Christmas Dear Santa Letter for the Holiday Season.
Writing Santa a letter is a great tradition and great family fun
Get children to write Santa a letter.
Make the letter creative and let their imaginations run away with them.
Great Fun activity for all the family.
Merry Christmas and a happy New Year
Six Christmas Colouring Printables
Colouring Pages for the Festive Season for school and in the holidays
For the classroom and at Home
Mindful Colouring to relax over the festive Season
Merry Christmas
New Year 2024 Colouring Page
Habit Planner for the New Year
Great school or family activity.
A bit of colouring and then planning your New Year’s Resolutions.
Make 2024 the year you change for the better.
Out with old and in with the new.
Create a positive growth mindset for you and all the family.
Christmas Present Gift List
Holiday Season Printable,
Complete this great activity at school or home.
Help children to be creative and imaginative.
Tell Santa why you should be rewarded this Christmas or why not
Then let them ask for the gifts of their dreams.
Let’s see if Santa and his elves deliver!
Great talking point about how our behaviour has consequences.
Talk about a growth mindset:how to move forward from mistakes and improve ourselves.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
Happy Holidays
****Happy Valentine Colouring Pages, Activity, Worksheet, Holidays
Enjoy colouring these Valentine themed Colouring Pages
Lots of fun for family an dfriends
****Growth mindset Poster, Worksheet, Activity, PSHE
Use to explain what a growth mind set is.
Use as a talking point to write mind set statements/ targets
Growth mind set v a fixed mind set
****Kindness Worksheet, PSHE, How can we be kind?
Worksheet/ activity about what we can do to be kind.
Create a discussion around the importance of kindness.
Children can complete this activity as part of the class rules.
Outline behaviour expectations in classroom.
12 Months of the Year Classroom Display, Activity, Worksheet
7 Days of the Week Classroom Display, Activity, Worksheet
12 months of the year to display for learning the order or the spelling
7 days of the week to display for learning the order or the spelling
Spellings the months of the year and Time
Display in the classroom or use in a activity as a worksheet