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A-level Psychology [edexcel]- Learning theories, Bandura et al. Bobo doll experiment.

A-level Psychology [edexcel]- Learning theories, Bandura et al. Bobo doll experiment.

This is an A-Level psychology lesson which focuses on learning theories. This lesson includes Bandura et al (1961)- original Bobo doll experiment along with their follow up studies. The lesson is designed to last 90 minutes and there are a total of 10 slides on the power point. This lesson is designed to come after students have learned about Social Learning theory. In order to complete the lesson successfully students should have access to the ALevel textbook, Edexcel book for year one and AS level. Included: Starter activity based on recapping social psychology. Title page- encouraging students to think about what they can remember about social learning theory and what they already know about the Bobo doll experiment. Recap of social learning theory- students to work out missing words. Short video clip, link on power point slide. Questions for students to think about as an introduction to the study. 3 slides which goes through a brief run through of the original (1961) Bobo doll experiment. Challenge questions provided throughout. Includes aim, procedure, findings and conclusion. Evaluation of the original experiment. Worksheet for students to complete. Attached as a separate document. reading task- will need access to the textbook pages. Short answer exam question provided. Bandura et al, additional studies (1963 & 1965). Two slides which briefly runs through each experiment, students should then use the textnook pages to make sure they understand the studies. Plenary- bringing everything together. Mind map task- provided on a separate document. Students to summarise everything they know about SLT, Bandura (1961) and Bandura at al’s additional studies. Textbook pages have not been attached. However, please email me at amyfo7@live.co.uk if you need any additional attachments.
A-Level Psychology [EDEXCEL]- Social learning theory

A-Level Psychology [EDEXCEL]- Social learning theory

This is a A-Level psychology lesson which focuses on the learning approach. This lesson specifically focuses on introducing the social learning theory, Bandura. The lesson is designed to last 90 minutes and there are a total of 16 power point slides. Included: Starter activity- focusing on recapping key words from the social approach. Recap- key word match up focusing on schedules of reinforcement (Skinner). Title page- encouraging students to think about what they already know about SLT and Bandura et al. Links to research methods. Overview of the different types of observations used in psychology. Including; structured, natural, covert, overt, participant and non-participant. Video clip introducing students to social learning theory. Link provided on the pp slide. The main features of social learning theory explained. Challenge questions and application tasks provided. The four stages of social learning theory including: attention, retention, reproduction, motivation. Student storyboard task to go with this, an example is on the pp slide. Storyboard template provided on a separate document. Evaluation of SLT. Including evidence, application, reductionism. Reading activity to ensure students understand key concepts. Will need access to the ALevel Edexcel textbook to complete this. 8 mark exam question based on SLT. Students to plan the question (or could write) on the sheet provided. Question is also on the pp slide. Students can then add anything to their plan which they have missed out using the mark scheme provided on the pp. The graphic guide reading task. Pages not included. Plenary- start reading ahead about Bandura’s main BoBo doll experiment. Again, students will need access to the textbook to complete this. Homework task- content analysis. Slide can be removed if not applicable. Textbook pages and the graphic guide pages have not been included. However, if you need scanned copies please email me at amyfo7@live.co.uk and I can send them over.
GCSE psychology [edexcel]- sleeping and dreaming. Freud: Little Hans

GCSE psychology [edexcel]- sleeping and dreaming. Freud: Little Hans

This is a GCSE psychology lesson which focuses on the sleeping and dreaming unit. The lesson is based upon a key study; Freud- Little Hans. The lesson is designed to last 90 minutes and there are a total of 17 slides on the power point. The lesson also comes with a worksheet with activities for students to fill in which go along with the power point. Challenge/ extension questions are provided throughout. Included: starter, criminal psychology recap. title page- encouraging students to think about what they already know about Freud. explanation of case studies- including strengths and weaknesses. background to the study with a short video clip. explanation of aims, procedure, results and conclusions. Tasks in the booklet for students to complete. strengths and weaknesses of the study. 9 mark exam question. Question provided on the pp along with a brief outline of how to structure an answer. Mark scheme provided on the power point. plenary- summary task. Students write a snapchat message using the key concepts on the power point.
GCSE psychology [edexcel]- Sleeping and dreaming, sleep disorders.

GCSE psychology [edexcel]- Sleeping and dreaming, sleep disorders.

