and GCSE Psychology. Also includes a full PPT display covering: ‘Predicting from correlatory data: An advanced issue’
Part of the ‘pick-up a module and go’ series
1st Powerpoint covers a selection of slides from: APPROACHES, BIOPSYCHOLOGY and SOCIAL INFLUENCE
2nd Powerpoint is COMPLETE coverage of ‘Predicting from correlatory data: An advanced issue’ + worksheet (essential if you want to know the difference between: a causal criterion and a predictive criterion as an evaluation issue)
The full modules, when purchased include a selection from:
Teaching notes, Information sheets, Worksheets/Books, Examination style questions, MCQ’s etc
The series covers some very up to date issues such as:
Deep Brain stimulation (Therapy for OCD), Virtual Reality (Therapy for Phobias) Epigenetics, Mass Spectrometry of the brain and contemporary issues such as: The McDonalds Strip Hoax (part of an evaluation of Milgram)
The author, Andy McCarthy is a Chartered Psychologist, experienced teacher (over 20 years), lecturer and publisher
AQA A-Level Psychology: Year 1 and AS
All you need to present the RESEARCH METHODS MODULE
Included in this package:
Extensive workbook (108 pages) includes explanations, exercises, exam style questions and an MCQ (with answers)
3 separate PPT displays:
One to accompany the workbook (96 slides)
One covering the ‘Binomial Sign Test’… simple rationale, worked examples and exercises
One covering - 'Predicting from correlations'.... advanced evaluations and includes a worksheet exercise
• NB. Introduction to statistical testing: the sign test only appears in the AS specifications (It is covered in the Full A-Level in Year 2)
AS Paper 2 (Psychology in Context) Section C
A-Level Year 1, Paper 2 (Psychology in Context) Section C
Part of the: The ‘pick-up a module and go’ series
Extensive workbook covering every aspect of the specifications for both AS and Year 1 A-Level Psychology:
• Introduction to Research Methods
• Scientific Processes
• Data Handling and analysis
The workbook is crammed with information, self-learn exercises, examination style questions, class practical ideas and an MCQ (with answered supplied).
The main format is PDF (holds format better for printing. However, feel free to edit or amend the document to suit your needs)
The workbook can be used by students for self-learning or as a class teaching aid in conjunction with the PPT's
Also in the pipeline are versions tailored to suit all the specifications (OCR, EDEXCEL and EDUQAS)
The author, Andy McCarthy is a Chartered Psychologist, experienced teacher, lecturer and publisher
This bundle includes
1 x fully photo-copiable workbook (over 100 pages)
1 x PPT display (100 slides) to accompany as aid to teaching
The workbook progressively covers areas including:
o Basic mathematical skills
o Decimal / Standard form data
o Fractions / Percentages / Ratios
o Order of magnitude
o Range / Standard Deviation
o Measures of central tendency
o Graphs / Charts
o Algebra
o Probability / Significance
o Statistical tests
Each section includes: detailed explanations, rationales, worked examples, exercises and ‘self-check’ answers. At the end are a range of sample examination papers, covering a variety of potential mathematical questions; also ‘self-check’ answers
Overall, at least 10% of the marks in assessments for A-Level Psychology will require the use of mathematical skills.
These skills should be at least the standard of higher tier GCSE mathematics.
This unique and extensive workbook is designed for both experienced teachers, those new to teaching psychology and students of all abilities. It is fully updated to match the new 2015 specification (first examination: AS 2016 and Year 1 A-level 2017) and is suitable for ALL major Examination Boards.
Quite simply, all you need to gain confidence in your mathematical ability; as a teacher or student.
This product is both suitable to be ring-bound to create a student hard copy or printed-out in sections to create separate worksheets.