Creative and innovative resources that meet the needs of every learner in every lesson.
Why create numerous resources when one can do it all.
Most resources are for geography lessons, but many are for whole-school too and cross over into numerous subjects.
Creative and innovative resources that meet the needs of every learner in every lesson.
Why create numerous resources when one can do it all.
Most resources are for geography lessons, but many are for whole-school too and cross over into numerous subjects.
A worksheet designed to allow pupils to create their own isoline map related to wind in the UK.
It links well to current data needs related to the 1-9 geography specification.
It also includes a key word comprehension box that enables literacy to be embedded into the activity. Dictionaries can be used to explain the key terminology.
A worksheet designed to allow pupils to gain an understanding of the principles behind radial graphs. This is pitched at a basic level and designed as an introduction to radial graphs.
It links well to current data needs related to the 1-9 geography specification.
A worksheet designed to allow pupils to create their own rose graph related to wind direction.
It links well to current data needs related to the 1-9 geography specification and data/statistical understanding.
A worksheet designed to allow pupils to gain an understanding of the principles behing scatter graphs and lines of best fit.
It links well to current data needs related to the 1-9 geography specification.
A wide and varied selection of resources that allow pupils to cover a broad depth of statistical and mapping skills related to geography.
Each resource promotes independent learning whilst learning about data presentation, analysis and evaluation and map skills.
They are pitched at both KS3 & 4.
A letter that has given me a great deal of success at department/faculty level and has regularly been commented upon in interviews as being a fantastic letter.
It includes a good variety of key ingredients that schools look for and is structured in an effective and fluent way.
A set of resources created to teach all about the pros and cons of fracking in the UK.
The information sheet is designed to be printed in A3 & provides pupils with all of the learning that is needed. They can create a more creative piece of work (article/story board) or use the structures mindmap sheet provided.
There is a quick test (on the reverse of the mindmap) which tests their learning, using simple fill in the blanks paragraphs.
It is designed to be used with the new 1-9 GCSE geography specifications (most exam boards) or for KS3.
All the resources for a series of lessons lesson about Delhi. Designed for both KS3 or 4.
Pupils have an information sheet (best printed in A3 & colour). This provides them with the detail that they need about Delhi. Slums, character, problems of urbanisation in less developed countries, push & pull factors and sustainable management.
This information can be used to create a variety of work, but I find that a diary works best (included).
There is a structured Q & sheet and subsequent SPaG sheet that I print on green paper to address the needs of most schools literacy policy.
The assessment also put pupil learning into context & can be peer/self or teacher assessed.
I have even included a teacher feedback sheet that is used to speed up the marking process.
These tasks actually take about (roughly) 5 lessons to complete.
All the resources for an entire lesson about the great barrier reef.
Pupils have an information sheet (best printed in A3 & colour). This provides them with the detail that they need about why the GBR is good for people, its threats & how it is sustainably managed.
This information can be used to create a variety of work, but I find that a cartoon strip works best (included).
There is a structured Q & sheet and subsequent SPaG sheet that I print on green paper to address the needs of most schools literacy policy.
The assessment also put pupil learning into context & can be peer/self or teacher assessed.
I have even included a teacher feedback sheet that is used to speed up the marking process.
These tasks actually take about (roughly) 5 lessons to complete.
A paper that I put together and used as a walking talking exam paper.
I guided the pupils through it (in the hall) before the exam.
This is the for the OCR specification, but can be used for all exam boards.
All the resources for a series of lessons (4 to 5) about modifying the landscape for water. This looks at the social, economic & environmental impacts of the Elan valley to Birmingham water transfer scheme by gravity.
Pupils have an information sheet (best printed in A3 & colour). This provides them with the detail that they need about the water transfer scheme.
This information can be used to create a variety of work, but I find that an article works best (included) along with a SEND article sheet.
There is a structured Q & sheet and subsequent SPaG sheet that I print on green paper to address the needs of most schools literacy policy.
The assessment also put pupil learning into context & can be peer/self or teacher assessed.
I have even included a teacher feedback sheet that is used to speed up the marking process.
A really useful tool that outlines the types of tasks that students can do when working creatively and/or independently.
This can be used in any subject or linked to any unit of study.
It is great to use for metacognitive learning and setting up units of independent learning, especially useful for pupils that struggle to know what to do.
A sheet used to enable pupils to evaluate (clearly) the pros & cons of primary & secondary methods of data collection linked to a human & physical piece of fieldwork.
Spaces are generally blank so as to allow them to be populated with the fieldwork tasks undertaken at you centre.
It simply summarises the key points & makes explicit links to fieldwork, without being overly complex.
A sheet designed to be used by pupils after a piece of workwork.
It allows students to think about the processes that they undertook and how & why their practice could/should be improved in the future.
It ties well in to metacognitive thinking in that it allows learners to address the entire learning experience and not simply knowledge. This should help promote even more effective learners at a departmental & whole school level.