This is a GCSE psychology lesson which focuses on the sleeping and dreaming unit. The lesson is based around sleep disorders; insomnia and narcolepsy. The lesson is designed to last 90 minutes and there are a total of 14 slides on the power point. The lesson also comes with a worksheet with various activities that go along with the power point. The power point indicates when there are activities to complete on the worksheet. Included: starter activity which focuses on recapping the criminal unit. (this task could be changed to link to any other unit which has been taught) title page- encouraging students to think about what they already know about sleep disorders. spider diagram task- students to write everything they already know. an explanation of what sleep disorders are. short video clip about insomnia- link on the power point. newspaper article about insomnia. symptoms and explanations of insomnia. video about narcolepsy- questions to answer. Link on the power point. explanation of what narcolepsy is, symptoms and explanations. Challenge questions provided on the power point throughout. practice 4 mark exam question, question and mark scheme provided on the power point.
GCSE Psychology [edexcel]- social influence revision

GCSE Psychology [edexcel]- social influence revision

This is a GCSE Psychology revision lesson. The lesson focuses on revising some key aspects of the social influence unit. The lesson is designed to last 90 minutes and there are a total of 13 slides on the power point. Included: Starter activity- key terms match up. Separate worksheet attached. Issues and debates- social and cultural issues in Psychology. Students could create a mindmap when going through the key information. Explanation of Haney, Banks and Zimbardo including aims, procedure, findings, conclusion and evaluation. Explanation of bystander intervention. Situational and personal factors. 4 mark exam question- answer provided. Conformity reading task. Students will need access to the edexcel GCSE psychology textbook (pages 106-107) to complete this task. Reading/ question activity. Plenary- students to answer as many key questions as they can from the power point, these are ranked in difficulty level. (Differentiated task)
GCSE Psychology [Edexcel]- Criminal psychology revision lesson.

GCSE Psychology [Edexcel]- Criminal psychology revision lesson.

This is a GCSE psychology revision lesson on the criminal psychology unit. [Edexcel]. This lesson is designed to last 90 minutes, and has a total of 11 slides on the power point. There is also a worksheet for students to use which goes along with the power point. Included: Starter- key concepts task. Students should try and decode the key concepts from the criminal unit. Answers included on the pp. key concepts task. Students are given 5 key concepts which they should define (AO1) and explain/ give an example (AO2). Answers included on the powerpoint. Explanation of token economy and anger management programmes, including evaluation. Students to answer the key questions on the worksheet. Outline of the Bandura, Ross and Ross key study. Including- aims, procedure, findings, conclusion and evaluation. Students to fill in the key details on their worksheet. Independent revision task. Students to revise the topics not covered in the lesson. They may need access to the textbook to complete this task. Plenary- criminal psychology quiz. Answers on the power point slide.
GCSE psychology [edexcel]- Sleeping and dreaming revision lesson.

GCSE psychology [edexcel]- Sleeping and dreaming revision lesson.

This is a GCSE psychology lesson, the lesson focuses on revising the sleeping and dreaming unit. The lesson is designed to fill a 90 minute lesson and the power point consists of 15 slides. There is a worksheet to go with this lesson, students should complete the activities on the worksheet whilst the teacher goes through the power point. The GCSE Edexcel textbook will be needed to complete some tasks. Included: -Starter activity. Students to work out the missing words in the sentence. The statements are from the whole unit. -Explanation of the features, functions and benefits of sleep. -Explanation of internal and external influences on sleep, along with their strengths and weaknesses. -Explanation of sleep disorders. Insomnia and Narcolepsy. -Freud’s theory of dreaming- youtube clip. Students to complete the task on the worksheet after watching the clip. -Key studies task. Students to use pages in the textbook to answer the questions on the worksheet. (Siffre and Freud, Little Hans). -Independent revision task. -Retrieval practice, question task. Students to answer as many questions as they can. These are differentiated (colour coded) in terms of difficulty. Answers also included.
GCSE psychology [edexcel]- mock preparation/ social influence revision

GCSE psychology [edexcel]- mock preparation/ social influence revision

This lesson is designed to be a mock preparation lesson for year 11 students. However, the lesson focuses on revising the social influence unit, therefore it could be used as a revision lesson for year 10 students. The lesson includes: -a bingo starter activity which includes key concepts from psychology units: social influence, memory, brain, development. Definitions to key concepts are included on a separate document. -key concept match up task from the social influence unit. -an outline of what topics will be in the mock exam. -main activity. This lesson focuses around students completing a large mind map which will contain key concepts and key studies from the social influence unit. A template for the mind map is included, students should be encouraged to write down as much as they can remember (they may need to use the Edexcel psychology textbook to support them). -after students have written down everything they can remember, the rest of the power point focuses on going through the definitions to key concepts and outlining the details of the key studies: Piliavin et al and Zimbardo et al. Challenge questions are included throughout to push higher ability students. -the final activity focuses on students starting to complete a mind map for the memory unit- a template is included. The textbook may be needed to support students.
GCSE psychology [Edexcel]- The brain revision lesson.

GCSE psychology [Edexcel]- The brain revision lesson.

This lesson is a GCSE psychology lesson which focuses on revising areas of 'the brain unit. The lesson includes 8 slides and is designed to fill a 60 minute lesson. Included: the role of the left and right hemisphere- student activity. Add the correct statements under the correct side of the brain- worksheet provided. Answers are also on the power point. sex differences in brain lateralisation- student activity. Fill in the blanks exercise- worksheet included. Explanation of the impact of neurological damage. Referring to visual agnosia and prosopagnosia. Revising Damasio et al (1994) research focusing on Phineas Gage. Encouraging students to think about the aims, procedure, findings and conclusion of their research. Answers also included on the power point. true or false exercise- key statements and answers on the power point. independent revision task. Students are provided with a ‘key concepts worksheet’, this includes all key terms from the brain unit. Students should use their notes and the textbooks to fill in the definitions for each key term.
GCSE psychology - Brain, Damasio wt al 1994- Phineas Gage.

GCSE psychology - Brain, Damasio wt al 1994- Phineas Gage.

This is a GCSE psychology lesson which focuses on Damasio et al’s research about Phineas Gage. This lesson is part of ‘the brain’ unit. This lesson is designed to fill 90 minutes and the power point consists of 12 slides. Included: starter- recap structure of the brain. - brain outline’s included on a separate worksheet. who was Phineas Gage? - Short video clip, link included on the power point. Key questions for students to answer after watching the clip. key details of Damasio’s research, including- aims, procedure, results, conclusion and evaluation. Worksheet for students to complete. (four slides giving details of each area) knowledge check. ‘Blankety blank’ activity. Evaluation of the research. - worksheet for students to complete. 4 mark exam question practice by the end of the lesson all students will be able to explain the case of Phineas Gage and will be able to explain the changes in human behaviour by referring to Damasio et al’s research findings.
GCSE Psychology- Psychological problems, revision lesson.

GCSE Psychology- Psychological problems, revision lesson.

This is a GCSE psychology (Edexcel) revision lesson. The session is based on the psychological problems topic. The lesson focuses on theories of addiction and treatments. It is designed to fill an hour session, with 9 slides in total and two worksheets. included: -starter students to match up key terms from the addiction topic with their definitions. -outline of the genetic explanation of addiction with strengths and weaknesses. -worksheet explaining the social learning theory of addiction. Students should fill in the blanks and then read through the strengths and weaknesses. -explanation of cognitive behavioural therapy as a treatment for addiction with strengths and weaknesses. -drug therapy as a treatment for addiction. Worksheet for students to complete- match the statement to the correct heading to explain how drug therapy works. Answers included on the power point. -explanation of the strengths and weaknesses of drug therapy.
GCSE psychology. Development- Lesson 9- the development of morality

GCSE psychology. Development- Lesson 9- the development of morality

This is lesson 9 of a series of lessons covering the development topic. This lesson focuses on issues and debates- the development of morality. This powerpoint has 19 slides and is designed to fill a 90 minute lesson. This lesson goes alongside the development booklet available in my shop. Included: starter, psychological problems recap. explanation of key terms- morals and morality short video clip of ‘Heinz dilema’ - whilst watching the clip students should be thinking about what decision he should make discussion of theories used to understand and explain the development of morality. fill in the blanks task- application to Piaget Kohlberg (1958) – Levels of moral reasoning. Task for students to complete using the edexcel textbook. short video explaining Kohlberg’s theory of moral development application task for students to complete evaluation of Piaget and Kohlberg gender differences in morality- challenge question included. how do we develop our morals? - question and answer task for students to complete. Damon (1999) on developing a moral self links to children and the development of moral understanding 9 mark assessed question. Question included on the powerpoint
GCSE psychology- Development. Lesson 8- Willingham's learning theory

GCSE psychology- Development. Lesson 8- Willingham's learning theory

This is lesson 8 of a series of lessons covering the development unit. The lesson focuses on Willingham’s learning theory. This powerpoint consists of 11 slides, and it created to fill a 90 minute lesson. The lesson goes alongside the development booklet which is available in my shop. Included: starter activity based on the psychological problems topic, this acts as a retrieval practice task. 4 mark exam question practice on Gunderson et al’s study (2013)- this is a recap of the previous lesson. Question and mark scheme included on the powerpoint. discussion tasks fill in the blanks activity. Based on Willingham’s learning theory ‘factual knowledge precedes skill’. 6 questions for students to answer- they will need access to the edexcel gcse textbook to complete this task. task- strategies to support development Willingham. Students are encouraged to match statements to the correct heading (cognitive, social and physical development). Edexcel textbook required. creative task a slide explaining the evaluation points of the theory plenary- true or false task based on Willingham
GCSE psychology- Development. Lesson 7- Gunderson et al 2013

GCSE psychology- Development. Lesson 7- Gunderson et al 2013

This is lesson 7 of a series of lessons on the developmet topic. This lesson focuses on the key study by Gunderson et al 2013 - the power of praise. This powerpoint consists of 20 slides and is designed to fill a 90 minute lesson. This lesson goes alongside the development booklet which is available in my shop. Included: articulate psychological problems starter, this acts as a retrieval practice task. recap activity- ‘what’s the key term?’, students should be able to work out the key terms being described- these are from the development topic. discussion task- introducing students to start thinking about the significance of praise. explanations of the types of praise- person and process. match up task- students are encouraged to decide whether a statement is referring to person or process praise- assessment activity. 6 slides discussing the background to the study, aims, procedure, results and conclusions. student task- draw the study. strengths and weaknesses of the study. 2 mark exam question practice, question and mark scheme on the powerpoint. review and reflect plenary activity
GCSE psychology, Development- Lesson 6- Dweck's mindset theory.

GCSE psychology, Development- Lesson 6- Dweck's mindset theory.

This is lesson 6 of the series of development unit lessons. This lesson focuses on Dweck’s mindset theory. This lesson goes alongside the development workbook which is available in my shop. The powerpoint consists of 16 slides and is designed to fill a 90 minute lesson. Included: a starter activity on the psychological problems topic, this acts as a retrieval practice task. explanation of the background of the theory what is fixed and growth mindset? a short video to explain this, students are encouraged to write the definitions to key concepts whilst watching the clip. - answers included. mindset quiz. Students have to answer a series of questions to work out their mindset- quiz included on a separate document. two slides explaining the key points of the mindset theory, key terms used and explained. activity- 2 mark exam style question. Students have to apply their knowledge of fixed and growth mindsets to specific scenarios. poster task- extension activity included. application task- scenario and question on the power point. Challenge question included. fill in the blanks activity outlining experimental evidence. strengths and weaknesses of mindset theory. Students need to work out which ones are strengths and which are weaknesses. May wish to use the textbook to offer support. key question- students to answer in their booklet or exercise book. Assessing their understanding of the lesson’s content. plenary- mini quiz. Students have to allocate a key term to a key statement.
GCSE psychology- development, lesson 5- Piaget & Inhelder

GCSE psychology- development, lesson 5- Piaget & Inhelder

This is lesson 5 of the development topic. This lesson goes alongside the development booklet also available in my shop. This lesson focuses on the key study ‘Piaget & Inhelder (1959)’- three mountains task. The powerpoint has a total of 18 slides and is designed to fill an 90 minute lesson. ***Included: *** a starter activity on the psychological problems topic, this acts as a retrieval practice task. discussion task- students are asked to apply Piaget’s ideas to a scenario (included in the powerpoint). 7 slides giving details on, the background to the study, aims, procedures. results and conclusions. a short video clip outlining the three moutains task. Students are asked to answer 2 key questions whilst watching the clip. progress check- quick quiz. students are asked 10 questions which will assess their knowledge of the details of the study. Answers also included on the powerpoint. two slides evaluating the study- strengths and weaknesses. student task- focusing on evaluation of the study. The worksheet is included in the workbook, however a screenshot is on the powerpoint, students should fill in this sheet to complete the task. Students may wish to use the textbook to help them. However, all key information is included on the powerpoint. Exam question practice with self assessment. Students are asked to answer a 4 mark exam style question, the mark scheme is also included on the powerpoint.
GCSE psychology- development, Lesson 4- Piaget's theory of cognitive development

GCSE psychology- development, Lesson 4- Piaget's theory of cognitive development

This is lesson 4 of a series of lessons covering the development topic. This lesson focuses on Piaget’s theory of cognitive development and the development of intelligence. This lesson goes alongside the development workbook which is available in my shop. This powerpoint has a total of 11 slides and is designed to fill a 90 minute lesson. Included: a starter activity on the psychological problems topic, this acts as a retrieval practice task. a slide outlining the key words being used in the lesson with their definitions. Piaget’s explanation of understanding the world, referring to key concepts such as ‘adaptation’. an explanation of schemas, including two video clips showing how schemas are formed. student task- a fill in the blanks activity. This outlines piaget’s theory. student task- this task requires page 8 of the edexcel psychology gcse textbook. The task involves students writing, explaining and drawing ilustrations to help them understand key concepts used in Piaget’s theory. (The table is included in the booklet, a screen shot is on the power point) key question - student assessment. The question is included on the powerpoint, along with the answer, students should self mark this afterwards. strengths and weaknesses of Piaget’s theory. Students are giving the different explanations and they have to decide whether they are strengths or weaknesses. They should do this using colour coding. All instructions are on the power point. Extension question included. plenary- students should try to work out the key terms on the powerpoint.
GCSE psychology- development- lesson 3. Piaget's stages of development in education.

GCSE psychology- development- lesson 3. Piaget's stages of development in education.

This is lesson 3 of a series of lessons covering the development topic. This lesson focuses on linking Piaget’s stages of development to education. There is also emphasis on the research method observations in this lesson. The powerpoint consists of a total of 10 slides and is designed to fill a 90 minute lesson. This lesson goes alongside the development workbook which is also available in my shop. Included: a starter activity based on the psychological problems topic, this acts as a retrieval practice task. recap- what are Piaget’s four stages of development? three slides explaining how Piaget’s developmental stages have been applied to classroom practices. student task- fill in the blanks activity, students should be able to do this based on what has just been explained. A screen shot of this worksheet is included on the powerpoint, but the actual activity is within the booklet. link to research methods- explanations of different types of observation as well as their strengths and weaknesses. student task- testing Piaget’s stages. Students are encourages to design a task which will test Piaget’s stages, detailed instructions are included on the powerpoint along with a short video clip which gives students an example. Plenary- scrabble game, students should try to come up with the highest scoring key term from the lesson.
GCSE psychology- development, lesson 2- Piaget stages of development

GCSE psychology- development, lesson 2- Piaget stages of development

This is lesson 2 of a series of lessons on the development topic. This lesson focuses on Piaget’s stages of development. The powerpoint consists of a total of 17 slides and is designed to fill a 90 minute lesson. This lesson goes alongside the workbook which is also available in my shop. ***Included: *** a starter activity on the psychological problems topic. This acts as a retrieval practice task. a true or false recap activity- this assesses students understanding of the areas and functions on the brain as taught in lesson 1. explanations of how students learn- Piaget’s four stages of development, with diagrams. explanations of the key features of each of his four stages a short video clip demonstrating Piaget’s conservation task. a progress check half way through the lesson- question and answer task. application tasks for students to complete- scenarios and questions included on the power point. ‘playing Piaget’ activity. This requires students to decide and explain how a child in a particular stage of development would respond in the 2 situations. - worksheet included. plenary- review of what students have learnt. This includes a short video clip which should aid students to answer the key question ‘what does this tell us about child development?’.
GCSE psychology- development, lesson 1- early brain development.

GCSE psychology- development, lesson 1- early brain development.

This is lesson one of a series of lessons within the development topic. This is an introductory lesson and focuses on early brain development. This lesson goes alongside the workbook which is available on my shop. The power point consists of a total of 16 slides. The lesson is designed to last 90 minutes. It includes: a starter activity based on the psychological problems unit- this acts as a retrieval practice task. a short video clip outlining the different areas of the brain, whilst students watch this clip they should make note of key definitions (instructions on the pp slide). explanations of the different areas of the brain and their functions- diagrams included. student task- ‘label the brain’ students should be able to do this using the information which has just been explained to them. Answers also included. explanation of neural connections and the reptilian brain. application task for students- scenario and question included on the powerpoint. plenary- progress pyramid, this requires students to reflect on what they have learnt from the lesson and to ask any questions they may have.